Established by the New England Botanical Club in 2019, the Junior Faculty Award on the Flora of New England supports the developing research programs of early-career academic faculty with work focused on botanical, ecological, biogeographical, genetic, or systematic aspects of the New England flora. Candidates must be in tenure-track positions at a college or university in New England, be teaching botanically related courses, and be establishing or expanding a research program. For the purposes of this award, “botanical” study systems can include vascular plants, nonvascular plants, algae, fungi, and lichens.
The objective of the Club in offering this award is to support new members of the academic community in New England and to encourage innovative botanical research on the flora of the region. The award grants are intended to support research, including botanical surveys and studies, ecological experiments in field or greenhouse settings, molecular and phylogenetic lab work, applied and conservation-oriented research, and herbarium-based studies, or similar projects. This research may be newly proposed or in the early stages of implementation. More information, including application instructions and an abstract of the winning proposal, can be found on the Club's web page.
The Junior Faculty Award Committee is pleased to announce the 2021 award recipient.