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27 August 2020 Analysis of Financial Needs and Financial Support Models for the Development of Marine Economy
Chong Wang, Xinyu Wang, Yuesong Wei, Wenwen Ding
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Wang, C.; Wang, X.Y.; Wei, Y.S., and Ding, W.W., 2020. Analysis of financial needs and financial support models for the development of marine economy. In: Bai, X. and Zhou, H. (eds.), Advances in Water Resources, Environmental Protection, and Sustainable Development. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 115, pp. 232-234. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

At present, deepening the supply-side reform in the marine field, realizing the high-quality development of marine economy and building a new growth pole of China's economic development have become the urgent requirements of marine economic work in the new era. Based on the five new development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, the evaluation index system of marine economic development quality is established, and the entropy method is used to evaluate and empirically analyze the quality of marine economic development. To promote the deep integration of industry, education and research, strengthen marine scientific and technological innovation forces to promote the high-quality development of marine economy.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2020
Chong Wang, Xinyu Wang, Yuesong Wei, and Wenwen Ding "Analysis of Financial Needs and Financial Support Models for the Development of Marine Economy," Journal of Coastal Research 115(sp1), 232-234, (27 August 2020).
Received: 17 February 2020; Accepted: 14 May 2020; Published: 27 August 2020
entropy method
high quality development
Marine economy
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