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This article provides a summary and status report of the ongoing advanced education program IBPRO – Integrated course in Biology and Physics of Radiation Oncology. IBPRO is a five-year program funded by NCI. It addresses the recognized deficiency in the number of mentors available who have the required knowledge and skill to provide the teaching and training that is required for future radiation oncologists and researchers in radiation sciences. Each year, IBPRO brings together 50 attendees typically at assistant professor level and upwards, who are already qualified/certified radiation oncologists, medical physicists or biologists. These attendees receive keynote lectures and activities based on active learning strategies, merging together the clinical, biological and physics underpinnings of radiation oncology, at the forefront of the field. This experience is aimed at increasing collaborations, raising the level and amount of basic and applied research undertaken in radiation oncology, and enabling attendees to confidently become involved in the future teaching and training of researchers and radiation oncologists.
In the northern part of Japan, close cooperation is essential in preparing for any possible emergency response to radiation accidents because several facilities, such as the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility, the MOX Fuel Fabrication Plant and the Vitrified Waste Storage Center, exist in Rokkasho Village (Aomori Prefecture). After the accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in 2011, special attention should be given to the relationship between radiation and human health, as well as establishing a system for managing with a radiation emergency. In the area of Hokkaido and Aomori prefectures in Japan, since 2008 an exchange meeting between Hokkaido University and Hirosaki University has been held every year to have opportunities to discuss radiation effects on human health and to collect the latest news on monitoring environmental radiation. This meeting was elevated to an international meeting in 2014 titled “Educational Symposium on Radiation and Health (ESRAH) by Young Scientists”. The 3rd ESRAH meeting took place in 2016, with the theme “Investigating Radiation Impact on the Environmental and Health”. Here we report the meeting findings on the continuing educational efforts after the Fukushima incident, what was accomplished in terms of building a community educational approaches, and future goals.
Shayenthiran Sreetharan, Christopher Thome, Sujeenthar Tharmalingam, Devon E. Jones, Adomas V. Kulesza, Neelam Khaper, Simon J. Lees, Joanna Y. Wilson, Douglas R. Boreham, T. C. Tai
Reliable human data on the effects of prenatal exposure to ionizing radiation are largely based on high-dose exposures. Exposure to low doses may produce effects that are not easily observable at birth, and may persist over the course of the offspring's postnatal life. This is important when considering fetal programing, a phenomenon characterized by changes in offspring phenotype due to a stress experienced in utero. In this review, we briefly summarize the known effects of both high- and low-dose exposure to ionizing radiation during pregnancy in humans. There is a major consensus that the atomic bomb survivors' data shows increased incidence of microcephaly and reductions in IQ of A-bomb survivors, whereas, with diagnostic radiography in utero there is no conclusive evidence of increased cancer risk. Due to the relatively limited data (particularly for low-dose exposures) in humans, animal models have emerged as an important tool to study prenatal effects of radiation. These animal models enable researchers to manipulate various experimental parameters and make it possible to analyze a wider variety of end points. In this review, we discuss the major findings from studies using mouse and rat models to examine prenatal ionizing radiation effects in postnatal development of the offspring. In addition, we broadly categorize trends across studies within three major stages of development: pre-implantation, organogenesis and fetal development. Overall, long-term effects of prenatal radiation exposure (including the possible role on the developmental programing of disease) are important factors to consider when assessing radiation risk, since these effects are of relevance even in the low-dose range.
Filgrastim (Neupogen®, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor) is among the few countermeasures recommended for management of patients in the event of lethal total-body irradiation. Despite the plethora of studies using filgrastim as a radiation countermeasure, relatively little is known about the optimal dose schedule of filgrastim to mitigate radiation lethality. We evaluated the efficacy of filgrastim in improving 30-day survival of CD2F1 mice irradiated with a lethal dose (LD70/30) in the AFRRI cobalt-60 facility. We tested different schedules of 1, 3, 5, 10 or 16 once-daily injections of filgrastim initiated one day after irradiation. Time optimization studies with filgrastim treatment were also performed, beginning 6–48 h postirradiation. Maximum survival was observed with 3 daily doses of 0.17 mg/kg filgrastim. Survival efficacy of the 3-day treatment was compared against the conventional 16-day filgrastim treatment after irradiation in four mouse strains with varying radiation sensitivities: C3H/HeN, C57BL/6, B6C3F1 and CD2F1. Blood indices, bone marrow histopathology and colony forming unit assays were also evaluated. Filgrastim significantly increased 30-day survival (P < 0.001) with a 3-day treatment compared to 16-day treatment. Filgrastim did not prevent cytopenia nadirs, but facilitated faster recovery of white blood cells, neutrophils, red blood cells, platelets, lymphocytes and hematocrits in all four strains. Accelerated hematopoietic recovery was also reflected in faster bone marrow reconstitution and significant increase in hematopoietic progenitors (P < 0.001) in all four mouse strains. These data indicate that prompt and abbreviated filgrastim treatment has potential benefit for triage in the event of a radiological incident for treating acute hematopoietic syndrome.
