VOL. 13 · NO. 3 | June 2002

Articles (18)
Journal of Vegetation Science
J. G. Canadell, W. L. Steffen, P. S. White
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 298-300, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0298:IGTTDO]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
A. D. McGuire, C. Wirth, M. Apps, J. Beringer, J. Clein, H. Epstein, D. W. Kicklighter, J. Bhatti, F. S. Chapin III, B. de Groot, D. Efremov, W. Eugster, M. Fukuda, T. Gower, L. Hinzman, B. Huntley, G. J. Jia, E. Kasischke, J. Melillo, V. Romanovsky, A. Shvidenko, E. Vaganov, D. Walker
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 301-314, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0301:EVVDCD]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: boreal, Climate, disturbance, energy, gradient, Tundra
Gensuo J. Jia, Howard E. Epstein, Donald A. Walker
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 315-326, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0315:SCOANA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Arctic, High-latitude, spatial pattern, Tundra
Zicheng Yu, Michael J. Apps, Jagtar S. Bhatti
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 327-340, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0327:IOFAEV]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: CANOCO, Carbon dynamics, correspondence analysis, disturbance, forest succession, ordination
E. F. Vedrova, L. S. Shugalei, V. D. Stakanov
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 341-350, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0341:TCBINA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Decomposition, flux, forest ecosystem, Humification, Mineralization, primary production, soil organic matter
Amy T. Austin, Osvaldo E. Sala
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 351-360, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0351:CANDAA]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Ammonium, biogeochemistry, IGBP, nitrate, primary production, rainfall, South America, Temperate ecosystem
G. Zhou, Y. Wang, S. Wang
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 361-368, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0361:ROGETP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Above-ground biomass, climate change, gradient, NECT, soil carbon, Soil nitrogen
Yude Pan, A. David McGuire, Jerry M. Melillo, David W. Kicklighter, Stephen Sitch, I. Colin Prentice
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 369-382, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0369:ABBDVM]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: biogeochemistry, biogeography, Plant functional type, TEM-LPJ, VEMAP
J. E. Barrett, R. L. McCulley, D. R. Lane, I. C. Burke, W. K. Lauenroth
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 383-394, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0383:IOCVOP]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: ANPP, annual variation, Central Grasslands region, environmental gradient, IGBP Transect, Mineralization, Nitrogen flux, seasonal variation
Kenneth L. Murphy, Ingrid C. Burke, Mary Ann Vinton, William K. Lauenroth, Martin R. Aguiar, David A. Wedin, Ross A. Virginia, Petra N. Lowe
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 395-402, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0395:RAOLQI]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: C3 grass, C4 grass, C/N ratio, lignin, Precipitation gradient
E-D. Schulze
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 403-412, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0403:UGCLLF]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Ecosystem experiment, Experimental network, land use, Landscape variety, transect
Garry D. Cook, Richard J. Williams, Lindsay B. Hutley, Anthony, P. O'Grady, Adam C. Liedloff
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 413-418, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0413:VIVWUI]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: drought, global change, rainfall, Tree basal area, Tree rooting depth, Tropical savanna
R. J. Scholes, P. R. Dowty, K. Caylor, D. A B. Parsons, P. G H. Frost, H. H. Shugart
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 419-428, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0419:TISSAC]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: biomass, rainfall, Species number, shrubland, southern Africa, tree height, woodland
D. Murdiyarso, M. Van Noordwijk, U. R. Wasrin, T. P. Tomich, A. N. Gillison
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 429-438, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0429:EBASLU]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Agronomic sustainability, biodiversity, carbon stock, Emission, greenhouse gas, Trade-off analysis
Y. Malhi, O. L. Phillips, J. Lloyd, T. Baker, J. Wright, S. Almeida, L. Arroyo, T. Frederiksen, J. Grace, N. Higuchi, T. Killeen, W. F. Laurance, C. Leaño, S. Lewis, P. Meir, A. Monteagudo, D. Neill, P. Núñez Vargas, S. N. Panfil, S. Patiño, N. Pitman, C. A. Quesada, A. Rudas-Ll., R. Salomão, S. Saleska, N. Silva, M. Silveira, W. G. Sombroek, R. Valencia, R. Vásquez Martínez, I. C G. Vieira, B. Vinceti
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 439-450, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0439:AINTMT]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: AMAZON, Basal area, carbon, Climate, long-term monitoring, permanent plot, soil, tropical forest
Lubomír Tichý
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 451-453, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0451:JSFVC]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: COCKTAIL, Computer program, database, Diagnostic species, Phytosociological table, Relevé, species group, Turboveg, Vegetation survey
David J. Hicks
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 454, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0454:BR]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
Nicholas Brokaw
Journal of Vegetation Science 13 (3), 455, (1 June 2002) https://doi.org/10.1658/1100-9233(2002)013[0455:BR]2.0.CO;2
No abstract available
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