To obtain proper estimates of wildlife abundance by harvest-based models (HBMs), an understanding of the model structure and data properties is required. Otherwise, there may be a risk of failure to obtaining adequate estimates. In this study, we estimated the abundance of sika deer using several spatially fine-scale HBMs with different structures and aimed to clarify the effects of the model structure and data quality on estimates. We used monitoring data collected by the Gifu Prefectural Government and other data collected by the authors. Four HBMs were constructed according to the combinations of the model structure (considering overdispersion in the observation models) and data (with or without additional observation data), and their parameters were estimated. The results showed that among the four HBMs, reasonable deer abundance was estimated by two HBMs in which overdispersion was considered in the observation models of the less precision data only. As the parameters failed to converge in the other two HBMs in which overdispersion was considered in all observation models, the abundance would be overestimated. Thus, our results confirmed that understanding the model structure and data properties was essential for obtaining proper estimates of wildlife abundance from currently available data with HBM.
(要旨).ニホンジカ個体数推定のためのHarvest-based modelsにおける適切なモデル設計の検討.Harvest-based models(HBMs)を用いて野生動物の適切な個体数推定値を得るためには,モデルの構造とデータの特性を理解することが必要である.これらに対する理解が不十分な場合,適切な推定値を得られないリスクが大きくなる.本研究では,狩猟メッシュを単位とした空間解像度の高いHBMsを複数構築してニホンジカ個体数の推定を試み,モデル構造とデータの質が個体数推定値に及ぼす影響を明らかにすることを目指した.データとして,岐阜県が収集したモニタリングデータと,筆者らが収集した観測データを用いた.モデル構造(観測モデルにおける過分散の考慮の有無)とデータ(追加観測データの有無)の組み合わせにより,4つのHBMsを構築し個体数推定を試みた.その結果,4つのモデルのうち,精度の低いデータに対する観測モデルのみに過分散を設定した2つのモデルでは妥当なニホンジカ個体数が推定された.一方,すべての観測モデルで過分散を考慮した他の2つのモデルではパラメータは収束せず,また個体数推定値は過大であった.本研究の結果から,ある時点で利用可能なデータからHBMsを用いて野生動物の個体数を適切に推定するためには,モデル構造とデータの特性に対する理解が不可欠であることが確認された.
Large ungulates have a significant impact on vegetation in many parts of the world (Rooney and Waller 2003; Côté et al. 2004) and cause substantial agricultural and forestry damage (Conover 2001), thus requiring control by land managers and the government. Although there has been substantial discussion regarding the impact of large ungulates on vegetation and the appropriate density of ungulates (Mysterud 2006; Suzuki et al. 2013; Itô et al. 2014), population control by capture is necessary to avoid irreversible vegetation changes (Tanentzap et al. 2012). Therefore, if the government plans to reduce ungulate populations, it is necessary to estimate their abundance for management. The current population size, culling pressure to be applied to a target species, the duration of culling, and the number of animals to be culled to reduce the population to the target level are some of the factors to be considered when making predictions.
In recent years, the distribution area of sika deer (Cervus nippon) in Japan has expanded broadly (Yamane 2019), by approximately 2.7 times from 1978 to 2008 (Ministry of the Environment, Japan 2021a, b). Impacts of deer such as debarking on standing trees, decline of understory vegetation (e.g., Fujiki et al. 2010; Iijima and Nagaike 2015), and changes in plant species composition in semi-natural grasslands (Otsu et al. 2019) caused by abundant sika deer have been reported. As a countermeasure to mitigate the impacts of deer on vegetation, population control of sika deer is being conducted in Japan. For successful population management, the abundance of sika deer and its spatial and temporal changes during hunting and culling (hereafter, “capturing”) should be evaluated.
