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1 April 2017 A critical revision of host records of Palearctic Tachinidae (Diptera) until 1937
Benno Herting
Author Affiliations +

Palearctic tachinid/host records published until 1937 are critically compiled.

1 Introduction

This catalogue is a guide to the information on the biology of Palearctic Tachinidae in publications before 1938. The aim of the revision was to trace the breeding records to their origin, and to correct erroneous data (caused by misidentification, wrong synonymy, or misquotation) as far as possible. The old names are translated into up-todate nomenclature.

In my book on tachinid biology (Herting 1960) I had gathered only records that were reliable or at least probably right, omitting all questionable data. These are, however, existing in the literature and are cited again and again, in most cases without knowledge of their origin. A comprehensive catalogue of the old records with precise original references and critical evaluation is therefore needed. [Thompson 1943–1958, referred to as “Thompson catalogue” in the text, is incomplete and in part erroneous.]

Comment is separated from the information quoted from the original paper either by parentheses (nomenclatory changes, corrected determinations) or by a dash. An asterisk after the serial number indicates that the parasite specimen(s) have been seen and redetermined [usually by the author, but occasionally also other reliable identifiers were meant with the asterisk].

[Annotations of HPT:

When Benno Herting died several years ago (for obituary see Tschorsnig 2004), he left a large set of unformatted ASCIIfiles (written on an older electronic type-writer), each comprising about three pages of text. The text was widely finished, but several gaps were present. In particular the reference section was completely missing (it did not exist because Benno Herting and HPT had an agreement that the latter would write it one day when the manuscript was finished). So HPT has contributed all References, and added also the Abstract, Zusammenfassung, Acknowledgements, Abbreviations, and Acronyms of depositories. HPT also succeeded in finding some literature which Benno mentioned but which he was unable to get.

Every record was, as far as this was possible, checked by HPT against the original source, and obvious mistakes (slips, spelling errors, wrong numbers, wrong or missing diacritics etc.) were corrected without a comment. Concerning the general text, however, especially the nomenclature of tachinids and hosts, HPT feels obliged to leave it as Benno Herting wanted to have it published. He also did not change Herting's specific terminology (e. g. “parasite” instead of “parasitoid”). A few weeks before Benno Herting died he put all his effort into explaining to HPT that he wanted to have the manuscript published “wie es aus meiner Feder stammt” (= “how I wrote it”). I interpret this as a kind of last will, so it should be respected. For the benefit of the user, it was, however, necessary to add annotations, e. g. when things were wrong, mistakable, very uncertain, or overlooked. HPT's comments are all written in square brackets, so they are unambiguously separated from Herting's text.

A few publication data of references needed correction, but because the author had already given consecutive numbers it was not possible to change the chronological order.

This chronological catalogue with annotations and rectifications has no systematic parasitoid or host sections, but the larger complete Palearctic tachinid-host catalogue which is currently being prepared by HPT and which will be published soon (Tschorsnig 2017), has it and can be used for this purpose. This major catalogue covers the Palearctic records up to the present and will be — as well as the present text — fully searchable as a pdf-file, which enables the finding of all records, including the ones in the present paper. Contrary to Herting's text the actual modern nomenclature of tachinids and hosts is applied throughout in this latter catalogue, and synonyms and aberrant spellings are given too, as well as the tachinid and host names in full (with author and year).]


n. sp.

new species


misidentified, misidentification


probable, probably



International vehicle registration codes (D, F, GB etc.) are often used as abbreviations for countries.

Acronyms of depositories


British Museum of Natural History, London, United Kingdom


City Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol, United Kingdom


Entomologisches Institut der ETH Zürich, Switzerland


Laboratorium voor Entomologie, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Muséum Na tional d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France


Zoological Museum, University of Helsinki, Finland


Museo Zoologico “La Specola”, Firenze, Italy


Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria


Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden


Naturhistorisches Museum der Benediktiner-Abtei Admont, Austria


University Museum Oxford, Hope entomological collection, United Kingdom


Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum, Leiden, The Netherlands


Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany


Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, Innsbruck, Austria


Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien, Austria


National Museum of Natural History, Washington, USA


All-Russian Institute for Plant Protection, St. Petersburg, Russia


Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Museum für Naturkunde, Humboldt Universität, Berlin, Germany


Zoological Museum Copenhagen, Denmark


Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Germany

2 Chronological records

Goedaert 1662

(1) p. 160, and pl. LXXI: Host caterpillar with 12 legs (= prb. Plusia gamma) [on the host see Vollenhoven 1877: 312], its pupa, 3 tachinid puparia and 3 adult flies (= prb. Phryxe vulgaris) [this remains assumption because the figures do not provide reliable characters]. The parasite larvae left the host pupa in August, the flies emerged on 7th September.

Goedaert 1669

(2) p. 10, and pl. F: Host caterpillar on cauliflower, pupa and adult moth (= Mamestra brassicae) [on the host see Vollenhoven 1877: 317]. 12 tachinid larvae came out of one caterpillar on 10.IX.1663, they hibernated as puparia, the 12 flies emerged on 2.VII.1664 (= prb. Siphona cristata). — The drawing of the fly is very inexact, but the biological data suggest this determination.

[Merian 1679, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Merian 1683

In some of her pictures of the metamorphoses of Lepidoptera, the paintress has included parasitic flies that had appeared in the rearings. Identification is possible only in one case:

(3) p. 93, Taf. XLVII: Voria ruralis ex Abrostola trigemina. The picture shows the characteristic parallel arrangement of the puparia which are partly covered by the broken host skin. As stated in the text, the caterpillars were feeding on Urtica. [Two host species are figured on Taf. XLVII, A. triplasia L. (syn. trigemina Werneburg) on the left side and A. tripartita on the right side; according to the text on pp. 93, 94 the flies and the puparia belong to the right species.]

Blankaart 1688

(4) p. 76, Pl. IX, fig. L: Parasitic fly (= prb. Huebneria affinis) ex Beir-Rups (= Arctia caja), 8–10 larvae in one host. — Misidentified as Nemoraea sp. by Weijenbergh 1869: 159. Locality prb. Amsterdam.

Albin 1720

(5) On pls. XIII (= Cucullia verbasci), XVII (= Philudoria potatoria), XIX (= Malacosoma neustria), and XXIV (= Spilosoma lutea), the painter has included parasitic flies reared from the caterpillars. — The drawings are inexact, an identification is not possible. Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 49, states that Albin has figured Echinomyia cuculliae R.D. (= Tachina lurida) bred from C. verbasci, but the fly on pl. XIII looks different, particularly because of the marked stripes on the mesonotum. [Fig. m on pl. XIII gives well the impression of Winthemia quadripustulata which is the most common tachinid of Cucullia verbasci.]

Merian 1730

(6) pls. 26 (= Inachis io), 33 (= Malacosoma neustria), 44 (= Aglais urticae) include parasitic flies besides their hosts. — Identification of the flies is not possible, but they are referred to by De Geer 1776: 25, as Musca minor larvarum. [Pls. 26, 33, and 44 are identical with Taf. 26, 33, 44 of Merian 1679. The fly on pl. 26 is prb. Pelatachina tibialis, concluded from the puparium which has prolongated hind stigmata.]

Reaumur 1736

(7) pp. 440–444: Diptera (= Tachinidae of unknown identity) parasitic on larvae of Lepidoptera. Pl. 36: Illustrations. Fig. 4: grown-up larva, dissected from a caterpillar bearing an empty white planoconvex egg on its skin. Figs. 5–6: its head with mouth-hooks. Figs. 12–13: adult and puparium ex “chenille”. Figs. 15–16: adult & puparium ex “chenille du maronnier”. Figs. 17, 18, 20: larva, its anterior part and adult ex “chenille du pin”.

Swammerdam 1738

(8) pp. 630–632: Musca (= ?Phryxe vulgaris) ex pupa of caterpillar in Tab. 37, III (= Pieris brassicae). Tab. 38, fig. X: D, E, F: full-grown larva, puparium, adult fly.

Locality prb. Amsterdam (NL).

De Geer 1752

In the German translation by Goeze 1778: 144–146, the names of the host and the parasitic fly are given in Linnean nomenclature in added footnotes. These names are quoted here.

(9) pp. 196–198, and pl. 11, figs. 22–24: Musca larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Phalaena Bombyx crataegi (= Trichiura crataegi). — The data and figures agree with this tachinid and host species. Locality: Sweden.

Scopoli 1763

(10) pp. 331–332: Musca larvarum var. 1 (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Phalaena pavonia (prb. pavonia major = Saturnia pyri). 20 parasites came out of a single host.

(11) — — var. 2 (= prb. Compsilura concinnata) ex Papilio io (= Inachis io). — Sturmia bella and Phryxe vulgaris are excluded by the description (Scutellum thoraci concolor).

(12a) — — var. 3 (identity unknown) ex Phalaena (= Lasiocampa) quercus.

(12b) — — var. 4 (small species, identity unknown) ex P. (= Eriogaster) lanestris.

Locality: Carniolia (= Slovenia).

Admiral 1774

(13) On pls. 6 (= Spilosoma lutea), 7 (= noctuid sp.), 17 (= Thecla betulae), 18 (= Dasychira pudibunda), 23 (= Vanessa atalanta), the painter has included parasitic flies reared from the caterpillars. The drawings are inexact, an identification is not possible.

De Geer 1776

(14) p. 24: Musca major larvarum, reference to De Geer 1752: 196–198 (see above, no. 9), the figures of 1752 are reproduced on pl. 1, figs. 6–8. Host species are “plusieurs espèces de chenilles de grandeur médiocre, tant rases que velues”. — The name has been used by De Geer also for other species of similar size and colour (specimens from De Geer's collection sent to me are Sarcophaga spp.).

(15) p. 25: Musca minor larvarum (= more than one species of unknown identity), reference to three plates of Merian 1730 (see no. 6). On p. 26, three host species reared by the author himself are cited: “Chenilles de l'Ortie” (= prb. Aglais urticae), “La hérissonne” (= prb. Arctia caja), and “Celle à piramide charnue sur le dos” (= prb. Sphingidae) [host interpreted as (Amphipyra) pyramidea (Noctuidae) by Goeze 1782: 14 which seems to be more likely].

(16)* p. 38: Musca geniculata n. sp. (= Siphona cristata, not S. geniculata sensu auct.) ex “chenilles brunes et vertes qui se nourissent des feuilles du chou et du tabac” (= prb. Mamestra sp.). Pl. II, figs. 19–23, adult. — The name geniculata has been used by subsequent authors for the most common Siphona species, which is a parasite of Tipulidae larvae. Andersen 1996: 94, has revised De Geer's specimens (in NHRS) and identified them as S. cristata. For the species S. geniculata of authors he proposed the name urbana Harris 1780, but an application to the ICZN has been made to designate a neotype and to conserve the name geniculata sensu auct. [see Opinion 1975].

Locality: Sweden (Uppland). The page numbers in the German translation by Goeze 1782 are 13, 14, 20.

Schrank 1776

(17) pp. 42–46 and pl. 2, figs. 5–12: Fliege aus der Kiensprossenmotte (= Actia resinellae ex Petrova resinella), biology. Fig. 6: larva (prb. 3rd stage, not full-grown). Fig. 8: puparium. Figs. 11, 12: adult fly: wing (veins correct, ciliation omitted), head from above. Figs. 5, 7, 10 show the same stages in natural size. — Cited by Schrank 1781: 478, as Musca resinellae n. sp., see no. 19. The name Actia nudibasis Stein has been used for this species until now [and is also used in the present paper by Herting].

Schrank 1781

(18) p. 462: Musca larvarum (= Exorista larvarum, or misid.) ex Sphinx (= Zygaena) filipendulae. — A correct determination was not possible at that time, but Exorista larvarum is a common parasite of Zygaena spp.

(19) p. 478: Musca resinellae n. sp. (= Actia resinellae) ex Tinea (= Petrova) resinella, reference to Schrank 1776: 42, see no. 17.

Locality: prb. Bavaria (D).

Kob 1786

A mass-outbreak of Phalaena Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea) in pine forests in the area of Nürnberg (northern Bavaria, Germany). The second part of the book (pp. 49–58) is written by Panzer, who identified the insects sent to him.

(20) p. 12: Enormous numbers of blackish flies (= prb. Ernestia rudis) appeared simultaneously with the caterpillars of Ph. N. piniperda (= Panolis flammea).

(21) p. 55: Musca fera (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina magnicornis, see the picture on pl. II, fig. 6) ex Ph. N. piniperda (= P. flammea). — The observation on p. 13, that some flies emerge from moth pupae (i. e. from a puparium within an empty moth pupa) probably refers to this species. The record is cited by Linker 1798: 468, and by Bechstein & Scharfenberg 1805, vol. 2: 543, vol. 3: 1004.

Schrank 1803

(22) p. 119: Spinnerlarven-Borstenfliege. Musca erucarum, new name for Musca major larvarum of De Geer 1776: 25 (see nos. 9, 14). — The name is missed out in subsequent revisions and catalogues of Diptera. It must not be confounded with Tachina erucarum Rondani (= Exorista mimula). I consider the reference to the figures of De Geer (which represent Exorista larvarum Linnaeus) as a lectotype designation, so that M. erucarum Schrank becomes a synonym of the latter.

Bechstein & Scharfenberg 1805

(23) vol. 3, pp. 756, 1005: Musca larvarum (misid., identity unknown) parasite (?) of Tortrix hercyniana (= Epinotia tedella). — The host is Pyralis hercyniana Uslar 1798, the name of which has been wrongly used for another species by Treitschke 1830 (see Ratzeburg 1840: 220). It is correctly cited as Coccyx comitana by Rondani 1872a: 149, but wrongly as Olethreutes hercyniana Tr. (= Pseudohermenias abietina) by Bezzi 1907: 335, and subsequent authors. Epinotia tedella is a small host and very rarely attacked by a tachinid, certainly not by a large species like M. (= Exorista) larvarum.

(24) p. 1003: Musca phalaenarum n. sp. (= ?Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Noctua verbasci (= Cucullia verbasci). — The red tip of the abdomen and the host suggest W. quadripustulata, but M. phalaenarum is classified in the group of species with pilose arista. The authors apparently have confounded different species (including Sarcophaga spp.) under this name, which is missed out in subsequent revisions and catalogues of Diptera.

(25) — — M. phalaenarum (identity unknown) ex Geometra grossulariata (= Abraxas grossulariata). — See preceding comment.

(26) p. 1004: Musca fera (= Tachina fera, or misid. = T. magnicornis) ex Königskerzeneule (= Cucullia verbasci).

Locality: Germany.

Fischer 1821

(27) Musca larvarum (misid.) and Musca erucarum (= tachinid spp. of unknown identity) ex Tenthredo pini (= Diprion pini), Baden (SW Germany). — These two names were available at that time for any species with black and grey colour. Musca (= Exorista) larvarum in its established sense is not a parasite of Tenthredinoidea. M. erucarum Schrank (see no. 22) is a nomen dubium et oblitum and must not be confounded with Tachina erucarum Rondani (= Exorista mimula), which is quite a different species.

Klauprecht 1821

(28) Musca larvarum, M. phalaenarum and M. erucarum (= tachinid spp. of unknown identity) ex Tenthredo juniperi (misid. = Neodiprion sertifer), Aschaffenburg on Main (D). — Musca phalaenarum Bechstein & Scharfenberg (no. 24) and M. erucarum Schrank (no. 22) are nomina dubia et oblita. Musca (= Exorista) larvarum in its established sense is not a parasite of Tenthredinoidea. The identification of the host has been rectified by Lauterborn 1928: 234, 243.

Meigen 1824

(29) p. 296: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Tinea (= Hyponomeuta) evonymella. — Very unlikely. E. larvarum is not a parasite of Microlepidoptera. The pupa of another host species may have been hidden in the webs of Hyponomeuta. [Meigen's statement “Ich erhielt sie häufig aus den Raupen der Tinea evonymella” indicates that it was rather a misidentification of the tachinid.]

(30) p. 380: Tachina vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Bombyx caja (= Arctia caja). Locality: prb. Stolberg (Nordrhein, Germany).

(31) p. 391: Tachina vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) “aus Raupen” (= ex caterpillars, not specified). — The heading which should delimite the species-group with hairy eyes (pp. 388–400) within the section D. a. (pp. 370–400) is missed out. This misprint has caused wrong identifications of T. (P.) vulgaris by Hartig (see no. 100) and Boie (no. 127).

Dufour 1826

(32)* pp. 45–47: Ocyptera cassidae n. sp. (= Dufouria chalybeata) ex Cassida viridis, S France. — See also no. 35. Wrongly synonymized with Labigaster forcipata, a very different species, by Rondani 1873: 143 (Labidigaster uncinatus) and Bezzi 1907: 330 (Dionaea forcipata). The type specimens are in MNHN.

Meigen 1826

(33)* p. 38: Dexia leucozona (= Thelaira leucozona) ex Bombyx (= Arctia) caja, prb. Stolberg (Nordrhein, Germany). — Type specimens in MNHN. Wrongly synonymized with Thelaira nigripes by Bezzi 1907: 435. The three European Thelaira species have been confounded until they were correctly separated by Mesnil 1975: 1337.

Dufour 1827

(34) pp. 250–260: Ocyptera bicolor (= Cylindromyia bicolor) parasite of Pentatoma grisea (= Rhaphigaster nebulosa). Biology and description of larva (3rd or 2nd stage). Pl. 11, fig. 2, f–g adult, h–m larva and funnel, n–o puparium.

(35 = 32)* p. 250: Ocyptera cassidae (= Dufouria chalybeata) ex Cassida viridis. Pl. 11, fig. 3, p–q adult, r–s puparium.

Locality: Southern France.

Boheman 1828

(36) p. 165: Tachina curvicauda (misid. = Freraea gagatea) ex Harpalus aulicus (= Amara aulica), and (37) Harpalus ruficornis (= H. rufipes). — Locality: Sweden.

