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2 September 2019 Interactions of Eddies with the Kuroshio Current Based on Satellite Altimeter Measurements
Yubeen Jeong, Deoksu Kim, Young-Heon Jo, Dae-Won Kim
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Jeong, Y.; Kim, D.; Jo, Y.-H.; Kim, D.-W.; Jo, Y.-H., 2019. Interactions of eddies with the Kuroshio Current based on satellite altimeter measurements In: Jung, H.-S.; Lee, S.; Ryu, J.-H., and Cui, T. (eds.), Advances in Remote Sensing and Geoscience Information Systems of Coastal Environments. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 90, pp. 289-293. Coconut Creek (Florida), ISSN 0749-0208.

Ocean eddy is a closed circulation system having a vortex that creates a closed flow. These eddies vary in size from a few centimeters to a few hundreds of kilometers and can lead to changing in sea surface level, sea surface temperature, and nutrient concentration, which can be used to detect eddies using various satellite sensors. Thus, such a vortex plays an important role in the ocean flow in transferring the heat, energy, and the substance inside it. In order to detect eddies objectively in this study, the particle tracking method was used to estimate spatial eddy boundaries using satellite altimeter measurements. This method has an advantage over conventional methods, allowing to detect the eddy's physical boundary changes over the time. Following results were obtained from the understanding the relationship between eddies' evolution and the Kuroshio Current. The cold and warm eddies in two different locations were analyzed to examine the influence of the Western Boundary Current (WBC): Kuroshio Current. Eddies located off the Kuroshio Current revealed that the developmental stages were divided into two stages, and there is a time delay between circular motions and amplitude of eddies. However, eddies located in the Kuroshio Current were divided into three stages of development, and there was a little time delay between circular motions and amplitudes of the eddies. Results of this study suggest that the eddies in the Kuroshio Current were interacted each other through the exchanging the kinetic energy. Although there are some previous researches for analyzing how the ocean current influences to the eddy kinetic energy based on numerical models, there are no investigations based on the actual eddy measurements like this study.

©Coastal Education and Research Foundation, Inc. 2019
Yubeen Jeong, Deoksu Kim, Young-Heon Jo, and Dae-Won Kim "Interactions of Eddies with the Kuroshio Current Based on Satellite Altimeter Measurements," Journal of Coastal Research 90(sp1), 289-293, (2 September 2019).
Received: 29 March 2019; Accepted: 9 July 2019; Published: 2 September 2019
Cold eddy
kinetic energy
Kuroshio current
warm eddy
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