Cognitive impairments after brain irradiation seriously affect quality of life for patients, and there is currently no effective treatment. In this study using an irradiated rat model, the role of electroacupuncture was investigated for treatment of radiation-induced brain injury. Animals received 10 Gy exposure to the entire brain, and electroacupuncture was administered 3 days before irradiation as well as up to 2 weeks postirradiation. Behavioral tests were performed one month postirradiation, and rats were then sacrificed for histology or molecular studies. Electroacupuncture markedly improved animal performance in the novel place recognition test. In the emotion test, electroacupuncture reduced defecation during the open-field test, and latency to consumption of food in the novelty suppressed feeding test. Brain irradiation inhibited the generation of immature neurons, but did not cause neural stem cell loss. Electroacupuncture partially restored hippocampal neurogenesis. Electroacupuncture decreased the amount of activated microglia and increased resting microglia in the hippocampus after irradiation. In addition, electroacupuncture promoted mRNA and protein expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the hippocampus. In conclusion, electroacupuncture could improve cognitive function and hippocampal neurogenesis after irradiation, and the protective effect of electroacupuncture was associated with the modulation of microglia and upregulation of BDNF in the hippocampus.
The entire body of a patient with cancer is exposed to low-dose levels of radiation (mGy) during radiation therapy. The safety and biological impact of such exposure to low-dose radiation on the human body are largely unknown. The fingernail is a highly proliferative tissue, and its growth can be monitored during radiation treatment to analyze early effects of low-dose radiation. The fingernails of 30 patients who received external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) were used in this study to investigate the change in nail growth during fractionated radiotherapy. Lead shields were applied to some fingers to create dose variance within individual patients. The absorbed dose was measured, and the relationship between the dose and change in nail growth rate was analyzed. Other factors, including serum albumin, hemoglobin level, body weight index, age, gender and chemotherapy, were also subjected to multivariate analysis. Fingernails from patients received an average of 0.96 mGy per treatment fraction. We observed a surprising decline in fingernail growth rate during radiotherapy, which was more prominent in the nonshielded fingernails with a relatively high-absorbed dose. Such growth delay could be observed as early as one week postirradiation and lasted the entire treatment course. Using fingernail growth as a novel marker for radioresponse, the current study showed that exposure to very low-dose ionizing radiation has previously unrecognized early effects on human tissue.
Organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) are a family of membrane uptake transporters that play important roles in absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of a wide range of endogenous and exogenous compounds. OATP members, such as OATP1A2, 1B1 and 1B3, were found to transport numerous anticancer agents. For this reason, these uptake transporters have been proposed to serve as novel and potential therapeutic targets for chemotherapy. Previously published studies from our laboratory demonstrated that OATP1A2 expression was upregulated in breast cancer MCF7 cells after X-ray irradiation and the transport of its substrate methotrexate was increased. In the current study, we investigated the effect of carbon-ion radiation on MCF7 and MDA-MB231 cells. We observed significant upregulation of OATP1A2 expression in the hormone-dependent MCF7 cells, especially when irradiated with a low dose (0.5 Gy). For the hormone-independent MDA-MB231 cells, while irradiation with a higher dose exerted a greater effect, only a moderate change was observed compared to that of the MCF7 cells. Combined treatments of OATP1A2 substrates 5-fluorouracil, paclitaxel and methotrexate with 0.5 Gy irradiation resulted in greater cytotoxicity toward MCF7 cells than with the treatment of antineoplastic agents and higher doses. Therefore, heavy ions, such as carbon, can affect expression of drug transporters and show promise in facilitating the delivery of antitumor drugs with greater efficiency.
