VOL. 73 · NO. 7 | September 2009
Journal of Wildlife Management
Michael J. Chamberlain
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1029-1030, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2009-238
No abstract available
Catherine A. Tredick, Michael R. Vaughan
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1031-1039, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-075
KEYWORDS: American black bear, density estimates, mark–recapture, National Wildlife Refuges, noninvasive genetic sampling, population estimates, sex ratios, Ursus americanus
Kelly K. Hastings, Tom S. Gelatt, James C. King
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1040-1051, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-208
KEYWORDS: branding, Eumetopias jubatus, mark–recapture, northern sea lion, pinnipeds, Southeast Alaska, survival
Hall Sawyer, Matthew J. Kauffman, Ryan M. Nielson
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1052-1061, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-478
KEYWORDS: gas development, habitat selection, liquids gathering system (LGS), mule deer, Odocoileus hemionus, predation risk, resource selection function, Wyoming
K. Shawn Smallwood, Brian Karas
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1062-1071, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-464
KEYWORDS: Altamont Pass, bird fatalities, mitigation, raptor mortality, repowering, Wind energy, wind turbine
Sharon A. Valitzski, Gino J. D'Angelo, George R. Gallagher, David A. Osborn, Karl V. Miller, Robert J. Warren
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1072-1076, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2007-581
KEYWORDS: white-tailed deer, sound, Odocoileus virginianus, hearing, deer whistle, deer–vehicle collision, auditory deterrent
Erin F. Baerwald, Jason Edworthy, Matt Holder, Robert M. R. Barclay
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1077-1081, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-233
KEYWORDS: Alberta, bat fatality, bats, Hoary Bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans, Lasiurus cinereus, mitigation, Silver-haired Bat, Wind energy, Wind turbines
K. Shawn Smallwood, Lourdes Rugge, Michael L. Morrison
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1082-1098, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-555
KEYWORDS: Altamont Pass, behavior, birds, fatality rate, utilization, wind turbine
Anne Hecht, Scott M. Melvin
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1099-1107, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-061
KEYWORDS: Atlantic Coast, Charadrius melodus, endangered species, expenditures, Piping Plover, recovery
Jason S. Grear, Michael W. Meyer, John H. Cooley, Anne Kuhn, Walter H. Piper, Matthew G. Mitro, Harry S. Vogel, Kate M. Taylor, Kevin P. Kenow, Stacy M. Craig, Diane E. Nacci
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1108-1115, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-093
KEYWORDS: common loon, count-based population model, demography, density dependence, Gavia immer, Matrix population model, population growth rate
Monica L. Bond, Derek E. Lee, Rodney B. Siegel, James P. Ward
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1116-1124, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-248
KEYWORDS: California Spotted Owl, Fire severity, foraging habitat, forest structure, resource selection function, southern Sierra Nevada, Strix occidentalis, telemetry error
Danielle M. Greer, Bruce D. Dugger, Kenneth J. Reinecke, Mark J. Petrie
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1125-1133, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-250
KEYWORDS: food availability, food depletion, habitat management, Mississippi Alluvial Valley, rice, wintering waterfowl
Michael R. Conover, Joe N. Caudell
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1134-1139, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-359
KEYWORDS: Artemia franciscana, basal metabolic rate, brine shrimp, Eared Grebe, Great Salt Lake, metabolic rate, oxygen consumption, Podiceps nigricollis, Utah
Daniel J. Twedt, Scott G. Somershoe
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1140-1150, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-441
KEYWORDS: avian density, bottomland hardwoods, conservation lands, desired forest conditions, forest management, Louisiana, silvicolous birds, variable retention harvest, wildlife-forestry
Kathryn J. Pintus, Brendan J. Godley, Andrew McGowan, Annette C. Broderick
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1151-1157, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-103
KEYWORDS: Chelonia mydas, climate change, clutch relocation, green turtle, phenotype, population management, sex ratio
Sandra A. Jonker, John F. Organ, Robert M. Muth, Rodney R. Zwick, William F. Siemer
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1158-1165, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2004-160
KEYWORDS: beaver, Castor canadensis, damage, management, Massachusetts, norms, stakeholder
Phillip D. Jones, Melinda R. Mixon, Stephen Demarais
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1166-1173, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-462
KEYWORDS: Colinus virginianus, early succession habitat, herbicide, northern bobwhite, Odocoileus virginianus, pine plantation, prescribed fire, white-tailed deer
Charles C. Schwartz, Shannon Podruzny, Steven L. Cain, Steve Cherry
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1174-1183, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-514
KEYWORDS: American black bear, brown bear, fix success, global positioning system (GPS), radiotelemetry, spread spectrum, Ursus americanus, Ursus arctos
Brian P. Dreher, Guilherme J. M. Rosa, Paul M. Lukacs, Kim T. Scribner, Scott R. Winterstein
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1184-1188, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2006-547
KEYWORDS: black bear, genotyping error, mark–recapture, Michigan, microsatellite, noninvasive sampling, population estimation, subsampling, Ursus americanus
Eric Vander Wal, Arthur R. Rodgers
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1189-1196, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-137
KEYWORDS: Alces alces, Biotelemetry, designating seasonality, home-range analyses, moose, movement rate, summer season, transhumance, use–availability comparisons, Winter season
D. Scott Reynolds, James C. Sullivan, Thomas H. Kunz
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1197-1206, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-151
KEYWORDS: body composition, Little Brown Myotis, Myotis lucifugus, total body electrical conductivity (TOBEC)
Pedro Sarmento, Joana Cruz, Catarina Eira, Carlos Fonseca
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1207-1212, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-288
KEYWORDS: Camera trap, capture–mark–recapture, density estimate, program CAPTURE, red fox, Vulpes vulpes
Adam T. Ford, Anthony P. Clevenger, Andrew Bennett
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1213-1222, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-387
KEYWORDS: Banff National Park, camera, cost-effective, detection, mitigation measures, noninvasive, road ecology, tracking, wildlife crossing-structure
C. D. Dieter, R. J. Murano, D. Galster
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1223-1228, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-438
KEYWORDS: Alberta, Canada, duck banding, duck mortality, ducks, trap style
Matthew J. Gray, Melissa A. Foster, Luis A. Peña Peniche
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1229-1232, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-468
KEYWORDS: carrying capacity, Cyperus, Echinochloa, Leersia, Leptochloa, migration, Panicum, Polygonum, waterfowl, winter
Samuel K. Wasser, Heath Smith, Lindsay Madden, Nathaniel Marks, Carly Vynne
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1233-1240, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-530
KEYWORDS: Chrysocyon brachyurus, cost comparison, individual identification, maned wolf, scat, scent-matching dogs
Kristine O. Evans, Loren W. Burger, Brant C. Faircloth, William E. Palmer, John P. Carroll
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1241-1244, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-011
KEYWORDS: Colinus virginianus, neonatal survival, northern bobwhite, patagial biopsy, tissue collection
Noah D. Charney, Benjamin H. Letcher, Alex Haro, Paige S. Warren
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1245-1250, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-096
KEYWORDS: Ambystoma opacum, marbled salamander, Massachusetts, migration, movement, passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags, radio frequency identification (RFID), small animal, technology, tracking
Patricia W. Freeman, Cliff A. Lemen
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1251-1254, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2008-295
KEYWORDS: bats, Bite force, canine teeth, gloves, leather, materials science, puncture-resistance
Rob Slotow
Journal of Wildlife Management 73 (7), 1255, (1 September 2009) https://doi.org/10.2193/2009-229
No abstract available
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