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Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that can infect all nucleated cells through active invasion. Some non-canonical pathways for T. gondii infection of macrophages have recently been reported. We report a new mode of T. gondii invasion using a time-lapse imaging system, in which T. gondii tachyzoites are engulfed by a tube-like structure on peritoneal macrophage phagosomes and then escape from the phagosomes. Escaped parasites re-invade macrophages through intercellular junctions between their apical end and host cell membranes. We call this invasion pathway of T. gondii “pseudopod-assisted invasion” (PAI). The completion of this invasion process depends on parasitic motility and secretion of adhesins from parasitic micronemes. Our results provide new information about T. gondii infection and establish another platform for studying interactions between T. gondii and macrophages.
The prevalence of ectoparasites and intestinal helminths of different pigeon taxa in Medina, Saudi Arabia, with special emphasis on the feral pigeon, Columba livia domestica (Columbiformes: Columbidae), was evaluated. Fifty-four pigeons were examined externally for ectoparasites and 28 feral pigeons were examined for helminths. Two ectoparasites were recorded on feral C. l. domestica (Harami) pigeons, including the shaft louse Menopon gallinae (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae), and the pigeon fly, Pseudolynchia canariensis (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), with 100 and 88.90% prevalence, respectively. Ectoparasites were also collected from 5 other breeds of C. l. domestica (Pakistani, Farensi, Turki, Kori, and Qatifi). Menopon gallinae infected Pakistani, Farensi, and Turki pigeons with 100% prevalence. A third ectoparasite, the brown poultry louse, Goniodes dissimilis (Psocodea: Philopteridae), infected Farensi, Turki, and Kori pigeons at rates of 100, 50, and 50%, respectively. Qatifi pigeons were not infected with any ectoparasites. Two types of intestinal helminths were recovered from feral pigeons: cestodes of Raillietina spp. (Cyclophyllidea: Davaineidae) and nematodes of Ascaridia sp. (Ascaridida: Ascaridiidae) (with 10.71 and 3.57% prevalences, respectively). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to shed light on the parasites of pigeons in Medina, Saudi Arabia.
Echinococcus multilocularis is a parasite species of zoonotic importance which can be fatal to humans and causes Alveolar Echinococcosis (AE). This report describes the development of a cyst from the liver of a wild boar and molecular confirmation of its identification. The cyst material was obtained from the liver of a wild boar killed by hunters. Genomic DNA was extracted from the germinal layer of the cyst material, and 875 bp mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) gene fragment was amplified by PCR and sequenced. A BLAST search matched 100% with published Echinococcus multilocularis sequences. This study confirms the occurrence of E. multilocularis in a wild boar for the first time in Turkey.
Monocystis perplexa n. sp., a parasite of an important invasive Japanese earthworm in North America, Amynthas agrestis, is described from a site in Vermont. An improved standard for Monocystis species descriptions is proposed including a standard nomenclature to reduce synonymies, a standard set of biometrics and shape descriptions for living cells, and a DNA genomic sequence for the 18S rRNA (∼1,700 base pairs). Comparing morphologies of Monocystis parasites in sympatric earthworm species indicates that M. perplexa is specific to A. agrestis in the study region. Also, polymerase chain reaction primers specific to M. perplexa amplified samples of A. agrestis earthworms taken from several sites in Japan. This suggests the parasite entered North America from Japan, the origin of the invasive Amynthas earthworm, and thus M. perplexa would be the first Monocystis described from the diverse Japanese Amynthas earthworms and the first from East Asia. Monocystis perplexa was found in every population of A. agrestis surveyed in Vermont, always reaching 100% prevalence by late summer (the host has an annual life cycle in Vermont). The 18S gene sequence differed from that of Monocystis agilis from the sympatric earthworm Lumbricus terrestris (the only other sequence available for Monocystis), and a genetic similarity tree places them closest among other gregarines. Many of the 95 described species of Monocystis are very similar in morphology (based on species descriptions), so the 18S gene can act as a barcode for Monocystis species and thus will help to eliminate both synonymies and reveal cryptic species.
Three species of adult hard tick (Ixodidae) were examined with scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy to obtain elemental profiles of their exoskeletons and determine the presence of trace elements. The scutum, tarsal claws, chelicerae, and hypostome were examined on females and males of Amblyomma americanum, Dermacentor variabilis, and Ixodes scapularis. The only trace elements present included chlorine, calcium, and sodium. Chlorine was the most abundant trace element and occurred in all examined regions. The chelicerae generally possessed the highest weight percentages of Cl (up to 11.32 ± 1.36%) across all 3 species, although high weight percentages of Cl (up to 8.78 ± 2.77%) were also present in the hypostome teeth of most specimens. All 3 trace elements were present in the hypostome of A. americanum and I. scapularis, but Ca and Na appear to be absent from the teeth of D. variabilis. In general, there were few differences in the elemental profiles of the exoskeletons between the sexes of any species. This study confirms the presence of alkali metals (Na) and alkaline earth metals (Ca) in adult ticks, which are also common in other arachnids; however, the absence of transition metals such as zinc from the exoskeletons of ticks is uncommon and only shared with species of Ricinulei and Opiliones.
