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1 September 2017 Lespesia postica: A New Report as a Parasitoid of Spodoptera frugiperda at Chiapas, México
Vidal Hernández-García, Claudio Ríos Velasco, Nadín Lule Chávez, Wel Olvein Cruz Macias, Luis Alfredo Rodríguez Larramendi, Salvador Ordaz Silva, Miguel Ángel Salas Marina
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Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) (Lepidóptera: Noctuidae), is the most important insect pest of maize, Zea mays L., because it causes great economic loss and insecticide to be overused for its control, which increase costs of production and contaminate the environment. However, the pest is naturally controlled by various parasitoids of the Tachinidae family. Here, we report molecular identification of a new species of the genus Lespesia parasitizing larvae of S. frugiperda in the central region of Chiapas, México.

Vidal Hernández-García, Claudio Ríos Velasco, Nadín Lule Chávez, Wel Olvein Cruz Macias, Luis Alfredo Rodríguez Larramendi, Salvador Ordaz Silva, and Miguel Ángel Salas Marina "Lespesia postica: A New Report as a Parasitoid of Spodoptera frugiperda at Chiapas, México," Southwestern Entomologist 42(3), 915-918, (1 September 2017).
Published: 1 September 2017
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