VOL. 62 · NO. 2 | March 2009

Forum (1)
Rangeland Ecology and Management
Justin D. Derner, William K. Lauenroth, Paul Stapp, David J. Augustine
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 111-118, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-008.1 Open Access
KEYWORDS: community structure, conservation grazing, disturbances, patch burning, rangeland ecosystem, vegetation composition, vegetation heterogeneity, wildlife habitat
Research Papers
Berta M. Jáuregui, Urcesino García, Koldo Osoro, Rafael Celaya
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 119-126, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/07-120.1
KEYWORDS: gorse, heather, herbivory, plant succession, small ruminants
Koldo Osoro, Rafael Celaya, Javier Moreno-Gonzalo, Luis M. M. Ferreira, Urcesino García, Pilar Frutos, Luis M. Ortega-Mora, Ignacio Ferre
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 127-135, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-184.1
KEYWORDS: anthelmintic, grazing, live weight, parasite, tannin
Kate R. Searle, Iain J. Gordon, Chris J. Stokes
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 136-144, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-200.1
KEYWORDS: cattle grazing, hysteresis, rangeland management, semiarid rangelands, spatial coupling
Jessica R. Piasecke, Louis C. Bender
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 145-152, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/07-020.1
KEYWORDS: body fat, Cervus elaphus nelsoni, ecological carrying capacity, habitat, reproduction
P. Gaspar, F. J. Mesías, M. Escribano, F. Pulido
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 153-162, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/07-135.1
KEYWORDS: livestock production, management strategies, MESMIS, rangelands, sustainability indicators
Carlos M. Di Bella, Ignacio J. Negri, Gabriela Posse, Florencia R. Jaimes, Esteban G. Jobbágy, Martin F. Garbulsky, Victor A. Deregibus
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 163-170, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-048.1
KEYWORDS: linear spectral unmixing, NDVI, net primary production, NOAA-AVHRR, spatial variability, stocking rate
Rodolfo A. Golluscio, Valeria Sigal Escalada, Juliana Pérez
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 171-178, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-196.1
KEYWORDS: altered precipitation, hierarchy of plant responses, life forms, plant strategies, plant water relations
Emily C. Dacy, Timothy E. Fulbright
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 179-185, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-125.1
KEYWORDS: Acacia farnesiana, Celtis ehrenbergiana, Condalia hookeri, prescribed burning, South Texas
Steven L. Petersen, Tamzen K. Stringham, Bruce A. Roundy
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 186-192, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/06-171.1
KEYWORDS: landscape ecology, phase-shift, state-and-transition, Succession, threshold, transition, western juniper
Research Note
Bin Shu, Yingjun Zhang, Lijun Lin, Hailing Luo, Hai Wang
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 193-197, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-001.1
KEYWORDS: feces, foraging selectivity, Leymus chinensis, near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS), steppe
Technical Note
Chad S. Boyd, Tony J. Svejcar
Rangeland Ecology and Management 62 (2), 198-202, (1 March 2009) https://doi.org/10.2111/08-182.1
KEYWORDS: belowground production, root-ingrowth core, root-length density
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