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VOL. 47 · NO. 1 | March 2016

Articles (2)
Samantha J. Sander, Jessica L. Siegal-Willott, Jessie Ziegler, Elizabeth Lee, Lisa Tell, Suzan Murray
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 1-5, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Asian elephant, Elephas maximus, metronidazole, pharmacokinetic, rectal
Norin Chai, Jean Louis Pouchelon, Jonathan Bouvard, Leonor Camacho Sillero, Minh Huynh, Vincent Segalini, Lisa Point, Veronica Croce, Goulven Rigaux, Jack Highwood, Valérie Chetboul
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 6-11, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Asian elephant, electrocardiography, Elephas maximus, free-ranging, Ta wave, U wave
Miguel Salgado, Iker Sevilla, Carolina Rios, Jorge Crossley, Carlos Tejeda, Elizabeth Manning
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 12-16, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: INDIGENOUS, infection, Lama pacos, map, Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis, spillover
Caio Filipe da Motta Lima, Silvia Renata Gaido Cortopassi, Claudio Alves de Moura, Ewaldo de Mattos, Isis Zanini das Candeias, Bruno Gregnanin Pedron, Rodrigo Hidalgo Friciello Teixeira, Ramiro das Neves Dias Neto
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 17-24, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Dexmedetomidine, immobilization, Leopardus tigrinus, midazolam, oncilla, S-ketamine
David D. R. Krucik, William Van Bonn, Shawn P. Johnson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 25-28, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Acanthocheilonema odendhali, California sea lions, Canine heartworm, Dirofilaria immitis, false positive, Zalophus californianus
Kylie Pon, Nigel Caulkett, Murray Woodbury
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 29-37, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: alfaxalone, Anesthesia, azaperone, medetomidine, Odocoileus virginianus, white-tailed deer
Christopher Scala, Nicolas Duffard, Guy Beauchamp, Séverine Boullier, Yann Locatelli
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 38-44, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Cervus elaphus, Clostridium perfringens type D epsilon toxin, enterotoxemia, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, red deer, vaccination
Angelique M. Leone, Graham J. Crawshaw, Michael M. Garner, Salvatore Frasca, Iga Stasiak, Karrie Rose, Dan Neal, Lisa L. Farina
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 45-55, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: cardiomyopathy, Egyptian fruit bat (Rousettus aegyptiacus), hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis, hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), iron storage disease
Carmen M. H. Colitz, Michael T. Walsh, Stephen D. McCulloch
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 56-75, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: cataract, Cetacean, cornea, Dolphin, keratitis, Lens
Vanessa A. Fravel, William Van Bonn, Frances Gulland, Carlos Rios, Andreas Fahlman, James L. Graham, Peter J. Havel
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 76-82, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: California sea lion, dextrose, hypoglycemia, intraperitoneal, marine mammal, and Zalophus californianus
Kathryn E. Seeley, Michael M. Garner, William T. Waddell, Karen N. Wolf
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 83-90, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Canis rufus, gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease, neoplasia, pathology, red wolf
Paulo de Souza, Flavio Machado de Moraes, Natan da Cruz de Carvalho, Evandro Alves Canelo, Roberto Thiesen, André Luiz Quagliatto Santos
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 91-97, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Chrysocyon brachyurus, mandible, maned wolf, morphometry
José C. Almansa Ruiz, Anna-Mari Bosman, Gerhard Steenkamp
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 98-105, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: antimicrobial, bacteria, Acinonyx jubatus, polymerase chain reaction, pulp exposure, root canal therapy
Michael Selig, Albert Lewandowski, Michael S. Kent
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 106-112, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: biochemistry, Eidolon helvum, hematology, reference interval, straw-colored fruit bat
Kadie Anderson, Michael Garner, Nancy Stedman
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 113-119, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: bronchopneumonia, enteritis, gazelle, mortality, trauma
Huseyin Cihan, Zeki Yilmaz, Nilufer Aytug
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 120-126, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Cardiac, echocardiography, electrocardiography, Eurasian brown bear, Ursus arctos arctos
Ryan A. Sadler, Linden E. Craig, Edward C. Ramsay, Kelly Helmick, Darin Collins, Michael M. Garner
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 127-131, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Adenocarcinoma, lion, mammary neoplasia, Panthera leo
Kristy Jacobus, Juliana Marigo, Silvia Bainy Gastal, Sueli Akemi Taniwaki, Valeria Ruoppolo, José Luiz Catão-Dias, Florina Tseng
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 132-140, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella), Parafilaroides, parasites, South American fur seal (Arctocephalus australis), South American sea lion (Otaria flavescens)