Sea turtles are difficult to sample because of their protected status; however, museum collections and sea turtle stranding networks provide unique opportunities for parasitological research. Four gastrointestinal tracts from stranded, endangered green turtles, Chelonia mydas, were collected between 1993 and 1995 from the upper Texas coast and opportunistically sampled for parasite fauna. Two new species of Telorchis, a common freshwater amphibian and reptilian intestinal parasite genus, were found and described. Telorchis marinus n. sp. differs from Telorchis mydas n. sp. by its short body length, lack of pharyngeal glands, long esophagus relative to total body length, short and straight cirrus sac, short ventral sucker to ovary length relative to total body length, and an ovary located in the anterior one-third of body; it differs from its congeners in the number of ovary lengths between the ventral sucker and ovary, the number of ventral sucker lengths the cirrus sac extends beyond the posterior margin of the ventral sucker, and the vitelline field extent. Telorchis mydas differs from its congeners in the number of ovary lengths between the ventral sucker and ovary, the number of ventral sucker lengths the cirrus sac extends beyond the posterior margin of the ventral sucker, and the combination of having its ovary position near the midbody and a long, sinuous cirrus sac that is 35–44% of the total body length. Given the taxonomic complexities within Telorchis, a revised key to North American species is provided using morphological characteristics to assist future researchers in delineating true species and appropriate synonymies with molecular explorations. We reject the majority of synonymies in the genus until molecular data are available; we accept the synonymies of Telorchis necturi as Telorchis stunkardi and Telorchis gutturosi as Telorchis chelopi. Both Telorchis linstowi and Telorchis stossichi should be considered as species inquirenda. This is the first confirmed report of Telorchis from a marine host and the first report on parasites of cheloniid sea turtles in Texas, and this study adds to the ever-growing evidence that collections are essential to understanding biodiversity.
Toxoplasma gondii infections are common in humans and animals worldwide. The ingestion of food or water contaminated with oocysts excreted by infected cats or ingesting uncooked or undercooked meat containing tissue cysts of T. gondii are the 2 major modes of transmission of T. gondii. Viable T. gondii is more prevalent in pork and lamb than in beef. In the past decade, there have been many articles on the high seroprevalence in cattle, particularly from China. There is a report of an outbreak of acute toxoplasmosis in humans suspected to be linked to the ingestion of Artisan fresh cheese from cow's milk. There are conflicting reports concerning the rate of congenital transmission of T. gondii in cattle, especially from Brazil. In a report from Brazil, viable T. gondii was isolated from the blood of 1 of 60 pregnant cows slaughtered at an abattoir and from 1 fetus. The role of beef in the epidemiology of T. gondii infections is still not clear. Here, we review prevalence, persistence of infection, clinical disease, epidemiology, and public health risks of T. gondii infections in cattle from beef and cow's milk worldwide for the past decade.
Examination of 4 specimens of the leopard whipray Himantura leoparda, a dasyatid stingray from northern Australia, led to the discovery of 3 new species of Rhinebothrium. Rhinebothrium leopardensis n. sp., Rhinebothrium nandoi n. sp., and Rhinebothrium ruhnkei n. sp. are described, increasing the diversity of the genus to 51 species globally. All 3 new species differ from their congeners in terms of testis number, proglottid number, loculus number, and size. With respect to one another, R. leopardensis n. sp. has bothridia that are weakly constricted at their centers and has a greater number of proglottids than the other 2 species (93–108 vs. 11–15, and 48–78, respectively). Rhinebothrium nandoi n. sp. is the smallest of the 3 species found in H. leoparda (3.6–5 vs. 10–15 mm and 10.1–15.8 mm in total length [TL], respectively) and bears bothridia that are constricted at their centers. Rhinebothrium ruhnkei n. sp. bears bothridia that are conspicuously constricted at their centers and has more testes than R. leopardensis and fewer than R. nandoi (7–10 vs. fewer than 7 and 21–33, respectively). Before this study, 56% (27 of 48) of Rhinebothrium species had been described from the freshwater river systems of South America and the marine waters surrounding South and North America. In contrast, despite the remarkably diverse nature of its batoid fauna, only 19 species were known from the Indo-Pacific region. Our work increases this number to 22, emphasizing the highly underestimated nature of Rhinebothrium diversity in this region of the globe. The discovery of these 3 new species was not unexpected, given the relatively poor status of our current knowledge of the cestode faunas of dasyatid stingrays in the Indo-Pacific region, and given the fact that it is common for a single batoid species to host 2 or more species of Rhinebothrium. Our results suggest that additional work on the cestode faunas of the batoids, especially dasyatids, from the Indo-Pacific region is likely to be highly productive in terms of contributing to the knowledge of Rhinebothrium diversity.
