Author Affiliations +
1University of Rhode Island
*Cathy A. Roheim is a professor, Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island, 1 Greenhouse Road, Kingston, RI 02881 USA (email: Cathy indicates that, “Many people had a hand in crafting this: Jon Sutinen, Lee Anderson, Marisa Mazzotta, Steve Swallow, Barbara Harrison, and Philippe Lallemand. Words were inspired by emails received from former graduate students, such as Daniele Perrot-Maitre, Jung-Oh Nam, Gabi Dobrot, Sha Sha, Dana Bauer, Gina Shamshak, and many others. Hopefully it conveys in some small measure the loss that we all feel and the fond regard we have for John and his contributions to the department, the University of Rhode Island, and the discipline.”Photo courtesy of Philippe Lallemand.