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Two new species of Alstroemeria L. (Alstroemeriaceae) from Brazil are described: A. albescens M. C. Assis from Rio Grande do Sul and A. calliantha M. C. Assis from Minas Gerais. Descriptions, comments, and illustrations are provided.
Wimmeria lundelliana Carnevali, R. Duno, J. L. Tapia & I. Ramírez (Celastraceae) from the Yucatán Peninsula Biotic Province (YPBP) is proposed as a new species. The novelty is described, illustrated, and its affinities discussed. It appears related to W. obtusifolia Standley, also from the Yucatán Peninsula, which is glabrous or glabrescent overall, with proportionally broader and blunter leaves. In comparison, an amplified description and iconography of W. obtusifolia are offered. An epitype is designated for W. obtusifolia to document the fruit morphology. A taxonomic overview of Wimmeria Schlechtendal & Chamisso in the YPBP is presented. The objectives of this paper are (1) to present a synopsis of the genus Wimmeria for the YPBP, (2) to provide a key to species identification, and (3) to describe a new species. An additional objective of this contribution is to provide an amplified description and iconography of W. obtusifolia, particularly of the fruits, which were previously undescribed.
Matelea quindecimlobata Farinaccio & W. D. Stevens, a new species of Asclepiadoideae, Apocynaceae, from Amazonas, Brazil, is described and illustrated. The most diagnostic aspect of this new species of Matelea Aublet s. str. is the lobed, then fimbriate outer margin of the outer corona.
Three new species of Indigofera L. (Leguminosae) are described from Sichuan and Yunnan provinces in China. Indigofera shipingensis X. F. Gao, known only from a single specimen collected in 1961 from Shiping County, Yunnan, has unifoliolate leaves and is most similar to I. caloneura Kurz from southern Yunnan and Southeast Asia. Indigofera megaphylla X. F. Gao, described from Yuanjiang County and also endemic to neighboring Shiping County in southern Yunnan, resembles I. dichroa Craib and I. balfouriana Craib from western to northern Yunnan, Sichuan, and southern Xizang, although these two species have much smaller leaflets. Indigofera pseudoheterantha X. F. Gao & Schrire is described from Sichuan County and occurs from the Daocheng to Miyi counties in southwestern Sichuan to the Zhongdian region of northwestern Yunnan, and appears closely related to I. heterantha Wallich ex Brandis from northwestern Yunnan to southern Xizang, westward to the Himalayas.
Eleocharis tenarum S. González & M. González (Cyperaceae), an endemic to dry temperate forests in Mexico, is described from Zacatecas and Durango. It belongs to Eleocharis R. Brown sect. Eleocharis subser. Truncatae Svenson s.l. and can be recognized by its basally burgundy to rose-purple upper sheaths with oblique, not truncate or cuspidate apex, and its dark brown achenes that are finely reticulate with longitudinally elongated cells.
A new species, Elymus fertilis Song Wang ex S. W. L. Jacobs & Barkworth (Gramineae, Triticeae), is described from New South Wales and Queensland, Australia, with a New South Wales specimen being designated as its holotype. Elymus fertilis is similar to E. multiflorus (Banks & Solander ex Hooker f.) Á. Löve & Connor, but differs in having longer awns on the lowest lemma of the spikelet and in growing mostly on basic soils of volcanic origin, whereas E. multiflorus is more common on alluvial soils. A key is supplied for the Australian species of Elymus.
A new narrow endemic species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil is described and illustrated. Begonia caparaoensis E. L. Jacques & L. Kollmann occurs in a small area of Cachoeira Bonita, along the coast of the José Pedro River (20°24′29″S, 41°50′29″W), at the Parque Nacional do Caparaó, Minas Gerais, Brazil, growing on rocky outcrops. Diagnostic characters, description, detailed illustration, and taxonomic comments are given. Begonia caparaoensis resembles B. jureiensis S. J. Gomes da Silva & Mamede, which shares its peltate leaf blades, bilamellate placentae, and obovate anthers, but is easily distinguished by its leaves with serrulate margins (vs. dentate) and its smaller stipules (ca. 7 × 9 mm vs. ca. 3 × 1.5 cm). Begonia caparaoensis is identified as Critically Endangered (CR B2a) according to IUCN Red List criteria.
