Michael S. Engel, Vincent Perrichot
Paleontological Contributions 2014 (10D), 16-20, (1 December 2014) https://doi.org/10.17161/PC.1808.15984
KEYWORDS: Insecta, Neodermaptera, Labiduridae, Cretaceous, France, Insecte, Néodermaptère, Labiduridae, Crétacé, France
A new fossil earwig nymph is described and figured from the Late Cretaceous (Cenomanian to Santonian) amber of Vendée, northwestern France. Vendeenympha gravesi n. gen. and sp., is distinguished from previously recorded nymphs in other French fossil deposits and compared to modern lineages. This is the third record of earwig nymphs in French Cretaceous ambers.