The harvest-based model (HBM) is used to estimate animal abundance under hunting pressure based on the response of the abundance index to the number of hunted animals (Iijima 2020). HBM was first used to estimate the abundance of sika deer in Hokkaido (Yamamura et al. 2008; Kaji et al. 2010). It is currently used in many prefectures in Japan (Iijima 2018). Because the HBM utilizes several abundance indices to estimate latent abundance and incorporates external data such as landscape components of demography to estimate the population growth rate, it is an integrated population model that estimates abundance and demographic parameters (Schaub et al. 2007; Kéry and Schaub 2011; Schaub and Abadi 2011). The merits of HBM in the abundance estimation of sika deer are that 1) the abundance of sika deer can be estimated by considering the effect of population control and monitoring data such as the abundance index, and 2) the model structure offers flexibility depending on the available datasets and their overdispersion terms due to the effects of unobserved factors. However, such flexibility requires a substantial understanding of the statistical modeling by the analyst to construct an appropriate HBM. Without such an understanding, the analyst may make an incorrect conclusion based on a biased estimation. For example, the use of the number of hunted animals as an abundance index in the HBM causes a seriously biased estimation of abundance (Fukasawa et al. 2020); however, such a model has been applied in the abundance estimation of sika deer in Japan (Iijima 2018). Yamamura (2016) also pointed out the possibility of biased estimates in the HBM using an inappropriate prior distribution depending on the available data.
The more serious problem is that government officials and planners accept only the results (especially the median or mean) without considering the structure of the model that produces the estimate, quantity, and quality of data used. Unfortunately, the significant impact of differences in the model structure, quantity, and quality of data used for abundance estimation are rarely understood by most government officials and planners in Japan. Sometimes, they simply recognize that “the abundance was estimated using an HBM.” Planning by trusting only the estimates obtained without understanding the structure of the model or mechanism by which the estimates are obtained involves the risk of misunderstanding the mechanism of population fluctuations in nature and choosing the wrong measures for population control. To identify the problems of using the HBM, it is necessary to understand how the structure of the model affects the parameters of the model and the results of the population estimates. Additionally, it is common for the monitoring data available at a given time to be insufficient. However, to promote wildlife management, wildlife managers must make the best use of all available data to obtain the most reasonable population estimates possible.
Another problem is that in Japan, there have been few cases of HBM with spatially fine-scale structure. Iijima et al. (2013) achieved a spatially fine-scale HBM based on hunting mesh (ca. 5 km × 5 km) to estimate the sika deer population in Yamanashi Prefecture. However, only Gifu Prefecture (2021) has used this model to plan prefectural management of sika deer. Other prefectures, such as Hyogo (Takagi 2019; Hyogo Prefecture 2022), Nagano (Nagano Prefecture 2021), and Chiba (Chiba Prefecture 2017), have also used different model structures to estimate sika deer abundance at a spatially fine scale; however, few prefectures have used such models. In addition, the Ministry of the Environment estimated sika deer abundance throughout Japan (excluding Hokkaido) without considering the spatial structure (Ministry of the Environment, Japan 2021a).
In this study, we clarified the impact of model structure and data quality on HBM estimates. To accomplish this objective, we estimated sika deer abundance using several spatially fine-scale HBMs with different structures and various deer abundance indices (hunters' report, number of captured deer, number of pellet groups, block count, and the relative abundance index based on camera trapping) collected over several years in Gifu Prefecture, Japan. We examined the effects of the model structure (primarily considering overdispersion in the observation models) on the estimated values with the aim of obtaining plausible population estimates that could contribute to wildlife management from currently available data. Based on the results, we discuss the structure of the model for a reasonable estimation. Furthermore, we evaluate the superiority of the results of a spatially fine-scale HBM compared to those of a traditional HBM.
Materials and methods
Study site
This study was conducted in Gifu Prefecture (35°08′–36°27′N, 136°16′–137°39′E), Japan. The population of sika deer in Japan declined due to overhunting from the late-1800s to the mid-1900s (Tsujino et al. 2010; Yamane 2019). In parallel, several conservation policies were implemented to deal with the declining population, and from 1948 to 2007, hunting and trapping activities of females were fundamentally inhibited nationwide. As a result, the sika deer population has gradually increased throughout the country, damaging agriculture, forestry, and natural vegetation in many areas (Ministry of the Environment, Japan 2021b; Ohashi et al. 2014). This situation is also the case in Gifu, where the “special wildlife management plans, sika deer, first period” was developed in 2011 (Gifu Prefecture 2011). Since then, management plans have been continuously revised (Gifu Prefecture 2021). In Gifu Prefecture, the distribution of sika deer has been confirmed in some areas since the mid-1900s, especially in the central and southwestern parts of the prefecture (Gifu Prefecture 2016). Therefore, the population increase and distribution expansion of sika deer are thought to have initiated from areas around these parts. The decline in understory vegetation was confirmed to be significant in these two areas (Tsunoda et al. 2017), and there was concern about the expansion of the distribution and resulting damage to the area (Gifu Prefecture 2021).
