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The seven western Atlantic species belonging to three genera, Primnoella, Thouarella, and Dasystenella, are described and illustrated. Three new species of Thouarella are described, which constitute the first records of this genus for the northwestern Atlantic. An annotated and revised list of the 26 species of Thouarella is given. Most of the species included occur primarily in the southwestern Atlantic at depths of 50–5000 m; however, one species, Thouarella grasshoffi, is amphi-North Atlantic in distribution. Whereas most of the species included herein are small and inconspicuous, T. grasshoffi is fairly large and occurs abundantly on seamounts of the New England Seamount Chain as well as on eastern Atlantic seamounts. Specimens of all three genera are still relatively rare in museum collections.
Bryodrilus fuscistriatus, a new enchytraeid species from Mt. Changbaishan, Jilin Province, north-eastern China, is described. It is characterized by brown epidermal glands, 7 pairs of preclitellar nephridia, poorly-developed clitellar glands, spermatheca with 2 sessile globular diverticula, and a long sperm funnel with a very broad collar. It is similar to the Alaskan B. tunicatusDózsa-Farkas & Christensen, 2002 in possessing two diverticula in the spermathecal ampulla and the origin of the dorsal vessel, and the Chinese B. longifistulatus and B. macrothecaXie et al., 2000c in body size, long sperm funnel and undeveloped clitellar glands, but it differs from B. tunicatus by the presence of brown-striped epidermal gland cells in III–V, a poorly-elevated clitellum, the absence of copulatory glands in XIII–XIV, the regular outline of coelomocytes, and 7 pairs of preclitellar nephridia; from B. longifistulatus and B. macrotheca by the shape of spermatheca, the color of epidermal gland cells, the position of the first pair nephridia, and the origin of dorsal vessel.
Four species of the demersal calanoid copepod genus Pseudodiaptomus were collected from Panay Island, Philippines in September 2003. They represented three species groups (sensu Walter 1986a): P. terazakii, a new species, and P. annandalei (Lobus group), P. bispinosus (Hyalinus group), and P. clevei (Nudus group). The female of the new species differs from its congeners in the possession of 3 pairs of anterolateral spines on the genital double-somite. The male is distinguished by the fifth leg right endopod, which is bifid at its apex, and the left non-bifid endopod. A key to the 14 pseudodiaptomid species known from the Philippines is provided herein. A review of the genus SchmackeriaPoppe & Richard (1890) is presented, and all species attributed to this genus are merged into the genus Pseudodiaptomus. Because many new species of Pseudodiaptomus have been described recently, a revised key to the species-groups of Walter (1986a) is presented.
The calanoid copepod family Epacteriscidae is represented by species from tropical marine and anchialine environments. Surveys of the anchialine invertebrate fauna of the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, have resulted in a number of interesting records of crustaceans during the last decade, but no records of Epacteriscidae. However, recent collections from hypogean environments of the Yucatan have yielded specimens of a new species of the previously monotypic genus Balinella. The specimens were included in this genus by having three outer spines on the third exopodal segment of legs 3 and 4, a biramous mandibular palp, and an antennal endopod longer than the exopod, among other characters. The new species, B. yucatanensis, is described on the basis of male and female specimens collected in caves associated with three different karstic sinkholes. The new species is distinguished from its only known congener, B. ornataFosshagen, Boxshall and Iliffe, 2001, by the strong asymmetry of the caudal rami in females, a modified left fifth leg of the male in which the proximal and middle exopodal segments are attenuate at the point of origination of the outer spine, and by differences of the armature of mouthparts (mandibular palp, maxilla, maxilliped). This report extends the range of Balinella from anchialine caves of the Bahamas to hypogean waters of the Yucatan Peninsula. The introduction of epacteriscid copepods onto the Yucatan Peninsula may be an old event; diversification by genera into non-cave habitats appears to be secondary.
A new species of pagurid hermit crab, Pagurus luticola, is described from deep waters off Taiwan, northwestern Pacific. It is referred to the informal capillatus group, which is represented by seven previously described species mainly known from cold waters in the North Pacific. The new species, representing the second species of the group known from subtropical waters, is characterized by the possession of numerous granules on the mesial surfaces of both palms and three or four irregular rows of small granules on the mesial face of the dactylus of the left cheliped.
