VOL. 85 · NO. 1 | Spring and Fall 2024
Abigail R. Kruger, Benjamin E. Scott, Taylor G. Dorsey, Ellen R. Tierney, Alayna K. Bennett, James J. Krupa
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 1-8, (27 August 2024) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-84-01-07
KEYWORDS: Hazeldell Meadow State Nature Preserve, carnivorous mammal survey, camera traps, Highland Rim, wet flatwoods
Larry Holloway, Aron Patrick, Dan M. Ionel
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 9-32, (6 December 2024) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-85-01-02
James J. Krupa, Ellen R. Tierney, Aidan E. O'Brien, Abigail R. Kruger, Taylor G. Dorsey, Alayna K. Bennett, Benjamin E. Scott, Samantha M. McKinley
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 33-40, (5 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-85-01-03
Allison Kling, Elijah Miller, Ella Swigler, Sam Howlett, David Wicks
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 41-54, (6 January 2025) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-85-01-04
Riley E. Hicks, Wilson J. González-Espada
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 55-64, (11 February 2025) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-85-01-05
Kimberly B. Schauder, Katelyn Rossow, Stephanie Battistini, Maddie Farley, Theresa Kluthe, Maria R. Mendoza
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 65-71, (11 February 2025) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-85-01-06
Cora Teets
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 72-85, (11 February 2025) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-85-01-07
KEYWORDS: Dietary patterns, socio-ecological model, health disparities, chronic disease, Kentucky
Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 85 (1), 87-246, (11 February 2025) https://doi.org/10.3101/KYAC-85-01-08
No abstract available
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