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VOL. 101 · NO. 6 | December 2020

Articles (35)
Carleton J. Phillips, Bernard Tandler, Robert M. Timm, Suzanne B. McLaren, Hugh H. Genoways
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1433-1435, (6 January 2021)
Richard D. Stevens
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1436-1437, (9 February 2021)
Raquel Ribeiro, Robert E. Ricklefs, Jader Marinho-Filho
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1438-1450, (6 August 2020)
KEYWORDS: beta diversity, Brazil, community ecology, distance decay, habitat diversity, spatial scale, species sorting, turnover
Cristian Cornejo-Latorre, Claudia E. Moreno, Cintia Natalia Martín-Regalado, Miguel Briones-Salas
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1451-1462, (17 December 2020)
KEYWORDS: biogeography, mammals, nestedness, Oaxaca, phylogeny, physiographic subprovinces, spatial turnover
Luis A. Ruedas
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1463-1465, (17 December 2020)
Andrew T. Smith
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1466-1488, (3 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: adaptive capacity, American pika, climate change, metapopulation, Ochotona princeps, resiliency
Robert J. Arndt, Steven L. Lima
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1489-1501, (29 December 2020)
KEYWORDS: hibernation, temperature, Vespertilionidae, winter activity, wintering bats
Kevin A. Parker Jr, Han Li, Matina C. Kalcounis-Rueppell
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1502-1512, (17 November 2020)
KEYWORDS: acoustic monitoring, bats, Chiroptera, Eptesicus fuscus, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Lasiurus cinereus, Perimyotis subflavus, winter activity
Susan C. Loeb
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1513-1525, (6 August 2020)
KEYWORDS: clearcut, fire, foraging, forest management, harvest, insectivorous bats, roosting, silviculture, thinning
María Paulina Núñez-Rojo, Joaquín Arroyo-Cabrales, Emmanuel Rivera-Téllez, Rodrigo A. Medellín
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1526-1532, (21 August 2020)
KEYWORDS: Bat, Chihuahuan Desert, endangered species, endemic species, flat-headed myotis, Mexico, Myotis planiceps, summer roost, Yucca carnerosana
Sara P. Weaver, Amanda K. Jones, Cris D. Hein, Ivan Castro-Arellano
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1533-1541, (2 December 2020)
KEYWORDS: bats, Brazilian Free-tailed Bat, fatality, GenEst, Mexico, Tadarida brasiliensis, Texas, wind turbine
Dana M. Green, Liam P. McGuire, Mark C. Vanderwel, Craig K. R. Willis, Matthew J. Noakes, Shelby J. Bohn, Eric N. Green, R. Mark Brigham
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1542-1547, (6 January 2021)
KEYWORDS: compensatory immigration, conservation, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Lasiurus cinereus, migration, Wind energy
Haotian Li, Xinmin Mo, Huimei Sun, Jing Wang, Masaharu Motokawa, Masashi Harada, Yi Wu, Yuchun Li
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1548-1560, (9 February 2021)
KEYWORDS: Chinese mainland, Crocidura attenuate, Crocidura tanakae, Crocidurinae, karyotypic polymorphism
Willian Thomaz Peçanha, Fernando Marques Quintela, Sergio Luiz Althoff, João Alves Oliveira, Pablo Rodrigues Gonçalves, Diego Marques Henriques Jung, Alexandre Uarth Christoff, Gislene Lopes Gonçalves, Thales Renato Ochotorena Freitas
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1561-1577, (13 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: Akodontini, Atlantic forest, campos de altitude, species limits, systematics, taxonomy
Mayara Delagnelo Medeiros, Daniel Galiano, Bruno Busnello Kubiak, Paula Angélica Roratto, Thales Renato Ochotorena de Freitas
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1578-1586, (13 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: microsatellite, mtDNA, Pampa Biome, PHYLOGEOGRAPHY, southern grasslands
Monika Moir, Leigh R. Richards, Ramugondo V. Rambau, Andrew Wannenburgh, Michael I. Cherry
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1587-1600, (9 February 2021)
KEYWORDS: agricultural development, Chiroptera, clutter-edge, fragmentation, genetic diversity, microsatellites, Pipistrellus hesperidus, population structure, riparian habitat, urbanization