A new galatheid crustacean, Munidopsis latiangulata, is described on the basis of a single specimen collected from deep waters off Taiwan. This new species is close to M. orcinaMcArdle, 1901, but is distinguished by the nearly horizontal rostrum lacking a distinct dorsal, longitudinal ridge and by having a telson composed of ten instead of eight plates. Munidopsis latiangulata is the fifth species of the genus recorded from Taiwan.
Procambarus machardyi, a new crayfish of the gracilis group of subgenus Girardiella, is described from an intermittent stream in Caddo Parish, Louisiana. It is similar to P. kensleyiHobbs, 1990 but differs in having the rostrum distinctly shouldered before acumen and form I male pleopod with lamellate crest of caudal element extending caudally distinctly beyond mesial process in mesial view, longer cephalic process, and central projection widely separated from the crest of the caudal element. It differs from P. curdiReimer, 1975 in having a more strongly developed caudal knob, a shorter central projection more widely separated from the crest of the caudal element and directed distally, not caudolaterally, and wider areola. Procambarus parasimulansHobbs & Robison, 1982 has a narrower caudal crest like that of P. kensleyi and P. curdi but has the other terminal elements generally similar to P. machardyi.
Cosberella conatoaWray, 1963, the type and only species of the genus, is redescribed from the type specimens. MucrellaFjellberg, 1985 is synonymized with Cosberella as characters that delimit Mucrella (e.g., reduced and hidden maxilla lamella 4, presence of eversible antennal sac, minute to moderately developed anal horns) also apply to C. conatoa. The six previously described species of Mucrella are transferred to Cosberella. Cosberella lamaralexanderi is newly described from Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It is differentiated from other species of Cosberella by its unusual body color and pattern (white to yellow-orange with a regular arrangement of dark violet spots), trilobed apical antennal bulb, and well-developed antennal sensory field.
New figures of the male genitalia and wings of Sisyra elongata Penny & Rafael are shown and the species is newly reported from Peru. Additional distributional data are given for S. amazonica (Brazil, Guyana, Paraguay), S. apicalis (Peru, Panama), S. minuta (Brazil), and S. panama (Brazil, Bolivia). A new Brazilian species of spongilla fly, Climacia punctulata is described and figured. New records of C. amalla (Peru), C. carpenteri (Brazil), C. insolita (Brazil), and C. townesi (Brazil) are presented. Climacia basalisNavás, 1933, is synonymized with C. basalisBanks, 1913.
We describe Promachoteuthis sloani, a new species of oegopsid squid in the family Promachoteuthidae. The new species is based on two specimens with the following characters that are unique within the family: each tentacle with two series of complex papillae in the proximal 80%, and each tentacle with pigmented ridges dorsolateral to the papillae that break into papillae distally.
The status and distribution of eastern African populations currently assigned to Hylomyscus denniae are reviewed based on morphological and morphometric comparisons. Three species are considered valid, each confined largely to wet montane forest above 2000 meters: H. denniae (Thomas, 1906) proper from the Ruwenzori Mountains in the northern Albertine Rift (west-central Uganda and contiguous D. R. Congo); H. vulcanorumLönnberg & Gyldenstolpe, 1925 from mountains in the central Albertine Rift (southwestern Uganda, easternmost D. R. Congo, Rwanda, and Burundi); and H. endorobae (Heller, 1910) from mountains bounding the Gregory Rift Valley (west-central Kenya). Although endorobae has been interpreted as a small form of Praomys, additional data are presented that reinforce its membership within Hylomyscus and that clarify the status of Hylomyscus and Praomys as distinct genus-group taxa. The 12 species of Hylomyscus now currently recognized are provisionally arranged in six species groups (H. aeta, H. alleni, H. anselli, H. baeri, H. denniae, H. parvus) based on 8 qualitatitive characters. Biogeography of the three species of the H. denniae group is discussed in the context of broad distributional patterns and area relationships evident among other terrestrial small mammals also confined to the Afromontane biotic region in eastern Africa.
Nyctanassa carcinocatactes is described from Pleistocene and Holocene cave and pond deposits on the island of Bermuda. It is most similar to the Yellow-crowned Night-Heron N. violacea but differs in having a shorter and much heavier bill, a much more massive cranium, and more robust hindlimbs. Early historical accounts contain descriptions of what is undoubtedly this species, which was presumably exterminated subsequent to human colonization of Bermuda. The cranial and hindlimb specializations of the new species appear to be adaptations for feeding terrestrially on land crabs.
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