Carlos S. Carbonell
Journal of Orthoptera Research 13 (1), 63-133, (1 June 2004)[0063:TGXGAR]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: genitalia, geographical distribution, habitus illustrations, measurements, new species, redescriptions, repositories, synonymy
The Neotropical genus Xyleus is revised. All existing types were examined, and many specimens from several large collections in different museums borrowed for study. A general confusion regarding Xyleus' species and their geographical distribution was found in the existing literature. Of the 25 specific names published between 1817 and 1935, only 13 were found to be valid, either as species or subspecies. Five new species and 1 new subspecies are described in this revision. The most reliable characters for the separation of species were found in the phallic complex.
According to the materials studied, the genus has a discontinuous geographical distribution. A northern section includes Southeast Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela. A southern section includes most of Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay, parts of Argentina, Bolivia and Perú. Most species of the genus have been found north of parallel 4°N or south of parallel 5°S. While in the northern area only subspecies of Xyleus discoideus have been found, all known species of the genus are present in the southern one.
Specimens of all species are figured, together with important characters for their identification. Maps of the known distribution of all species are given.