Metagonimiasis is foodborne intestinal parasitism occurring by the definitive hosts' ingestion of raw or undercooked fish, mostly commonly sweetfish. Most Metagonimus infection is caused by Metagonimus yokogawai but also rarely by Metagonimus takahashii as well as Metagonimus miyatai. Despite recent molecular work on Metagonimus spp., there are still insufficient data to reveal the genetic characteristics of ancient M. yokogawai in a wide geo-historical scope. In this study, we were successful in the analysis of M. yokogawai ancient DNA (aDNA) using coprolite samples retrieved from 16th- to 17th-century Korean mummies. In BLAST and phylogenetic analyses, M. yokogawai 28S rDNA of Korean mummies were clustered along with the 28S rDNA taxa of M. takahashii and M. miyatai in GenBank. Conversely, the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of M. yokogawai aDNA from Korean mummies was distinctly clustered apart from M. takahashii and M. miyatai sequences. This study is the first report of its kind to identify M. yokogawai aDNA retrieved from the archaeological specimens and confirms the usefulness of COI in molecular diagnosis of M. yokogawai. Considering the rarity of reports on the genetics of genus Metagonimus spp., our study will be fundamental for the future study of M. yokogawai paleogenetics.
Here we describe a new species of RhinebothriumLinton, 1890, from Hypanus guttatus (Bloch and Schneider). Rhinebothrium ramosi n. sp. can be differentiated from all 51 valid species of the genus by having 4–5 testes and uterus that extends throughout the entire length of the proglottid. Only 8 of the above species closely resemble R. ramosi in total length (Rhinebothrium bunburyense, Rhinebothrium chollaense, Rhinebothrium corbatai, Rhinebothrium dasyatidis, Rhinebothrium kruppi, Rhinebothrium lintoni, Rhinebothrium margaritense, and Rhinebothrium reydai). Despite the resemblance, R. bunburyense, R. corbatai, R. dasyatidis, R. lintoni, and R. margaritense can be distinguished from the new species by possessing a larger number of proglottids. The remaining 3 species (R. chollaense, R. kruppi, and R. reydai) overlap in total length and number of proglottids with R. ramosi. However, they can be distinguished from the new species by possessing a single posterior-most bothridial loculus instead of arranged as a pair, as found in the new species. This is the first report of the genus from the coastal waters of Brazil and brings to 52 the number of valid species for this genus. Additionally, we use the patterns of infection and distribution for species of Rhinebothrium to make predictions of expected diversity within the genus, especially for unsurveyed hosts in endemic marine ecoregions of the world.
The cestode fauna of Squaliolus aliae was examined for the first time following the collection of elasmobranch specimens from Taiwan in 2005, 2013, and 2017. This small shark was found to host 2 tapeworm species. These consist of Acanthobothrium katherineae n. sp., which is new to science and is described herein, and a second species, in the genus Scyphophyllidium, which also appears to be new, but which is represented by insufficient material for formal description. Acanthobothrium katherineae is a category 5 species. It can be distinguished from 5 of the 19 other category 5 species in that it is apolytic, retaining proglottids on its strobila until they are gravid. This new species differs from the remaining 14 category 5 species in its combination of the following features: It is a smaller worm, has fewer than 100 proglottids, has a relatively short cephalic peduncle, and differs in bothridial size and loculus ratio. Sequence data for the D1–D3 region of the 28S rDNA gene were generated for one specimen of A. katherineae. This sequence, along with comparable sequence data for adults of 14 described and 2 undescribed species as well as specimens of 6 undescribed larval members of the genus, was included in a maximum likelihood phylogenetic analysis. The resulting tree places the shark-hosted A. katherineae within a clade of stingray-hosted species, with Acanthobothrium romanowi as its sister taxon. Acanthobothrium katherineae is 1 of only 19 Acanthobothrium species known to parasitize sharks. The tree resulting from this study, which is preliminary given the relatively poor taxon sampling of the diversity in the genus, included 3 of the shark-parasitizing Acanthobothrium species and suggests that all 3 represent host-switching events. This is the first report of an Acanthobothrium species from the family Dalatiidae and the first report of a Scyphophyllidium species from the order Squaliformes. These findings suggest that other members of the Squaliformes, many of which have not previously been examined for parasites, may host additional novel cestode taxa.