A new species of Cyanus Miller (Centaurea L. p.p.) (Asteraceae), C. eflanensis Kaya & Bancheva, is described and illustrated from Karabük Province, Turkey. It belongs to Cyanus sect. Napuliferi (Stefanoff & T. Georgiev) Bancheva & Raimondo, and taxonomically its closest relative is C. thirkei (Schultz Bipontinus) Holub. The habitat and conservation status of the new species are presented, and the morphological characters distinguishing C. eflanensis and C. thirkei are analyzed and illustrated.
Solanum anomalostemon S. Knapp & M. Nee is described from Cusco in southern Peru. The species is endemic to the Río Apurímac basin and is known from very few collections. The new species has unique anther morphology within Solanum L.; this is compared to other anther variants in the genus. Potential relationships of this unusual and enigmatic species are discussed, the new species is illustrated, and a preliminary conservation assessment of Endangered (EN) is proposed.
Draba calcifuga Lesica (Brassicaceae) is an alpine species of the Rocky Mountains of Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming, U.S.A., restricted to non-calcareous soils. It has been confused with the sympatric D. oligosperma Hooker because both species are similar in habit, leaf size and shape, fruit size and shape, style length, and in the presence of doubly pectinate trichomes on the leaves. However, D. calcifuga has cilia and pectinate trichomes with crisped branches that do not occur in D. oligosperma. Draba calcifuga demonstrates low pollen stainability throughout its range, suggesting it is agamospermous. Although D. oligosperma is agamospermous over most of its range, it is sexual in its area of sympatry with D. calcifuga, suggesting that the latter may be derived from the former. Draba calcifuga is described and compared to four other species with doubly pectinate trichomes from the Rocky Mountain region.
Hetaeria shiuyingiana L. Li & F. W. Xing, a new species of Orchidaceae (Orchidoideae, Cranichideae, Goodyerinae) from Hainan, China, is described and illustrated. It has previously been misidentified as the related H. nitida Ridley, but differs in its larger flowers, broader, obovate petals, lip hypochile with finger-like tripartite papillae, and column with two fleshy sigmoid wings. A key is provided to distinguish the seven species of Hetaeria Blume known from China.
A new species, Pseudostellaria polymorpha Y. S. Lian (Caryophyllaceae), is described from Gansu Province, China. The species is remarkable for the regular variation in its floral morphology from stem apex to base. The terminal chasmogamous flower is largest, having five oval-lanceolate sepals, five oblanceolate petals noticeably longer than the sepals, 10 stamens, and an ovary with two long filamentous styles. The flowers along the upper portions of the stems have four sepals, only two or three petals equal or slightly shorter than the sepals, six to eight stamens including one or two sterile ones, and an ovary with two filamentous, shorter styles. The cleistogamous flowers are solitary in the axils of the basal portion of the stem, with four densely pilose sepals, three petals obviously shorter than the sepals or reduced, two sterile stamens, and an ovary with two styles obviously shorter than the ovary itself. This floral transition is rare in Pseudostellaria Pax, and is therefore a feature by which the new species is easily distinguishable from other members of the genus.
A new species of Clematis L. (Ranunculaceae), C. liuzhouensis Y. G. Wei & C. R. Lin, is described and illustrated. The new species is related to C. wissmanniana Handel-Mazzetti, but differs in its leaflets that always have entire margins and are abaxially silvery-pannose and in its smaller sepals that are up to 1.5 × 0.6 cm.
Hechtia caulescens López-Ferrari, Espejo & Martínez-Correa (Bromeliaceae), known from the states of Morelos, Puebla, and Oaxaca in Mexico, is described and illustrated. The new species is compared with H. stenopetala Klotzsch, from which it differs by its larger flowers and floral bracts, and by its twice-branched inflorescences.
Critical review of the morphology of Phoebe pallescens Mez shows that the species must be placed in Persea Miller subgen. Persea (Lauraceae, Perseeae) because of the pinninerved leaves, absence of domatia, stipitate staminal glands, well-developed staminodia, the pubescent gynoecium, flat hypanthium not developed into a cupule, and perianth lobes entirely deciduous in fruit. The new combination Persea pallescens (Mez) Lorea-Hernández, which is distinguished by its straight, appressed pubescence on leaves, is not a rare, local endemic as previously considered, but occurs along the eastern Sierra Madre in Mexico and in central Guatemala. The name Persea pallescens is lectotypified, and a key to separate the Mesoamerican species of Persea with a pubescent pistil is provided.
