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1 April 2008 Morphometrics and Taxonomy of Bats of the Genus Pteronotus (Subgenus Phyllodia) in Venezuela
Eliécer E. Gutiérrez, Jesús Molinari
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In Venezuela, bats of the subgenus Phyllodia of the genus Pteronotus (Mormoopidae) are divided into 3 taxa, Pteronotus parnellii fuscus, P. p. paraguanensis, and P. p. rubiginosus. We compare them with respect to body size and shape by means of principal components analyses and cluster analyses applied to 26 craniodental and 7 appendicular (fore and rear limbs) measurements of 267 Venezuelan specimens. The analyses indicate that the subspecies endemic to the Península de Paraguaná, P. p. paraguanensis, differs from the other 2 taxa in being considerably smaller and in having markedly distinct craniodental and appendicular shapes; and, although to a lesser degree, P. p. fuscus and P. p. rubiginosus also differ notably from each other in these morphometric aspects. Our results justify raising P. p. paraguanensis to species rank. The tight dependence of members of Phyllodia on forest may explain the high levels of morphometric (this paper) and molecular (previous studies) variability of the subgenus. The reduced geographic distribution, small population, and full species status of the Phyllodia of Península de Paraguaná justify special conservation measures.

Eliécer E. Gutiérrez and Jesús Molinari "Morphometrics and Taxonomy of Bats of the Genus Pteronotus (Subgenus Phyllodia) in Venezuela," Journal of Mammalogy 89(2), 292-305, (1 April 2008).
Accepted: 1 September 2007; Published: 1 April 2008
forest dependence
Península de Paraguaná
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