The Gifu Prefecture Government collected data for sika deer management using 5 km square grid cells: the number of captured deer from 2008 to 2019, sight per unit effort (SPUE) in hunters' reports (SPUE, Uno et al. 2006) from 2008 to 2019, the number of pellet groups by pellet group survey (Iijima et al. 2013) in 2011 and 2013, and the number of deer found by a block count survey (Iijima et al. 2013) in 2011. Except for the number of captured deer, these data could be regarded as an abundance index. The number of captured deer and SPUE were collected for most of the grid cells of Gifu Prefecture. The number of pellet groups was obtained in 70 cells (survey length was ca. 5 km per cell), and a block count survey was conducted in 16 cells (survey area was ca. 1 km2 per cell). Furthermore, we collected the number of photographed deer using a motion-triggered camera (hereafter, camera trap) in two cells from 2014 to 2016 (number of camera traps was 18 and two, respectively) and 20 cells (number of camera traps was one in each cell) from 2017 to 2019. We limited the number of photos from September to October, which was the rutting season just before the opening of the hunting season. Because the hunters' report was recorded by non-professional observers (hunters), the precision of SPUE as the deer abundance index is probably much lower than other indices, such as the pellet group survey, block count survey, and camera trap survey, that professional wildlife researchers conducted. SPUE is voluntary data obtained from many hunters with different abilities and activities, and there have been many cases where large differences were observed in the number of animals found by several hunters in the same mesh in the same year (Gifu Prefecture, personal communication).
As a significant incident during the investigation period, classical swine fever (CSF) broke out in September 2018 in the Gifu Prefecture. To prevent the spread of CSF, hunting (gun and trap hunting) was restricted to some areas in fiscal year 2018 (April 2018 to March 2019) and throughout the prefecture in fiscal year 2019 (April 2019 to March 2020).
Statistical analysis
We estimated the deer abundance of 5 km square grid cells from 2008 to 2019 using a spatially fine-scale HBM similar to that used by Iijima et al. (2013). We constructed four models to examine the effects of the model structure and data availability on the estimation. The former issue considers the overdispersion in the observation model. Because the values of all deer abundance indices would contain over-dispersed observation errors, incorporating the overdispersion term of each grid cell in the observation model of each abundance index is a potential solution to consider for such over-dispersed observation errors. However, the over-dispersed observation error of SPUE is expected to be much higher than that of other indices, as stated above. Because the camera trap survey that derived the data adopted in this study was not designed and used to monitor sika deer abundance in Gifu Prefecture, the number of cameras installed and the sampling efforts varied considerably among the meshes described above; therefore, over-dispersed observation errors of camera trap surveys are also expected to be higher. Accordingly, incorporating the same overdispersion term into all observation models may be inappropriate. In this study, we compared HBM with observation models that had an overdispersion term in all abundance indices and HBM with observation models that did not have an overdispersion term, except for the observation model of SPUE and camera trap survey. By excluding overdispersion terms from observation models, except for those of SPUE and camera traps, the parameters of the models will respond relatively more directly to the number of pellet groups and the results of the block count survey, which are expected to be more reliable than the SPUE and camera trap data.
The latter issue—the effects of data availability on the estimation—is pertaining to the usage of camera-trapping data. During the study period, we collected camera trap data for other research objectives. Even if the camera trap data were originally collected independently from those monitored in Gifu Prefecture, we could expect a high reliability of abundance estimates while reducing the confidence intervals of the estimates by flexibly incorporating these data into the model. We adopted the data taken from camera traps with a passive infrared sensor, which are usually applied in standard wildlife monitoring, and the cameras did not adopt unique shooting settings (e.g., shooting from above to the ground) or shooting timing (e.g., interval shooting). Such a flexible inter-use of data could be beneficial for wildlife conservation and management. However, because the camera trap survey that derived the data adopted in this study was not designed and used to monitor sika deer abundance in Gifu Prefecture, the number of cameras installed and sampling efforts varied substantially among the meshes described above.
