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20 December 2024 Marine Spatial Planning in Algeria: Challenges and Opportunities
Selma Chahtou, Mokhtar Guerfi, Khoudir Mezouar
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Chahtou, S.; Guerfi, M., and Mezouar, K., 2024. Marine spatial planning in Algeria: Challenges and opportunities. In: Phillips, M.R.; Al-Naemi, S., and Duarte, C.M.(eds.), Coastlines under Global Change: Proceedings from the International Coastal Symposium (ICS) 2024 (Doha, Qatar).Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 113, pp. 120-124.Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208.

As a nation with a vast coastline and a growing blue economy, Algeria faces the challenge of balancing economic development with the sustainable use of its marine resources. Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) offers a framework for managing human activities in the marine environment to minimize conflicts and ensure long-term sustainability. This paper examines the challenges and opportunities for implementing effective MSP in Algeria. It analyzes existing policies and legislation, identifies key marine sectors and stakeholders, and assesses data availability for supporting MSP efforts. The paper highlights the importance of Algeria's commitment to integrated territorial planning through the National Territorial Planning Scheme (SNAT) and its participation in international initiatives like the WestMED Initiative. However, it also identifies key challenges, including the lack of a dedicated MSP authority, data gaps, limited technical and financial capacity, and the need to address climate change impacts. By addressing these challenges and learning from best practices in the Mediterranean region, Algeria can leverage MSP to achieve a sustainable blue economy that benefits both present and future generations. This paper provides a foundation for further research and action towards effective MSP implementation in Algeria and serves as a valuable resource for policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders invested in the sustainable management of Algeria's marine environment.

Selma Chahtou, Mokhtar Guerfi, and Khoudir Mezouar "Marine Spatial Planning in Algeria: Challenges and Opportunities," Journal of Coastal Research 113(sp1), 120-124, (20 December 2024).
Received: 23 June 2024; Accepted: 18 July 2024; Published: 20 December 2024
capacity limitations
Ecosystem Based Management
Regional cooperation
sustainable blue economy
WestMed initiative
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