VOL. 70 · NO. 1 | January 2021
Alexandru N. Stermin, Alin David
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20069.1-7, (10 December 2020) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20069 Open Access
KEYWORDS: avian embryo, egg flooding, hypoxia, incubation
Martin Šálek, Stanislav Grill, Jan Riegert
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20086.1-11, (10 December 2020) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20086 Open Access
KEYWORDS: urbanisation, nest selection, urban birds, nest height, behavioural plasticity, urban habitats
Mark E. Hauber, Jeffrey P. Hoover, Oliver R. Rhodes, Rebecca L. Ducay, Daniel Hanley
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20111.1-7, (10 December 2020) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20111 Open Access
KEYWORDS: egg ejection, host-parasite systems, recognition systems
Dong-Min Hou, Ting Jia, Jie-Qiong Tao, Zheng-Kun Wang, Bo-Ren Guan, Wan-Long Zhu
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20097.1-7, (21 December 2020) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20097 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Tupaia belangeri, adipose transcriptional regulator, morphology, mammals
Jaroslav Picman, Marcel Honza
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20109.1-7, (21 December 2020) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20109 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Coevolution, brood parasitism, egg shell
Pavel Jurajda, Georg Streck, Kevin Roche, Michal Janáč, Zdenka Jurajdová
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20066.1-18, (15 January 2021) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20066 Open Access
KEYWORDS: channelisation, fish assemblage, oxygen sag, river zonation, toxic pollution
Mariëtte Pretorius, Wanda Markotter, Teresa Kearney, Ernest Seamark, Hugh Broders, Mark Keith
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20088.1-13, (24 February 2021) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20088 Open Access
KEYWORDS: bats, body mass, fattening, hibernation, migration
Magomedrasul Sh. Magomedov
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20091.1-11, (5 March 2021) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20091 Open Access
KEYWORDS: microhabitat using, spatial niche, spatial niche overlap, environmental parameters, rodents
Hyun T. Kim, Jong Y. Park
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20130.1-8, (10 March 2021) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20130 Open Access
KEYWORDS: micropylar diameter, egg diameter, ratio, structure, adaptation to spermatozoa, taxonomic character
Marie Stille, Ioannis Gasteratos, Bo Stille
Journal of Vertebrate Biology 70 (1), 20126.1-13, (17 March 2021) https://doi.org/10.25225/jvb.20126 Open Access
KEYWORDS: coypu, raccoon, American pond slider, Siberian chipmunk, AIS
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