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VOL. 16 · NO. 4 | August 2005

Articles (14)
Journal of Vegetation Science
Michael J. Lawes, Brian C. C. Lamb, Stéphane Boudreau
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 363-372, (1 August 2005)[0363:ABNEOW]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Climatic extinction filtering, Edge-effect, Fragment age, Fragmentation-effect, herbivory, regeneration, species-area relationship, Tree seedling
Henning K. Schröder, Hans Estrup Andersen, Kathrin Kiehl
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 373-382, (1 August 2005)[0373:RTMETR]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Base-richness, Flooding duration, gradient analysis, Groundwater amplitude, niche, Phosphate, potassium, Response curve, wetland
Adrián Escudero, Roberto L. Romão, Marcelino de la Cruz, Fernando T. Maestre
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 383-390, (1 August 2005)[0383:SPANEO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: emergence, Neighbour model, Plant-plant interactions, population dynamics, seedling growth, Seedling survival, semi-arid
Raouda Al Haj Khaled, Miche Duru, Jean Pierre Theau, Sylvain Plantureux, Pablo Cruz
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 391-398, (1 August 2005)[0391:VILTTS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: fertility, grass, Leaf dry matter content, Leaf life span, Management indicator, Plasticity, specific leaf area
N. A. Soudzilovskaia, V. G. Onipchenko, J. H C. Cornelissen, R. Aerts
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 399-406, (1 August 2005)[0399:BPNRAN]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Alpine lichen grassland, fertilization, leaf nutrient concentration, nitrogen, phosphorus, productivity
Lenka Černá, Milan Chytrý
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 407-414, (1 August 2005)[0407:SCOPCW]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: cluster analysis, grassland, Multi-layer perceptron, Phytosociological data, Predictive habitat modelling, Vegetation survey
David J. Gibson, Beth A. Middleton, Kari Foster, Yohanes A. K. Honu, Erik W. Hoyer, Marilyn Mathis
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 415-422, (1 August 2005)[0415:SFDIAO]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Core-satellite species hypothesis, exotic species, seed bank, Species frequency distribution, species richness, Succession
Stephen C. Urlich, Glenn H. Stewart, Richard P. Duncan, Peter C. Almond
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 423-432, (1 August 2005)[0423:TRIANZ]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: conifer, disturbance history, earthquake, environmental gradient, Nothofagus, Regeneration strategy, Soil drainage, species coexistence, Storm damage
Bettina R. Kahlert, Peter Ryser, Peter J. Edwards
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 433-442, (1 August 2005)[0433:LPOTDL]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Brachypodium pinnatum, Bromus erectus, defoliation, grassland management, Leaf life span, Mowing tolerance, Salvia pratensis
Fabrice A. J. DeClerck, Michael G. Barbour, John O. Sawyer
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 443-452, (1 August 2005)[0443:RUEAAF]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: biodiversity, Complementarity effect, ecosystem function, Pinus contorta, Pinus monticola, Abies magnifica, Sampling effect, Selection effect, Tsuga mertensiana
Brian W. Benscoter, R. Kelman Wieder, Dale H. Vitt
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 453-460, (1 August 2005)[0453:LMWPSI]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Hollow, hummock, Macrofossil analysis, non-metric multidimensional scaling, Sphagnum
G. W Wieger Wamelink, Paul W. Goedhart, Han F. Van Dobben, Frank Berendse
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 461-470, (1 August 2005)[0461:PSAPOS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Ellenberg indicator values, Optimum curve, Plant species response, prediction method, spline
Sammy L. King, Terry J. Antrobus
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 471-478, (1 August 2005)[0471:RBGMAG]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Canopy gap, Floodplain forest, forest succession, Forested wetland, Markov transition probabilities
Ilona Knollová, Milan Chytrý, Lubomír Tichý, Ondřej Hájek
Journal of Vegetation Science 16 (4), 479-486, (1 August 2005)[0479:SROPDS]2.0.CO;2
KEYWORDS: Ellenberg indicator values, Geographical stratification, GIS, Habitat stratification, Phytosociological data, plant community, Relevé, sampling design, survey
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