F. Poulletier de Gannes, M. Taxile, S. Duleu, A. Hurtier, E. Haro, M. Geffard, G. Ruffié, B. Billaudel, P. Lévêque, P. Dufour, I. Lagroye, B. Veyret
Radiation Research 172 (5), 617-624, (1 November 2009) https://doi.org/10.1667/RR1541.1
In a series of Russian and Ukrainian papers published from 1974–1986, it was reported that 30-day whole-body exposures to continuous-wave (CW) radiofrequency (RF) radiation at 2375 MHz and 5 W/m2 disrupted the antigenic structure of rat brain tissue. The authors suggested that this action caused an autoimmune response in exposed animals. Moreover, these studies reported that blood serum from exposed rats injected into intact nonexposed female rats on the 10th day of pregnancy led to increased postimplantation embryo mortality and decreased fetus size and body weight. Because the results of these studies served in part as the basis for setting exposure limits in the former USSR, it was deemed necessary to perform confirmation studies, using modern dosimetric and biological methods. In our study, a new system was constructed to expose free-moving rats under far-field conditions. Whole-body and brain-averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) were calculated. All results, using ELISA and classic teratology end points, were negative in our laboratory. On the basis of this investigation, we conclude that, under these exposure conditions (2450 MHz, CW, 7 h/day, 30 days, 0.16 W/kg whole-body SAR), RF-radiation exposure had no influence on several immune and degenerative parameters or on prenatal development.