Newsha Raoufi Rad, Lucinda S. McRobb, Zhenjun Zhao, Vivienne S. Lee, Nirav J. Patel, Anas Sarwar Qureshi, Michael Grace, Joshua J. McHattan, Jude V. Amal Raj, Hong Duong, Saleh R. Kashba, Marcus A. Stoodley
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is asymmetrically distributed across the plasma membrane, located predominantly on the inner leaflet in healthy cells. Translocation of PS to the outer leaflet makes it available as a target for biological therapies. We examined PS translocation after radiosurgery in an animal model of brain arteriovenous malformation (AVM). An arteriovenous fistula was created by end-to-side anastomosis of the left external jugular vein to the common carotid artery in 6-week-old, male Sprague Dawley rats. Six weeks after AVM creation, 15 rats underwent Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery receiving a single 15 Gy dose to the margin of the fistula; 15 rats received sham treatment. Externalization of PS was examined by intravenous injection of a PS-specific near-infrared probe, PSVue-794, and in vivo fluorescence optical imaging at 1, 7, 21, 42, 63 and 84 days postirradiation. Fluorescent signaling indicative of PS translocation to the luminal cell surface accumulated in the AVM region, in both irradiated and nonirradiated animals, at all time points. Fluorescence was localized specifically to the AVM region and was not present in any other anatomical sites. Translocated PS increased over time in irradiated rats (P < 0.001) but not in sham-irradiated rats and this difference reached statistical significance at day 84 (P < 0.05). In summary, vessels within the mature rat AVM demonstrate elevated PS externalization compared to normal vessels. A single dose of ionizing radiation can increase PS externalization in a time-dependent manner. Strict localization of PS externalization within the AVM region suggests that stereotactic radiosurgery can serve as an effective priming agent and PS may be a suitable candidate for vascular-targeting approaches to AVM treatment.
In the event of a large-scale radiation exposure, accurate and quick assessment of radiation dose received would be critical for triage and medical treatment of large numbers of potentially exposed individuals. Current methods of biodosimetry, such as the dicentric chromosome assay, are time consuming and require sophisticated equipment and highly trained personnel. Therefore, scalable biodosimetry approaches, including gene expression profiles in peripheral blood cells, are being investigated. Due to the limited availability of appropriate human samples, biodosimetry development has relied heavily on mouse models, which are not directly applicable to human response. Therefore, to explore the feasibility of using non-human primate (NHP) models to build and test a biodosimetry algorithm for use in humans, we irradiated ex vivo peripheral blood samples from both humans and rhesus macaques with doses of 0, 2, 5, 6 and 7 Gy, and compared the gene expression profiles 24 h later using Agilent human microarrays. Among the dose-responsive genes in human and using non-human primate, 52 genes showed highly correlated expression patterns between the species, and were enriched in p53/DNA damage response, apoptosis and cell cycle-related genes. When these interspecies-correlated genes were used to build biodosimetry models with using NHP data, the mean prediction accuracy on non-human primate samples was about 90% within 1 Gy of delivered dose in leave-one-out cross-validation. However, tests on human samples suggested that human gene expression values may need to be adjusted prior to application of the NHP model. A “multi-gene” approach utilizing all gene values for cross-species conversion and applying the converted values on the NHP biodosimetry models, gave a leave-one-out cross-validation prediction accuracy for human samples highly comparable (up to 94%) to that for non-human primates. Overall, this study demonstrates that a robust NHP biodosimetry model can be built using interspecies-correlated genes, and that, by using multiple regression-based cross-species conversion of expression values, absorbed dose in human samples can be accurately predicted by the NHP model.
Ionizing radiation can induce mutations, and the majority of radiation-induced mutations in mammalian cells are deletions. The most critical types of radiation-induced DNA damage are DNA double-strand breaks, and these breaks are repaired by either the homologous recombination (HR) pathway or the non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) pathway. The HR pathway is not as mutagenic as the NHEJ pathway, and it is expected that radiation-induced deletions would usually have little sequence similarity around the deletion junction points. Here we report sequence data from the regions around the rejoined junctions of 33 de novo copy-number mutations (27 deletions and 6 duplications) obtained from offspring sired by male mice that were irradiated at the spermatogonia stage and from nonirradiated controls. The results indicate that deletions can be classified into three major groups. In group 1, nine deletions were found to share long blocks of similar sequences (200–6,000 bp) at the junctions and the deletion size varied extensively (1 kb to 2 Mb) (e.g., illegitimate recombination). In group 2, five deletions shared short identical sequences (0–7 bp) at the junctions, and the deletion sizes were shorter than 200 kb (e.g., micro-homology-mediated repair). Additional three-deletion candidates of this group were also found but turned out to be inherited from mosaic parents. They are therefore not included in germline mutations. In group 3, twelve deletions shared little sequence similarity (only 0–2 bp) at the junctions (likely due to NHEJ repair) and deletion sizes were longer than 200 kb. Group 1 consisted of deletions found in both spontaneous and irradiated genomes and thus, were probably caused by spontaneous events during meiosis or DNA replication. Group 2 consisted mainly of deletions found in nonexposed genomes. Group 3 consisted primarily of deletions that occurred in the irradiated genomes. Among the duplications, we found no indication of any association with radiation exposures. These results indicate that large size (>200 kb) and little sequence similarity around the rejoined sites are likely to be a hallmark of radiation-induced deletions in mice.
