The Lakeview Limestone is one of the westernmost Cambrian exposures in the northwestern United States and occurs on the western edge of the Montania paleotopographic high. These deposits occur between the deeper water deposits to the west and carbonate banks and intracratonic basins to the east and provide critical link between the regions. A re-investigation of the Cambrian trilobite faunas from the lower portion of the Lakeview Limestone, Pend Oreille Lake, Idaho, is undertaken due to the inadequate illustrations and descriptions provided by Resser (1938a). Resser's type specimens and additional material are figured and described. The trilobite assemblages represent the Ptychagnostus praecurrens Zone, Wuliuan Stage, Miaolingian Series and including two new taxa: Itagnostus idahoensis n. sp., and Utia debra n. sp. Because of the similarity between some species of Amecephalus from the Lakeview Limestone to specimens from the Chisholm Shale, Nevada, the type specimens of Amecephalus piochensis (Walcott, 1886) and Am. packi (Resser, 1935), Walcott's and Resser's type specimens are re-illustrate and their taxonomic problems are discussed. Utia curioWalcott, 1924 from the Spence Shale, Utah, have never been re-illustrated since Walcott (1925), these type specimens are also re-illustrated and compared to Utia debra n. sp.