Gimmerthal 1829

(38) p. 136: Tachina quadripustulata (prb. misid. = prb. Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, Sadoffsky. 23 parasites came out of one host pupa.

(39) p. 137: Tachina affinis (= Huebneria affinis or misid.) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia).

(40) p. 138: Tachina pudibunda n. sp. (= prb. Compsilura concinnata) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda. — The species was placed by Gimmerthal 1842: 675, in the genus Phorocera sensu Meigen 1838. Cited as doubtful species in Phorocera by Bezzi 1907: 319.

Locality: Latvia.

Schwägrichen in Hapf 1829

(41) p. 30: Musca larvarum (misid., ?sarcophagid sp.) parasitic(?) on Lyda pratensis (= Acantholyda posticalis), Muskau, Niederlausitz (Sachsen, Germany). Two puparia were found when the host larvae were going into the soil for pupation. The flies emerged eight days later. — A parasitism of Exorista larvarum on sawfly larvae has never been confirmed, but this old record is quoted by Ratzeburg 1844: 75, and (without reference) in subsequent parasite-host lists.

Meigen 1830

(42) p. 368: Tachina affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia caja. — Locality prb. Stolberg (Nordrhein, Germany).

Robineau-Desvoidy 1830

(43) p. 28: Phryxe sp. (identity unknown) ex adult Sphinx ligustri, Carcel. No details, no description. — The genus Phryxe sensu Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 included also Masicera spp. (see nos. 58–62).

(44) p. 49: Echinomyia cuculliae n. sp. (= Tachina lurida) ex Cucullia verbasci. — Questionable, because there is hardly a seasonal coincidence between the activity of the flies and the presence of the host larvae. [Herting 1960: 108 cites another record from this host.]

(45) p. 97: Myobia sp. (misid. = prb. Sarcophagidae, Miltogrammatinae) ex “Charansonites enfouis” (= Curculionidae stored in the nest of a Sphecidae), observation by Saint-Fargeau. The fly has not been seen by Robineau-Desvoidy and was tentatively referred by him to the genus Myobia (= Solieria).

(46) p. 107: Latreillia cuculliae n. sp. (= ?Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Cucullia verbasci. — Other Latreillia spp. described by Robineau-Desvoidy are T. marmorata, but this specimen was “avorté” (= misdeveloped). Its identity is therefore questionable.

(47) p. 108: Salia bombycivora n. sp. (= Chaetogena obliquata) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) trifolii.

(48) p. 114: Lydella hydrocampae n. sp. (= prb. Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata) [also Eumea linearicornis would be possible according to the host] ex Hydrocampa urticalis (= Eurrhypara hortulata). — Lydella sensu Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 is characterized by a long 3rd antennal joint. The character of the eyes (hairy or bare) is not yet used in this old classification. In 1863(II): 860, L. hydrocampae is quoted but not redescribed because the specimens had been lost. Synonymized with Lydella (= Blondelia) nigripes by Bezzi 1907: 292, but that species has a shorter antenna and has never been confirmed as parasite of E. hortulata.

(49) p. 134: Phorocera prorsae n. sp. (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Vanessa prorsa (= Araschnia levana).

(50) A specimen similar to Ph. prorsae (= C. concinnata) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea.

(51) p. 135: Ph. antiopis n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa.

(52) Ph. iovora n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex V. (= Inachis) io, Duponchel.

(53) Ph. pygerae n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Pygaera (= Diloba) caeruleocephala.

(54) Ph. caiae n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Chelonia (= Arctia) caja.

(55) p. 136: Ph. bombycivora n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi.

(56) p. 151: Zaida crataegellae n. sp. (= ?Bactromyia aurulenta) [Scythropia crataegella is unknown as host of B. aurulenta, so it remains doubtful] ex Tinea crataegella (= Scythropia crataegella, Hyponomeutidae). — Bezzi 1907: 283 has cited the parasite as doubtful species in the genus Masicera and the host wrongly as Scoparia crataegella (Pyralidae).

(57) Zaida falculae n. sp. (= prb. Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Platypteryx falcula (= Drepana falcataria). — Cited as doubtful species in the genus Masicera by Bezzi 1907: 283. B. aurulenta frequently parasitizes Drepana spp.

(58) p. 164: Phryxe lasiocampae n. sp. (= Masicera sp., ?M. sphingivora) ex Lasiocampa (= Gastropacha) quercifolia. — Synonymized (?wrongly) with Masicera silvatica by Bezzi 1907: 282.

(59) p. 165: Phryxe sphingivora n. sp. (= Masicera sphingivora) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) euphorbiae. — Valid species, wrongly synonymized with Masicera silvatica by Bezzi 1907: 282. It has been separated from M. silvatica by Mesnil 1954: 307 under the name M. cuculliae Rob.-Desv.

(60) Phryxe pavoniae n. sp. (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Pavonia major (= Saturnia pyri). 12 parasites came out of one host. — Valid species, wrongly synonymized with Masicera silvatica by Macquart 1834: 286, and Bezzi 1907: 282. It is M. pratensis of Girschner 1899: 179, and subsequent authors, but the true pratensis Meigen is a Blepharipa, not a Masicera.

(61) A species similar to Phryxe pavoniae ex Sphinx (= Celerio) euphorbiae, Dejean. — Described by Robineaudesvoidy 1863(I): 882, as Masicera puparum n. sp. (= prb. M. sphingivora). Wrongly synonymized with M. silvatica by Bezzi 1907: 282.

(62) Phryxe bombycivora n. sp. (= Masicera sp.) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus. — Synonymized (wrongly?) with M. silvatica by Bezzi 1907: 281.

(63) p. 166: Phryxe tiphaecola n. sp. (= ?Lydella stabulans) [could as well be L. thompsoni which is also known from this host] ex Nonagria typhae, Boisduval. — According to Robineaudesvoidy 1863(I): 877, more slender than the preceding species. Wrongly synonymized with Masicera silvatica by Bezzi 1907: 282.

(64) Phryxe larvicola n. sp. (identity unknown) ex “chrysalide que je crois être celle de Bombyx (= Arctia) caja.” — Cited as doubtful species in the genus Exorista by Bezzi 1907: 251 and as Zenillia larvicola in the Thompson catalogue.

(65) p. 167: Phryxe athaliae n. sp. (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Arginis athalia (= Melitaea athalia). — Synonymized with P. vulgaris by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 358.

(66) p. 168: Specimens similar to Phryxe velox n. sp. (= prb. P. vulgaris) ex Pieris (= Anthocharis) cardamines. — According to Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 326, P. velox is a “véritable Phryxe”.

(67) p. 172: Sturmia atropivora n. sp. (= Drino atropivora) ex Sphinx (= Acherontia) atropos, Serville. More than 80 specimens from one host.

(68) S. vanessae n. sp. (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, Duponchel.

(69) p. 175: Winthemia catocalae n. sp. (= Winthemia sp.) ex Catocala nupta. — Robineau-Desvoidy 1847: 265, repeats the short old description and adds, that the specimen was reared by Laurent and kept in MNHN. Bezzi 1907: 231, has synonymized the species (wrongly?) with Winthemia quadripustulata. See also no. 106.

(70) p. 176: W. vinulae n. sp. (= prb. Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Dicranura (= Cerura) vinula, one small specimen. — Synonymized with Winthemia quadripustulata by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 210. Synonymized with Exorista sanguinolenta (= W. quadripustulata) by Macquart 1849: 358, and cited under that name by Walker 1874: 281.

(71) p. 178: Carcelia puparum (= prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Sericaria (= Dasychira) pudibunda. — Misid. of Musca puparum Fabricius, which is very different (Ernestia). Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 236.

(72) p. 180: C. plusiae n. sp. (= prb. Huebneria affinis) ex Plusia (= Abrostola) asclepiadis. “Cette espèce offre tous les charactères du C. nigripes.” — Both C. nigripes and C. plusiae are transferred by Robineau-Desvoidy 1847: 605 to the genus Huebneria, and in 1863(I): 279, C. nigripes is placed as synonym of H. affinis whilst C. plusiae is omitted. The latter species is cited as doubtful species in the genus Exorista by Bezzi 1907: 253, and as Zenillia plusiae in the Thompson catalogue.

(73) p. 181: C. bombycivora n. sp. (= prb. Senometopia separata) ex Bombyx versicolor (= Endromis versicolora). — S. separata is the only Carcelia-like species that is surely known to parasitize E. versicolora. Bezzi 1907: 235, has wrongly synonymized C. bombycivora with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa.

(74) p. 275: Erigone myophoroidea ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) dispar. — This host record is an addendum to the description of E. myophoroidea n. sp. on p. 67. It is not cited again by the author in 1846: 35, nor in 1863(I): 155, where the species is synonymized with Erigone (= Eurithia) consobrina. Since no Eurithia species has been obtained in subsequent rearings of L. dispar, I consider it as a mistake.

Localities in France (Yonne or vicinity of Paris).

Winthem 1831

(75) p. 1014: Tachina pacta (= Zaira cinerea) ex Carabus gemmatus (= C. hortensis), and (76) C. violaceus, no details. — More information about this rearing in Denmark see Boie 1838: 245 (nos. 137–140).

Newman 1832

(77) p. 252: Musca larvarum (= tachinid sp., identity unknown) in Phalaena (= Arctia) caja, hyperparasitized, Britain.

Bouché 1833

(78) p. 162: Tachina fera ex Eulenraupen (= noctuid larvae).

(79) T. lateralis (misid., identity unknown) ex Eulen and Spinner. — Probably a misidentification of several tachinid species with yellow spots on the sides of the abdomen. T. lateralis is Eriothrix rufomaculata, a common species of which, however, only one sure host record is known (ex Crambus sp., leg. Bakkendorf, in ZMUC*) [“Crambus sp.” was recognized as Chrysoteuchia culmella, see Andersen 1995].

(80) p. 163: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex several species of nocturnal Macrolepidoptera (not specified). — Ratzeburg 1844: 171, has seen the specimens reared by Bouché and states that they belong to more than one tachinid species.

(81) T. vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Bombyx (= Arctia) caja and other Spinner.

(82) T. vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris, or misid.) ex Eulen (= Noctuidae) and Spinner. not specified.

(83) p. 164: T. concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri.

Locality prb. Berlin area.

Krause in Gravenhorst 1833

(84) p. 71: Tachina grossa ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) trifolii, Silesia (now Poland). See also no. 311 (misquotation).

Bouché 1834

The 3rd instar larva and the puparium of all species are shortly described, only the first species is illustrated.

(85) p. 57: Tachina concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Papilio (= Pieris) brassicae (Taf. V, figs. 15–19: 3rd stage larva, anterior and posterior stigma, puparium), (86) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, and (87) ex Acronicta rumicis.

(88) p. 58: Tachina acronyctae n. sp. ex Acronicta rumicis. — The characters of the adult agree with Compsilura concinnata, but the described larva seems to be another species (identity unknown). The host has been wrongly quoted by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 553, as Acronicta megacephala.

(89) Tachina inflexa n. sp. (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Tenthredo grossulariae (misid. = prb. Nematus ribesii). — The short description of the host larva by Bouché 1833: 38, fully agrees with N. ribesii, whereas the larva of the true T. grossulariae Klug (= Ametastegia pallipes Spin.) has different characters (see Enslin 1914: 239).

(90) p. 59: Tachina spinipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea). — The host is probably wrong, this tachinid is a parasite of Forficula.

(91) p. 60: Tachina quadripustulata (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Noctua (= Cucullia) verbasci.

(92) p. 208: Siphona geniculata (misid. = a small Siphona sp., ?S. collini) ex Agrotis (= Ochropleura) plecta. — S. geniculata is a parasite of tipulid larvae.

Locality prb. Berlin area.

Gimmerthal 1834

(93) p. 99: Tachina xylosteana n. sp. (= prb. Nemorilla sp.) ex Tortrix (= Archips) xylosteana. Fig. 1 on tab.II.

(94) p. 100: T. corylana n. sp. (identity unknown) ex Orgyia (= Colocasia) coryli. Fig. 2 on tab.II, unrecognizable. — This and the preceding species were placed by Gimmerthal 1842: 674, in the genus Nemoraea sensu Meigen 1838, and tentatively (with ?) included in Ernestia by Bezzi 1907: 212, 216.

(95) p. 105: T. lucorum (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Acronicta aceris.

(96) T. praepotens (= Exorista larvarum) ex Acronicta tridens.

Locality: Latvia.

Hartig & Hartig 1834

(97)* p. 568: Tachina vulgaris (misid. = Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri pupae, common. — Hartig 1838b: 295, has described the parasite as Tachina erythrostoma n. sp.

(98) — — (misid. = Blondelia piniariae) ex Geometra piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius) pupae, common. — Described as Tachina piniariae n. sp. by Hartig 1838b: 284.

(99)* — — (misid. = Phryxe nemea) ex Phalaena (= Abraxas) grossulariata larvae. — The specimens in Hartig's collection were labelled by Mik & Wachtl 1895: 245, as Blepharidopsis hartigii n. sp. (see no. 1364).

(100) — — (= Phryxe vulgaris, prb. correct) ex Papilio (= Pieris) brassicae pupae. — In his later studies of tachinids, Hartig has been misled by a misprint in the book of Meigen 1824 (see no. 31). This has caused him to place T. vulgaris wrongly in a group of species with bare eyes, and to the wrong statement that he has never obtained it in rearings (Hartig 1838b: 293).

(101) Tachina concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, common.

(102) T. lucorum (misid. = Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini. — Hartig 1838b: 287, has described the parasite as Tachina bimaculata n. sp. (= Drino inconspicua) and corrected (p. 291) the previous misidentification.

(103) T. spinipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Tortrix pin(et)ana (misid. = Rhyacionia buoliana). — Redetermined by Hartig 1838b: 292, as Tachina pilipennis var. 3 (= Actia nudibasis). The host is cited there as Tortrix pinetana with buoliana in parentheses. The true Tachina spinipennis is Triarthria setipennis, parasite of Forficula.

(104) T. selecta with deeply cleft third antennal joint (misid. = Peribaea fissicornis ♂) ex Geometra piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius). — See also no. 187.

(105) p. 569: Gonia nervosa (= prb. Gonia ornata) ex Agrotis (= Euxoa) cursoria (prb. misid. = prb. Agrotis vestigialis). Puparium in the host pupa. — The determinations are changed in Hartig 1838b: The host is cited as Agrotis valligera (= A. vestigialis) on pp. 278 and 298, and the parasite as Gonia capitata (prb. misid.) on p. 298.

Locality: Germany. *Specimens preserved in ZSMC.

Macquart 1834

Host records are quoted from preceding literature. There is one lapse which has not been rectified in subsequent parasitehost catalogues.

(106) p. 298: Senometopia meditata Meigen, syn.: Winthemia nobilis Rob.-Desv., ex Catocala nupta. — Misquotation from Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 175: Winthemia catocalae (not W. nobilis which follows on the same page) ex C. nupta, see no. 69. The host record is correctly quoted in Macquart 1835: 107: Senometopia catocalae with its host and S. meditata, syn. Winthemia nobilis, without host. The synonymy is wrong: Tachina meditata Meigen is not a Winthemia, but Huebneria affinis Fallén (see Herting 1972: 10). The misquoted host record of Macquart 1834 is included in the catalogue of Bezzi 1907: 230 (Winthemia meditata ex Catocala nupta). Mesnil 1949: 74 has wrongly synonymized W. meditata with Nemosturmia (= Timavia) amoena and cited Catocala nupta wrongly as host of the latter species.

Hartig 1837

All nominal tachinid species recorded in this paper are new species described by Hartig in 1838b. Localities in Brandenburg and Mecklenburg (Germany).

Ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) virens, p. 123: (107) Tachina bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua).

Ex L. (= D.) pallidus, p. 131: (108) T. gilva (= Drino gilva) (common), (109) T. inclusa (= Blondelia inclusa) (rare), and (110) T. bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) (rare).

Ex L. (= D.) laricis, p. 133: (111) T. inclusa (= Blondelia inclusa).

Ex L. (= D.) frutetorum, p. 137: (112) T. janitrix (= Diplostichus janitrix).

Ex L. (= D.) variegatus (host prb. misid. = prb. D. frutetorum, which is much more common; Hartig confounded these two species, see Enslin 1917), p. 140: (113) T. inclusa (= Blondelia inclusa) (common), and (114) T. bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) (only one specimen).

Ex L. (= Diprion) pini, p. 159: (115) T. bimaculata (= D. inconspicua) (very common), and (116) T. gilva (= D. gilva) (rare).

Ex L. (= D.) similis, p. 164: (117) T. bimaculata (= D. inconspicua).

Ex L. rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer), p. 166: (118) T. bimaculata (= D. inconspicua) (common), and (119) T. gilva (= D. gilva) (rare).

These records (nos. 107–119) are listed again by Hartig 1838a: 274.

Boie 1838

A paper neglected by tachinologists, so that most of the records are missing in the existing catalogues. Only the hosts of T. viridis (nos. 122–123) and T. pacta (nos. 137–140) which were quoted by Erichson 1839: 373 have become generally known.

(120) p. 241: Siphona geniculata ex grass-devastating larvae of Tipula oleracea (prb. misid. = prb. T. paludosa), many specimens.

(121) Siphona tachinaria (= Siphona sp.) ex Geometra (= Erannis) defoliaria. — Determined as S. cristata by Staeger in Zetterstedt 1849 (no. 322).

(122) Tachina viridis (= Gymnochaeta viridis) ex Noctua airae (= Photedes minima, syn.: Petilampa arcuosa), many specimens.

(123) p. 242: Larvae and pupae of Geometra mensuraria (= Scotopteryx chenopodiata, syn.: Ortholitha limitata) were found together with those of Noctua airae, but whether they also were parasitized by Gymnochaeta viridis was not ascertained.

(124) p. 243: Tachina lateralis (prb. misid. = prb. Thelaira haematodes) ex Bombyx grammica (= Coscinia striata) pupae. — T. lateralis (= Eriothrix rufomaculata) is a very common species, but the only confirmed host of it is a Crambus sp. (Pyralidae) [see above under no. 79].

