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1 September 2008 The Role of Unused Swimming Pools as a Habitat for Anopheles Immature Stages in Urban Malindi, Kenya
Daniel E. Impoinvil, Charles M. Mbogo, Joseph Keating, John C. Beier
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We conducted larval surveys in habitats located in urban Malindi, Kenya, in 2005 and 2006 with the goal of determining the productivity of unused swimming pools in relation to other habitats. Of the 250 habitats sampled, 66 were unused swimming pools, 93 were wells, 60 were drainage troughs, and 31 were miscellaneous areas, such as septic tanks, swamps, concrete tanks, fish ponds, car-track depressions, and drainage ponds. Anopheles gambiae s.l. was the only anophelines species found in the habitats, whereas Culex quinquefasciatus made up >95% of all culicine immature stages found. Of the 110 habitats found to be positive for mosquitoes, unused swimming pools represented 42.7%. One hundred and forty-eight anopheline pupae were found in 8 of the 66 unused swimming pools, but none was found in the other habitats. Using a nonparametric test, Kruskal–Wallis H test, there was no significant difference in the abundance of culicine pupae found in the 4 habitat types (χ2 = 7.350, df = 3, p = 0.062). Unused swimming pools in Malindi provide ideal habitats that should be targeted for mosquito control.

Daniel E. Impoinvil, Charles M. Mbogo, Joseph Keating, and John C. Beier "The Role of Unused Swimming Pools as a Habitat for Anopheles Immature Stages in Urban Malindi, Kenya," Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 24(3), 457-459, (1 September 2008).
Published: 1 September 2008

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Anopheles gambiae s.l
Malindi, Kenya
Unused swimming pools
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