VOL. 2011 · NO. 14 | December 2011
Taylor Sultan Quedensley, Mario Véliz Pérez
Lundellia 2011 (14), 3-7, (1 December 2011) https://doi.org/10.25224/1097-993X-14.1.3 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Cloud forests, Guatemala, Pico Zunil, Ramalina
Robert T. Harms
Lundellia 2011 (14), 8-26, (1 December 2011) https://doi.org/10.25224/1097-993X-14.1.8 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Asteraceae, Mutisieae, Chaptalia, flora of Texas
Billie L. Turner
Lundellia 2011 (14), 27-31, (1 December 2011) https://doi.org/10.25224/1097-993X-14.1.27 Open Access
KEYWORDS: FABACEAE, North America, Rhynchosia, South America
Oscar M. Vargas
Lundellia 2011 (14), 32-51, (1 December 2011) https://doi.org/10.25224/1097-993X-14.1.32 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Asteraceae, Astereae, Diplostephium, nomenclator
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