VOL. 75 · NO. 4 | October 2004
R. A. Rounds, R. Michael Erwin, John H. Porter
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 317-329, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.317
KEYWORDS: American Oystercatcher, Black Skimmer, coastal Virginia, Common Tern, Gull-billed Tern, habitat manipulation, Haematopus palliatus, Rynchops niger, sea-level rise, shellpiles, Sterna hirundo, S. nilotica
Andrew P. Woolnough, Winifred E. Kirkpatrick, Tim J. Lowe, Ken Rose
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 330-336, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.330
KEYWORDS: European Starling, passerine, telemetry, transmitter attachment
Mike M. Stake, John Faaborg, Frank R. Thompson
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 337-344, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.337
KEYWORDS: cameras, Elaphe spp, nest predation, predators, snakes, Video
Gilberto Chávez-León, Alejandro Velázquez
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 345-352, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.345
KEYWORDS: Dendrortyx macroura, density estimates, distance sampling, Mexico, playback, point transects
Dave Shutler, David J. T. Hussell, Andrew G. Horn, Marty L. Leonard, Robert W. Shutler, Denis Lepage
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 353-358, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.353
KEYWORDS: dispersal, inbreeding, mate choice, Tachycineta bicolor, Tree Swallow
James A. Cox, Susan R. Jones
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 359-363, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.359
KEYWORDS: Aimophila aestivalis, Bachman's sparrow, recorded vocalizations, survey technique, winter populations
Eduardo T. Mezquida, Ligia Quse, Luis Marone
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 364-371, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.364
KEYWORDS: artificial nests, contrasting habitats, disturbance, grazing, Monte desert, nest predation risk, vegetation structure
David A. Butler, William E. Palmer, Simon D. Dowell
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 372-375, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.372
KEYWORDS: arthropod, Colinus virginianus, diagnostic fragments, human–imprinted chicks, northern bobwhite, passage rates
Tex A. Sordahl
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 376-385, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.376
KEYWORDS: American avocet, antipredator behavior, black-necked stilt, Himantopus mexicanus, predator discrimination, Recurvirostra americana
Helmut C. Mueller, Daniel D. Berger, Nancy S. Mueller, William Robichaud, John L. Kaspar
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 386-393, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.386
KEYWORDS: Accipiter striatus, body mass, body size, seasonal change, Sharp-shinned Hawk, wing chord
M. P. Lombardo, M. L. Green, P. A. Thorpe, M. R. Czarnowski, H. W. Power
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 394-403, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.394
KEYWORDS: extra-pair copulations, fertility insurance, sperm competition, sperm depletion, sperm reserves, Tachycineta bicolor, Tree Swallows
Christoph Randler
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 404-408, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.404
KEYWORDS: flock size effect, many eyes hypothesis, mixed species flocks, scanning, vigilance, waterfowl behavior
Bridget J. M. Stutchbury
Journal of Field Ornithology 75 (4), 409-412, (1 October 2004) https://doi.org/10.1648/0273-8570-75.4.409
No abstract available
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