VOL. 105 · NO. 1 | March 2016
Felix Lamech Mogambi Ming'ate, Michael Bollig
Journal of East African Natural History 105 (1), 1-19, (1 March 2016) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.105.0102
KEYWORDS: forest management, institutions, common pool resources, conservation
John Kimeu Mbaluka, Francis H. Brown
Journal of East African Natural History 105 (1), 21-50, (1 March 2016) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.105.0101
KEYWORDS: grassland, shrubland, dwarf shrubland, diverse flora, Sibiloi
Henrik Enghoff, Richard L. Hoffman, Kim M. Howell
Journal of East African Natural History 105 (1), 51-113, (1 March 2016) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.105.0103
KEYWORDS: species, Endemism, collecting
Roy E. Gereau, Neil Cumberlidge, Claudia Hemp, Axel Hochkirch, Trevor Jones, Mercy Kariuki, Charles N. Lange, Simon P. Loader, Patrick K. Malonza, Michele Menegon, P. Kariuki Ndang'ang'a, Francesco Rovero, Philip Shirk
Journal of East African Natural History 105 (1), 115-201, (1 March 2016) https://doi.org/10.2982/028.105.0104
KEYWORDS: biodiversity, conservation, Endemism, hotspot, IUCN Red List
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