Carlos E. Borghi, Alicia Rodríguez Navas, Natalia Andino
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1601-1608, (13 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: disturbance, puna, seedlings, sprouts, subterranean mammals
Jessica Durán-Antonio, Alberto González-Romero, Vinicio J. Sosa
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1609-1621, (25 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: bovine, Camera trap, equine, kernel density, Mexico, overlap coefficient, predation, temporal niche
R. J. Foster, B. J. Harmsen, Y. L. Urbina, R. L. Wooldridge, C. P. Doncaster, H. Quigley, O. A. Figueroa
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1622-1637, (29 December 2020) Open Access
KEYWORDS: Camera trap, corridor, jaguar, Panthera onca, spatially explicit capture-recapture density
Kimberly Malcolm, Marianne Cheveau, Martin-Hugues St-Laurent
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1638-1649, (13 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: campgrounds, Canis lupus, functional responses, National Park, roads, RSF, tolerance
Caroline Leuchtenberger, Marcelo L. Rheingantz, Carlos A. Zucco, Agostinho C. Catella, William E. Magnusson, Guilherme Mourão
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1650-1659, (20 November 2020)
KEYWORDS: diet overlap, human–wildlife conflict, opportunistic predator, prey size, Pteronura brasiliensis, Seasonality
Simula P. Maijo, Alex K. Piel, Anna C. Treydte
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1660-1669, (4 November 2020)
KEYWORDS: Anthropogenic disturbance, habitat use, nests, species abundance, species diversity, species richness
David Rozen-Rechels, Hugo Valls-Fox, Cheryl Tinashe Mabika, Simon Chamaillé-Jammes
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1670-1679, (17 November 2020)
KEYWORDS: activity rhythm, large herbivore, movement ecology, nychthemeral, savanna, surface water
Sara B. Weinstein, Katrina Nyawira Malanga, Bernard Agwanda, Jesús E. Maldonado, M. Denise Dearing
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1680-1691, (17 November 2020)
KEYWORDS: Acokanthera, behavior, Camera trap, cardenolide, cardiac glycoside, conservation, crested rat, monogamy, natural history, toxin sequestration
N. Attias, E. Gurarie, W. F. Fagan, G. Mourão
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1692-1705, (13 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: activity pattern, Cingulata, conservation, daily distance traveled, GPS telemetry, home range, Home range overlap, Pantanal, spatial ecology, Xenarthra
C. DePasquale, X. Li, M. Harold, S. Mueller, S. McLaren, C. Mahan
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1706-1710, (5 November 2020)
KEYWORDS: cranial capacity, environmental change, evolution, small mammals, urbanization
Catalina P. Tomé, Winifred Whiteman-Jennings, Felisa A. Smith
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1711-1726, (10 December 2020)
KEYWORDS: cricetid tooth form, geometric morphometrics, inter-/intraspecific dental morphology
Sergio C. Moreira, Marcelo Weksler, Renata S. Sousa-Lima, Marcia Maia, Alexey Sukhovich, Jean-Yves Royer, Milton C. C. Marcondes, Salvatore Cerchio
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1727-1735, (17 December 2020)
KEYWORDS: acoustic detection, Atlantic Ocean, Balaenoptera omurai, Balaenopteridae, Seasonality, song, vocalization
M. M. Crowell, K. T. Shoemaker, M. D. Matocq
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1736-1749, (13 October 2020)
KEYWORDS: burrowing mammal, capture efficiency, lagomorph, monitoring, sagebrush-steppe
Arthur G. Cleveland
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1750-1751, (20 November 2020)
Allen Kurta, Winifred F. Frick, M. Brock Fenton, Polly Campbell, Gary F. McCracken, Robert M. Timm, Hugh H. Genoways
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1752-1780, (20 November 2020)
Denise H. Campo, Diego A. Caraballo, Guillermo H. Cassini, Sergio O. Lucero, Pablo Teta
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1785, (13 November 2020)
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1786, (9 February 2021)
Journal of Mammalogy 101 (6), 1787-1788, (9 February 2021)
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