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VOL. 42 · NO. 3 | September 2011
Arun Attur Shanmugam, Jadav Kajal Kumar, Illayaraja Selvaraj, Vimal Selvaraj
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 373-381, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: cholesterol, TRIGLYCERIDES, lipid, metabolism, nutrition, sloth bear
Martin Schinnerl, Denise Aydinonat, Franz Schwarzenberger, Christian C Voigt
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 382-391, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Chiroptera, Bat, hemogram, blood cell, Hematocrit, leukocytes
Haluk Özparlak, Ilhami Çelik, Emrah Sur, Tuğba Özaydin, Atilla Arslan
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 392-398, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: acid phosphatase, alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase, hematology, Erinaceus concolor, Hemiechinus auritus
Rafael Otávio Cançado Motta, Lucas Maciel Cunha, Romário Cerqueira Leite, Israel José da Silva, Ana Cristina Araújo Pinto, Érika Martins Braga, Arildo Pinto da Cunha, Paulo Roberto de Oliveira
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 399-407, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Crotalus durissus, hematology, hemogregarines, Hepatozoon sp, rattlesnake
Elizabeth Chang Reissig, Daniel M Tompkins, Richard F Maloney, Emily Sancha, David A Wharton
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 408-413, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Black stilt, Himantopus novaezelandiae, pododermatitis, endangered bird, captivity, recovery program
Joseph K Gaydos, J. Gregory Massey, Daniel M Mulcahy, Lori A Gaskins, David Nysewander, Joseph Evenson, Paul B Siegel, Michael H Ziccardi
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 414-425, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Aechmophorus occidentalis, celiotomy, implantation, telemetry, Transmitter, Western Grebe
Stephanie McCain, Matthew C Allender, Juergen Schumacher, Edward Ramsay
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 426-429, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Azotemia, Felis, Panthera, probiotic, renal
Julia E Napier, Naida M Loskutoff, Lee G Simmons, Douglas L Armstrong
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 430-436, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: carfentanil, thiafentanil, gaur, electroejaculation, captive, Bos gaurus
Marcus Vinicius Candido, Louise C. C Silva, Joelma Moura, Tania D. M. M Bona, Fabiano Montiani-Ferreira, Elizabeth Santin
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 437-443, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Cracidae, diet comparison, ex situ conservation, hematology, nutrition, serum biochemistry
Michael J Adkesson, Emilio Fernandez-Varon, Sherry Cox, Tomás Martín-Jiménez
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 444-450, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: CCFA, ceftiorfur, EXCEDE, pharmacokinetics, Python
Cláudio E. F da Cruz, Luiz G. S de Oliveira, Fabiana M Boabaid, Francielli C Zimermann, Gisele Stein, Fernanda Marks, Cristine Cerva, Carlos Lieberknecht, Claudio W Canal, David Driemeier
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 451-459, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Captive wild birds, flock management, Leiothrix lutea, pekin robin, health records, reproductive records
Kelly E Helmick, Erin L Kendrick, Ellen S Dierenfeld
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 460-467, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: bird of paradise, Paradisaea raggiana, iron storage disease, diet, treatment
Michele Miller, Scott Terrell, Konstantin Lyashchenko, Rena Greenwald, Beth Harris, Bruce V Thomsen, Deidre Fontenot, Mark Stetter, Don Neiffer, Greg Fleming
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 468-472, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: atypical mycobacteriosis, Bontebok, Damaliscus pygarus dorcas, immunoassay, Mycobacterium kansasii, serology
Stephanie Shaw, Richard Speare, Denis H Lynn, Gregor Yeates, Zeng Zhao, Lee Berger, Richard Jakob-Hoff
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 473-479, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Archey's frog, Leiopelma archeyi, nasal infection, Koerneria, Tetrahymena, Rhabditis, protozoa, nematodes
Elisabetta Macchi, Lorenzo Pezzoli, Patrizia Ponzio
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 480-484, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: biochemical values, blood, Bottlenose dolphin, hematologic values, Tursiops truncatus
Jennifer J Kilburn, Karen E Velguth, Kay A Backues
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 485-489, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Acinetobacter sp, Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, semen collection, seminal vesiculitis
Andrea L Goodnight, Sharon D Gottfried, Karen Emanuelson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 490-494, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: bobcat, hypercalcemia, hyperparathyroidism, Lynx rufus, parathyroid
Jennifer Glavis, R. Scott Larsen, Nadine Lamberski, Patricia Gaffney, Ian Gardner
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 495-498, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: antibodies, psittacines, thick-billed parrots, vaccination, Rhynchopsitta pachyrhynca, vaccine, West Nile virus
Young K Kim, Scott S Lee, Euy H Suh, Lyon Lee, Hee C Lee, Hyo J Lee, Seong C Yeon
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 499-503, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Aegypius monachus, arterial blood pressure, Cinereous Vulture, isoflurane, minimum anesthetic concentration
Holly C Tuten, Heather C Miller, Angela E Ellis
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 504-507, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Cuterebra sp, bot fly, Lemur catta, ring-tailed lemur, myiasis, pneumonia
Irene V Wesley, Linda Schroeder-Tucker
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 508-512, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Arcobacter, multiplex polymerase chain reaction, alpaca, rhinoceroses, Primates, equines
Bethany DeVilbiss, Jessie Ziegler, Daniel Righter, Andrew Allen, George Barrington, Gary Haldorson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 513-517, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: Diaphragmatic hernia, alpaca, Camelid, Vicugna pacos
Paul Raiti
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 518-520, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: African spurred tortoise, Centrochelys sulcata, cloacoscopy, corpus cavernosum, hematochezia
Mads F Bertelsen, Shelby L Steele, Carsten Grøndahl, Ulrik Baandrup
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 521-523, (1 September 2011)
KEYWORDS: pheochromocytoma, white rhinoceros, Ceratotherium simum, neoplasia, epinephrine, norepinephrine
Ben R Stading, Kathryn C Gamble
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 524-526, (1 September 2011)
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 527-528, (1 September 2011)
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 529, (1 September 2011)
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 42 (3), 530, (1 September 2011)
No abstract available
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