(125) Tachina tragica (= Elodia morio) ex Tortrix sp. (= an undetermined tortricid).

(126) — — ex Atychia (= Procris) pruni. — The true host may have been a Microlepidoptera larva that was accidentally present in the rearing cage.

(127) Tachina arvensis (misid. = prb. Phryxe vulgaris) ex Papilio (= Aglais) urticae. — A misprint in Meigen 1824: 388, has made the identification of T. (= P.) vulgaris impossible, see no. 31. The true T. arvensis type in coll. Meigen (MNHN) is Platymyia fimbriata, but in coll. Winthem (NHMW) Phryxe vulgaris and P. magnicornis are misid. as T. arvensis (seen by me).

(128) — — (misid. = prb. Phryxe vulgaris or P. nemea) ex Papilio (= Thecla) betulae.

(129) — — (misid. = prb. Phryxe vulgaris) ex Noctua (= Ochropleura) plecta, several specimens.

(130) — — (misid. = prb. Phryxe magnicornis) ex Zygaena trifolii.

(131) Tachina vulgaris (misid. = ?Thelymorpha marmorata) [prb. too speculative because T. marmorata is unknown from this host] ex Bombyx lubricipeda (= Spilosoma lutea). — See no. 31. The species must have had the characters of group D. a. in Meigen 1824: 370 (bare eyes and a long third antennal joint).

(132) Tachina ambigua (sensu Meigen = Athrycia curvinervis) ex Noctua perplexa (= Hadena perplexa).

(133) Tachina illustris (= Exorista larvarum, or misid.) ex Noctua (= Orthosia) gothica, several specimens.

(134) p. 244: Tachina neglecta (= Nemoraea pellucida ♀) ex Noctua (= Trachea) atriplicis, several specimens.

(135) Tachina radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) ex Papilio (= Aglais) urticae. — Host wrong? The normal host are Spilosoma spp., which live on the same food-plant (Urtica).

(136) T. libatrix (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Noctua (= Acronicta) menyanthidis, two records, one from Hamburg. [this is prb. the indet. “Tachina” of Boie 1835].

(137) p. 245: Tachina pacta (= Zaira cinerea) ex Carabus violaceus,

(138) Carabus hortensis, (139) C. clathratus, and (140) C. cancellatus. — Records nos. 137–140 from Seeland (= Sjaelland, Denmark), Drewsen. The adult hosts were parasitized.

(141) p. 246: Tachina consobrina (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Zygaena filipendulae, Ratzeburg.

Localities prb. near Kiel (Holstein, Germany), unless otherwise stated.

Hartig 1838(a+b) [a = pp. 246–274, b = pp. 275–306]

Hartig worked at the Berlin University before he went to the Academy of Braunschweig in 1838. The remainder of his collection is kept in ZSMC and was revised by Mik & Wachtl 1895. At that time, the species Tachina fera, puparum, nigra, flavescens, janitrix, bicolor, selecta, scutellaris and Gonia capitata were already missing in it.

(142) pp. 260, 281: Tachina fera (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina magnicornis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), very common, puparium in the empty skin of the caterpillars, flies emerged at the end of August. — The colour of legs and antennae, as described by Hartig, agrees better with T. magnicornis than with T. fera. This has already been noticed by Baer 1925: 30.

(143) pp. 260, 281: Tachina puparum (misid. = Ernestia rudis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), numerous, pupation in the soil, emerging after hibernation. — The identity of T. puparum sensu Hartig with Panzeria (= Ernestia) rudis has been ascertained by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I):147, who had received a specimen from Hartig.

(144) p. 281: Tachina fulgens (= Linnaemyia comta or misid. = L. vulpina) “soll in Sphinx pinastri vorkommen” (= is said to occur in Hyloicus pinastri). — A record of unknown origin, cited by Hartig with doubt. The specimen standing in his collection under T. fulgens without further label (not reared from a host?) is a L. vulpina, as already stated by Mik & Wachtl 1895: 218.

(145) p. 282: Tachina nigra n. sp. (= Thelaira haematodes) ex Bombyx (= Arctia) hebe. — Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 802–803, has given a more detailed description of Hartig's specimen and created the genus Phenicellia for it.

(146) Tachina flavescens (= Exorista larvarum) ex Bombyx (= Arctia) caja.

(147) p. 283: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum, prb. correct) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), one specimen.

(148) — — ex hibernating caterpillars of Bombyx (= Arctia) caja, two thirds of them parasitized. The flies emerged April–May, 6–10 from each host.

(149) — — ex B. (= Leucoma) salicis. Cited also p. 278.

(150) — — ex B. (= Lasiocampa) quercus.

(151) — — ex B. (= Malacosoma) neustria, leg. Muss.

(152) — — ex Orgyia gonostigma (= O. recens).

(153) — — ex Sphinx (= Celerio) galii, 10 larvae out of one host.

(154) — — ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) polychloros. Cited also p. 278.

(155)* — — ex Noctua (= Ochropleura) praecox. — This single specimen is labelled with the host name, whereas all other specimens standing in Hartig's collection bear no information, see no. 157.

(156) — — not ex Bombyx (= Dendrolimus) pini, and not ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, although very large numbers of these two host species were reared. — Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 963, has misread this negative statement as a positive one, and has wrongly included both species in the host list of Tachina larvarum with reference to Hartig.

(157)* Besides the labelled specimen cited here under no. 155, there are 1 ♂, 1 ♀ Exorista larvarum and 5 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀ E. fasciata standing without label under the name T. larvarum in Hartig's collection. The preferred hosts of E. fasciata among forest Lepidoptera are Dendrolimus pini and Lymantria monacha. Hartig has not recorded his T. larvarum from either of these two host species, but Ratzeburg obtained it from L. monacha in the following years. He called it T. larvarum in 1841 (no. 210c), but T. monachae n. sp. in 1844 (no. 233). The latter is prb. E. fasciata, at least in part. The unlabelled series in coll. Hartig could have been bred from L. monacha after 1838, and there are also two specimens of the specific Lymantria-parasite Parasetigena silvestris (seen by Mik & Wachtl 1895: 247, as Duponchelia segregata, and by me) in coll. Hartig.

(158)* p. 284: Tachina piniariae n. sp. (= Blondelia piniariae) ex Geometra piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius). Cited also p. 262.

(159) — — (misid. = Blondelia nigripes) ex Geometra (= Abraxas) grossulariata. — Other specimens ex A. grossulariata in coll. Hartig are Phryxe nemea (see no. 99), but the description of T. piniariae excludes a confoundation with Phryxe. In outer morphology, B. nigripes and B. piniariae cannot be separated.

(160)* pp. 285, 279: Tachina simulans (misid. = Blondelia inclusa ♂) ex Lophyrus variegatus (prb. misid. = prb. Diprion frutetorum, see no. 113), and (161) ex L. (= D.) pini. — The true T. simulans is Exorista mimula.

(162)* pp. 286, 279: Tachina inclusa n. sp. (= Blondelia inclusa ♀) ex Lophyrus variegatus (prb. misid. = prb. Diprion frutetorum, see no. 113), (163) L. (= D.) pini, (164) L. (= D.) laricis, and (165) L. (= D.) pallidus.

(166)* p. 287: Tachina bimaculata n. sp. (= Drino inconspicua) ex Bombyx (= Dendrolimus) pini. Flies ex hibernated host caterpillars emerged in June, those from later collected caterpillars in August and September. p. 256: in small numbers.

(167) — — ex B. (= Lymantria) monacha. p. 259: in very small numbers.

(168) — — ex B. (= L.) dispar.

(169) — — ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea). Flies emerged in late July. p. 260: less common than Tachina fera (magnicornis) and Ernestia rudis.

(170)* — — ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, most common.

(171) — — ex L. rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer).

(172) — — ex L. (= Diprion) similis.

(173) — — ex L. (= D.) virens.

(174) — — ex L. (= D.) pallidus.

(175)* pp. 289, 287: Tachina gilva n. sp. (= Drino gilva) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pallidus.

(176) — — ex L. (= D.) laricis.

(177) p. 287: — — ex L. variegatus (prb. misid. = prb. Diprion frutetorum). — Hartig 1837, no. 114, has recorded T. bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua), not gilva, from this host.

(178)* pp. 290, 279: Tachina janitrix n. sp. (= Diplostichus janitrix) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) frutetorum. Puparium inside the host cocoon, the fly emerging through a preformed lid in the cocoon wall in early August.

(179) p. 290: Tachina affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Euprepia (= Arctia) caja. The flies emerged mid July.

(180)* p. 291: Tachina lucorum (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) ex Laria (= Leucoma) salicis.

(181) — — (— = —) ex Laria (= Lymantria) dispar, feeding together with L. salicis on Salix and Populus. — Very questionable, because a parasitism of C. laxifrons on L. dispar has never been confirmed.

(182) to nos. 180–181: In Hartig's collection, only specimens of Carcelia laxifrons are standing under the name Tachina lucorum, but he states that the flies emerged from the puparia 2–4 weeks after the larvae had left the host. This does not correspond with the one-year life-cycle of C. laxifrons and indicates that another species (prb. Carcelia gnava) was also present in the rearing. Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 221, had received a specimen from Hartig (ex L. salicis) and found it identical with specimens that he himself had reared from Dasychira pudibunda. These were almost certainly Carcelia gnava, see no. 435.

(183) to nos. 180–181: Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 567, have listed these two host records under Parexorista lucorum with reference to Z. K. M. III, 78 (= Brauer 1883a: 78, where Hartig is cited). Bezzi 1907: 234 and 236, has synonymized Parexorista lucorum B.B. with Carcelia cheloniae (= C. lucorum), and Sisyropa lucorum B.B. with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa, but he misplaced the hosts of P. lucorum from Brauer & Bergenstamm's list (including the records of Hartig) in the host list of C. (= S.) excisa. Mik & Wachtl 1895: 230, misidentified the specimens in Hartig's collection (which are Carcelia laxifrons) as Parexorista comata, and that is quoted by Bezzi 1907: 240 (Exorista comata), with the two hosts. In Bezzi's catalogue, the records of Hartig are thus cited twice in wrong places. The true comata Rondani is C. lucorum.

(184)* p. 292: Tachina pilipennis var. 3 (= Actia nudibasis) ex Tortrix resinana (= Petrova resinella). Cited also p. 268.

(185)* — — (= — —) ex Tortrix pinetana (misid. = Rhyacionia buoliana). — Hartig has added buoliana in parentheses to the host name, and in 1838a: 267, he has used only the name Tortrix buoliana. The true T. pinetana is Olethreutes schulziana, which is therefore, but wrongly, cited as host of Actia pilipennis by Bezzi 1907: 390.

(186) Tachina bicolor (= Ceromyia bicolor) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus. The flies emerged in mid June.

(187) p. 293: Tachina selecta (misid. = Peribaea fissicornis, 1 ♂) ex Geometra piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius) caterpillar. Pupation in the soil, emerging 14 days later. The splitting of the 3rd antennal joint is mentioned. — The biological data on p. 262 apply only to T. (= Blondelia) piniariae.

(188) Tachina vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Bombyx (= Arctia) caja, emerging of the fly in beginning of July.

(189) Tachina scutellaris (misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Sphinx (= Mimas) tiliae pupa, the fly emerging in June of next year. — Wrongly synonymized with Masicera pavoniae by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 880, and with M. silvatica by Mik & Wachtl 1895: 232, and Bezzi 1907: 282.

(190)* p. 294: Tachina auronitens (= Frontina laeta) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) castrensis, 25th July. — The host must be wrong, because F. laeta has a one year life-cycle with flight period in July–September, whereas the larvae of M. castrensis are feeding in May–June.

(191)* p. 295: Tachina erythrostoma n. sp. (= Phryxe erythrostoma) ex hibernated pupae of Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, 2–13 from one host, common in host samples collected in four different provinces. Puparium in the soil. Cited also on p. 269.

(192) — — not ex Bombyx (= Dendrolimus) pini, not a single specimen reared from many thousands of host larvae. — This negative statement has been misunderstood by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 319 (Hemithaea erythrostoma), as a positive record, and the wrong host has been cited in subsequent literature.

(193)* p. 296: Tachina tenthredinum n. sp. (= Bessa selecta) ex tenthredinid larvae on Salix and Fraxinus.

(194) Tachina concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Pontia (= Pieris) brassicae, (195) Noctua (= Acronicta) tridens,

(196) Bombyx (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea, and (197) B. (= Leucoma) salicis.

(198) p. 298: Gonia capitata (prb. misid. = prb. Gonia ornata) ex Noctua (= Ochropleura) praecox.

(199) — — (— = —) ex Agrotis valligera (= A. vestigialis). Puparium in the empty host pupa, emerging in 1st half of May. Cited also on p. 278, the parasite as Gonia nervosa (see also Hartig & Hartig 1834: no. 105).

Localities in Germany (not specified).

Dufour & Perris 1840

(200) p. 12: Senometopia spinipennis (misid.) ex Osmia tridentata, SW France. — The parasite larvae found inside the nest cells of this host were probably Sarcophagidae (Miltogrammatinae). Tachina spinipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) is a parasite of Forficula.

Ratzeburg 1840

The collection of Ratzeburg at Eberswalde has been destroyed during the war, but some specimens that he had given to Hartig are preserved in ZSMC.

(201) p. 98: Tachina bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) monacha, rare.

(202) p. 125: Tachina ochracea n. sp. (= Zenillia libatrix) ex B. (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Rheinland and Westfalen. — Wrongly synonymized with Myxexorista grisella (= Zenillia dolosa) by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 563.

(203)* Tachina processioneae n. sp. (= Pales processioneae, syn. P. opulenta Herting) ex B. (= Th.) processionea, Rheinland and Westfalen (on label: Köln). — Mik & Wachtl 1895: 238, have confounded this species with Phorocera cilipeda (= Pales pavida) and wrongly used Phorocera processioneae as valid name of the latter. Stein 1924: 66, has wrongly used the name processioneae in the genus Carcelia for a variety (parafacials bare) of C. iliaca, because the two species were confounded in Ratzeburg's collection at Eberswalde. Details see Herting 1990: 2.

(204)* Tachina iliaca n. sp. (= Carcelia iliaca) ex B. (= Th.) processionea, Rheinland and Westfalen.

(205) p. 152: Tachina bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Bombyx (= Dendrolimus) pini, common.

(206) pp. 174, 175: Tachina glabrata (misid. = Ernestia rudis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), common.

Localities in Germany.

Roser 1840

(207)* p. 57: Tachina ephippium n. sp. (= Tachina lurida) ex Sphinx euphorbiae (misid. = Orthosia cruda). — The empty pupa of the host, which included the empty puparium of the parasite, is pinned together with the fly. I am grateful to the specialist J. Patočka, Zvolen (Slovakia), for the correct determination.

(208) T. vulgaris (misid. = ?Zaira cinerea) ex Procrustes (= Carabus) coriaceus. — Two unlabelled specimens of Z. cinerea are in the collection, but there is no indication that they have been reared. The species could have been misidentified as T. vulgaris because of a misprint in the paper of Meigen 1824, see no. 31.

(209)* p. 57: Tachina atramentaria (= Stevenia atramentaria, Rhinophoridae) ex Oniscus asellus (misid. = Trachelipus brandti, det. Schmalfuss). — The empty skin of the parasitized isopod is pinned together with the fly.

Localities in Württemberg (SW Germany). Specimens in SMNS.

Ratzeburg 1841

(210a) Taf. I, fig. 9, text p. 8: Tachina laevigata (misid. = Ernestia rudis) very common ex “Eulenpuppen” (= pupae of Panolis flammea). — Cited by Ratzeburg 1844, p. 171, as Tachina glabrata (no. 220).

(210b) Taf. I, fig. 10, text p. 8: Tachina fera (prb. misid. = Tachina magnicornis) [the narrow frons and the narrow abdominal stripe equals the true T. fera] ex Nonne (= Lymantria monacha). — See no. 218.

(210c) p. 69, footnote: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista fasciata or E. larvarum) ex Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), East Germany. From 500 full-grown host larvae, 44 flies were obtained after a short pupal period, from 75 puparia the flies did not emerge. — The latter were prb. Parasetigena silvestris, which remains in diapause until the next spring.

Audouin 1842

(211) p. 194: Musca hortorum (misid. = Nemorilla sp., prb. N. maculosa) ex Pyralis vitana (= Sparganothis pilleriana), Mâconnais (Saône-et-Loire, France). When the host larva began spinning the cocoon, it was killed by the internal parasite. — Audouin refers to Musca hortorum in Meigen 1826: 73, which is Morellia hortorum Fallén, a non-parasitic Muscidae. The picture of the fly (pl. 19, fig. 5) shows clearly a Nemorilla. Cited by Mayet 1890: 219 as Tachina hortorum Meigen, a combination which does not exist as nominal species. Wrongly synonymized with Eristalis tenax var. hortorum Meigen (Syrphidae) by Leonardi 1925: 28, and 1928: 143.

Wahlberg 1842

(212) p. 235: Gonia fasciata (= Gonia picea) pursued a flying Bombus terrestris. This observation is included in a report on the sarcophagid Miltogramma oestraceum, which follows its host Megilla retusa (= Anthophora retusa, Hym. Apidae) to the entrance of the nest and larviposits on it. — Wrongly quoted by Zetterstedt 1849: 3252, as Gonia fasciata ovipositing on M. retusa. Also misquoted by Schiner 1862: 441, who wrongly states that Wahlberg had found the larvae of Gonia fasciata in the nests of B. terrestris and M. retusa.

Heyden 1843

(213) p. 209: Gymnosoma rotundata [only “Gymnosoma” is stated, not “rotundata”] (possibly misid. = Gymnosoma sp.) ex Pentatoma sp. (= pentatomid indet.). Locality prb. near Frankfurt/Main.

