VOL. 68 · NO. 4 | July 2015

Articles (9)
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 305-314, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.007
KEYWORDS: coupled social-ecological system, nomad settlement, rangeland ecological restoration, rangeland management, rangeland tenure
Matthew D. Berg, Michael G. Sorice, Bradford P. Wilcox, Jay P. Angerer, Edward C. Rhodes, William E. Fox
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 315-321, (1 June 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.004
KEYWORDS: Ashe juniper, historical imagery, land cover change, landowner objectives, population, woody plant encroachment
Tonya C. Lwiwski, Nicola Koper, Darcy C. Henderson
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 322-331, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.002
KEYWORDS: conservation grazing, grazing intensity, habitat heterogeneity, native grassland, protected areas
Zalmen Henkin, Eugene D. Ungar, Avi Perevolotsky, Mario Gutman, Yehuda Yehuda, Amit Dolev, Serge Y. Landau, Marcelo Sternberg, No'am G. Seligman
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 332-340, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.003
KEYWORDS: beef cattle, biomass dynamics, continuous grazing, grazing pressure index, grazing efficiency, herbaceous biomass, poultry litter, primary production, split-paddock grazing
Wilfred O. Odadi, Daniel I. Rubenstein
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 341-348, (1 June 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.009
KEYWORDS: corralling, human-wildlife conflict, livestock predation, predatory wild carnivores, savanna rangelands, unrestricted foraging time allowance
Dustin H. Ranglack, Johan T. du Toit
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 349-353, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.008
KEYWORDS: GPS telemetry, habitat selection, human-wildlife conflict, resource selection function, sexual segregation
Scott C. Walker, Val Jo Anderson, Rachel A. Fugal
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 354-358, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.005
KEYWORDS: browsing, burning, forest management, Populus tremuloides, resource competition, secondary succession
Christopher M. Gurney, Laura R. Prugh, Justin S. Brashares
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 359-366, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.001
KEYWORDS: Dipodomys, granivory, restoration, soil disturbance, valley grassland
Kallie C. Kessler, Scott J. Nissen, Paul J. Meiman, K. George Beck
Rangeland Ecology and Management 68 (4), 367-374, (1 July 2015) https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2015.05.006
KEYWORDS: Bromus tectorum, cheatgrass, imazapic, remnant plant community, soil seed bank, Tebuthiuron
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