From these two issues, four models were constructed, and their parameters were estimated according to the combination of the model structure (with consideration of overdispersion in observation models) and data (with or without additional observation data), Models 0 to 3.
Model 0: Overdispersion was considered only in the observation model of SPUE, and there were no camera data.
Model 1: Overdispersion was considered in all the observation models, and there were no camera data.
Model 2: Overdispersion was considered in the observation models of the SPUE and camera trap surveys. Camera data were available.
Model 3: Overdispersion was considered in all observation models and camera data were available.
Process model
The process model of the spatially fine-scale HBM used in this study is as follows.
xt,c is the sika deer abundance on a logarithmic scale in the cth cell of the tth year; hrt,c is the hunting ratio in the cth cell of the tth year; xinit is the mean of sika deer abundance on a logarithmic scale in the first year (t = 1); ϕc is Gaussian conditional autoregressive (CAR) term; yhrt is the yearly mean of the hunting ratio in the tth year; rc is the intrinsic population growth rate on a logarithmic scale in cth cell; α is an intercept of rc; β1 is a coefficient of the percentage of evergreen forests (Evergreen Forest Ratio; EFR) in the cth cell; β2 is a coefficient of the percentage of deciduous forests (Deciduous Forest Ratio; DCR) in the cth cell; β3 is a coefficient of the percentage of artificial grasslands (Grassland Ratio; GRR) in the cth cell; and σs are the standard deviation of Gaussian distribution. The prior distribution of all σs in the process model is a vague uniform distribution, which is represented as U(0, 100) (Gelman 2006). The Gaussian CAR model is composed of acj, δc, and ac+. acj is the indicator variable of the neighbors of cell c (acj = 1 if cells c and j share the same boundary and 0 otherwise). δc is the ID of cells that are neighbors of cell c and ac+ is the total number of cells that are neighbors of c. We incorporated the spatial random effect into xinit because we predicted the spatial structure of deer abundance and had no prior information regarding deer abundance in previous years.
Because the population indices were obtained after autumn, it is possible that they had already been partially affected by the culling of the corresponding year. Therefore, it would be appropriate to delimit the year in the model from autumn to the next autumn if possible. Unfortunately, it was difficult to separate the old data in Gifu Prefecture into culling and hunting seasons. Therefore, the model in this study did not consider the change in population indices within a year and used various population indices obtained in autumn as representative values for the year.
Observation model
The observation model for the SPUE is shown below.
SPUEt,c is the observation value of deer observed in the cth cell of the tth year; βSPUE is the coefficient of SPUE that links the true abundance (i.e., xt,c) and the observed deer (i.e., SDt,c); εSPUEt,c is the overdispersion term in the cth cell of the tth year; Effortt,c is the effort to obtain the SPUE in cth cell of tth year; and σ6 is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
The observation model for the pellet group survey is shown below.
PGt,c is the number of pellet groups in the cth cell of the tth year, βPG is the coefficient of the pellet group survey that links the true abundance (i.e., xt,c) and the observed pellet group (i.e., PGt,c), εPGt,c is the overdispersion term in the cth cell of the tth year, Routet,c is the route length of the pellet group survey in the cth cell of the tth year, and σ7 is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
The observation model for the camera trapping survey is shown below.
CTt,c is the number of photographed sika deer from September to October in the cth cell of the tth year; βCT is the coefficient of the camera trapping survey that links the true abundance (i.e., xt,c) and the observed photographed sika deer (i.e., CTt,c); εCTt,c is the overdispersion term in the cth cell of the tth year; Dayt,c is the day length of the camera trapping survey from October to November in the cth cell of the tth year (usually 61 unless the camera malfunctions); and σ8 is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution.
The observation model for the block count survey is shown below.