There continues to be a major effort in the United States to develop mitigators for the treatment of mass casualties that received high-intensity acute ionizing radiation exposures from the detonation of an improvised nuclear device during a radiological terrorist attack. The ideal countermeasure should be effective when administered after exposure, and over a wide range of absorbed doses. We have previously shown that the administration of a subcutaneous incision of a defined length, if administered within minutes after irradiation, protected young adult female C57BL/6 mice against radiation-induced lethality, and increased survival after total-body exposure to an LD50/30 X-ray dose from 50% to over 90%. We refer to this approach as “protective wounding”. In this article, we report on our efforts to further optimize, characterize and demonstrate the validity of the protective wounding response by comparing the response of female and male mice, varying the radiation dose, the size of the wound, and the timing of wounding with respect to administration of the radiation dose. Both male and female mice that received a subcutaneous incision after irradiation were significantly protected from radiation lethality. We observed that the extent of protection against lethality after an LD50/30 X-ray dose was independent of the size of the subcutaneous cut, and that a 3 mm subcutaneous incision is effective at enhancing the survival of mice exposed to a broad range of radiation doses (LD15–LD100). Over the range of 6.2–6.7 Gy, the increase in survival observed in mice that received an incision was associated with an enhanced recovery of hematopoiesis. The enhanced rate of recovery of hematopoiesis was preceded by an increase in the production of a select group of cytokines. Thus, a thorough knowledge of the timing of the cytokine cascade after wounding could aid in the development of novel pharmacological radiation countermeasures that can be administered several days after the actual radiation exposure.
Amir Zahra, Melissa A. Fath, Emyleigh Opat, Kranti A. Mapuskar, Sudershan K. Bhatia, Daniel C. Ma, Samuel N. Rodman III, Travis P. Snyders, Catherine A. Chenard, Julie M. Eichenberger-Gilmore, Kellie L. Bodeker, Logan Ahmann, Brian J. Smith, Sandy A. Vollstedt, Heather A. Brown, Taher Abu Hejleh, Gerald H. Clamon, Daniel J. Berg, Luke I. Szweda, Douglas R. Spitz, John M. Buatti, Bryan G. Allen
Ketogenic diets are low in carbohydrates and high in fat, which forces cells to rely more heavily upon mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids for energy. Relative to normal cells, cancer cells are believed to exist under a condition of chronic mitochondrial oxidative stress that is compensated for by increases in glucose metabolism to generate reducing equivalents. In this study we tested the hypothesis that a ketogenic diet concurrent with radiation and chemotherapy would be clinically tolerable in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and pancreatic cancer and could potentially exploit cancer cell oxidative metabolism to improve therapeutic outcomes. Mice bearing MIA PaCa-2 pancreatic cancer xenografts were fed either a ketogenic diet or standard rodent chow, treated with conventionally fractionated radiation (2 Gy/fraction), and tumor growth rates were assessed daily. Tumors were assessed for immunoreactive 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal-(4HNE)-modfied proteins as a marker of oxidative stress. Based on this and another previously published preclinical study, phase 1 clinical trials in locally advanced NSCLC and pancreatic cancer were initiated, combining standard radiation and chemotherapy with a ketogenic diet for six weeks (NSCLC) or five weeks (pancreatic cancer). The xenograft experiments demonstrated prolonged survival and increased 4HNE-modfied proteins in animals consuming a ketogenic diet combined with radiation compared to radiation alone. In the phase 1 clinical trial, over a period of three years, seven NSCLC patients enrolled in the study. Of these, four were unable to comply with the diet and withdrew, two completed the study and one was withdrawn due to a dose-limiting toxicity. Over the same time period, two pancreatic cancer patients enrolled in the trial. Of these, one completed the study and the other was withdrawn due to a dose-limiting toxicity. The preclinical experiments demonstrate that a ketogenic diet increases radiation sensitivity in a pancreatic cancer xenograft model. However, patients with locally advanced NSCLC and pancreatic cancer receiving concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy had suboptimal compliance to the oral ketogenic diet and thus, poor tolerance.
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