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13 August 2021 Synonymisation of the male-based ant genus Phaulomyrma (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) with Leptanilla based upon Bayesian total-evidence phylogenetic inference
Zachary H. Griebenow
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Although molecular data have proven indispensable in confidently resolving the phylogeny of many clades across the tree of life, these data may be inaccessible for certain taxa. The resolution of taxonomy in the ant subfamily Leptanillinae is made problematic by the absence of DNA sequence data for leptanilline taxa that are known only from male specimens, including the monotypic genus Phaulomyrma Wheeler & Wheeler. Focusing upon the considerable diversity of undescribed male leptanilline morphospecies, the phylogeny of 35 putative morphospecies sampled from across the Leptanillinae, plus an outgroup, is inferred from 11 nuclear loci and 41 discrete male morphological characters using a Bayesian total-evidence framework, with Phaulomyrma represented by morphological data only. Based upon the results of this analysis Phaulomyrma is synonymised with Leptanilla Emery, and male-based diagnoses for Leptanilla that are grounded in phylogeny are provided, under both broad and narrow circumscriptions of that genus. This demonstrates the potential utility of a total-evidence approach in inferring the phylogeny of rare extant taxa for which molecular data are unavailable and begins a long-overdue systematic revision of the Leptanillinae that is focused on male material.

© CSIRO 2021
Zachary H. Griebenow "Synonymisation of the male-based ant genus Phaulomyrma (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) with Leptanilla based upon Bayesian total-evidence phylogenetic inference," Invertebrate Systematics 35(6), 603-636, (13 August 2021).
Received: 6 August 2020; Accepted: 28 December 2020; Published: 13 August 2021
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