VOL. 95 · NO. 2 | Autumn 2014

Articles (5)
GF Hanke, G Gillespie, K Fong, J Boutillier, AE Peden, JM Bedard
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 63-76, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN14-01.1
KEYWORDS: Aldrovandia, British Columbia, Cyema, Nemichthys, Notacanthus, Polyacanthonotus, Serrivomer, Synaphobranchus, Thalassenchelys, Venefica
Tim L Hiller
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 77-82, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-24.1
KEYWORDS: cementum annuli, cougar, gum-line recession, mammal aging, Mountain Lion, Oregon, Puma concolor
Adrianne Akmajian, John Calambokidis, Jessica L Huggins, Dyanna Lambourn
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 83-91, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-26.1
KEYWORDS: contaminants, Harbor Seals, Phoca vitulina, Puget Sound, Strait of Juan de Fuca, Trace elements, Washington State
Randall J Wilk, Jeffrey D Ricklefs, Martin G Raphael
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 92-102, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-28.1
KEYWORDS: alternative forestry, amphibians, Douglas-fir forests, forest buffer, Pacific Northwest, riparian buffer, streamside habitat
Sara A Peterson, Mark A Colwell
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 103-112, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-18.1
KEYWORDS: American Crow, Common Raven, corvids, effigy, non-lethal, predator management, Snowy Plover
General Notes
Marc d'Entremont
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 113-115, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-14.1
KEYWORDS: Arsenic, Baker Creek, burrow, Emergent vegetation, Giant Mine, muskrat, Northwest Territories, Ondatra zibethicus
No abstract available
R Bruce Bury, Rick Demmer, James Sippel
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 115-119, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-23.1
KEYWORDS: biogeography, Coastal Giant Salamander, Cope's Giant Salamander, Dicamptodon copei, Dicamptodon tenebrosus, Oregon, range extension
No abstract available
Matthew A Campbell, Amy Larsen, Julie Collins, Miki Collins
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 119-125, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-27.1
KEYWORDS: Alaska, Alaska Blackfish, Dallia pectoralis, Denali National Park and Preserve, mass die-off, methane, winterkill
No abstract available
Skip Ambrose, Robert J Ritchie, Christine Florian
Northwestern Naturalist 95 (2), 125-128, (29 July 2014) https://doi.org/10.1898/NWN13-33.1
KEYWORDS: Alaska, behavior, breeding broadcast call, Falco peregrinus anatum, Peregrine Falcon, survey technique
No abstract available
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