Takehisa Tsubamoto, Naoko Egi, Masanaru Takai, Thaung-Htike ., Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein .
Paleontological Research 17 (4), 297-311, (1 October 2013) https://doi.org/10.2517/1342-8144-17.4.297
KEYWORDS: Artiodactyla, Eocene, Myanmar, Myanmarius, Pondaung Formation, Raoellidae
A new genus and species of small bunodont artiodactyl (Mammalia), Myanmarius chitseini, is established on the basis of molar specimens from the upper middle Eocene Pondaung Formation, Myanmar. The specimens consist of upper molars and one m3. The m3 is provisionally referred to this species. Myanmarius is characterized by a low crown, bunodont cusps, a wide crushing trigon basin, a large metaconule, a reduced paraconule, a protocone distinctly larger than the other main cusps, an obtuse angled and inverted V-shaped centrocrista, a mesiodistally oriented postprotocrista and premetacristule, a buccally shifted and almost mesiodistally oriented cristid obliqua, no hypocone, no styles, and no lingual separation into two (mesial and distal) lobes of the upper molars. Our cladistic analysis supports the raoellid affinity of Myanmarius, which is nested with Khirtharia. However, if the m3 is excluded from the hypodigm of Myanmarius, the cladistic analysis rather supports the suoid affinity of Myanmarius. Therefore, the phyletic position of Myanmarius is still unclear.