VOL. 23 · NO. 4 | December 2009
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery
Original Studies
Marcy J. Souza, Tomas Martin-Jimenez, Michael P. Jones, Sherry K. Cox
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 247-252, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.247
KEYWORDS: analgesia, tramadol, pharmacokinetics, Avian, Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus
Eric Klaphake, Kellie Fecteau, Martine deWit, Cheryl Greenacre, Judith Grizzle, Michael Jones, Nancy Zagaya, L. Kim Abney, Jack Oliver
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 253-262, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/2008-061R.1
KEYWORDS: 17β-estradiol, androstenedione, psittacine bird, leuprolide acetate, fecal hormones, Avian, Hispaniolan Amazon parrots, Amazona ventralis
Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Larry J. Wallace, Patrick T. Redig, Craig A. Bourgeault, Joan E. Bechtold
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 263-276, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.263
KEYWORDS: orthopedic surgery, external skeletal fixator, intramedullary pin tie-in, plastic bone model, Biomechanics, Avian
Arnaud J. Van Wettere, Patrick T. Redig, Larry J. Wallace, Craig A. Bourgeault, Joan E. Bechtold
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 277-285, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.277
KEYWORDS: orthopedic surgery, external skeletal fixator–intramedullary pin tie-in, Biomechanics, Avian, red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis
Clinical Reports
Christine L. Miller, Karyn L. Bischoff, Brent Hoff
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 286-289, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.286
KEYWORDS: intestinal obstruction, foreign body, polyacrylamide gel, Avian, blue-tailed trogon, Harpactes reinwardtii, red-billed malkoha, Phaenicophaeus javanicus
David Perpiñán, Thomas G. Curro
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 290-293, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.290
KEYWORDS: gastrointestinal obstruction, Avian, gentoo penguin, Pygoscelis papua, king penguin, Aptenodytes patagonicus
Samuel Rivera, James R. McClearen, Drury R. Reavill
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 294-302, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/2008-032R.1
KEYWORDS: nonepitheliotropic, cutaneous lymphoma, chemotherapy, vincristine, chlorambucil, Avian, umbrella cockatoo, Cacatua alba
Adam W. Stern, Catherine G. Lamm
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 303-306, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.303
KEYWORDS: malignant melanoma, Avian, umbrella cockatoo, Cacatua alba
Sathya K. Chinnadurai, Gary Spodnick, Laurel Degernes, Ryan S. DeVoe, Denis J. Marcellin-Little
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 307-313, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.307
KEYWORDS: cruciate ligament, fibula, extracapsular stabilization, lateral suture technique, stifle joint luxation, orthopedics, Avian, trumpeter hornbill, Bycanistes bucinator, African grey parrot, Psittacus erithacus
Christopher Lloyd
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 314-319, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/2008-016R1.1
KEYWORDS: ventricular foreign body, rigid endoscopy, ingluviotomy, Avian, gyr falcon, Falco rusticolus
Round Table Discussion
Laurie Hess
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 320-324, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.320
What Is Your Diagnosis
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 325-328, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.325
No abstract available
Selected Abstracts From The Literature
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 330-334, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.330
No abstract available
Instructions To Authors
Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 23 (4), 336-337, (1 December 2009) https://doi.org/10.1647/1082-6742-23.4.336
No abstract available
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