Siebold 1843

(214) p. 391: Diptera larvae (= Thrixion aberrans) in Bacillus rossii ♀, Istria (Croatia), up to 13 parasites in one host. Pl. I, figs. 1–4: 3rd instar larva, head, antenna, anterior and posterior stigmata. — The drawings show the characteristics of Thrixion larvae.

Passerini 1844

(215)* p. 123: Musca larvarum (misid. = Linnaemyia lithosiophaga) ex Lithosia (= Eilema) caniola, Firenze (= Florence, Italy). From 40 host pupae more than 20 flies and only 6 moths were obtained. — Rondani 1859 (no. 388), has described the parasite from this rearing as Micropalpus lithosiophagus n. sp., specimens in MZUF.

Ratzeburg 1844

The author uses the generic names Tachina and Gonia only as subgenera of Musca. The collection of R. at Eberswalde has been destroyed during the war, but some specimens that he had given to Hartig are preserved in ZSMC.

(216) p. 166: Tachina concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ovipositing on two larvae of Sphinx (= prb. Hyloicus pinastri), observed by Bouché [recorded as reared from Sphinx pinastri by Bouché 1833, 1834].

(217) p. 168: Tachina bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Forleule (= Panolis flammea).

(218) p. 171: Tachina fera (prb. misid. = T. magnicornis, Taf. X, fig. 1F, black median stripe broadened on last abdominal segment) ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) monacha, a single specimen.

(219) Tachina fera (or misid. = T. magnicornis) ex Noctua (= Lithosia) quadra, Graff.

(220) Tachina glabrata (misid. = Ernestia rudis) ex hibernated pupae of Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), very numerous, Boitzenburg (Uckermark). Taf. X, fig. 2.

(221) p. 172: Tachina flaviceps n. sp. (= Ceromyia flaviceps) ex Kienraupen (= Dendrolimus pini), mid July, in numbers. — The species is missing in the catalogue of Bezzi 1907. Stein 1924: 134, has seen it in Ratzeburg's collection, he assumed that it was unpublished and described it with the same species name as Actia flaviceps n. sp.

(222) Tachina hartigii n. sp. (= Goniocera versicolor) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 351, as doubtful species in the genus Tachina. On the identity see Herting 1982: 8.

(223) Tachina pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Tortrix (= Rhyacionia) buoliana, very common. Fig. 4A on Taf. X shows the characteristic wing of Actia nudibasis (vein r1 ciliate only in its apical third), fig. 4T the puparium.

(224) — — (— = —) ex Tortrix resinana (= Petrova resinella), very common.

(225) — — (= Actia pilipennis, or misid.) ex Tinea (= Hyponomeuta) evonymella, Bouché. — A parasitism of an Actia on Hyponomeuta has never been confirmed.

(226) Tachina crassicornis (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Tortrix resinana (= Petrova resinella), 1 specimen, 6.VI.

(227) Tachina evonymellae n. sp. (= Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Tinea (= Hyponomeuta) evonymella, July. — Host on Prunus padus, see Ratzeburg 1840: 249.

(228) Tachina setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex T. (= H.) evonymella, Bouché. — The true host was probably a Forficula.

(229) Tachina simulans (misid. = Blondelia inclusa ♂) ex Tenthredo (= Diprion) pini, hibernated cocoons. [Also Tenthredo (= Gilpinia) variegata is recorded as host.]

(230) p. 173: Tachina inclusa (= Blondelia inclusa ♀) ex different Lophyrus (= Diprion spp., including D. pini), mid July.

(231)* Tachina angusticornis n. sp. (= Baumhaueria goniaeformis) ex Bombyx (= Eriogaster) lanestris. — A specimen is preserved in coll. Hartig. The species was tentatively synonymized with Thelymorpha vertiginosa (= Th. marmorata) by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 575, and this wrong synonymy has been quoted by Lederer 1925: 23.

(232) Tachina larvincola n. sp. (= prb. Exorista larvarum) ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) dispar. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 352, as doubtful species in the genus Tachina. See also no. 1303.

(233) Tachina monachae n. sp. (= Exorista fasciata and/or E. larvarum) ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) monacha, common, adults emerging in autumn. — This is the species called T. larvarum in Ratzeburg 1841 (no. 210c). Cited by Bezzi 1907: 352 as doubtful species in the genus Tachina.

(234) — — (= prb. Exorista larvarum) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(235) — — (= — —) ex B. (= Lymantria) dispar.

(236) Tachina neustriae n. sp. (= ?Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Malacosoma neustria. The host is not mentioned, but the species name refers to it. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 352, as doubtful species in the genus Tachina.

(237) Tachina piniariae (= Blondelia piniariae) ex Geometra piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius), solitary, hibernating as larva in the host pupa.

(238)* p. 174: Tachina pinivorae n. sp. (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) pinivora. — 1 ♂ in Hartig's collection. [Blondelia pinivorae is a valid species, see Bergström & Bystrowski 2011, the specimen in ZSMC (now lectotype) is a female according to these authors.]

(239) Tachina crassiseta n. sp. (= prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) dispar, Graff. — The species is missing in the catalogue of Bezzi 1907. Stein 1924: 92, has seen the specimen and identified it as Masicera silvatica. The male of M. silvatica sensu Stein has two pairs of proclinate orbital bristles (= M. sphingivora).

(240) Tachina erythrostoma (= Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, common, hibernating in the host pupa.

(241) Tachina lucorum (misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Bombyx (= Leucoma) salicis, common. — The description (arista thickened in basal half) agrees better with C. gnava than with other Carcelia spp.

(242) Tachina ruficrus n. sp. (= unknown sp.) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, Graff. — The species is missing in the catalogue of Bezzi 1907.

(243) Tachina ochracea (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, common, Lödderitz (near Dessau, Sachsen).

(244) p. 174 and fig. 7 on Taf. X: Gonia piniperdae n. sp. (= prb. Gonia picea) ex hibernated pupae of Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea). — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 353, as doubtful species in the genus Tachina. Baer 1921: 363 (reprint p. 143), recognized its probable identity with Gonia fasciata (= G. picea). The host record is questionable, because some pupae of Cerapteryx graminis, the normal host of G. picea, may have been collected together with the Panolis-pupae.

(245) p. 175: Musca quinquevittata (= Agria affinis, Sarcophagidae) ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) monacha and B. (= L.) dispar, very common. — Described as Sarcophaga quinquevittata n. sp. by Hartig 1838b: 303, Host: Bombyx (= Dendrolimus) pini. Wrongly placed in the genus Tachina by Rondani 1872a: 163, 335, and misspelled “Tachina quinquevitalata Hrtg.” in the parasite list of Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar by Fernald in Forbush & Fernald 1896 (no. 1383).

Localities in Germany (not specified).

Zetterstedt 1844

The collection Zetterstedt is well preserved, but the labels are tiny coloured plates referring only to localities, not to hosts. Specimens pinned together with the puparium were sent to me by courtesy of R. Danielsson. It is likely that the hosts mentioned in the publication belong to these specimens.

(246)* p. 1014: Tachina fasciata (= Exorista fasciata) ex Arctia caja, several specimens, Lund.

(247) p. 1039: Tachina pacta (= Zaira cinerea) ex Carabus violaceus, Staeger, Denmark.

(248) p. 1042: Tachina flavoscutellata n. sp. (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp., Marklin. — The host is wrongly referred to Blepharipa schineri (= flavoscutellata sensu Schiner, not Zetterstedt) by Mesnil 1950: 140.

(249) p. 1078: Tachina erinaceus (prb. misid. = prb. Triarthria setipennis) “in Tephritis pupa parasita e fructu Rosae exclusa …, teste Dahlbom”. — Host certainly wrong. The tephritid living in rose hips is Rhagoletis alternata, but puparia of the Forficula-parasite T. setipennis are often found in small cavities, and the adult of that species has parafacial bristles like Peteina erinaceus. The remark “teste Dahlbohm” may indicate that the specimen was not determined by Zetterstedt.

(250) p. 1089: Tachina grandis n. sp. (= Exorista grandis) ex Bombyx (= Arctia) caja, one specimen, Lund.

(251) — — ex Saturnia pavonula (= S. pavonia), Östergotland, Wahlberg.

(252) p. 1092: Tachina pavoniae n. sp. (= Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia (= S. pavonia), Gusum (Östergotland), Wahlberg.

(253) p. 1105: Tachina 4-pustulata (?misid. = ?Winthemia cruentata) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia). — A specimen, pinned together with the puparium, is W. cruentata, but there is no label indicating the host.

(254) p. 1107: Tachina affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), and (255) Arctia caja (common).

(256) p. 1125: Tachina assimilis (= Phorocera assimilis) ex Bombyx pavonella (= Saturnia pavonia). [P. assimilis was never recorded again from this commonly reared host, so prb. misid. or host wrong.]

(257) p. 1127: Tachina lata n. sp. (= Diplostichus janitrix) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Dahlbom. — Cited as doubtful species in the genus Phorocera by Bezzi 1907: 319. The identity with D. janitrix has been stated by Ringdahl 1934: 269.

(258)* p. 1267: Dexia leucozona (misid. = Thelaira nigripes) ex Chelonia (= Arctia) caja. — Several specimens labelled as D. leucozona, with puparia (host not indicated), are all T. nigripes. [Arctia caja is the typical host of the true Thelaira leucozona, hence it cannot be ruled out the specimens of T. nigripes with puparia might belong to the following host.]

(259) — — (— = —) ex Chelonia lubricipeda (= Spilosoma lutea). — See preceding note.

Verloren 1846

(260) p. 205: Tachina glabrata (misid. = Ernestia rudis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), prov. Utrecht (NL). Further details in Verloren 1847: 131, 133. Up to 73 % of the hosts were parasitized by this tachinid. — Redetermined as Nemoraea strenua (= Ernestia rudis) by Wulp 1869: 141.

Gimmerthal 1847

(261) p. 188: Phorocera assimilis (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Cossus ligniperda (= C. cossus), Kawall.

(262) P. pumicata (misid. = Pales pavida) ex Noctua (= Plusia) gamma, Büttner.

Locality: Kurland (= W Latvia).

Ratzeburg 1847

(263) p. 61: Tachina processioneae (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia iliaca) ex Gastropacha (= Thaumetopoea) pinivora, Hering. — The lectotype of T. processioneae in ZSMC is a Pales (see no. 203) but the specimens standing under this name in Ratzeburg's collection in Eberswalde and seen by Stein 1924: 67 were all iliaca. R. had described the two species with unreliable characters and confounded them.

Verloren 1847 see Verloren 1846
Boie 1848

(264) p. 338: Tachina rudis, det. Winthem and Staeger (= Ernestia rudis), most common parasite of Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), Holstein (N Germany). In 1846, adults of this tachinid were very abundant, and nearly 100 % of the host larvae were parasitized by it.

Brants 1848

(265) p. 74: tachinid larvae (= prb. Ernestia rudis) in Trachea piniperda (= Panolis flammea). Development of the respiratory funnel.

Dufour 1848

(266) p. 428: Phasia crassipennis (= Ectophasia crassipennis) ex Pentatoma grisea (= Rhaphigaster nebulosa), SW France.

Heeger 1848

(267) p. 325: Tachina bisignata (= Meigenia sp.) ex Paropsis sexpunctata (= Phytodecta fornicata). — Cited also by Rossi 1848: 47.

(268) p. 990: T. bisignata (prb. misid. = prb. Nemorilla sp.) ex Epischnia (= Gymnancyla) canella.

Locality: Mödling near Vienna (Austria).

Macquart 1848

All rearings by Bremi, Zürich (CH).

(269)* p. 96: Plagia transversa n. sp. (= Voria ruralis, in ETHZ) ex Plusia illustris (= Plusia variabilis).

(270) p. 99: Doria concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Bombyx (= Poecilocampa) populi.

(271) p. 125: Nemoraea analis n. sp. (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Cucullia verbasci, and (272) Elopia (= Ourapteryx) sambucaria. — (273) to nos. 271–272: N. analis has been wrongly synonymized with Winthemia crassicornis (= W. rufiventris) by Mesnil 1949: 88 and both host records are wrongly cited by him under that species.

Rossi 1848

Reared in Austria by Scheffer (= Sch.), Dorfmeister (= Dfm.) or by the author himself.

(274) p. 46: Echinomyia rubricornis (prb. misid. = prb. Peleteria ferina) ex Euprepia (= Hyphoraia) aulica, Sch. and Rossi. — E. rubricornis Rob.-Desv. has been synonymized with E. (= Tachina) fera, and the host record is therefore cited by Schiner 1862: 425, and in subsequent catalogues under the latter species, but this is probably wrong.

(275) p. 47: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Melitaea didyma, and (276) Zygaena filipendulae.

(277) T. morosa (= Drino atropivora) ex Acherontia atropos, puparia agglomerated to a compact disc in the soil. — The original T. morosa Meigen is a species of doubtful identity.

(278) T. bisignata (= Meigenia sp., prb. mutabilis) ex Athalia spinarum (= A. rosae), Heeger. — Another host see no. 267.

(279) T. doris (misid. = Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa cardui, Sch. — The wrong determination was rectified and the host record referred to Argyrophylax pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella) by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 544. The true T. doris is Lydella stabulans, it was incorrectly synonymized with Ceromasia senilis (= Lydella grisescens) by Bezzi 1907: 287. See also no. 2605 (Leonardi 1924: 6).

(280) T. terminalis (identity unknown) ex “Lat.” pyri (= Saturnia pyri). — This record is not quoted by Schiner 1862: 480, and subsequent authors. T. terminalis has been synonymized with Phryxe vulgaris by Bezzi 1907: 275, but the original description of Meigen 1824: 323, does not fit at all with this species.

(281) T. bella (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

(282) — — (= S. bella, or misid. = Drino inconspicua) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar, Dfm.

(283) to nos. 281–282: Bezzi 1907: 226, has wrongly synonymized T. bella with Sturmia (= Drino) atropivora and wrongly referred the two hosts Vanessa io and Lymantria dispar to the latter species.

(284) Tachina agilis (= Blondelia nigripes, or misid.) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, and (285) V. (= Aglais) urticae.

(286) p. 51: Nemoraea quadripustulata (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Cucullia verbasci, SCH.

(287) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri.

(288) Myobia aurea (= Leskia aurea) ex Sesia (= Bembecia) ichneumoniformis, Kollar, and (289) S. cynipiformis (= Synanthedon vespiformis).

(290) p. 52: Thryptocera spinipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea), Sch. — The true host was prb. a Forficula.

(291) Thryptocera pilipennis (prb. misid. = prb. Actia crassicornis) ex Tinea (= Depressaria) liturella (= D. flavella), Sch.

(292) Thryptocera bicolor (= Ceromyia bicolor, or misid.) ex Ph. mediella (= Morophaga boleti), Sch. — Questionable. The genus name Phalaena for a tineid indicates a very old record, and the host is abnormal for C. bicolor.

(293) p. 53: Frontina vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Euprepia (= Arctia) villica.

(294) p. 54: Exorista affinis (= Huebneria affinis, or misid.) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar.

(295) E. nemestrina (misid. = ?Phebellia clavellariae) ex Clavellaria amerinae, Sch. — The true nemestrina Meigen is Platymyia fimbriata.

(296) E. lucorum (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Euprepia (= Arctia) villica, (297) E. (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, and (298) E. (= Arctia) caja.

(299) — — (= Carcelia lucorum, or misid. = C. dubia) ex Euprepia (= Arctia) hebe, Dfm.

(300) — — (prb. misid., prb. Senometopia separata) ex Endromis versicolora. — The only species of Carcelia s. lat. definitely known to be a parasite of E. versicolora is S. separata.

(301) to nos. 296–300: E. lucorum with reference to Rossi 1848: 54, has been wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235, and the above mentioned five hosts have been wrongly attributed to that species.

(302) E. albicans (misid., identity unknown) ex Acronicta rumicis, Sch. — This host record is not quoted by Schiner 1862: 467, and subsequent authors.

(303) E. succincta (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia).

(304) E. apicalis (prb. = Winthemia sp.) ex S. carpini (= S. pavonia). — Mesnil 1949: 74 has wrongly synonymized apicalis with Nemosturmia (= Timavia) amoena and wrongly transferred to that species the hosts listed by Bezzi 1907: 229, under Winthemia apicalis (including this one).

(305) E. libatrix (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Brephos nothum, Dfm.

(306) E. nemea (= Phryxe nemea) ex Thyatira batis, Dfm. — The determination of the fly is confirmed by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1891: 329.

(307) p. 55: Phorocera assimilis (prb. misid. = prb. Compsilura concinnata) ex Vanessa prorsa (= Araschnia levana).

(308) P. munda (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Pontia (= Pieris) brassicae, Kollar.

(309) P. pavida (= Pales pavida) ex Plusia gamma.

Scholtz 1848

Diptera parasitic on insects pp. 5–7: An abstract of literature data, no original host records.

(310) Herting 1960: 135, has cited Thelaira nigripes ex Arctia caja with reference to Scholtz, but the record was originally published by Meigen 1826, and the parasite was Thelaira leucozona, not T. nigripes (see no. 33).

Apetz 1849

(311) Echinomyia grossa (= Tachina grossa) larvae coming out of a killed female were placed on a Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi caterpillar and bored into it. — Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 577 have cited the host Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) trifolii (no. 84) with wrong reference to Apetz.

(312) — — assumed to be a parasite of Euprepia (= Pericallia) matronula. — Not confirmed by breeding.

Lucas 1849

(313) p. XLIX: Exorista glauca (misid. = ?Carcelia gnava or C. rasa) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, France.

Macquart 1849

Reared in France by Bellier De La Chavignerie, unless otherwise stated.

(314) p. 368: Exorista gnava (= Carcelia gnava) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(315) p. 379: E. lucorum (= Carcelia lucorum) [misid. = Carcelia dubia following Mesnil 1944: 48] ex Chelonia (= Arctia) villica. — Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235.

(316) p. 381: E. gibbicornis n. sp. (identity unknown) ex Gastropacha (= Philudoria) potatoria, Bremi, Zürich (Switzerland). — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 251, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia). Synonymized (prb. wrongly) with Winthemia crassicornis (= W. rufiventris) by Mesnil 1949: 88.