BCt,c is the observation value of sika deer observed by a block count survey in the cth cell of the tth year, εBCt,c is the overdispersion term in the cth cell of tth year, Areat,c is the survey area of the block count survey in the cth cell of the tth year, and σ9 is the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution. As the results of the block count survey can be directly converted to deer density, the coefficient that links the true abundance was not included in the observation model in the block count survey, as done in Iijima et al. (2013).
The prior distribution of all σs in the observation model is a vague uniform distribution, represented as U(0, 100) (Gelman 2006).
The observation model for the number of captured deer is as shown below.
Ct,c is the number of captured deer in the cth cell of the tth year and Dt,c is the sika deer abundance in the cth cell of the tth year. It should be noted that the purpose of the observation model is to estimate hrt,c, and Ct,c is not an abundance index.
Parameter estimation
The posterior distribution of the parameters of the above HBM was estimated using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method (Calder et al. 2003), which was implemented in R version 4.1.2 (R Core Team 2021) and the package “nimble” (NIMBLE Development Team 2021) of R. We ran three parallel MCMC chains and retained 2 000 000 iterations after an initial burn-in of 500 000 iterations. We thinned the sampled values to approximately 0.05% (i.e., obtained 1000 samples as posterior distributions for each chain). MCMC sampling was considered to have converged when the “R hat” value became < 1.1 (Gelman et al. 2004).
Data description
The number of captured deer differed significantly among cells (Fig. 1). Although the annual number of captured deer for the entire Gifu Prefecture was below 5000 in 2008, it increased to more than 17 000 in 2014 (Fig. 1). The increase in the number of captured deer was prolonged over the following years. The restriction of hunting in 2018 (partially in Gifu Prefecture) and 2019 (the whole of Gifu Prefecture) to prevent the spread of CSF decreased the number of captured deer compared to that of the previous year in each cell (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1.
Temporal change in the number of captured deer in each cell or throughout Gifu Prefecture. The thin lines mean the number of captured deer in each cell (scale on the left axis), and the thick line means the number of captured deer throughout the prefecture (scale on the right axis).

The relationships between the number of captured deer and each abundance index from monitoring, SPUE, pellet group survey, camera trapping survey, and block count survey are presented in Fig. 2. There was no clear pattern in the relationship between the number of captured deer and abundance indices. Compared with the number of captured deer, the relationship between abundance indices seemed positively correlated, although the relationship was weak.
Many parameters of the models with overdispersion terms in all observation models (i.e., models 1 and 3) did not converge ( of these parameters > 1.1). In contrast, all the model parameters considering overdispersion in observation models using the SPUE (i.e., models 0 and 2) and camera trap data (i.e., model 2) successfully converged (
of these parameters < 1.1). Furthermore, the median deer abundance in Gifu Prefecture was unrealistically high for models 1 and 3, and the 95% credible intervals of these models were relatively broad (Fig. 3), although these parameters did not converge. The median deer abundance in Gifu Prefecture in models 0 and 2 increased annually from 2008 to 2014 and then decreased (Fig. 3). In our four models, the total number of meshes as a state space from which sika deer abundance was estimated was 5184, of which 451 and 678 meshes (8.7% and 13.1%, respectively) exceeded densities of 100 deer/km2 for models 1 and 3, respectively. In addition, 145 and 260 meshes (2.8% and 5.0%, respectively) exceeded densities of 200 deer/km2, indicating extremely high values (see Discussion). Furthermore, the maximum estimated densities were 508.9 deer/km2 and 706.8 deer/km2 for models 1 and 3, respectively, which were extremely high and unrealistic. On the other hand, there were very few meshes with estimated densities exceeding 100 deer/km2 for models 0 and 2 (two and seven meshes), and the maximum values were 112.1 deer/km2 and 117.7 deer/km2, respectively.
