Michael G. Simpson, Michael Silveira, C. Matt Guilliams
Madroño 57 (3), 145-160, (1 July 2010) https://doi.org/10.3120/0024-9637-57.3.145
KEYWORDS: Calyptridium, Calyptridium monandrum, Calyptridium parryi, Montiaceae, Portulacaceae, species, taxonomy
Calyptridium parryi (Montiaceae, formerly Portulacaceae) putatively comprises four varieties: arizonicum, hesseae, nevadense, and parryi. We performed a detailed phenetic analysis of seed, fruit, and sepal morphology in order to assess the distinction and rank of these varieties. We treated the San Pedro Martir Mountains, Baja California populations of C. parryi as a separate taxonomic unit in these studies, given their great disjunct distribution. In addition, we included the very similar and largely sympatric C. monandrum in these analyses. Results from ANOVA and principal components analysis indicate that the six entities examined are, to various degrees, morphologically diagnosable. Calyptridium parryi varieties hesseae, nevadense, and parryi show some overlap in features, and we propose keeping these as varieties. Populations from the San Pedro Martir Mountains are distinct from other varieties of C. parryi, possibly warranting varietal status, but further studies with more samples are needed to confirm this. However, we conclude that C. parryi variety arizonicum is different enough in several features and geographic range to warrant species status, by a taxonomic/morphologic species concept. Calyptridium monandrum should be retained as a separate species.