We conducted a year-long investigation of the effect of watershed urbanization on the life history of Campostoma oligolepis Hubbs and Greene (Largescale Stoneroller). Lifehistory characteristics of separate populations of Largescale Stoneroller were compared by sampling two stream systems differing in urbanization in their upstream catchments. Both streams are located in the Etowah River drainage basin within the Piedmont ecoregion. We determined degree of urbanization by estimating the percent area of impervious catchment surfaces using ArcGIS, and we recorded stream temperatures with continuous-monitor probes. We sampled each stream system once a month during the spawning period and two additional months during the remainder of the year and recorded standard lengths, tuberculation, total weight, and gonadal weight for all retained specimens. Gonadosomatic index (GSI) values showed reproductively active individuals present in January in the urbanized system, one month before we found similar individuals in the non-urbanized system. Comparison of GSI values between systems suggested that reproductive maturity occurs at a larger size for females in the urbanized system. Comparison of standard lengths of reproductively active females indicated that growth rates are higher in the urban system.
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1 December 2013
Life History of Campostoma oligolepis (Largescale Stoneroller) in Urban and Rural Streams
Eric J. South,
William E. Ensign
Southeastern Naturalist
Vol. 12 • No. 4
December 2013
Vol. 12 • No. 4
December 2013