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11 November 2024 Environmental Factors that Influence the Morpohometry of Pogonoyrmex rugosus from Durango, Mexico
Silvia Areli Aguirre de la Serna, Miguel Ángel Soto Cárdenas, Miguel Vásquez Bolaños, Daniel Ochoa García, José Bernardo Proal Nájera, Isaías Chairez Hernández
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Ants were sampled in the nest of Pogonomyrmex rugosus in the state of Durango, México, in 2023, in four ecosystems: North American Deserts (DAN), Semiarid Southern Elevations (ESM), Warm-Dry Forests (SCS) and Temperate Sierras (ST). The most abundant species in these ecosystems was Pogonomyrmex rugosus. To determine the morphometry in each ecosystem and its relationship with environmental factors, 15 measurements were made (in mm) of the ant's body: head (4), mesosoma (4), legs (3), gaster (2), eyes (1), and antenna scape (1). In addition, the temperature, precipitation, radiation, elevation, and soil pH were obtained in each of the sites sampled. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out on each measurement, and a correlation between the morphometric and environmental variables was obtained. It was observed that the head and gaster are larger in ESM and smaller in ST, while the eyes are larger in SCS and smaller in DAN. In addition, correlations were found between temperature with middle legs and scape, and elevation with mesosoma length.

Se realizaron muestreos en nidos de Pogonomyrmex rugosus en Durango México en 2023 en cuatro ecosistemas: Desiertos de América del Norte (DAN), Elevaciones Semiáridas Meridionales (ESM), Selvas Cálido-Secas (SCS), y Sierras Templadas (ST) siendo P. rugosus la especie más abundantes en estos ecosistemas. Con el objeto de conocer la morfometría en cada ecosistema y su relación con factores ambientales, se realizaron quince mediciones (en mm) del cuerpo de la hormiga: cabeza (4), mesosoma (4), patas (3), gáster (2), ojos (1), y escapo de la antena (1). Se obtuvo la temperatura, precipitación, radiación, elevación y pH del suelo, en cada uno de los sitios. Se observó que la cabeza y gaster son más grandes en ESM y más pequeños en ST, los ojos son más grandes en SCS y más pequeños en DAN. Además, se encontraron correlaciones entre la temperatura con las patas medias y el escapo, y entre la elevación y el largo del mesosoma.

Silvia Areli Aguirre de la Serna, Miguel Ángel Soto Cárdenas, Miguel Vásquez Bolaños, Daniel Ochoa García, José Bernardo Proal Nájera, and Isaías Chairez Hernández "Environmental Factors that Influence the Morpohometry of Pogonoyrmex rugosus from Durango, Mexico," Southwestern Entomologist 49(4), 1163-1175, (11 November 2024).
Published: 11 November 2024
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