(317)* p. 387: E. inclinata n. sp. (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) polychloros, Bremi, Zürich (Switzerland). — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 251, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia).

(318) p. 394: E. libatrix (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Abrostola asclepiadis.

(319) p. 397: E. vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Plusia gamma.

(320) p. 405: E. acronyctarum n. sp. (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta psi. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 248, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia).

Ratzeburg 1849

(321) p. 133: Tachina concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, Saarbrücken (W Germany).

Zetterstedt 1849

(322) p. 3213: Siphona cristata (= Siphona sp.) ex Geometra (= Erannis) ?defoliaria, BOIE, North Germany. (= no. 121).

(323) p. 3228: Tachina tincta (misid. = Bessa parallela) ex Tinea (= Hyponomeuta) cognatella, Staeger, Denmark.

(324) p. 3252: Gonia fasciata (= Gonia picea) parasite of Megilla (= Anthophora) retusa (Hym. Apidae). — Misquotation of the text of Wahlberg 1842 (no. 212).

Boheman 1850 see Boheman 1851
Macquart 1850

(325) p. 458: Masicera scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis, or misid.) ex Sphinx (= Acherontia) atropos, no locality.

(326) p. 476: M. bremii n. sp. (= prb. Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, Bremi, Zürich. — Cited as doubtful species in Masicera by Bezzi 1907: 283.

(327) p. 477: M. atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Sphinx (= Acherontia) atropos, Deyrolle, Italy.

Robineau-Desvoidy 1850

B.d.Ch. = Bellier De La Chavignerie. Localities in France, not specified.

*Specimens preserved in MNHN.

(328) p. 161: Sturmia vanessae (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, B.d.Ch

(329)* p. 164: Carcelia arion (misid. = Carcelia rasa) ex Orgyia antiqua (B.d.Ch.), and (330) Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda (Berce). — (331) to nos. 329–330: The description of these two specimens differs from the original description of C. arion Robineau-Desvoidy 1847: 275. They were therefore named Carcelia amphion n. sp. (= C. rasa) by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I), see nos. 446–447. The true C. arion is prb. C. puberula. Both C. arion and C. amphion were wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235.

(332) Carcelia gnava (or misid.?) [this is probably the specimen described by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 237 as C. orgyae, the identification confirmed by Herting, see no. 443] ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) castrensis, B.d.Ch.

(333) C. puparum (misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, Berce. — Redetermined (but again misid.) as Carcelia lucorum by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 220. Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 236.

(334) p. 166: Hubneria eruceti n. sp. (identity unknown) ex chenille rouleuse du rosier (= tortricid sp. on Rosa). — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 250, without host record as doubtful species in the genus Exorista.

(335) p. 167: H. cuculliae n. sp. (identity unknown) ex Cucullia lychnitis, Guérin. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 249, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia).

(336) p. 168: H. acronita n. sp. (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta megacephala, berce. — Name emended to acronyctae and species designated as type of the new genus Phorcida by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 251. Cited by Bezzi 1907: 247, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia acronictae). Confounded with Tachina acronyctae Bouché (= Compsilura concinnata, see no. 88) and host record wrongly listed under Machaira serriventris (= C. concinnata) by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 553, 559.

(337) Zenillia libatrix ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria, B.d.Ch.

(338) p. 169: Z. orgyae n. sp. (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, Berce.

(339)* p. 170: Tachina macroglossae n. sp. (= Exorista larvarum) ex Macroglossa stellatarum, B.d.Ch. — Correctly synonymized with T. (= E.) larvarum by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 962.

(340) p. 171: Erycia vanessae n. sp. (= prb. Masicera pavoniae [Herting 1974a: 25 states — and HPT agrees — that this synonymy would be unlikely because of the untypical host]) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, Bagriot. — Placed in a separate genus Beraldia by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 906. Wrongly synonymized with Erycia ferruginea (sensu Bezzi, not Meigen = E. fatua) by Bezzi 1907: 297.

(341) p. 172: Phryxe vanessae n. sp. (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, Guérin.

(342) Phryxe pieridis n. sp. (= P. vulgaris) ex Pieris rapae, Guérin.

(343)* p. 174: Phryxe flavipalpis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Chelonia civica (= Hyphoraia testudinaria), B.d.CH. — Placed in a separate genus Celea by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 273 (see no. 452). Cited by Bezzi 1907: 250, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia).

(344) Sur les Phorocères. — The following seven “new species” have been synonymized with Doria (= Compsilura) concinnata by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 536, under the collective denomination “Phorocera varia” (p. 174 misprinted “p. 134″), and all host records (nos. 345–351) are included in the text of D. concinnata (p. 537). Bezzi 1907: 310 misunderstood the collective name and, under the synonyms of C. concinnata, cited “Phorocera varia” with reference to “Robineau-Desvoidy 1850: 134″ (but the paper of 1850 does not contain this name). Moreover, he wrongly synonymized four of the seven species with Phorocera assimilis Fallén.

(345) p. 175: Phorocera orthalidis n. sp. (= Compsilura concinnata) ex “Ortalis” (= Orthosia) stabilis, B.d.Ch. — Ortalis is a genus of Diptera which does not contain a species named stabilis. The host is cited by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 537, correctly as Orthosia stabilis. The parasite is wrongly synonymized with Phorocera assimilis by Bezzi 1907: 316.

(346) p. 176: P. orgyae n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Orgya (= Dasychira) pudibunda, BERCE. — Wrongly synonymized with P. assimilis by Bezzi 1907: 316.

(347) p. 177: P. cuculliae n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Cucullia verbasci, BERCE. — Wrongly synonymized with P. assimilis by Bezzi 1907: 316.

(348) p. 178: P. bercei n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Berce. — Wrongly synonymized with P. assimilis by Bezzi 1907: 316.

(349) p. 179: P. guerini n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Noctua rumicis (= Acronicta rumicis), Guérin.

(350) p. 180: P. pieridis n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Pieris brassicae, Guérin.

(351) p. 181: P. pusilla n. sp. (= C. concinnata) ex Pieris rapae, Guérin.

Boheman 1851

(352) p. 154: Tachina setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Forficula auricularia. There is a preceding note (Boheman 1850: 214) on this rearing, but the parasite was then in the pupal stage and not yet identified. The puparium was formed in August, the fly emerged in May of the following year. Locality: Sweden.

Dufour 1851

(353)* p. 63: Hyalomyia dispar n. sp. (= Rondania dispar, in MNHN) ex adult Brachyderes lusitanicus, SW France. Further details see Dufour 1852 (no. 364). — Wrongly synonymized with H. (= Phasia, syn.: Alophora) pusilla by Rondani 1872c (no. 632) and Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 542. Wrongly placed in the genus Tamiclea (= Strongygaster) by Bezzi 1907: 568.

Lambert 1851, Robineau-Desvoidy 1851a

(354) Rhinomyia lamberti n. sp. (= Perichaeta unicolor) ex adult Chrysomela (= Chrysolina) graminis, 7–8 of ca. 300 hosts parasitized, Saumur (Maine-et-Loire, France). Lambert: rearing (parasite undetermined). Robineau-Desvoidy: description of R. lamberti. — Wrongly synonymized with Rhinophora lepida (Rhinophoridae) by Séguy 1950: 452.

(355) Robineau-Desvoidy, p. XXVII: Parasitic fly (= ?Zaira cinerea) trapped in the anus of an adult Carabus splendens, when leaving the dead host, only head visible, Pyrénées, Guérin- Méneville.

Robineau-Desvoidy 1851b

Rearings by Goureau. Locality: Yonne (France). *in MNHN.

(356) p. 148: Carcelia puparum (= prb. Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa. — Redetermined as C. lucorum by Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 221. Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 236.

(357) p. 149: Carcelia apicalis n. sp. (tibiae almost wholly black = prb. Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa. — Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235.

(358)* Thryptocera flavisquamis n. sp. (= Actia pilipennis) ex tortricid on Ulmus.

(359) p. 151: Gouraldia pupivora n. sp. (= ?Eumea linearicornis ♀) ex Tortrix laevigana (= Archips rosana). — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 284, as doubtful species in the genus Masicera, with the following species as synonym.

(360) p. 152: Gouraldia binotata n. sp. (= the male of the preceding species) ex Tortrix laevigana (= A. rosana). — Cited by Goureau 1861: 199, as Metopia bisignata (n. comb. and misspelling, see no. 397).

(361) Elophoria gouraldi n. sp. (= prb. Bessa parallela) [listed as doubtful taxon under Eumea in Herting & Delydraskovits 1993: 226] ex Tortrix laevigana (= Archips rosana). — Cited by Goureau 1861: 199, as Senometopia gouraldi. Bezzi 1907: 319, has wrongly synonymized it with Elophoria myoidea Rob.-Desv. which he placed as doubtful species in the genus Phorocera. Cited with the same name (P. myioidea) under the host Cacoecia rosana by Baer 1921: 405 (reprint p. 185). In the Thompson catalogue, the species is confounded with Masicera (= Lydella) myoidea Rob.-Desv. sensu Coquillett 1897: 114 and wrongly synonymized with Lydella grisescens.

(362) p. 153: Phorocera flavifrons n. sp. (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Pieris rapae.

(363) P. hadenae n. sp. (= prb. Compsilura concinnata) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) brassicae. — Wrongly synonymized with Phorocera assimilis by Bezzi 1907: 316.

Dufour 1852

(364)* p. 443: Hyalomyia dispar (= Rondania dispar, in MNHN) ex Brachyderes lusitanicus, SW France. Further details on the parasite host relation. Pl. 8, III, figs. 1–3, larva (3rd or 2nd stage) and puparium. — See also no. 353.

Goureau 1852

(365) p. LXXX: Erythrocera scutellata (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta malinella. — The observed predacious Diptera larvae in the webs of the host do not belong to this tachinid, but to the sarcophagid Agria mamillata Pand.

Perris 1852

(366) p. 202: Masicera atropicida n. sp. (= Drino atropivora) ex Sphinx (= Acherontia) atropos, SW France.

Smith 1852

(367) p. 82: Tachina nitidula (misid. = Billaea irrorata) ex Saperda populnea, Hampstead (GB). A very high percentage of hosts was parasitized. — The few biological observations agree with B. irrorata.

Newport 1853

Rearings in Britain.

(368) p. 248: Metopia forficulae n. sp. (= prb. Triarthria setipennis) ex common earwig (= Forficula auricularia).

(369) Exorista larvarum (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia Pavonia minor (= S. pavonia), 1–10 parasite pupae in one host cocoon.

Robineau-Desvoidy 1853

Rearings by Moret, Auxerre (Yonne, F).

(370) p. 533: Carcelia bombycivora (misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria. The description of C. bombycivora 1847, p. 280, is repeated here. — According to Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I), p. 229, his use of the name in 1847 was wrong and concerned the new species C. laevigata, but this rearing is not mentioned. Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907.

(371) p. 534: Hubneria flavescens (= prb. Nemorilla sp.) [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 445; Nemorilla would be a guess] ex nymphe d'une pyrale qui roule les feuilles du rosier. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 250, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista. The host is cited by him as “Pyralis sp.”, but the name “pyrale” is used in French not only for Pyralidae, but also for Tortricidae.

(372)* p. 535: Tachina moreti n. sp. (= Exorista larvarum, in MNHN) ex Bombyx (= Lymantria) dispar. — An aberrant specimen with distinctly hairy eyes. This character has mislead Mesnil 1960: 600, to introduce the name Exorista fasciata var. moreti for the species E. segregata Rondani.

Bachmann 1855

(373) p. 12: Echinomyia grossa (= Tachina grossa) ex Gastropacha (= Macrothylacia) rubi, Insterburg (East Prussia, now Chernyakhovsk, Russia).

Goureau 1855

(374) p. XXXV: Eurygaster pomariorum n. sp., nomen nudum (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta spp. — A preliminary note. See the description by Goureau 1861 (no. 398).

Reissig 1855

Function of the ptilinum during the emergence of the adult fly from the puparium.

(375) p. 190: Tachina gilva (= Drino gilva) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini.

(376) T. pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Tortrix resinana (= Petrova resinella).

(377) T. flaviceps (Ceromyia flaviceps, prb. misid.) ex Eulenpuppen (= noctuid pupae).

(378) T. fera (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina magnicornis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea).

(379) T. bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini.

Reissig was a forester in Darmstadt (Hessen, Germany).

Wulp & Vollenhoven 1856

Localities in the Netherlands. *Specimens in ZMAN.

(380) p. 93: Nemoraea glabrata (misid. = Ernestia rudis) ex Trachea piniperda (= Panolis flammea), Verloren (see no. 260) and Vollenhoven. — Redetermined as Nemoraea strenua (= Ernestia rudis) by Wulp 1869: 141.

(381)* Senometopia lucorum (misid. = Carcelia gnava, 1 ♀, pers. comm. by T. Zeegers) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria or B. (= Lymantria) monacha, Graaf. — Carcelia gnava is a common parasite of M. neustria, which is therefore the probable host.

(382) Eurigaster vulgaris (prb. misid. = ?Carcelia gnava) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, Wulp. — It is likely that this specimen has been redetermined and recorded by Wulp & Meijere 1898: 81, as Exorista lucorum (misid., see no. 1421). The host record is cited by Baer 1921: 117 (reprint p. 151) under Phryxe vulgaris.

(383) p. 94: Masicera bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea) or Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Vollenhoven.

(384) Tachina tibialis (= Pelatachina tibialis) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, Empe, Van Eyndhoven.

(385)* T. trepida (misid. = Athrycia impressa, det. T. Zeegers and confirmed by me) ex pupa of Anarta myrtilli, Empe, Eyndh.

Barthélémy 1857

(386) p. 111: Senometopia atropivora (= Drino atropivora, or misid. = Drino galii) parasite of Sphinx (= Celerio) euphorbiae, Dep. Aude, S France. — A misidentification of Masicera or Winthemia is excluded, because the observed attack of the fly (riding on the host and rapidly distributing larvae on it) is different.

Goureau 1857

(387) p. XXIX: Degeeria flavicans n. sp., nomen nudum (= prb. Bessa selecta) ex Nematus ribis (= N. ribesii). — A preliminary note. See the description by Goureau 1861 (no. 394).

Rondani 1859

Rearings in Italy. *in MZUF.

(388)* p. 67: Micropalpus lithosiophagus n. sp. (= Linnaemyia lithosiophaga) ex Lithosia (= Eilema) caniola, Passerini (no. 215) and Rondani.

(389)* p. 138: Exorista cheloniae n. sp. (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Chelonia (= Arctia) caja.

(390) p. 164: Phorocera polleniella n. sp. (= Clemelis pullata) ex undetermined geometrid.

Zetterstedt 1859

(391) p. 6077: Tachina trepida (= Athrycia sp.) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Sweden. — Very unlikely. A parasitization of Diprion by this or a related genus has never been confirmed.

Bigot 1860

(392)* p. 783: Exorista lateralis n. sp. (= 1 ♀ Carcelia lucorum, in OXUM) ex Emydia coscinia (= Coscinia cribraria), Bellier De La Chavignerie, Sicily.

Castellani 1860

(393) pp. 139–148: Fly (= prb. Exorista sorbillans) common parasite of the domestic silkworm (= Bombyx mori) in China. White eggs glued on the skin of the host, primary respiratory opening surrounded by a black spot. — Guérin-Méneville 1870: 180, has proposed the name Tachina castellanii (nomen nudum) for this fly. Wrongly synonymized with Sturmia (= Blepharipa) sericariae by Bezzi 1907: 225.

Goureau 1861

(394) p. 156: Degeeria flavicans n. sp. (= prb. Bessa selecta), parasite of Nematus ribis (= N. ribesii). — See no. 387.

(395) p. 173: Sturmia atropivora (= Drino atropivora, or misid. = Masicera pavoniae) [oviposition on the host, so — if correctly observed by Goureau — not M. pavoniae] ex Saturnia pyri, 17 parasites ex 1 host larva.

(396) p. 189: Masicera flavicans n. sp. (= Cyzenis albicans) ex Cheimatobia (= Operophthera) brumata. — The description and the biological data (puparium inside the host pupa, fly emerges in april) leave no doubt about the identity.

(397) p. 199: Metopia bisignata (new combination and misspelling of Gouraldia binotata Rob.-Desv. = ?Eumea linearicornis) ex Tortrix laevigana (= Archips rosana). — See Robineau- Desvoidy 1851b (no. 360). The name Metopia bisignata is also quoted by Rondani 1873: 23. Leonardi 1925: 30, and 1928: 147 confounded Metopia bisignata with Meigenia bisignata and wrongly listed the latter species (= Meigenia mutabilis) as parasite of Cacoecia (= Archips) rosana.

(398) p. 218: Eurigaster pomariorum n. sp. (= Eurysthaea scutellaris), parasite of Hyponomeuta malinella. — See no. 374. Goureau has wrongly associated the reared adults of this tachinid with the predacious larvae of the sarcophagid Agria mamillata in the webs of the host. E. pomariorum is wrongly synonymized with Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) by Bezzi 1907: 299, see no. 1398.

(399) p. 284: Tachina hadenae n. sp. (= prb. Exorista larvarum) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) brassicae.

(400) p. 289: Tachina micans n. sp. (= Voria ruralis) ex Plusia gamma. The parallel arrangement of the puparia partially covered by the broken host skin is described. — Wrongly cited by Leonardi 1928: 153, as Tachina micans Macquart, which is a senior homonym and a different species (identity unknown).

Kaltenbach 1861

(401) p. 234: Dilita nigra Förster (nomen nudum = prb. Phytomyptera nigrina) ex Pterophorus microdactylus (= Adaina microdactyla) in stems of Eupatorium, several specimens. — A description of the tachinid has not been published, and Förster 1869: 340 has used the same generic name in correct spelling for a new genus and species (Dilyta subclavata) in Cynipidae, Alloxystinae. He states in a footnote, that the name Dilyta means “twice open” and refers to the wing venation (radial cell open on two sides). The tachinid genus Phytomyptera is likewise characterized by two open cells (absence of two cross-veins) in the wing. See also Kaltenbach 1874: 320.

