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VOL. 68 · NO. 3 | May 2015

Articles (11)
Jeremy J. James, Elise S. Gornish, Joseph M. DiTomaso, Josh Davy, Morgan P. Doran, Theresa Becchetti, David Lile, Philip Brownsey, Emilio A. Laca
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 215-223, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: annual grassland, California, ecosystem services, invasive, restoration, Seeding
K.W. Davies, C.S. Boyd, D.D. Johnson, A.M. Nafus, M.D. Madsen
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 224-230, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: Bunchgrasses, crested wheatgrass, exotic annual grasses, forage kochia, imazapic, restoration, Wyoming big sagebrush
M.D. Madsen, D.L. Zvirzdin, S.L. Petersen, B.G. Hopkins, B.A. Roundy
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 231-240, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: anchor chaining, Seeding, soil water repellency, restoration, wildfire
Steven D. Warren, Larry L. St.Clair, Jeffrey R. Johansen, Paul Kugrens, L. Scott Baggett, Benjamin J. Bird
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 241-247, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: cyanobacteria, green algae, Lichens, Mosses, nitrogen fixation, prescribed burn
L.M. Roche, B.B. Cutts, J.D. Derner, M.N. Lubell, K.W. Tate
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 248-256, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: attitudes, conditional inference regression tree analysis, decision-making, grazing management practices, grazing system, latent class analysis, prescribed grazing
Robert T. Strahan, Daniel C. Laughlin, Jonathan D. Bakker, Margaret M. Moore
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 257-265, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: community-weighted mean traits, long-term studies, plant functional traits, max vegetative height, seed mass, specific leaf area
Rodolfo A. Golluscio, Hugo S. Bottaro, Martín Oesterheld
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 266-275, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: grazing, harvest index, range management, sustainability
Elizabeth J. Jacobo, Adriana M. Rodriguez, Clara M. Fariña, Yanina Paggi
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 276-284, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: compensatory growth, forage supply, rangeland, sustainable management, temperate meadow
S.L. Kronberg
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 285-289, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: dormant-season, grazing, protein intake, winter, winterfat
J. Derek Scasta, David M. Engle, Justin L. Talley, John R. Weir, Samuel D. Fuhlendorf, Diane M. Debinski
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 290-297, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: ecology, patch-burning, pest Management, production, pyric-herbivory, rangeland
Lance B. McNew, Virginia L. Winder, James C. Pitman, Brett K. Sandercock
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (3), 298-304, (1 May 2015)
KEYWORDS: game bird, habitat use, intensive early stocking, nest survival patch-burn grazing, prescribed fire, resource selection, Tympanuchus cupido
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