The genus Fregata includes 5 species, with 3 recorded in Brazil, with Fregata magnificens being the most abundant. However, its ectoparasitic fauna is still little known. This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of ectoparasites of F. magnificens residing along the coast of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo collected by 2 animal rehabilitation centers. Samples were collected from 5 frigatebirds of the Instituto Argonauta in São Paulo and 10 frigatebirds of the Centro de Recuperação de Animais Selvagens (CRAS) in Rio de Janeiro. Species of lice were identified using both morphological and molecular methods. Scanning electron microscopy was also used for identification. Colpocephalum spineum, Fregatiella aurifasciata, and Pectinopygus fregatiphagus were identified. All 3 louse species have previously been recorded from this host outside Brazil, but only P. fregatiphagus has been recorded from Brazil. This paper reports the first occurrence of F. aurifasciata and C. spineum in Brazil. It is also the first record of P. fregatiphagus in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Carlos Baak-Baak, Julian Garcia-Rejon, Julio Tzuc-Dzul, David Nuñez-Corea, Roger Arana-Guardia, Rosa Cetina-Trejo, Carlos Machain-Williams, Matilde Jimenez-Coello, Karla Acosta-Viana, Oswaldo Torres-Chable, Jose E. Pietri, Nohemi Cigarroa-Toledo
Numerous arthropod taxa are important in human and veterinary medicine. The salivary secretions and feces of arthropods can cause allergic reactions in host vertebrates or harbor pathogens. Also, bites can be a risk factor for secondary infections. Documenting the diversity of arthropods of medical and veterinary importance remains an important aspect of disease control and prevention. We provide new records of ectoparasitic arthropods from Mexico that are of potential medical or veterinary relevance. Scanning electron microscopy along with amplification and sequencing of a fragment of the mitochondrial gene (16S rRNA) was used to confirm some species identities. We report the cat louse Felicola subrostratus from cats and the chewing louse Heterodoxus spiniger from dogs, which are common ectoparasites but largely not reported in Mexico. The chigger Eutrombicula alfreddugesi is common on wild lizards (Squamata). For the first time, E. alfreddugesi is reported on Hemidactylus frenatus (common house gecko). This reptile has a close relationship with humans and its chiggers can cause dermatitis (i.e., trombiculiasis) or transmit pathogens. In addition, the common bed bug Cimex lectularius is reported for the first time in the state of Yucatan, an atypical area for its natural distribution. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that Cimex lectularius from Yucatan is closely related to genetic sequences of Cimex lectularius from China. Knowing the regional distribution of arthropods allows the design and implementation of prevention strategies for those that have potential roles as reservoirs or vectors.
Leech-derived invertebrate DNA (iDNA) has been successfully leveraged to conduct surveys of vertebrate host biodiversity across the Indo Pacific. However, this technique has been limited methodologically, typically only targeting mammalian 16S rDNA, or both 16S and vertebrate 12S rDNA for leech host determination. To improve the taxonomic richness of vertebrate host species in iDNA surveys, we re-analyze datasets from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, and Madagascar through metabarcoding via next generation sequencing (NGS) of 12S, 16S (2 types, one designed to target mammals and the other, residual eDNA), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride dehydrogenase 2 (ND2), and cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI). With our 5 primer sets, we identify 41 unique vertebrate hosts to the species level, among 1,200 leeches analyzed, along with an additional 13 taxa to the family rank. Within our 41 taxa, we note that adding ND2 and COI loci increased species richness detection by 25%. NGS has emerged as more efficient than Sanger sequencing for large scale metabarcoding applications and, with the decline in cost of NGS, our pooled sample multilocus protocol is an attractive option for iDNA biodiversity surveys.
The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is one of the worst global health crises of this generation. The core of this pandemic is the rapid transmissibility of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virus, its high morbidity and mortality, and the presence of infectious asymptomatic carriers. As a result, COVID-19 has dominated this year's headlines and commanded significant research attention. As we consider SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic, it is essential that scientists, governments, the media, and the general population also come to grips with the everyday cost of parasitic diseases. Plasmodium (malaria), schistosomes, filarial worms, hookworms, Ascaris, whipworms, and other protozoan and metazoan parasites take a tremendous toll on local communities. Yet, because most of these diseases are no longer endemic to developed countries, their research and intervention are not funded at levels that are proportional to their global morbidity and mortality. The scientific and public health communities must indeed vigorously fight SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, but while doing so and beyond, it will be essential to demonstrate steadfast resolve toward understanding and combating the parasitic diseases that for centuries have haunted humankind.
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