Kirchner 1861

(402) p. 104: Tachina erythrostoma (= Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, Kaplitz (= Kaplice, Bohemia).

Laboulbène 1861

(403)* p. 232: Tachina villica (= Exorista larvarum) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) brassicae, France. Figs. 1–8: 3rd instar larva. Figs. 9–12: puparium. Figs. 13–18: adult. p. 247: specimens deposited in the collection Bigot (in OXUM, including two small individuals determined by Bigot as Tachina flaviceps Macquart). — Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 552, 583, have cited the host wrongly as Arctia villica and the parasite wrongly as Eutachina villicae Laboulbène. T. villica was described by Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 188 (no host).

Landois 1861

(404) p. 211: Tachinid eggs (= prb. Winthemia cruentata) found on larvae of Ligusterschwärmer (= Sphinx ligustri), 20–30, even ca.100 on the individual host.

(405) — — (= prb. Exorista larvarum) on larvae of Ringelspinner (= Malacosoma neustria), 5–10 eggs on the individual host. Locality: Münster, Westfalen (D).

Rondani 1861

Rearings in Italy. *in MZUF.

(406) p. 15: Blepharipa atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Sphinx (= Acherontia) atropos.

(407) p. 21: Masicera silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri.

(408)* p. 33: Roeselia yponomeutae n. sp. (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta cognatella.

(409) p. 159: Macherea serriventris n. sp. (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

(410) p. 162: Masicera gyrovaga (prb. misid. = prb. Drino inconspicua) ex Tenthredo (= Diprion) pini, Passerini. — M. gyrovaga is Drino vicina, parasite of Sphingidae.

Goureau 1862

(411) Siphona geniculata (misid. = prb. Siphona cristata) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) brassicae. 2 specimens developed in one host larva together with parasitic Hymenoptera: 16 Eulophus ramicornis and 1 ichneumonid. The adult tachinid emerged from the hibernated puparia on 12th June. — Cited also by Goureau 1863: 120.

Schiner 1862

The majority of the hosts cited in this book are quoted from the literature, and the reference is given in some, but not in all cases. The following records, except the nos. 415–417, are original.

(412)* p. 422: Gymnopeza denudata (misid. = Eugymnopeza braueri, in NHMW) ex Carabus scheidleri, Tacchetti, no locality — On label: Ex Carabus, 5 May 55. Tacchetti's domicile in 1855 was Breno in the Italian Alps N of Brescia. but he could have collected the host also in the Vienna area.

(413) p. 443: Gonia flaviceps (= Onychogonia flaviceps) ex Noctua (= Mamestra) glauca, Schneider, Silesia.

(414) p. 452: Nemoraea xanthogastra (prb. misid. = prb. Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, Egger.

(415) p. 462: Exorista lucorum ex Chelonia (= Arctia) villica, Endromis versicolora, Arctia hebe, A. (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, A. caja, Liparis (= Leucoma) salicis, and L. (= Lymantria) dispar. — The first five hosts are quoted from Rossi 1848, nos. 296–300 (without reference), the last two from Hartig 1838b, nos. 180–181 (the reference to Ratzeburg in L. dispar is wrong). Mesnil 1944: 42 has synonymized E. lucorum sensu Schiner (not Meigen) with Carcelia excavata (= Carcelia gnava). This is correct only for the record from Leucoma salicis (see no. 182), but wrong in all other cases. Mesnil inadvertently missed out Arctia villica.

(416) p. 474: Tachina rustica (= Exorista rustica) ex L. (= Leucoma) salicis, B. (= Lasiocampa) quercus, B. (= Malacosoma) neustria and Vanessa (= Nymphalis) polychloros. No reference. — Misquotation from Ratzeburg 1844: 171, who lists the four hosts in the same sequence under Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum), with reference to Hartig 1838b (nos. 149–151, 154). There is no host at all mentioned by Schiner under T. larvarum. Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894, have cited these four hosts correctly under Eutachina larvarum (pp. 552–553) and not under Chaetotachina rustica (p. 548), but in the lists of Bezzi 1907, Baer 1921, and subsequent authors, they are found under both parasite species. Exorista rustica is a parasite of Tenthredinidae, not of Lepidoptera.

(417) p. 481, footnote: Tachina pinivorae (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — Misquotation from Ratzeburg 1844: 174, who reared this parasite species from Thaumetopoea pinivora (no. 238). The error has been rectified by Baer 1921: 157 (reprint p. 123).

(418) p. 483: Masicera pratensis (misid.? = Masicera sp.) ex Gastropacha (= Philudoria) potatoria.

(419) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Smerinthus populi.

(420) — — (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri.

(421) M. silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia spini.

(422) — — (— = —) ex Saturnia pyri.

(423) p. 519: Thryptocera bicolor (= Ceromyia bicolor) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus, in coll. Schiner.

(424) p. 539: Scopolia sp. (= prb. Periscepsia carbonaria) ex Agrotis sp. (s. lat.).

Assmuss 1863

(425) p. 403: Phorocera caesifrons (misid., identity unknown) ex Lyda populi (misid., identity unknown), numerous specimens, Smolensk (Russia). No further data.

Goureau 1863

(426) p. 85: Doria stupida (? = Compsilura concinnata or Myxexoristops blondeli) ex Lyda pyri (= Neurotoma saltuum). — D. stupida Meigen is prb. C. concinnata, but M. blondeli is the special parasite of this sawfly.

Guérin-Méneville 1863

(427) p. 55: Phorocera pumicata (prb. misid. = prb. Pales pavida) [“grosse mouche” would fit better with P. processioneae] ex Bombyx (= Samia) cynthia, Calvados, 15 %, Debaize. Also at Vincennes (Paris), Guérin, and in the Touraine, Lamote. — Quoted without details by Girard 1864: 156.

Mclachlan 1863

(428) p. 106: Hydrotachina limnephili (nomen nudum, identity unknown) from a larva-case of Limnephilus marmoratus (Trichoptera), Exeter (GB), Parfitt. The fly had emerged through the water. — A parasitism of a tachinid on a species of Trichoptera has never been confirmed, and it is quite possible that the fly came from a puparium that was hidden in a plant piece or snail shell forming part of the case.

Robineau-Desvoidy 1863

B.d.Ch. = leg. Bellier De La Chavignerie. *Specimens in MNHN. [The given page numbers are those of volume I, the last six ones those of vol. II.] [Localities in France.]

(429) p. 136: Bonellia tessellans (= Linnaemyia tessellans, or misid. = L. picta) ex Noctua (= Amathes) c-nigrum, B.d.Ch. — Wrongly synonymized with Micropalpus (= Linnaemyia) haemorrhoidalis by Bezzi 1907: 207.

(430) p. 154: Erigone sedula n. sp. (= prb. Eurithia consobrina) ex Noctua (= Mamestra) brassicae, B.d.CH. — Wrongly synonymized with Ernestia radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) by Bezzi 1907: 215 (host not cited).

(431) p. 175: Nemoraea pellucida ex Noctua lubricipeda (= Spilosoma lutea), and (432) Amphidasis (= Biston) betularia (both B.d.Ch.).

(433) Nemoraea fulva n. sp. (= N. pellucida) ex Noctua (= Euplexia) lucipara, B.d.Ch.

(434) p. 211: Winthemia quadripustulata ex Plusia illustris (= P. variabilis), B.d.Ch.

(435) p. 221: Carcelia lucorum (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava or C. rasa) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, Berce and Robineau-Desvoidy. — Wrongly synonymized with C. (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235.

(436) p. 223: Carcelia claripennis n. sp. (= prb. Carcelia dubia or C. lucorum) ex Callimorpha dominula, B.d.Ch. and Moret.

(437) — — var. with more yellowish pruinosity (= prb. Carcelia bombylans) ex Arctia (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, B.d.Ch.

(438) to nos. 436–437: Bezzi 1907: 235, has wrongly synonymized C. claripennis with C. (= Senometopia) excisa and wrongly referred the two hosts Callimorpha dominula and Phragmatobia fuliginosa to that species.

(439)* p. 224: Carcelia cantans n. sp. (= Carcelia gnava) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, B.d.CH. — Wrongly synonymized with C. (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235.

(440) p. 231: Carcelia callimorphae n. sp. (= prb. Carcelia dubia or C. lucorum) ex Callimorpha dominula, B.d.Ch. and Moret. — Wrongly synonymized with C. (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235.

(441) p. 232: Carcelia susurrans n. sp. (= prb. Carcelia rasa) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, B.d.CH. — The larger body size of this species corresponds better to C. rasa than to C. gnava. Confounded with Parexorista (= Senometopia) susurrans Rondani by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 568, 590, and Porchinski 1901: 23. Wrongly synonymized with C. (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 236.

(442) Carcelia scutellaris (= prb. Senometopia excisa or S. pilosa) ex Noctua urticae (= Abrostola tripartita), B.d.CH. — Synonymized with C. (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 236.

(443)* p. 237: Carcelia orgyae n. sp. (= Carcelia gnava) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) castrensis, B.d.Ch.

(444) — — ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, B.d.Ch.

(445) to nos. 443–444: Bezzi 1907: 236, has wrongly synonymized C. orgyae with C. (= Senometopia) excisa and wrongly referred the two hosts M. castrensis and D. pudibunda to that species.

(446)* p. 238: Carcelia amphion n. sp. (= Carcelia rasa) ex Orgyia antiqua,

(447) — — ex O. (= Dasychira) pudibunda, B.d.Ch. [Robineaudesvoidy 1850, p. 164 (nos. 329, 330) cites Berce as breeder for the same records, and months and gender of the specimens nos. 446, 447 are inverted.]

(448) to nos. 446–447: The reared specimens described as C. amphion were previously misidentified as Carcelia arion by Robineau-Desvoidy 1850: 164 (see nos. 329–330). Both C. arion and C. amphion have been wrongly synonymized with C. (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235, and the two hosts O. antiqua and D. pudibunda have been wrongly referred to that species.

(449) p. 239: Carcelia bombylans (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria, B.d.CH.

(450) p. 254: Phorcida campephaga n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 441] (= prb. Nilea hortulana) ex Noctua (= Acronicta) tridens, B.d.Ch. — Correctly synonymized by Bezzi 1907: 247, with Phorcida acronyctae Rob.-Desv. (= Hubneria acronita Robineau-Desvoidy 1850: 167, see no. 336), but the latter is cited by him as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia).

(451) p. 256: Scotia saturniae n. sp. (= prb. Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Guérin.

(452)* p. 274: Celea flavipalpis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Chelonia civica (= Hyphoraia testudinaria), B.d.Ch. — Recorded as Phryxe flavipalpis by Robineau-Desvoidy 1850: 174, see no. 343. Cited by Bezzi 1907: 250, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia).

(453) p. 280: Huebneria affinis ex Saturnia pyri, Zetterstedt. — Misquotation. The host recorded in Sweden was Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), see no. 254.

(454) p. 286: Elbaea montana n. sp. (identity unknown) ex Plusia illustris (= P. variabilis), B.d.Ch. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 252, as doubtful species in the genus Exorista.

(455) p. 309: Tlephusa noctuarum n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 451] (= prb. Phryxe nemea) [Herting's guess that it may be Phryxe nemea is probably based on the fact that P. nemea is the tachinid which is most often reared from M. persicariae, but it remains a guess] ex Hadena (= Mamestra) persicariae, B.d.CH. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 248, as synonym of Tlephusa aurifrons Rob.-Desv., doubtful species in the genus Exorista (in the Thompson catalogue: Zenillia). Wrongly synonymized with Tlephusa diligens (= Tlephusa cincinna) by Mesnil 1954: 328.

(456) p. 319: Hemithaea erythrostoma (= Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini, Hartig. — Wrong quotation, misreading of Hartig 1838b: 295 (no. 192), who states that the species was not bred from D. pini.

(457) p. 364: Phryxe binotata n. sp. (= prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Triphaena (= Noctua) janthina, B.d.Ch. — Bezzi 1907: 270, has synonymized the parasite (prb. wrongly) with P. vulgaris and cited (p. 269) the host wrongly as Zygaena achilleae ab. janthina.

(458) p. 365: Phryxe aurocincta n. sp. (= prb. P. nemea) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) persicariae, B.d.Ch. and Robineaudesvoidy. — Wrongly synonymized with P. vulgaris by Bezzi 1907: 270.

(459) p. 366: Phryxe pupivora n. sp. (= prb. P. nemea) ex Triphaena (= Noctua) janthina, B.d.Ch. — Bezzi 1907: 274, has synonymized the parasite (prb. wrongly) with P. vulgaris and cited (p. 269) the host wrongly as Zygaena achilleae ab. janthina.

(460) p. 375: Phryxe tenebricosa n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 457] (= prb. Phryxe vulgaris) ex Cucullia asteris, B.d.Ch.

(461) p. 380: Phryxe noctuarum n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 451] (= prb. P. vulgaris) ex Leucania lithargyria (= L. ferrago), B.d.Ch.

(462) p. 381: Phryxe puella n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 454] (= prb. P. vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Araschnia) levana, B.d.Ch.

(463) Phryxe educata n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 443] (= prb. P. vulgaris) ex Ophiusa (= Lygephila) pastinum, B.d.Ch.

(464)* p. 382: Phryxe sororella n. sp. (= P. vulgaris) ex Aplecta advena (= Polia bombycina), B.d.CH.

(465) Phryxe secutrix n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 456] (= prb. P. vulgaris) ex Phlogophora (= Euplexia) lucipara, B.d.Ch.

(466) p. 383: Phryxe bellierella n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 440] (= prb. P. vulgaris) ex Leucania albipuncta, B.d.Ch.

(467) p. 384: Phryxe berceella n. sp. (= Phryxe caudata) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) pityocampa, Berce. — P. caudata is the specific parasite of Th. pityocampa. Wrongly synonymized with P. vulgaris by Bezzi 1907: 270.

(468) p. 390: Phryxe miniata n. sp. (= prb. P. vulgaris) ex Aplecta advena (= Polia bombycina), B.d.Ch.

(469) p. 410: Phryxe vanessae (= P. vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io (Guérin), and (470)* V. prorsa (= Araschnia levana) (Berce).

(471) p. 412: Phryxe erucastri n. sp. (= prb. Phryxe caudata), fly found on a nest of “Bombyx processionea L. du Pin” (= Thaumetopoea pityocampa) on the dunes of Hyères (Côte d'Azur). — The description of the fly by Robineau-Desvoidy is insufficient, and the only indication of its identity is the probable host species Th. pityocampa. Rondani 1872a, c: 163, 334, placed the species in the genus Tachina and wrongly interpreted the host as Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini. André 1879: 68, quoted Rondani, but misunderstood the host name as Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini. Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 570 (Phryxe erucastri) cited the host wrongly as Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea and inadvertently listed on p. 576 under the name Tachina erucastri also the misquotations by Rondani (ex Lasiocampa pini) and André (ex Lophyrus pini). Bezzi 1907: 271, has wrongly synonymized Phryxe erucastri with P. vulgaris and wrongly cited Th. processionea and Dendrolimus pini as host of the latter species.

(472) p. 472: Zenillia aurea n. sp. (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea (Berce), (473) Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria (Berce), and (474) Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda (Berce And Moret).

(475) p. 492: Phorinia aurifrons ex Noctua (= Diarsia) brunnea, B.d.Ch.

(476) p. 516: Phorocera vernalis (= Phorocera obscura, or misid.) ex Vanessa (= Araschnia) levana, B.d.Ch.

(477) p. 520: Pales bellierella n. sp. (= prb. Pales processioneae) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea. — Wrongly synonymized with P. pavida by Bezzi 1907: 312.

(478) p. 521: Pales strenua (= Pales pavida) ex Noctua (= Amathes) rhomboidea (syn. stigmatica), B.d.Ch.

(479) p. 529: Pales caerulescens n. sp. (= P. pavida) ex Segetia (= Amathes) xanthographa, B.d.Ch.

(480) p. 537: Doria concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata). Eleven species described by Robineau-Desvoidy 1830 and 1850 in the genus Phorocera are synonymized by him with D. (= C.) concinnata on p. 536 (those of 1850 under the collective name “Phorocera varia” see nos. 344–351), and their hosts are included in the list on p. 537.

New host records of Doria (= Compsilura) concinnata: (481) Smerinthus populi (Robineau-Desvoidy), (482) Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea (Robineau-Desvoidy) [= prb. no. 50], (483) Arctia (= Spilosoma) menthastri (Guérin), (484) Hadena (= Trachea) atriplicis (B.d.Ch.), (485) Catocala promissa (B.d.Ch.), (486) Vanessa (= Araschnia) levana (B.d.Ch.), (487) V. (= Nymphalis) antiopa (B.d.Ch.), (488) “Orthosia” (= Lithosia) quadra (B.d.Ch.), (489) Luperina [misspelled Superina] pinastri (= Dipterygia scabriuscula) (B.d.Ch.), and (490) Vanessa atalanta, (Robineau-Desvoidy).

(491) p. 556: Salia echinura (= Chaetogena obliquata) ex Saturnia pyri, B.d.Ch. — This record is questionable because the larval period of the host hardly coincides with the flight period of C. obliquata.

(492)* p. 567: Goedartia [original spelling = Gaedartia, cf. Herting 1974a: 16] praecox n. sp. (= Campylochaeta praecox) ex Thyatira batis, B.d.Ch. — Synonymized with G. tibialis R.D. by Bezzi 1907: 320, and cited under that name as a doubtful species in the genus Phorocera.