Here, we show the results of model 2, which provided realistic estimates for sika deer density. All parameters with a vague prior distribution converged and were identifiable in the model 2 (Appendix 1). Although the estimated abundance was generally correlated with all monitoring data, the plots in the scatter diagram showing the relationship between the estimated abundance and SPUE and camera trap data were scattered because the observation models of the SPUE and camera trap data considered overdispersion in model 2 (Fig. 4). The mean intrinsic population growth rate (logarithmic scale) was 0.075, and the 95-percentile interval ranged from 0.021 to 0.116. The estimated hunting ratios were spatially heterogeneous (Fig. 5), and the increase in deer abundance was suppressed by strong hunting pressure (Fig. 6). For example, there were two high-abundance regions in the center (around Gujo City and Gero City) and in the southwestern part (around Ogaki City and Ibigawa Town) of the Gifu Prefecture. The abundance in the central part decreased from 2014 because of the high hunting ratio, but that in the southwestern part did not decrease because of the relatively low hunting ratio. The results for model 0 were similar to those for model 2 (Appendix 2).
Fig. 2.
The relationship among each monitoring data in each cell in each year; the number of captured deer (Captured deer), sight per unit effort (SPUE) in hunters' reports, the number of pellet group by pellet group survey (Pellet group density), the number of deer found by a block count survey (Block count deer density), and the number of photographed deer by camera trap survey (Photographed deer). No pair of block count data and camera trap data in the same year and cell was obtained in this study period, so that the plot is omitted.

Fig. 3.
Estimated deer abundance of Gifu Prefecture. Left, estimates of all models; dark gray polygons indicate 95% credible interval of model 0 and 2, and light gray polygons indicate 95% credible interval of model 1 and 3. Right, estimates of models 0 and 3; the polygon with slanting lines indicates 95% credible interval of model 0, and the polygon with vertical lines indicates 95% credible interval of model 3. Model 0: An overdispersion was considered only in the observation model of SPUE, and there was no camera data; Model 1: An overdispersion was considered in all observation models, and there was no camera data; Model 2: An overdispersion was considered in the observation models of SPUE and camera trap survey, and there was camera data.; Model 3: An overdispersion was considered in all observation models, and there was camera data.

Fig. 4.
The relationship between the median of estimated abundance by model 2 and each monitoring data. The dotted line in the left-bottom panel indicates a diagonal line.

The consideration of overdispersion terms for all observation models in models 1 and 3 caused an ill-convergence in the results. Although a previous HBM applied to Yamanashi Prefecture incorporated overdispersion terms into all observation models (Iijima et al. 2013), such an HBM could not be applied to Gifu Prefecture. The observational data other than SPUE in Gifu Prefecture were smaller than those of Iijima et al. (2013), both in terms of the number of years of survey conducted and the number of surveyed sites. Therefore, the estimates of models 1 and 3 might be strongly influenced by the trend of SPUE, which seemed to have lower precision data. As a result, population estimates could not be estimated appropriately. This study showed that we were able to successfully simplify the previous model to obtain estimates of HBM for sika deer management in a situation where we could not apply the previous model of Iijima et al. (2013) to currently available data. However, the risk that the simplification of the model may bias the estimates should be recognized. Although it is desirable to consider overdispersion in all observational models, as in Iijima et al. (2013), the models successfully estimated in this study did not take this structure, i.e., there is a possibility of overfitting observation data, except for SPUE. The model was simplified to obtain the most appropriate estimates possible from the currently available data in this study. However, this trial is not the best solution for a more appropriate estimation of long-term wildlife management. To estimate sika deer abundance with a more appropriate model structure, it would be desirable to improve SPUE data quality and obtain more observational data other than SPUE.
