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28 September 2020 Sedimentation Process of Petroleum from Different Sources in the Jiaozhou Bay
Dongfang Yang, Dongmei Jing, Danfeng Yang, Longlei Zhang, Haixia Li
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Yang, D.; Jing, D.; Yang, D.; Zhang, L., and Li, H., 2020. Sedimentation process of petroleum from different sources in the Jiaozhou Bay. In: Yang, D.F. and Wang, H. (eds.), Recent Advances in Marine Geology and Environmental Oceanography. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 108, pp. 166–172. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Based on the investigation data of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) in Jiaozhou Bay in May, August, and October 1992, according to horizontal material content variation model and vertical material content variation model proposed by in this study, horizontal loss amount, vertical dilution amount, and vertical sediment amount of PHC content in the surface and at the bottom were calculated, and the modeling chart of horizontal and vertical PHC content variation were determined. The results show that the horizontal absolute loss amount of PHC content in the surface and at the bottom of the bay in May, August, and October ranged from 0.001 mg/L to 0.048 mg/L, and the horizontal relative loss amount of PHC content in the surface and at the bottom ranged from 2.77% to 77.41%. Both in the surface and at the bottom, the absolute vertical dilution amount of PHC ranged between 0.010–0.013 mg/L, and the relative vertical dilution amount was 36.11–41.66%; the absolute vertical accumulation amount of PHC was 0.004–0.020 mg/L, and the relative vertical accumulation amount was 28.57–32.25%. In the process of horizontal migration, if there is much PHC transported from sources, the relative (absolute) loss amount of PHC in the surface and at the bottom is relatively high; if there is little PHC transported from sources, the relative (absolute) loss amount of PHC in the surface and at the bottom is relatively low. In the process of vertical migration, if there is much PHC transported from sources, the relative (absolute) accumulation amount of PHC in the surface and at the bottom is relatively high; if there is little PHC transported from sources, the relative (absolute) dilution amount of PHC in the surface and at the bottom is relatively high. The sedimentation process of PHC from different sources presented in this paper reveals that there is difference of sedimentation process between PHC transported through open sea currents and PHC in the local water.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2020
Dongfang Yang, Dongmei Jing, Danfeng Yang, Longlei Zhang, and Haixia Li "Sedimentation Process of Petroleum from Different Sources in the Jiaozhou Bay," Journal of Coastal Research 108(sp1), 166-172, (28 September 2020).
Received: 16 February 2020; Accepted: 24 April 2020; Published: 28 September 2020
different sources
horizontal and vertical models
Jiaozhou Bay
Petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) content
sedimentation process
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