Meenakshi Sharma, Sunita Kapila
Lindbergia 2023 (1), (28 December 2023)
KEYWORDS: cytology, chromosome number, hornworts, liverworts, polyploidy
Meiotic analysis were made in three hornwort, 12 leafy and six thalloid liverwort taxa collected from different areas of eastern Himalayas. The chromosome numbers in Anthoceros alpinus n = 6, A. subtilis n = 6, Porella campylophylla n = 9, Radula tjibodensis n = 8, Cololejeunea jelinekii n = 8, C. latilobula n = 9, Solenostoma atrobrunneum n = 9, S. purpuratum n = 9, one variety (Pallavicinia lyellii var. lyellii. n = 8 and in Asterella wallichiana n = 9, 18 are recorded for the first time. In Phaeoceros laevis n = 6, Frullania muscicola n = 18 (the first chromosome count for this species); F. nepalensis n = 9, Heteroscyphus argutus n = 9, Fossombronia cristula n = 9 and Cyathodium aureonitens n = 9 are counted for the first time in India. Frullania ericoides n = 8, Plagiochasma pterospermum n = 9, Targionia hypophylla n = 9, Dumortiera hirsuta n = 9 and Calycularia crispula n = 9 are investigated for the first time from eastern Himalayas. An anaphasic bridge was also observed at anaphase-I in F. ericoides. An m-chromosome and an early disjunction of one bivalent is observed in the chromosome complements of S. atrobrunneum. Precocious disjunction of one bivalent is observed in the chromosome complements of A. wallichiana and C. crispula, of two bivalents in P. pterospermum and of three bivalents in T. hypophylla.