Amy B. Alexander, Clémence Poirotte, Ingrid J. Porton, Karen L.M. Freeman, Fidisoa Rasambainarivo, Kimberly G. Olson, Bernard Iambana, Sharon L. Deem
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 141-149, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Eulemur fulvus albifrons, human–domestic animal–wildlife interface, Indri indri, Propithecus diadema, Spirocerca lupi, Varecia variegata
Brett C. Donadeo, Katherine R. Kerr, Cheryl L. Morris, Kelly S. Swanson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 150-160, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Black-and-white ruffed lemur, nutrition, primate, total dietary fiber, Varecia variegata
Ana M. Henriques, Teresa Fagulha, Margarida Duarte, Fernanda Ramos, Sílvia C. Barros, Tiago Luís, Rui Bernardino, Teresa L. Fernandes, Narciso Lapão, José Ferreira da Silva, Miguel Fevereiro
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 161-174, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: avian poxvirus, Flamingo, Phoenicopterus ruber, phylogenetic analysis, poxvirus
Brianne E. Phillips, Craig A. Harms, Gregory A. Lewbart, Lesanna L. Lahner, Martin Haulena, Justin F. Rosenberg, Mark G. Papich
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 175-186, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: ciprofloxacin, echinoderms, enrofloxacin, green sea urchin, pharmacokinetics, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis
Ruth Marcec, Andrew Kouba, Lu Zhang, Hongxing Zhang, Qijun Wang, Hu Zhao, Wei Jiang, Scott Willard
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 187-195, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Andrias davidianus, Chinese giant salamander, coelomic implantation, postsurgical recovery, radiotelemetry, reintroduction
Julie D. Sheldon, Nicole I. Stacy, Stephen Blake, Fredy Cabrera, Sharon L. Deem
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 196-205, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Chelonoidis spp, Eopette, Galapagos tortoise, manual leukocyte counts, Natt and Herrick's, reptiles
Justine K. O'Brien, Hendrik H. Nollens, Todd L. Schmitt, Karen J. Steinman, Jean M. Dubach, Todd R. Robeck
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 206-222, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Artificial insemination, Avian, CASA. conservation, penguin, sperm biology
Sarah J. Woodhouse, Edward L. Peterson, Todd Schmitt, Susette Aquino
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 223-235, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Eudyptes chrysocome, Eudyptes chrysolophus, intraocular pressure, macaroni penguin, rebound tonometry, Rockhopper Penguin
J. Gutiérrez, C. Simeone, F. Gulland, S. Johnson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 236-243, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Auriculopalpebral nerve block, California sea lion (Zalophus californianus), lidocaine, ocular disease, retrobulbar block
Sarah Wills, Chantale Pinard, Stephanie Nykamp, Hugues Beaufrère
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 244-255, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Great grey owl, intraocular pressure (IOP), ocular ultrasound, ophthalmoscopy, Schirmer tear test (STT), Snowy Owl
Richard R. Sim, Matthew C. Allender, LaTasha K. Crawford, Allison N. Wack, Kevin J. Murphy, Joseph L. Mankowski, Ellen Bronson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 256-270, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Eastern box turtle, FV3-like virus, herpesvirus, Mycoplasma sp., ranavirus, Terrapene carolina carolina
Kathryn E. Seeley, Leigh A. Clayton, Catherine A. Hadfield, Dillon Muth, Joseph L. Mankowski, Kathleen M. Kelly
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 271-274, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: cephalopods, Enteroctopus dofleini, giant Pacific octopus, Ichthyobodo
Heather S. Harris, Scott R. Benson, Michael C. James, Kelly J. Martin, Brian A. Stacy, Pierre-Yves Daoust, Paul M. Rist, Thierry M. Work, George H. Balazs, Jeffrey A. Seminoff
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 275-279, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: body condition, Dermochelys coriacea, fat, health, leatherback sea turtle, ultrasound
Christophe Rossier, Stefan Hoby, Christian Wenker, Stefanie Gobeli Brawand, Andreas Thomann, Isabelle Brodard, Thomas Jermann, Horst Posthaus
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 280-285, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Basiliscus plumifrons, Physignathus cocincinus, Devriesea agamarum, pathology, zoologic collection
Mariana A. Pardo, Stephen Divers
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 286-290, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: blood sampling, central venous catheter, chelonian, critical care, tortoise, venous access
Chelsea Wallace, Matt Marinkovich, Pat J. Morris, Bruce Rideout, Geoffrey W. Pye
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 291-296, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Pathology program, preventive medicine, quarantine, transmissible disease, zoos
Matt Marinkovich, Chelsea Wallace, Pat J. Morris, Bruce Rideout, Geoffrey W. Pye
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 297-300, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Pathology program, preshipment testing, preventive medicine, risk analysis, transmissible disease, zoos