(493)* p. 722: Peribaea minuta n. sp. (= Peribaea tibialis) ex Ophiusa (= Lygephila) pastinum, B.d.Ch. — Wrongly synonymized with Actia (= Peribaea) apicalis by Bezzi 1907: 386. The name P. minuta has been introduced by Andersen 1996: 70 as valid name for P. apicalis sensu Herting, but the bred specimen is the holotype (revised by me in MNHN) and is clearly a female of P. tibialis.

(494) p. 757: Baumhaueria cuculliae n. sp. (identity unknown) ex Cucullia scrophulariae, B.d.Ch. — This and the following species have been synonymized with Baumhaueria goniaeformis by Bezzi 1907: 358, but the larval period of the host does not coincide with the flight period (April–May) of B. goniaeformis.

(495) p. 758: B. saturniae n. sp. (identity unknown) ex Saturnia pyri, B.d.Ch. — See the preceding note.

(496) p. 779: Thelaira leucozona (= Thelaira sp.) ex Cucullia scrophulariae, Berce.

(497) p. 781: Th. nigripes (= Thelaira sp.) ex C. scrophulariae, Berce.

(498) p. 791: Ramonda cuculliae n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 442] (= ?Ramonda plorans) [no reasons given for this assumption] ex Cucullia caninae (= C. blattariae) [C. caninae is a valid species], B.d.Ch., Dep. Lozère. — Bezzi 1907: 375, has (?wrongly) synonymized the parasite with Wagneria fasciata Robineau-Desvoidy (= Ramonda spathulata).

(499) p. 794: Wagneria luperinae n. sp. [= nomen dubium in Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 449] (= ?Wagneria gagatea) [no reasons given for this assumption; W. gagatea has a single generation in spring, so “éclose en Juin” would be unlikely for this species] ex Luperina “aurea” (prb. rurea = Apamea crenata) [Ramonda spathulata is known to be reared from this host species], B.d.Ch. — Bezzi 1907: 374, has wrongly synonymized the parasite with Wagneria costata, and wrongly cited the host as Plusia deaurata.

(500)* p. 810: Ateria nitida n. sp. (= Ramonda prunaria) ex Noctua (= Caradrina) alsines (B.d.Ch.), and (501)* Xanthia ferruginea (= Agrochola circellaris) (Berce). — (502) to nos. 500–501: A. nitida Rob.-Desv. has been wrongly synonymized with Wagneria (= Periscepsia) carbonaria Panzer by Audcent 1942: 10, and Emden 1954: 39, and the two hosts are thus referred to the wrong parasite species.

(503) p. 829: Voria ruralis abundant on Urtica and assumed to be parasite of Vanessa atalanta. Not reared. — Wrongly cited by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 570, and Bezzi 1907: 370, as valid host record.

(504) p. 831: Athrycia erythrocera (= Athrycia curvinervis or A. impressa) [prb. misid.; the true A. erythrocera is listed as synonym of A. trepida in Herting 1984: 153 (the reasons for it are given in Herting 1974a: 23)] ex Cucullia lucifuga Esp. (= C. umbratica), B.d.Ch. — The flight period of Athrycia trepida does not coincide with the seasonal occurrence of the host larvae. The host is wrongly cited as Cucullia lucifuga Hübner by Bezzi 1907: 371 (under Paraplagia ruficornis).

(505) p. 879: Masicera cuculliae n. sp. (= Masicera sphingivora) ex Cucullia verbasci, Robineau-Desvoidy. — Wrongly synonymized with M. silvatica by Bezzi 1907: 282.

(506) p. 881: Masicera pavoniae ex Saturnia pyri, B.d.Ch. and Moret.

(507) p. 882: M. puparum n. sp. (= prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Deilephila (= Celerio) euphorbiae, Berce and Robineau- Desvoidy. — Wrongly synonymized with M. silvatica by Bezzi 1907: 282.

(508) p. 889: Sturmia vanessae (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io (B.d.Ch. [see no. 328] and Berce), (509) Bombyx (= Trichiura) crataegi (B.d.Ch.), (510) Argynnis sp. (Berce), (511) Vanessa atalanta (B.d.Ch. and Robineau-Desvoidy), and (512) V. prorsa (= Araschnia levana) (Robineau-Desvoidy).

(513) p. 890: Sturmia scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis), several rearings from Acherontia atropos, no collector name. — Questionable, confounded in the manuscript with the following species?

(514) p. 891: S. atropivora (= Drino atropivora) often bred from Acherontia atropos.

(515) p. 892: Sturmia lophyri. The name is intended to replace Tachina simulans sensu Hartig (misid. of simulans Meigen), and the two hosts of T. simulans recorded by Hartig 1838b: 285, nos. 159–160 are cited by Robineau-Desvoidy as hosts of S. lophyri. — In the sample which Robineau-Desvoidy obtained from Hartig, the specimens of T. simulans were, by mistake, labelled Tachina bimaculata (see Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(II): 44, Schaumia), and the true T. bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) were labelled T. simulans. The species described from Hartig's sample as Sturmia lophyri on p. 892 is therefore Drino inconspicua. Rondani 1873: 220, and André 1879: 68, have cited it as Masicera lophyri. The listed hosts, however, belong to Blondelia inclusa.

(516) p. 963: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) brassicae, B.d.Ch.

(517) — — ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini and Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Hartig. — Wrong quotation, misreading of Hartig 1838b: 283, who states that T. (= E.) larvarum has not been bred from these two hosts (see no. 156). Dendrolimus pini is parasitized by E. fasciata or larvarum (though not observed by Hartig), but Diprion pini is not a host of either species. The misquotation has never been rectified, and is included in the parasite lists of Rondani 1873: 220 (with ?), André 1879: 68, Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 552, Bezzi 1907: 335, and others.

(518)* p. 971: Tachina festinata n. sp. (= Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia pyri (on the label: spini), B.d.Ch. — Wrongly synonymized with T. larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) by Bezzi 1907: 336.

(519)* Tachina marginalis n. sp. (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, B.d.Ch., 3 ♂♂. — Wrongly synonymized with T. (= Exorista) larvarum by Bezzi 1907: 337.

(520) vol. II, p. 42: Spinolia inclusa (= Blondelia inclusa) ex Lophyrus abietis, Hartig. — The cited host name is a mistake, it was L. (= Diprion) laricis (no. 164).

(521) vol. II, p. 191: Gymnosoma rotundata (= Gymnosoma sp.) ex pentatomid sp.

(522) vol. II, pp. 855–868: The host-parasite list is compiled from the data in the full text, but two apparent mistakes have slipped into it (and from there into the list of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 559, 553, and subsequent catalogues):

(522a) vol. II, p. 857: Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) pityocampa, parasitized by Doria concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata). — The correct host cited in vol. I, p. 537, is Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, see no. 482.

(522b) vol. II, p. 859: Deilephila (= Celerio) euphorbiae, parasitized by Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum). — The correct host is D. (= C.) galii, cited in vol. I, p. 963, with reference to Hartig (see no. 153).

(523) vol. II, p. 918: Addendum: Ceromyia bicolor ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus, Moret, Auxerre.

Wulp 1863

Rearings in the Netherlands by Eyndhoven (Eynd), Vollenhoven (Voll), Wttewaall (Wtt), and others. Records published already by Wulp & Vollenhoven 1856 are omitted in the following abstract. Localities are cited from Wulp 1866. *Specimens in ZMAN (Amsterdam) or RMNH (Leiden), redetermined by T. Zeegers (Z.) or by Herting (H.).

(524)* p. 43: Micropalpus haemorrhoidalis (misid. = Linnaemyia olsufjevi, 1 ♀, det. H., ZMAN) ex Liparis (= Leucoma) salicis, Empe, Eynd. ****

(525) P. ruralis (= Voria ruralis) ex Plusia gamma, Empe, Eynd. and Voorst, Wtt.

(526)* Nemoraea maculosa (misid. = Nemorilla floralis, det. Z., RMNH) ex Plusia gamma, Voorst, WTT. [+ EYND.].

(527)* — — (— = —, det. H., ZMAN) ex Botys urticalis (= Eurrhypara hortulata), Groningen, Gavere.

(528) Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris, or misid. = P. magnicornis) ex Pyralis margaritalis (= Evergestis extimalis), EYND.

(529)* E. fimbriata (misid. = Phryxe vulgaris, det. Z., RMNH) ex Leucania pallens, Voorst, WTT.

(530) Tachina nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Leucania pallens, Voorst, Wtt.

(531)* T. vidua (misid. = Exorista fasciata, det. Z., RMNH) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) trifolii, The Hague, Voll.

(532) — — (= Exorista larvarum or misid. = E. fasciata) ex Orgyia antiqua, Leiden, Graaf.

(533) p. 44: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Pieris brassicae (Leiden, Graaf, Utrecht, Six, and s'Gravenhage, Wulp), (534) Pieris rapae, (Voorst, Wtt), (535) P. napi, (Voorst, Wtt), (536) Bombyx (= Phalera) bucephala, (Voorst, Wtt), and (537) B. lubricipeda (Spilosoma lutea) (Leiden, Graaf).

(538) Degeeria fascinans (= Bessa selecta) ex Nematus (= Pristiphora) erichsoni, Brummen, Voll.

(539) D. parallela (prb. misid. = prb. Bessa selecta) ex Cladius (= Trichiocampus) viminalis, Voll.

(540)* Medoria pullula (misid. = Anthomyiopsis plagioderae, det. Z., Rmnh) ex Plagiodera armoraciae (= P. versicolora), Voorst, Wtt. — M. pullula is Anthomyiopsis nigrisquamata. A. plagioderae (= Ptilopsina nitens sensu Villeneuve) has been confounded with it by Herting 1960: 117.

Becker 1864

(541) p. 478: Tachina sp. (misid. = prb. Blaesoxipha gladiatrix, Sarcophagidae) common parasite of Caloptenus (= Calliptamus) italicus, Saratov prov., Russia. The mature larva bores out through the neck of the grasshopper. — This behaviour agrees with the biology of B. gladiatrix as described by Léonide 1961: 150 (Blaesoxipha laticornis sensu auct. = B. gladiatrix).

Fallou 1864

(542) p. 680: Thryptocera infantula, det. Bigot (misid.), ex Chelonia (= Orodemnias) cervini, Gornergrat near Zermatt (Wallis, CH). — It is not impossible that this is the same specimen that Bigot has described later as Germaria cervini n. sp., see no. 710 (= Onychogonia cervini). Germaria was the first genus cited in the section Thryptoceratae Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: 82, which were reduced to generic status by Macquart 1834: 310, under the name Thryptocera.

Girard 1864, see Guérin-Méneville 1863
Millière 1864

(543) p. 385, pl. 46: Morinia bigoti n. sp. (= Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix (= Cacoecimorpha) pronubana, S France. Determined by Bigot as an undescribed Morinia sp.

Boie 1865

(544) p. 242: Tachinid sp. similar to Nemoraea rubrica (= Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, Germany. Between 16 and 27 eggs were found on each of three host larvae. The total number of flies reared was 30. — Wrongly cited as host record under N. rubrica (= N. pellucida) by Bezzi 1907: 223. Nemoraea is excluded because it is ovolarviparous.

Butler 1865

(545) p. 45: Tachina consobrina (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Saturnia pavonia pupa, 1 specimen only. — Wrongly interpreted as a case of “non-destructive” parasitism. Although the parasite required only a small quantity of substance, the host died, and that prb. not, as the author believed, because of desiccation.

Desbrochers 1865

(546) p. XLIII: Eight puparia of a Dipterous parasite (= more likely a scavenger, ?Sarcophaga sp.) in the thorax of Procrustes (= Carabus) coriaceus, France. — The tachinid Zaira cinerea (parasite of adult Carabidae) pupates in the abdomen of the host.

Roo Van Westmaas 1865

(547) p. 14: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Bombyx (= Samia) cynthia. — Cited also by Wulp 1869: 153. Locality: Velp (NL).

Löw 1866

(548) p. 948: Nemoraea quadripustulata (= Winthemia quadripustulata or misid. = W. cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, one specimen.

(549) Phorocera unicolor (misid. = prb. Myxexoristops stolida) ex Croesus laticrus (= C. septentrionalis), one per host. Nearly all hosts were parasitized. — The misidentification could have been possible, if the pruinosity of the reared flies had become fatty so that their body was entirely black. M. stolida is the typical parasite of gregarious larvae of Nematinae, whereas Perichaeta unicolor parasitizes adult Chrysomelidae.

(550) Masicera sylvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri.

Localities near Vienna (Austria).

Wulp 1866

Records published by the author already in 1856 and 1863 are omitted in the present abstract.

(551)* p. 156: Exorista mitis (misid. = Eumea linearicornis, 1 ♀ in ZMAN) ex Noctua (= Cosmia) trapezina, Graaf.

(552) p. 159: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Smerinthus (= Mimas) tiliae, Sterkenburg, Kneppelhout.

(553) — — ex Bombyx mori, Leiden, 3 specimens.

(554) p. 163: Degeeria fascinans (= Bessa selecta) ex Nematus sp. on “roode bessen” (= Ribes rubrum), Wttewaall. — The host was prb. N. ribesii.

Localities in the Netherlands.

Goureau 1867

A paper not consulted by tachinologists, except Rondani 1877/78. All new species described by Goureau are missed out in Bezzi 1907, but the host records of the other species are quoted there from Rondani (l. c.).

(555) p. 123: Tachina tremulina n. sp. (= Billaea irrorata) ex Saperda populnea. The species is described as a Tachina, although it has a pubescent arista as mentioned in the description.

(556) p. 126: Exorista dubia (misid. = Meigenia sp.) ex Chrysomela (= Melasoma) populi. — The characters mentioned (bare eyes, body colour) and the date of adult emergence (middle of August) do not fit at all with E. (= Lypha) dubia. This wrong parasite record has been quoted by Rondani and all subsequent host catalogues, except Audcent 1942: 11, who confounded Mela soma populi (Col. Chrysomelidae) with Poecilocampa populi (Lep. Lasiocampidae). Emden 1954: 42 did not realize the confusion and listed both wrong host species under Lypha dubia.

(557) p. 131: Masicera proxima (misid. = Meigenia sp., prb. M. uncinata) ex Galeruca (= Agelastica) alni. — The description (discal bristles on the abdomen) does not fit with Masicera proxima (= Zaira cinerea).

(558) p. 185: Masicera media n. sp. (= ?Myxexoristops stolida) ex Nematus pavidus. — The description is insufficient, but M. stolida is the normal parasite of this and other Nematinae. M. media Goureau is a junior homonym of Masicera media Macquart 1850 and thus an invalid name. The species of Macquart is a synonym of Zaira cinerea.

Locality: Dep. Yonne (France).

Jeffery 1867

(559) p. 328: Tachina puparum (misid., identity unknown) ex Odonestis (= Philudoria) potatoria, Britain.

Millière 1867

(560)* p. 284: Exorista aemula, det. Bigot (= Ethilla aemula) ex Nemoria aureliaria (= Eucrostes beryllaria) on Phillyrea angustifolia, Cannes (Côte d'Azur, France), nearly 90 % of host larvae parasitized. — This old host record has been overlooked until now. Two specimens are preserved in the collection Bigot in OXUM, they are not labelled as to origin and host, but the puparium pinned together with the fly indicates that they were bred. I am grateful to C. O'Toole for the loan that has enabled me to confirm the determination.

Blanchard 1868

(561) p. 654: Gymnosoma rotundata (or misid. = Gymnosoma sp.) parasite of Pentatoma grisea (= Rhaphigaster nebulosa), Künckel. Figure on p. 653: adult fly, 3rd stage larva, free and in the host (with respiratory funnel), puparium. Further details see Künckel D'Herculais 1879 (no. 693).

Charault 1868

(562) p. 691: Eurigaster sp. (misid. = ?Compsilura concinnata) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar, Le Mans (France). — In a subsequent paper (Charault 1869) this or another parasite of L. dispar is stated to be C. concinnata (no. 565).

Millière 1868

(563) p. 32, Pl. 104: Echinomyia fera (= Tachina fera) ex Xylocampa lithorhiza (= X. areola). The picture of the fly shows the black median stripe not reaching the end of the abdomen. (564) — — ex Polyphaenis sericina (= P. sericata).

Locality: France.

Charault 1869

(565) p. LI: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar, Le Mans (F).

Nördlinger 1869

(566) p. 263: Small tachinid (= prb. Bessa selecta) ovipositing on a larva of Tenthredo nigerrima (= Tomostethus nigritus) on Fraxinus. White egg, three days later dark inboring hole visible. — Locality not stated, prb. Stuttgart (D).

Wulp 1869

Tachinids reared in the Netherlands by: Fr. = Fransen, Rotterdam. Gav. = De Gavere, Groningen. Greb. = Grebner, Amsterdam. Lod. = Lodeesen, Amsterdam. Snell. = P. C. T. Snellen, various places. Voll. = Van Vollenhoven. Redeterminations by T. Zeegers (Z., pers. comm.), or Herting (H.).

(567) p. 138, 152: Plagia aurifluae n. sp. (= Hyleorus elatus) ex Liparis auriflua (= Euproctis similis), Gav.

(568) p. 141: Nemoraea strenua (= Ernestia rudis) ex Trachea piniperda (= Panolis flammea). Correction of the preceding misidentification as N. glabrata (Verloren 1846, no. 260, Wulp & Vollenhoven 1856, no. 380).

(569) p. 151, 153: Thryptocera prasinanae n. sp. (= Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Halias (= Bena) prasinana, Doorn, Snell.

(570) p. 152: Plagia ambigua (= Voria ruralis) ex Plusia gamma, Fr. and Snell. — The identity with V. ruralis is confirmed by Meijere 1928a: 59.

(571)* Exorista vulgaris (misid. = Phryxe erythrostoma, in ZMAN, det. Z.) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, Beekhuizen, Kinker.

(572)* — — (misid. = P. heraclei, 1 ♂ in ZMAN, det. H.) ex Bombyx (= Philudoria) potatoria, Voll.

(573) — — (= prb. Phryxe vulgaris) ex Cucullia verbasci, Haarlem, Boogaard.

