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10 July 2020 An Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship between the Maritime Silk Road and the Economic Growth of China's Import and Export Trade
A. Liefu
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Liefu, A., 2020. An analysis of the dynamic relationship between the Maritime Silk Road and the economic growth of China's import and export trade. In: Gong, D.; Zhang, M., and Liu, R. (eds.), Advances in Coastal Research: Engineering, Industry, Economy, and Sustainable Development. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 106, pp. 121–125. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

The degree of economic growth of import and export trade is the key factor in evaluating the development of the Maritime Silk Road. To further analyze the dynamic relationship between the Maritime Silk Road and the economic growth of China's import and export trade, this paper builds the spatial econometric model, judges the relationship of the analysis error with the spatial external effect model, and carries out lag regulation. The countries along the Maritime Silk Road are roughly divided into Gulf, South Asia, and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries. To begin, it is necessary to build a preliminary linear regression equation for the economic growth of import and export of countries along the Maritime Silk Road and China. Taking the output value of import and export, the total amount of investment in the infrastructure, and gross domestic product as the analysis indicators, this study explores the dynamic relationship between the Maritime Silk Road and the economic growth of China's import and export trade and tests the validity of the analysis model through empirical testing. The results show that in different periods and with different policies, the relationship between the Maritime Silk Road and the economic growth of China's import and export trade will change accordingly. At the same time, the participation of different indicators will affect the change range.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2020
A. Liefu "An Analysis of the Dynamic Relationship between the Maritime Silk Road and the Economic Growth of China's Import and Export Trade," Journal of Coastal Research 106(sp1), 121-125, (10 July 2020).
Received: 30 November 2019; Accepted: 5 January 2020; Published: 10 July 2020
dynamic relationship
economic growth
import and export trade
Maritime Silk Road
Spatial econometric model
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