Jack Kottwitz, Matthew Boothe, Roy Harmon, Scott B. Citino, Jeffery R. Zuba, Dawn M. Boothe
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 301-310, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: analgesic, elephant, NSAID, opioid, pain management, rhinoceros
Angela Fuery, Geoffrey R. Browning, Jie Tan, Simon Long, Gary S. Hayward, Sherry K. Cox, Joseph P. Flanagan, Maryanne E. Tocidlowski, Lauren L. Howard, Paul D. Ling
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 311-318, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Asian elephant, EEHV4, Elephas maximus, famciclovir, qPCR
Angela Fuery, Jie Tan, RongSheng Peng, Joseph P. Flanagan, Maryanne E. Tocidlowski, Lauren L. Howard, Paul D. Ling
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 319-324, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Asian elephant, EEHV1B, Elephas maximus, famciclovir, qPCR
Nimal Fernando, Elke Wu, Cissy Kou, Paolo Martelli, Lee Foo Khong, Kathy Larson
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 325-328, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, allodynia, amantadine sulphate, giant panda, osteoarthritis
Ryan Sadler, Juergen Schumacher, Edward Ramsay, Brynn McCleery, Katherine Baine, William Thomas, Michelle Nobrega-Lee, George A. Henry, Shelley J. Newman
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 329-332, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: bobcat, Chiari-like malformation, Lynx rufus, syringohydromyelia
Rodrigo O. S. Silva, Lara R. Almeida, Carlos A. Oliveira Junior, Paula C. S. Lima, Danielle F. M. Soares, Pedro L. L. Pereira, Israel J. Silva, Francisco C. F. Lobato
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 333-336, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: β-2, Coatis, diarrhea, enteritis, Nasua nasua, procyonid
Jessica Robertson, Sathya K. Chinnadurai, Daniel B. Woodburn, Michael J. Adkesson, Jennifer A. Landolfi
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 337-340, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: eastern massasauga, fungal, mycosis, Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola, Sistrurus catenatus catenates, snake
Mana Ohkura, Jeremy J. Worley, James E. Hughes-Hallett, Jenny S. Fisher, Brenda C. Love, A. Elizabeth Arnold, Marc J. Orbach
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 341-346, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Aleuriospores, arthrospores, Molecular phylogenetics, Ophidiomyces ophiodiicola, snakes
Elizabeth Stringer, Cindy Cossaboon, Sushan Han, Jennifer L. Taylor-Cousar
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 347-350, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: air sacculitis, colonic volvulus, CYSTIC FIBROSIS, orangutan, Pongo abelii
Daniela Florio, Stefano Gridelli, Maria Letizia Fioravanti, Renato Giulio Zanoni
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 351-353, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Tenacibaculum maritimum, skin lesion, Carcharias taurus, sand tiger shark, public aquarium
Nili Avni-Magen, Ady Y. Gancz, Hugues Beaufrère, Avishai Lublin, David Eshar
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 354-358, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Aythya nyroca, biochemistry, blood, ferruginous duck, hematology
Christopher Basu, Alexander L. Stoll, Jonathon Dixon, Fieke Marije Molenaar, Edmund Flach, Ken C. Smith
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 359-363, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: computed tomography, giraffe, osseous cyst-like lesions, osteochondrosis, pathology, radiography
Solange M. Gennari, Cláudia Niemeyer, José L. Catão-Dias, Herbert S. Soares, Igor C. L. Acosta, Ricardo A. Dias, Jéssica D. Ribeiro, Cristiane Lassalvia, Pryscilla Maracini, Cristiane K. M. Kolesnikovas, Luis F. S. P. Mayorga, Jitender P. Dubey
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 364-366, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Toxoplasma gondii, Magellanic Penguins, Spheniscus magellanicus, Brazilian coast
Jenna D. Hinton, Copper Aitken-Palmer, Priscilla H. Joyner, Lisa Ware, Timothy F. Walsh
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 367-369, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: black-footed ferret, bloat, ferret, gastritis, Mustela nigripes, stomach
Izidora Sladakovic, Anne Burnum, Uriel Blas-Machado, Lisa S. Kelly, Bridget C. Garner, Shannon P. Holmes, Stephen J. Divers
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 370-373, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: bobcat, Lynx rufus, mandible, neoplasia, oral, squamous cell carcinoma
Xin Yang, Jiang Yang, Hongning Wang, Caiwu Li, Yongguo He, SenYan Jin, Hemin Zhang, Desheng Li, Pengyan Wang, Yuesong Xu, Changwen Xu, Chengyun Fan, Lulai Xu, Shan Huang, Chunmao Qu, Guo Li
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 374-378, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: antimicrobial resistance, Bacterial flora, giant panda, multidrug resistance, vagina
Brandy J. Kragness, Jennifer E. Graham, Daniela Bedenice, Melissa M. Restifo, Randy J. Boudrieau
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), 379-382, (1 March 2016)
KEYWORDS: Bennett's wallaby, cervical fracture, macropod, Macropus rufogriseus, stabilization
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), (1 March 2016)
No abstract available
Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 47 (1), (1 March 2016)
No abstract available
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