Parkia nana D. A. Neill (Leguminosae, Mimosoideae) from sandstone areas near the Río Marañón area in northeastern Peru is described and illustrated. Photographic evidence also indicates presence of this species on sandstone substrate in the Cordillera Azul in east-central Peru. Compared to other species of Parkia R. Brown, which commonly attain 30–40 m in height, P. nana has a dwarf growth form, found as a pachycaul treelet attaining reproductive maturity at 3–4 m in height. The new species is placed in the pantropical section Parkia R. Brown and is similar to P. nitida Miquel and P. balslevii H. C. Hopkins, with which it shares the opposite to subopposite leaves, the biglobose capitula, and indehiscent strap-shaped pods, but differs from both in its short stature, erect compound inflorescence, and erect, velutinous fruits.
A new species of Diandrolyra Stapf (Poaceae, Bambusoideae, Olyreae), D. pygmaea Soderstrom & Zuloaga ex R. P. Oliveira & L. G. Clark, from Bahia, Brazil, is described and illustrated. This species is known only from southern Bahia, growing in the Atlantic Forest region. It is compared and contrasted with its congeners, D. bicolor Stapf and D. tatianae Soderstrom & Zuloaga, and the Bahian distribution of the three species is mapped. Distinguishing features of D. pygmaea include its small stature and two (or three) pairs of spikelets per racemose inflorescence.
Onobrychis kuchanensis Ranjbar, Hajmoradi & Karamian, a singular new species endemic to Iran, is described and illustrated. The new species belongs to Onobrychis Miller subgen. Sisyrosema (Bunge) Grossheim sect. Hymenobrychis DC. Onobrychis kuchanensis is distributed in Khorasan Province in northeastern Iran. It is closely related to O. amoena Popov & Vvedensky and is distinguished by its corolla neither distinctly striate nor purple maculate and its calyx shorter than 5 mm. The conservation status is evaluated as Vulnerable (VU) according to IUCN Red List criteria. Moreover, O. amoena subsp. meshhedensis Širjaev & Rechinger is raised to specific rank as O. meshhedensis (Širjaev & Rechinger) Ranjbar on the basis of morphological evidence. Relationships between both species and their closest relatives are discussed.
The new species Tibouchina melanocalyx R. Romero, P. J. F. Guimarães & Leoni (Melastomataceae) presents a glabrous hypanthium and calyx lobes, is black in dried material, has glabrous filaments and style, and has an ovary with a furrowed apex with five oblong appendages. These characteristics of the hypanthium and ovary are unique within the genus Tibouchina Aublet. This species occurs in highland, campos de altitude vegetation from the National Park of Caparaó and State Park of Serra do Brigadeiro, in Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Se describe una nueva especie de Opuntia (L.) Miller (Cactaceae), endémica de la región de Cuicatlán, estado de Oaxaca, México. Frutos rojo-violáceos con espinas largas, funículos semi-secos de paredes comestibles que no se desprenden de los cladodios cuando maduran, no son comidos por pájaros debido a su sabor agridulce (conocidos como xoconostles o xoco-tunas). Se compara con tres especies simpátricas descritas con anterioridad: O. tehuacana S. Arias & U. Guzmán, O. parviclada S. Arias & Gama y O. olmeca Joel Pérez, J. Reyes & F. Brachet. Opuntia chiangiana Scheinvar & Manzanero es ubicada en la serie Heliabravoanae Scheinvar con base en sus frutos ácidos.
Two new Brazilian species of Phyllanthus L. are described and illustrated and their morphological affinities are discussed. Phyllanthus longipedicellatus M. J. Silva resembles P. augustinii Baill. but differs by its leaves oblong-falcate to falcate-asymmetrical with margins obscurely serrulate, and pistillate flowers with patelliform disk. Phyllanthus salesiae M. J. Silva is similar to P. rosmarinifolius Müller Argoviensis but it differs from the latter by its lacerate stipules, deeply lobed pistillate disk, incurved and bifid style, and seeds with darkish punctations. Both species are endemic to Brazil and known only from a single locality. The systematic position of both species with regard to the sections and subsections of Phyllanthus is also discussed.
