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1 March 2010 Identification of Apodemus Peninsula, Draco and A. latronum in China, Korea, and Myanmar by Cranial Measurements
Yukibumi Kaneko
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By using cranial measurements, about 670 museum specimens collected from China, Korea and Myanmar (= Burma) were identified as either Apodemus peninsulae, A. latronum, or A. draco by dividing 105 localities into 14 areas. First, a cluster of A. latronum was separated from that of A. peninsulae and A. draco in the scatter diagram of the total length of the upper molars plotted against the length of the incisive foramen in respective areas. Second, a cluster of A. draco was separated from that of A. peninsulae in the scatter diagram of the quotient (“ratio of the skull”) plotted against the distance between the anterior-most point of the incisor and the posterior-most edge of the third upper molar in respective areas, when the quotient was calculated in each skull by the distance between the occipital condyle and the posterior-most point of the third upper molar divided by the distance between the anterior-most point of the incisor and the anterior-most edge of the first upper molar. Respective specimens identified as either A. peninsulae, A. latronum or A. draco by the present method were perfectly accordant with those identified by the size of posterior cusp (t7) on the first upper molar.

© the Mammalogical Society of Japan
Yukibumi Kaneko "Identification of Apodemus Peninsula, Draco and A. latronum in China, Korea, and Myanmar by Cranial Measurements," Mammal Study 35(1), 31-55, (1 March 2010).
Received: 21 April 2009; Accepted: 15 July 2009; Published: 1 March 2010
Apodemus draco
Apodemus latronum
Apodemus peninsulae
cranial measurements
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