VOL. 73 · NO. 4 | October 2002
Therese M. Donovan, Carol J. Beardmore, David N. Bonter, Jeffrey D. Brawn, Robert J. Cooper, Jane A. Fitzgerald, Robert Ford, Sidney A. Gauthreaux, T. Luke George, W. C. Hunter, Thomas E. Martin, Jeff Price, Kenneth V. Rosenberg, Peter D. Vickery, T. Bently Wigley
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 329-339, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.329
KEYWORDS: conservation planning, dispersal, habitat quality, Partners in Flight, population dynamics
Gina Schalk, Heather J. Dewar, Michael D. Cadman
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 340-350, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.340
KEYWORDS: monitoring strategy, population, power analysis, sampling, volunteers
Samuel K. Riffell, Ben D. Riffell
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 351-359, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.351
KEYWORDS: deciduous forest, observer clothing color, Ohio, point counts
Carlos Bosque, Cesar Molina
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 360-362, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.360
KEYWORDS: COOPERATION, Corvidae, helpers, mobbing, social behavior, Venezuela
Michael S. Rodway, Fred Cooke
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 363-371, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.363
KEYWORDS: diet, fecal analysis, Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus, herring spawn, seasonal change
Bret O. Huntsman, Gary Ritchison
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 372-378, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.372
KEYWORDS: Eastern Bluebird, repertoires, Sialia sialis, song, song function
Maria A. Whitehead, Sara H. Schweitzer, William Post
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 379-386, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.379
KEYWORDS: brood parasitism, brown-headed cowbird, host defenses, Molothrus ater, relic behavior
Vincenzo Penteriani, Max Gallardo, Hélène Cazassus
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 387-391, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.387
KEYWORDS: bias, Bubo bubo, call displays, density, Eagle Owl, passive auditory survey
Kailen A. Mooney
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 392-398, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.392
KEYWORDS: Parus, ponderosa pine, relative abundance, Sitta
Gláucia Helena Fernandes Seixas, Guilherme de Miranda Mourão
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 399-409, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.399
KEYWORDS: Amazona aestiva, Blue-fronted Amazon, Pantanal, reproductive biology
Christina Riehl
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 410-411, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.410
KEYWORDS: Buteo lineatus, Louisiana, Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps, predation, Red-shouldered Hawk
Janet M. Ruth, Thomas R. Stanley
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 412-419, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.412
KEYWORDS: Colorado, Dendroica petechia, habitat use, montane willow habitat, resource partitioning, Wilsonia pusilla, Wyoming
Bradley C. Fedy, D. Ryan Norris, Bridget J. M. Stutchbury
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 420-426, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.420
KEYWORDS: EPC, female vocalizations, mate guarding, radiotelemetry, Wilsonia citrina
Danny J. Ingold
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 427-437, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.427
No abstract available
Journal of Field Ornithology 73 (4), 438, (1 October 2002) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-73.4.438
No abstract available
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