A new species, Hymenocallis gholsonii G. Lom. Smith & Garland (Amaryllidaceae), is described and illustrated. It is a rare endemic that occurs along a stream and its branches in the Apalachicola National Forest, in Liberty County, Florida, U.S.A. Its robust bulbs, narrowly oblanceolate, green-yellow leaves, and robust perianth tubes distinguish it from the allied H. choctawensis Traub, which has more slender bulbs, shiny green, prominently oblanceolate leaves, and slender perianth tubes.
Se estudiaron las especies de Lonchocarpus Kunth sect. Punctati Bentham (Leguminosae) para Mesoamérica. De las 12 especies reconocidas, cinco son nuevas para la ciencia. Las especies nuevas, L. angusticarpus M. Sousa, L. berriozabalensis Miranda ex M. Sousa, L. cristatus M. Sousa, L. linaresii M. Sousa y L. vittatus M. Sousa, y una nueva combinación L. vallicola (Standley & F. J. Hermann) M. Sousa, se describen e ilustran. Se lectotípifican a Cyanobotrys mexicana Zuccarini y a Derris peninsularis Donnell Smith. Las especies mesoamericanas de la sect. Punctati se contrastan con una clave dicotómica.
We describe and illustrate the new species Actinocephalus koernickeanus Trovó & F. N. Costa (Eriocaulaceae, Paepalanthoideae) from the Espinhaço Range in Minas Gerais, Brazil, and compare it with the morphologically similar species, Paepalanthus actinocephaloides Silveira and P. barbiger Silveira, both from Espinhaço Range.
As part of the revision of the genus Stylosanthes Swartz (Leguminosae) from South America, material from Corrientes, Argentina, described by Burkart as S. gracilis Kunth var. rostrata Burkart, is recognized at species rank as S. rostrata (Burkart) Vanni.
A new species, Petrocosmea xingyiensis Y. G. Wei & F. Wen, is described and illustrated from Maling Gorge, Xingyi County, Guizhou Province, China. The new species differs from related species in the genus by its narrowly oblanceolate leaves that are pubescent on both surfaces.
Kengyilia zadoiensis S. L. Lu & Y. H. Wu, a new species of Gramineae from Zadoi County, Qinghai Province, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is related to K. kokonorica (Keng ex Keng & S. L. Chen) J. L. Yang, C. Yen & B. R. Baum. Kengyilia zadoiensis is distinguished by auricles on either side of the summit of leaf sheaths, glabrous glumes, muticous glumes that lack awns, lemmas that are 7–9 mm long, with an awn 4–10 mm, and anthers that are yellow-green, ca. 1 mm long.
We describe here a novel achlorophyllous parasite on the roots of Hedyosmum mexicanum C. Cordemoy (Chloranthaceae) as a new genus and species, Eremitilla mexicana Yatskievych & J. L. Contreras. The new taxon is currently thought to be endemic to the state of Guerrero, Mexico. It is best classified in the Orobanchaceae, but differs from other members of the family in having 5-ribbed, muricate ovaries containing five parietal placentae, as well as unusual stamens in which the anther is partially embedded in an expanded filament apex. Within the Orobanchaceae, the new taxon is probably related to a group that contains the other American holoparasitic genera. Morphologically, Eremitilla Yatskievych & J. L. Contreras displays a number of autapomorphies, but few identifiable synapomorphies. This presumed relictual taxon presently is known only from a restricted habitat and a very small geographic range, and thus is of conservation concern.
The new variety Tripterospermum chinense var. linearifolium X. F. Jin (Gentianaceae) is described from Zhejiang, eastern China, and distinguished from T. chinense (Migo) Harry Smith. Leaf characteristics of both varieties were statistically analyzed, and pollen grain and seed morphology was observed under SEM. SEM results showed that pollen and seed morphology did not differ between the new variety and the autonymic variety. According to the results of statistical analysis, T. chinense var. linearifolium differs mainly from the autonymic variety in having narrower leaves (3–9 mm vs. 11–43 mm) and solitary flowers (vs. two to five flowers).
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