We constructed four models to estimate the population of sika deer inhabiting the Gifu Prefecture. Consequently, the estimates differed significantly from model to model. In the models (models 1 and 3) that considered overdispersion in all observation models, an unrealistically large number of deer was estimated, and none of the parameters converged. In previous studies, the maximum values of the carrying capacity of sika deer were reported to be 118 deer/km2 by direct observation (Kaji et al. 2004) and 98.4 deer/km2 by statistical modeling (Iijima and Ueno 2016). In models 1 and 3, 8.7% and 13.1% of the meshes exceeded 100 deer/km2, and 2.8% and 5.0% exceeded 200 deer/km2, respectively. Therefore, these values were difficult to determine realistically from previous studies. Furthermore, the maximum estimated densities were 508.9 deer/km2 and 706.8 deer/km2, which can be considered unrealistic. Therefore, we conclude that we could not obtain the appropriate estimation results using models 1 and 3. In contrast, models 0 and 2, which are observation models other than SPUE and camera trap data without overdispersion terms (i.e., strongly relying on the data from the pellet group survey and block count survey), produced realistic estimates for most meshes. There were very few meshes with estimated densities exceeding 100 deer/km2 for models 0 and 2 (two and seven meshes, respectively), and the maximum values were 112.1 deer/km2 and 117.7 deer/km2, respectively. These values were realistic estimates that did not significantly exceed the maximum carrying capacity reported in previous studies. Furthermore, interannual trends in the estimated populations showed fluctuations that were consistent with some events in capturing sika deer in the prefecture. For example, there was an increasing trend in the estimated population until 2014, following which it began to decline in 2015. As shown in Fig. 1, the number of animals captured in Gifu Prefecture nearly doubled in that year compared to that in the previous year, with more than 17 000 sika deer captured. Although the downward trend in the population had strengthened in 2017, more than 17 000 deer were captured again that year. These facts suggest that the populations of sika deer in Gifu Prefecture estimated by models 0 and 2 are generally reasonable for understanding and examining the status of the current local population and the strategy of population adjustment for conservation and management.
In this study, the mean intrinsic population growth rate (logarithmic scale) was 0.075. This value was much lower than the value of 0.253 reported in a previous study using a similar model, in Yamanashi Prefecture during 2005 and 2010 (Iijima et al. 2013). There are two possible reasons for this. The first is the difference in the phase of the sika deer population in previous studies: the case in Yamanashi Prefecture (Iijima et al. 2013) was in an expansion phase in which the number of sika deer continued to increase yearly. On the other hand, according to our estimation, the abundance of sika deer in Gifu Prefecture has been decreasing since 2014, suggesting that the sika deer population phase may differ from that in Yamanashi Prefecture. However, Kaji et al. (2004) estimated the growth rates of sika deer populations on Nakanoshima Island and Cape Shiretoko in Hokkaido Prefecture to be 0.152 and 0.190, respectively, during a period when density-dependent effects might have affected the sika deer abundance. These values were larger than those estimated in this study. Therefore, it should be noted that there is a possibility that the growth rate estimated in our study was underestimated. Secondly, during the study period of 2008–2019, there were three snowy winter seasons: January 2014, December 2014–February 2015, and January 2017 (Takayama Station, Japan Meteorological Agency,, Accessed 29 Sep 2022). In particular, the winter of 2014 was one of the snowiest years and caused heavy snowfall damage to forests, houses, and infrastructure in Gifu Prefecture (Yamashita et al. 2016). In the spring, following these heavy snowfalls, local hunters found many deer carcasses in the mountains (Yusuke Seto, personal communication). As a result of multiple weather events occurring during the study period that might significantly impact survival rates, lower growth rates might have been estimated because of the impact of years in which actual growth rates were significantly lower.
The results of this study clearly show that changing the model structure and data can significantly affect the estimates. Although it is difficult to determine which model is correct, when there is no certainty about the mechanism or model structure in nature, it is desirable to conduct an estimation with multiple models, observe the estimation results and trends, and make decisions using the estimated results that seem optimal. This study indicates that in planning for appropriate population management based on estimates, the person in charge must have a good understanding of the structure of the model and the meaning and reliability of the estimated values. In this study, the model did not converge when data obtained from some scientific surveys were treated in the same manner as the SPUE. However, by setting up the structure of the model appropriately and considering the quality and quantity of the data, good estimation results were obtained. However, in the absence of such a comparative study and verification of the validity of the estimates, there is a risk that the persons in charge may not be able to set the target number of animals to be captured or may set incorrect targets.
