VOL. 36 · NO. 2 | June 2010
Journal of Great Lakes Research
David G. Fielder
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 207-214, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2009.12.015
KEYWORDS: Yellow perch, cormorants, control, management, population dynamics, predation, mortality rate, Les Cheneaux Islands
S. Dorr Brian, Ashley Moerke, Michael Bur, Chuck Bassett, Tony Aderman, Dan Traynor, Russell D. Singleton, Peter H. Butchko, Jimmy D. Taylor
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 215-223, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.001
KEYWORDS: cormorants, control, management, migration, predation, fisheries
Brian S. Dorr, Tony Aderman, Peter H. Butchko, Scott C. Barras
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 224-231, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.008
KEYWORDS: Egg-oiling, Culling, aerial survey, telemetry, Yellow perch
Linda R. Wires, Francesca J. Cuthbert
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 232-241, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.01.003
KEYWORDS: cormorants, Great Lakes, colony sites, Island threats
James H. Johnson, Robert M. Ross, Russell D. McCullough, Alastair Mathers
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 242-247, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.013
KEYWORDS: Double-crested Cormorants, Diet shift, Round Goby
Martin T. Auer, Lisa M. Tomlinson, Scott N. Higgins, Sairah Y. Malkin, E. Todd Howell, Harvey A. Bootsma
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 248-255, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.03.001
KEYWORDS: Cladophora, phosphorus, light, mussels, Great Lakes, modeling
Sondra M. Miller, Keri C. Hornbuckle
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 256-266, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.009
KEYWORDS: PCBs, POPs, Lake Michigan, sediment resuspension, Koc
David J. Jude, Richard Rediske, Jim O'Keefe, Stephen Hensler, John P. Giesy
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 267-276, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.03.002
KEYWORDS: bioaccumulation, Round gobies, dredging, contaminants, Area of Concern, PCB congeners
Brian F. Scott, Amila O. De Silva, Christine Spencer, Emma Lopez, Sean M. Backus, Derek C.G. Muir
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 277-284, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.03.003
KEYWORDS: Perfluoroalkyl acids, Lake Superior, tributaries, Precipitation, PFOS, PFOA
Lisa M. Tomlinson, Martin T. Auer, Harvey A. Bootsma, Emmet M. Owens
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 287-297, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.03.005
KEYWORDS: Great Lakes, Nearshore, Cladophora, phosphorus, modeling
Monika Sobiechowska, Maxime Bridoux, Ana Helena Ferreira Ferreira, Alicia Perez-Fuentetaja, Katherine T. Alben
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 298-311, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.03.006
KEYWORDS: phytoplankton, sediment, Cladophora, pigment, biomarker, Biodegradation, Botulinum type E, Lake Erie
Gregory R. Jacobs, Charles P. Madenjian, David B. Bunnell, Jeffrey D. Holuszko
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 312-317, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.007
KEYWORDS: predation, competition, rehabilitation, bioenergetics, Schoener, recruitment
Hassan M. Baioumy, Hajime Kayanne, Ryuji Tada
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 318-327, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.03.004
KEYWORDS: Lake Qarun, Egypt, lithology, lake level, climate changes
Lori N. Ivan, Edward S. Rutherford, Catherine Riseng, Jeffrey A. Tyler
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 328-337, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.010
KEYWORDS: Spawning, walleye, egg survival, Muskegon River, Great Lakes
Lynda D. Corkum
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 338-344, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.01.006
KEYWORDS: disturbance, dispersal, Ephemeroptera, Hexagenia, Lake Erie, oviposition, RECOLONIZATION
Kevin L. Pangle, Scott D. Peacor
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 345-350, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.01.005
KEYWORDS: Laurentian Great Lakes, vertical migration, Zooplankton production, Deep chlorophyll maxima, non-consumptive effects
Martin J. Kainz, Ora E. Johannsson, Michael T. Arts
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 351-356, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.004
KEYWORDS: Diporeia, amphipods, Fatty acids, nucleic acids, Food quality, survival, Great Lakes, omega-3
Rachel DeCatanzaro, Patricia Chow-Fraser
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 357-365, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.003
KEYWORDS: anthropogenic, coastal marsh, C. picta, C. serpentina, S. odoratus
Stephen C. Nold, Heidi A. Zajack, Bopaiah A. Biddanda
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 366-375, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.014
KEYWORDS: SSU rRNA, sinkhole, groundwater, Eukarya, Archaea, diversity
John R.P. French, Richard G. Stickel, Beth A. Stockdale, M. Glen Black
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 376-379, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.01.007
KEYWORDS: slimy sculpin, diet, Lake Michigan, Diporeia, Mysis, dreissenids
Mary T. Negus
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 380-386, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2009.12.013
KEYWORDS: Lake trout, Fry, imprinting, Thermal marking, otolith, stocking
James H. Johnson, Christopher C. Nack, James E. McKenna
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 387-392, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.012
KEYWORDS: Migratory salmonid, REDD , habitat, Regulated river
Daryl J. McGoldrick, Mandi G. Clark, Michael J. Keir, Sean M. Backus, Mary M. Malecki
Journal of Great Lakes Research 36 (2), 393-398, (1 June 2010) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2010.02.011
KEYWORDS: Laurentian Great Lakes, Specimen banking, environmental monitoring, contaminants
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