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VOL. 61 · NO. 1 | January 2008

Editorials (2)
Rangeland Ecology and Management
M. Keith Owens
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 1, (1 January 2008)
No abstract available
David D. Briske
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 2, (1 January 2008)
No abstract available
Synthesis Paper
D. D. Briske, J. D. Derner, J. R. Brown, S. D. Fuhlendorf, W. R. Teague, K. M. Havstad, R. L. Gillen, A. J. Ash, W. D. Willms
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 3-17, (1 January 2008) Open Access
KEYWORDS: continuous grazing, domestic herbivores, grazed ecosystems, grazing management, grazing systems, rangeland management
Research Papers
Brian D. Thrift, Jeffrey C. Mosley, Tracy K. Brewer, Brent L. Roeder, Bret E. Olson, Rodney W. Kott
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 18-25, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: Centaurea, Montana, Ovis aries, Prescribed livestock grazing, targeted livestock grazing, weeds
Derek W. Bailey, Harv C. Van Wagoner, Robin Weinmeister, Delyn Jensen
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 26-37, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: distribution, grazing behavior, herding, riparian areas, supplement blocks
Mónica B. Bertiller, Jorge O. Ares
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 38-47, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: arid shrublands, grazing behavior, grazing tactics, patch selection, visibility
Rachel A. Frost, Karen L. Launchbaugh, Charles A. Taylor
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 48-54, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: intake, juniperus, nutrition, terpenoids
David M. Engle, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Aaron Roper, David M. Leslie
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 55-62, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: ecosystem management, equilibrium, grasslands, grazing, heterogeneity, landscape ecology, patch dynamics, plant–animal interaction, rangeland
Elizabeth A. Allen, Robert S. Nowak
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 63-73, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: Artemisia tridentata, Bromus tectorum, Collinsia parviflora, Poa secunda, seed density, seed-bank diversity
Steven L. Petersen, Tamzen K. Stringham
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 74-81, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: erosion, intercanopy, Juniperus occidentalis, rainfall simulation, sediment, steady-state infiltration
Dustin D. Johnson, Richard F. Miller
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 82-92, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: low sagebrush, mountain big sagebrush, old-growth, Succession, western juniper
B. R. Stam, J. C. Malechek, D. L. Bartos, J. E. Bowns, E. B. Godfrey
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 93-97, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: Canopy, Dixie National Forest, Fishlake National Forest, forage, Populus tremuloides
Keith A. Perchemlides, Patricia S. Muir, Paul E. Hosten
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 98-109, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: Arctostaphylos, Ceanothus, exotic annual grasses, mastication
Kirk W. Davies
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 110-115, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: Annual grass, containment, invasive plants, Invasive plant management, prevention, Taeniatherum caput-medusae, weeds
Kara Hempy-Mayer, David A. Pyke
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 116-123, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: cheatgrass, Clipping, grazing, livestock, native plant restoration, weed control
M. E. Lucero, J. R. Barrow, P. Osuna, I. Reyes, S. E. Duke
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 124-130, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: Atriplex canescens, Bouteloua eriopoda, Sporobolus airoides, Sporobolus cryptandrus
Research Note
Derek W. Bailey, Delyn Jensen
Rangeland Ecology and Management 61 (1), 131-135, (1 January 2008)
KEYWORDS: distribution, low-moisture blocks, range cake, utilization
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