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1 March 2005 Production and Validation of CR-39-Based Dishes for α-Particle Radiobiological Experiments
Sylvain Gaillard, Vincent Armbruster, Mark A. Hill, Tijani Gharbi, Michel Fromm
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Gaillard, S., Armbruster, V., Hill, M. A., Gharbi, T. and Fromm, M. Production and Validation of CR-39-Based Dishes for α-Particle Radiobiological Experiments. Radiat. Res. 163, 343–350 (2005).

The study of radiobiological effects induced in vitro by low fluences of α particles would be significantly enhanced if the precise localization of each particle track in the cell monolayer was known. From this perspective, we developed a new method based on tailor-made UV-radiation-cured CR-39, the production of which is described. Its validation both as a petri dish and as solid-state nuclear track detectors is demonstrated. With respect to the demands on solid-state nuclear track detectors in such experiments, these biologically compatible detectors have a controlled micrometric thickness that allows them to be crossed by the α particles. In this study, we present a method for obtaining 10-μm-thick CR-39, its chemical characterization, and its properties as a solid-state nuclear track detector under the environmental conditions of radiobiological experiments. The experimental studies performed with 3.5 MeV α particles show that their transmitted energy is sufficient enough to cross the entire cellular volume. Under optimal conditions, etched tracks are clearly defined 2 h after etching. Moreover, the UV-radiation-cured CR-39 represents an essentially zero background that is due to the short time between the production and use of the polymer. Under a confocal microscope, this thin solid-state nuclear track detector allows the precise localization of the impact parameter at the subcellular level.

Sylvain Gaillard, Vincent Armbruster, Mark A. Hill, Tijani Gharbi, and Michel Fromm "Production and Validation of CR-39-Based Dishes for α-Particle Radiobiological Experiments," Radiation Research 163(3), 343-350, (1 March 2005).
Received: 29 April 2004; Accepted: 1 July 2004; Published: 1 March 2005
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