It is desirable to implement wildlife protection and management methods based on the local populations of target animals. Even if the estimation results of the HBM, which considers the prefecture as one space, are available, they do not necessarily provide helpful information for protection and management. The size of the home range of sika deer was limited to a small spatial scale (50 ha, Miyashita et al. 2008; 19–217 ha, Takii et al. 2012), which would have caused the spatial difference in deer abundance in 5 km square grid cells in this study (Fig. 6). Furthermore, the number of hunted deer differed significantly locally (Fig. 1). These facts highlight the importance of local population management. This point of view is essential in regions such as Gifu Prefecture, which has a large area, significant differences in vegetation and climate between the north and south, and multiple local populations of sika deer. One of the achievements of this study is the estimation of the sika deer population with spatial heterogeneity in Gifu Prefecture. As a result, it became clear that there were significant differences in the local population trends. In particular, significant differences in trends were observed at sites with high estimated densities and catches (central and southwestern prefectures). Such spatial heterogeneity in local trends cannot be represented by the HBM, which is constructed by homogenizing the county area and averaging the data. Notably, the Ministry of the Environment conducted a spatial population estimation of sika deer in the Kanto region (Ministry of the Environment 2021,, Accessed 29 Sep 2022). Although this result appeared to take into account the spatial variation of the population, the total estimated population was from an HBM without a spatial structure. The number of pellet groups obtained in each region was used as an index to prorate the total estimated population and express the spatial density distribution. In this case, the HBM assumed that the population trend was the same for the entire area in the model and did not consider the trend of increasing or decreasing population in the local area. A similar method was used in estimating deer population in Tokyo Prefecture (Tokyo Prefecture 2022), which defines a fairly large area as the state space, so the process of population dynamics on spatially fine scales cannot be considered. Therefore, when understanding the spatial density distribution, it should be noted that the above-mentioned method of prorating the population for the whole state space using the local density index is entirely different from the spatially fine-scale HBM applied in this study.
In Gifu Prefecture, surveys on the decline of understory vegetation have been conducted several times in entire prefecture (Tsunoda et al. 2017; Gifu Prefecture 2021). The survey results indicated that the decline of the understory vegetation in the southwest region was significant in recent years compared to that in the past (Gifu Prefecture 2021). In this area, an adequate decrease in population has not been observed since the increase in population estimated by the results of this study (Fig. 6), which indicates that deer living at high densities in this area have decimated the understory vegetation. Even though trends of the understory vegetation decline and the results of this study were obtained from completely different data, the trends of the results are consistent, which indicates that the spatial estimation results of this study are reasonable. Therefore, a spatially fine-scale HBM, such as the one applied in this study, can contribute to policymaking decisions by providing an overview of the effects of the sika deer population on such local situations.
In this study, we constructed a spatially fine-scale HBM to estimate the population of sika deer in the Gifu Prefecture. We obtained reasonable estimates of the sika deer population using different local trends, thereby highlighting heterogeneous demographic events related to the sika deer population in the prefecture. The estimates obtained were spatially valid and consistent with the trends in the decline of understory vegetation in each region. Estimates obtained from the spatially fine-scale HBM are more helpful than those obtained using the entire prefecture as a single state space, thus enabling a more detailed understanding of the situation and guiding future actions. Our findings also suggest that reliable observation data as abundance indices might be needed for estimating wildlife abundance with the HBM, even if these indices were sparse over space and time. Such observation data provide a useful reference when estimating the parameters of the HBM in the face of spatiotemporal uncertainty. To manage the population of sika deer more realistically in the future, spatially fine-scale HBM should be applied, as data can be used adequately without factoring in estimations, while taking into account the spatial heterogeneity of the sika deer population. Each local government should accumulate the necessary data, understand the quality of the data, and develop an infrastructure for building a spatially fine-scale HBM. In addition, we could not construct a “spatially explicit model” that considers interactions between meshes (e.g., movements of Japanese deer) in the process model. This was due to limitations in the amount and type of data as well as in the capacity of computational resources. If sufficient data and computational power are available, estimating the sika deer population would be desirable by constructing a “spatially explicit model” that makes it possible to design the process model closer to reality.
We thank the Environmental Policy Planning Division, Department of Environmental Affairs and Citizen Support, Gifu Prefecture, for providing most of the data. This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI grant numbers 21H02247. We also appreciate the two anonymous reviewers' helpful comments on the models and the discussions.
Appendix 2a.
The relationship between the median of estimated abundance by model 0 and each monitoring data. The dotted line in the left-bottom panel indicates a diagonal line.

Appendix 2b.
The posterior median of hunting ratio (hrt,c) of model 0. Each cell indicates the hunting mesh (ca. 5 km × 5 km) of Gifu Prefecture. This figure is illustrated in color in the PDF version.