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2 May 2022 Retrobulbar Adenocarcinoma with Subconjunctival Extension in a Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)
Christof A. Bertram, Lesley Halter, Sina Feyer, Robert Klopfleisch, Kerstin Müller
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A free ranging, fledged common buzzard (Buteo buteo) was found with severe feather damage and left periorbital swelling. Clinical examination revealed a 3.0 × 2.5 × 1.5 cm left medial subconjunctival mass. The abnormal tissue extended over most of the left cornea, severely impairing the bird's vision in that eye. Additionally, the left globe was displaced in a temporal direction. Computed tomography revealed the origin of the mass to be retrobulbar tissue. An ultrasound examination of the mass found cystic areas, and a sanguineous fluid was aspirated. Cytological examination of the aspirated fluid revealed numerous erythrocytes and a few round cells with oval nuclei, single large nucleoli, and abundant foamy cytoplasm. After a poor prognosis for rehabilitation to the wild, the bird was humanely euthanatized. A postmortem examination of the bird confirmed the retrobulbar mass with extension around the bulbus. Histological examination of the mass was consistent with an invasive adenocarcinoma, likely arising from the lacrimal glands. Neoplasia in the orbit has occasionally been described in Psittaciformes, but only rarely in birds of prey such as Accipitriformes.

© 2022 by the Association of Avian Veterinarians
Christof A. Bertram, Lesley Halter, Sina Feyer, Robert Klopfleisch, and Kerstin Müller "Retrobulbar Adenocarcinoma with Subconjunctival Extension in a Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)," Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery 36(1), 78-84, (2 May 2022).
Published: 2 May 2022
Buteo buteo
Common Buzzard
glandula lacrimalis
lacrimal gland
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