(574) E. fimbriata (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Geometra (= Semiothisa) wauaria, Haarlem, Boogaard. — P. nemea has been determined by Wulp as E. fimbriata in no. 661 (Weijenbergh 1874), and the same misidentification has probably occurred in the present case.

(575) E. excisa (prb. misid. = prb. Zenillia libatrix) ex Bombyx (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Voorst, Wttewaall. — This specimen is apparently lost, but Zeegers concluded the probable identity with Z. libatrix from other misidentifications by Wulp.

(576) E. lucorum (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Sphinx ligustri, GAV. — Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235.

(577) E. prominens (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria, Fr. — The specimen was redetermined by Stein as P. vulgaris, see Meijere 1928a: 59.

(578) E. ferina (= prb. Phryxe vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, Fr.

(579) E. affinis (= Huebneria affinis, or misid.) ex Psyche (= Pachythelia) villosella, Oosterbeek, Bakker. — The host is atypical for H. affinis.

(580)* p. 153: Meigenia bisignata (= Meigenia mutabilis, 1 ♂, genitals prepared) ex Athalia spinarum (= A. rosae), Voorst, Voll. — This specimen was found by Z. in LEWA and sent to me for determination.

(581) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum, prb. correct) ex Papilio machaon (Fr.), and (582) Acronicta rumicis (Fr.).

(583)* T. vidua (misid. = Exorista fasciata, in RMNH, det. Z.) ex Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi, Gav.

(584) Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Smerinthus (= Mimas) tiliae (lod.), (585) Arctia lubricipeda (= Spilosoma lutea) (Greb. and Lod.), (586) Liparis auriflua (= Euproctis similis) (Haarlem, Weijenbergh), (587) Pygaera (= Clostera) anachoreta (Greb. and Lod.), (588) Acronicta tridens (Greb. and Lod.), (589) Acronicta aceris (Fr.), and (590) Geometra amataria (= Timandra griseata) (Fr.).

(591) Baumhaueria vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Arctia caja, Fr.

(592) Thryptocera pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Retinia (= Petrova) resinella, Oosterbeek, Bakker.

(593) T. setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Notodonta (= Pheosia) tremula, Fr. — The true host was prb. a Forficula.

(594) Macquartia nitida (misid. or host wrong) ex Botys verticalis (= Sylepta ruralis), Gav. — M. nitida is M. tenebricosa, a parasite of chrysomelid larvae. Wrongly synonymized with Macquartia chalconota by Bezzi 1907: 405.

(595)* Degeeria parallela (misid. = Bessa selecta, det. Z.) ex Nematus virescens (= N. bergmanni), Voorst, Voll. — Cited by Wulp & Meijere 1898: 87, as Degeeria fascinans and by Meijere 1907: 192 as Ptychomyia selecta. The host has been wrongly synonymized with Nematus miliaris by André 1879: 183, and both names (virescens and miliaris) are cited as different host species by Bezzi 1907: 301.

(596) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Bessa selecta) ex Selandria sericans (= Pareophora plana), Voll.

(597) Scopolia latifrons (= Ramonda latifrons) ex Leucania lithargyria (= L. ferrago), Fr.

(598) S. ocypterina (= Ligeria angusticornis) ex Pterophorus lithodactylus, Rotterdam, Snell.

Adams 1870

(599) p. XXII: Uji maggot (= Blepharipa sericariae) parasite of silkworms (= Bombyx mori) in Japan.

Cornalia 1870, see Rondani 1870a
Guérin-Méneville 1870

(600) p. 180: Phorocera pumicata (prb. misid. = prb. Pales pavida [or processioneae]) ex Ver à soie de l'Ailante (= Samia cynthia), France, more or less abundant.

(601) Tachina oudji, nomen nudum (= Blepharipa sericariae) parasite of Ver à soie (= Bombyx mori) in Japan.

Rondani 1870a

(602) p. 137: Ugimyia sericariae n. sp. (= Blepharipa sericariae) parasite of Sericaria (= Bombyx) mori in Japan. Description of the larva. — The adult is described by Cornalia in the same volume, p. 217, with 22 inexact figures. Host: filugello (= B. mori). U. sericariae has been wrongly synonymized with Blepharipoda (= Blepharipa) zebina by Mesnil 1950: 145.

Rondani 1870b

(603) p. 140: Erynnia nitida (misid. = Erynniopsis antennata) ex Galeruca xanthomelaena (= Galerucella luteola), Modena, Celi. Figs. 1–3: head, antenna and wing.

Rupertsberger 1870

Ex Chrysomela (= Chrysolina) varians, p. 842:

(604) Macquartia nitida (= Macquartia tenebricosa). — Wrongly synonymized with Macquartia chalconota by Bezzi 1907: 405.

(605) M. praefica (prb. misid.). — It is possible that the two sexes of M. tenebricosa have been determined as two different species.

(606) Macquartia trimaculata (misid. = Meigenia sp.). — The parasite has been redetermined by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 562, as Meigenia bisignata.

Roebuck 1872

(607) p. 182: “Anthomyialarvarum (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Leeds (England).

Rondani 1872b

(608) p. 210: Tryptocera exoleta (misid. = prb. Peribaea tibialis) ex Polia (= Antitype) flavicincta.

(609) p. 211: Tricholyga properans (prb. misid. = prb. Townsendiellomyia nidicola) ex Liparis (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea.

(610) — — (— = —) ex Liparis auriflua (= Euproctis similis). — Wrong host? From the text it may be assumed that the two host species were kept together in a mixed rearing, and the parasite was (wrongly) attributed to both.

(611) to nos. 609–610: The true T. properans is Erycia fatua ( ferruginea sensu Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 556, and Bezzi 1907: 295, not Meigen). The two hosts have been wrongly referred to this species in the literature.

(612) p. 212: Cyrtophleba ruricola ex Spintherops (= Apopestes) spectrum.

(613) Masicera gyrovaga (prb. misid. = prb. Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer). — M. gyrovaga is Drino vicina.

Localities in Italy.

Rondani 1872(a, c)

A parasite catalogue, mainly compiled from the literature. No references are given. New records are marked as “obs. n.” or “oss.n.”.

(614) p. 148: Myobia aurea (= Leskia aurea) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea and C. (= Th.) pityocampa. Not marked as “obs. n.” — Apparently quoted from Robineau-Desvoidy( I) 1863: Zenillia aurea (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Bombyx processionea (no. 472) and wrongly synonymized. In the parasite-host list (pp. 321–337) Myobia aurea is not mentioned, but Exorista (= Zenillia) libatrix is cited on p. 324 with C. processionea as one of its hosts. In the host-parasite list (p. 148), E. libatrix is missing among the parasites of C. processionea, and Myobia aurea is cited instead. Leskia aurea is a parasite of Sesiidae.

(615) Tachina bellierella Desv. ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) pityocampa. — Wrongly quoted from Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): not Phryxe bellierella, see no. 466, but Phryxe berceella, see no. 467 (= Phryxe caudata). Tachina (Phryxe) bellierella Desv. (= Phryxe vulgaris) is cited by Rondani on p. 164 correctly under its host Leucania albipuncta.

(616) Tachina bellierella Desv. ex C. (= Th.) processionea. — Not identical with the preceding species. This is Pales bellierella Rob.-Desv. (= Pales processioneae), see no. 477. In the parasitehost list on p. 333, Rondani has confounded the three species Phryxe bellierella, Phryxe berceella, and Pales bellierella under the name Tachina bellierella Desv., citing Cnethocampa and Leucania as host genera. The entry of Leucania sp. as host of Pales bellierella in the list of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 566, is a result of this confusion.

(617) Exorista crassiseta Rond. (= Carcelia iliaca) ex C. (= Th.) processionea. — A correct host record. Not marked as “obs. n.”, but I have not found a record of E. crassiseta (described 1859) from this or another host before 1872.

(618) pp. 156, 327: Masicera bombycivora Desv. ex Endromis versicolora. — Wrongly quoted from Robineau-Desvoidy 1830: not Phryxe (= Masicera) bombycivora, see no. 62, but Carcelia bombycivora, see no. 73 (= prb. Senometopia separata). Rectified by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 560.

(619) pp. 160, 331: Plagia ruralis (= Voria ruralis, or misid.) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) brassicae. — Not marked as new record, but I have not found a preceding publication.

(620) pp. 163, 333: Tachina (= Meigenia) bisignata ex Ilithia carnella F. (= Oncocera semirubella). On p. 333, the host is cited with the generic name Phycis instead of Ilithia. — Wrongly quoted from Heeger 1848, see no. 268. The host was Epischnia (= Gymnancyla) canella Hb. and the parasite very probably misidentified (= prb. Nemorilla sp.).

(621) pp. 163, 334: Tachina erucastri Desv. (= prb. Phryxe caudata) ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini. — Misunderstanding of the text of Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I), see no. 471: “Bombyx processionea L. du Pin” is Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Bezzi 1907: 271, has wrongly synonymized P. erucastri with Phryxe vulgaris, and (p. 269) wrongly cited Dendrolimus pini as host of the latter species.

(622) pp. 163, 335: Tachina pabulans Fallén ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini. — Misspelling of Musca (= Muscina) pabulorum Fallén, which was recorded from this host by Ratzeburg 1844: 175. A Muscidae, placed in a wrong genus and family.

(623) Tachina parasitica Hrtg. ex L. (= D.) pini. — Described in the genus Musca and recorded from the host L. pini by Hartig 1838b: 301. A muscid species of unknown identity, placed in a wrong genus and family.

(624) Tachina quinquevittata Hrtg. ex L. (= D.) pini, is Sarcophaga quinquevittata as described and recorded from this host by Hartig 1838b: 303 (= Agria affinis, Sarcophagidae). Placed in a wrong genus and family.

(625) Tachina stabulans Fallén ex L. (= D.) pini, is Musca (= Muscina) stabulans, which was recorded from this host by Hartig 1838b: 299. A Muscidae, placed in a wrong genus and family. Omitted on p. 336.

(626) pp. 164, 329: Nemoraea pratensis ex Lasiocampa (= Philudoria) potatoria. — Apparently quoted from Schiner 1862, see no. 418. The genus name Nemoraea is an error, in Rondani's two other citations from Schiner (p. 328: ex Saturnia, ex Smerinthus) it is correctly given as Masicera (= Masicera sp.).

(627) p. 323: Echinomyia fera ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — The host is wrong. In the host-parasite catalogue (Rondani 1873), E. fera is listed not under L. dispar (p. 164), but correctly under L. monacha (p. 4), as recorded by Ratzeburg 1844, see no. 218. (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina magnicornis).

(628) p. 323, and 1873, p. 25: Echinomyia virgo (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina magnicornis) ex Trachea piniperda (= Panolis flammea). — This is probably the record of Hartig 1838b, see no. 142. E. virgo is a synonym of Tachina fera, but Rondani is following Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 631, 634, who has used the name E. fera wrongly for Tachina magnicornis, and E. virgo for the true fera.

(629) p. 324: Exorista aurocincta Desv. (= prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Hadena (= Trachea) atriplicis. — Misquotation. The host was Hadena (= Mamestra) persicariae, see Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I), no. 458. In the host-parasite catalogue, E. aurocincta is listed correctly under H. persicariae (p. 161), not under H. atriplicis (p. 160). Rectified by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 553.

(630) p. 324, and 1873, p. 164: Exorista crassiseta (= Carcelia iliaca) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — Misquotation. E. crassiseta Rondani is here confounded with Tachina crassiseta Ratze burg (= prb. Masicera sphingivora), recorded by Ratzeburg 1844, no. 239, as parasite of L. dispar. The reverse confusion is found on p. 327, see no. 634, where Masicera crassiseta instead of Exorista crassiseta is cited as parasite of Cnethocampa processionea.

(631) p. 325: Fischeria bicolor bred from galls on Pistacia terebinthus and wrongly assumed to develop as a predator on the aphids inside the galls. — The true host, the predacious larva of the pyralid Alophia combustella, was detected later, see Rondani 1874b (no. 655).

(632) p. 325, and 1873, p. 141: Hyalomyia pusilla ex Brachyderes lusitanicus. — Hyalomyia dispar (= Rondania dispar) recorded by Dufour 1851 (no. 353), is wrongly synonymized here with H. (= Phasia) pusilla.

(633) p. 326, and 1873, p. 143: Labidigaster uncinatus (= Labigaster forcipata) ex Cassida viridis. — Ocyptera cassidae (= Dufouria chalybeata) recorded by Dufour 1826 (no. 32), is wrongly synonymized here with the Labigaster species.

(634) p. 327: Masicera crassiseta ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea. — The genus name is wrong, it is Exorista crassiseta (= Carcelia iliaca) as correctly cited on p. 148 (see above, no. 617).

(635) p. 330, and 1874a, p. 64: Ocyptera brassicaria (= Cylindromyia brassicaria) ex Rhaphigaster grisea (= R. nebulosa). — Not marked as a new record. Possibly a misquotation from Dufour 1827, no. 34: Ocyptera (= Cylindromyia) bicolor ex R. grisea (which is, however, correctly cited one line before).

(636) p. 330: Phorocera grandis ex Saturnia pyri. — This is the record of Zetterstedt 1844: 1125 (see no. 256) with the name of the parasite changed and the host species misquoted. In the host-parasite catalogue (Rondani 1873: 18), Phorocera grandis (with assimilis in parentheses) is correctly listed as parasite of Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), not of S. pyri. P. grandis sensu Rondani comprises all Phorocera with yellow tip of the scutellum. The name has been restricted to an uncommon species by Mesnil 1946: 75, 78, Mesnil 1960: 639, and subsequent authors (lectotype designation by Herting 1969: 195).

(637) p. 332, and 1873, p. 29: Roeselia yponomeutae (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta malinella. Marked as a new record (obs. n.) on p. 29.

(638) p. 335: Tachina noctuarum Desv. ex Leucania and Liparis. — The first host record is correct (= no. 461), and cited also in the host-parasite catalogue, p. 164 (Leucania lythargyria). The second one is a misquotation, it is lacking in the host-parasite catalogue, unless it is Exorista noctuarum Desv. ex Liparis (= Leucoma) salicis, see no. 646.

Weijenbergh 1872

(639) p. LVIII: Degeeria seria (= Admontia seria) ex Ctenophora ruficornis (= Tanyptera atrata), and (640) C. (= Flabellifera) pectinicornis, Netherlands. — (641) to nos. 639–640: The name seria Meigen has been wrongly used for Trichoparia (= Admontia) maculisquama Zetterstedt by Stein 1924: 147, and the two host records have been wrongly associated with that species.

Lelièvre 1873

(642) p. 102: Tachinid indet. (= prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, 40 flies from 5 host pupae, synchronized with the double hibernation of the host, Amboise (Touraine, France).

Nowicki 1873

(643) p. 27: Exorista affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Euprepia (= Arctia) villica, and (644) Euprepia (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, Lemberg (= Lwow, now Western Ukraine).

(645) Nemoraea quadripustulata (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Cucullia scrophulariae, Kraków (Poland).

Rondani 1873

A continuation of the host-parasite catalogue of 1872.

(646) p. 4: Exorista noctuarum Desv. ex Liparis (= Leucoma) salicis. Not marked as new observation. — In the parasite-host catalogue (Rondani 1872c: 324–325) only Hadena (= Mamestra) persicariae is listed as host of E. noctuarum Desv., correctly quoted from the original record, no. 455 (Tlephusa noctuarum). Because the well-known record no. 180, Exo rista (sensu Schiner) lucorum ex L. salicis, is missing here (p. 4), I suppose that Rondani has cited the name lucorum, by lapse, as noctuarum. This distorted record is not included in the catalogues of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894 and Bezzi 1907, but Leonardi 1924: 32, and 1928: 144 has cited it (following the synonymy stated by Bezzi 1907: 248), as Exorista aurifrons R.D. ex Stilpnotia (= Leucoma) salicis.

(647) Masicera sylvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Liparis (= Leucoma) salicis. Marked as “obs. n.”.

(648) p. 20: Tachina ruficrus Hrtg. (identity unknown) ex Smerinthus ocellatus. Not marked as a new observation. — The species was bred from Hyloicus pinastri and described not by Hartig, but by Ratzeburg 1844, see no. 242. An enigmatic species, unrecognized by all subsequent authors. The host S. ocellatus is probably a lapse in quotation.

(649) p. 164: Chaetolyga segregata (= Exorista segregata, or misid. = Parasetigena silvestris) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — The genus name “Chetolyga” is a lapse for Chaetogena. Not marked as a new record, but I have not found a preceding publication. The species is cited in the supplement of the parasite-host catalogue (Rondani 1877: 60) as Phorocera segregata with the same host.

(650) Exorista erythrostoma (= Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — Wrong host. The original record of E. (= P.) erythrostoma ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri (Hartig 1838b, no. 191) should have been listed under that host on p. 20, but is missing there. Apparently a misquotation concerning the host has occurred.

Kaltenbach 1874

(651) p. 320: Delyta nigra Frst./Rhynchomyia? nigra Frst. (= prb. Phytomyptera nigrina) ex Pterophorus microdactylus (= Adaina microdactyla). — See Kaltenbach 1861, no. 401. The tentatively changed generic name is misspelled Rhynihomyia in the text, but correctly given in the index on p. 840. R. nigra Förster in Kaltenbach (nomen nudum) has been wrongly synonymized with Anachaetopsis ocypterina (= Ligeria angusticornis) by Bezzi 1907: 373.

(652) p. 652: Exorista libatrix (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, numerous.

Locality prb. near Aachen, Rheinland, D.

Rondani 1874a

The host-parasite catalogue of 1873 continued.

(653) vol. 5, p. 230: Degeeria flavicans (= Bessa selecta) ex Tenthredo (= Macrophya) ribis. — Misquoted from Goureau 1861, who has reared this parasite from Nematus ribis (= N. ribesii) (see no. 394).

(654) vol. 6, p. 64: Gymnosoma rotundata (= Gymnosoma sp.) ex Rhaphigaster grisea (= R. nebulosa), v. Heyden. — In the original publication (Heyden 1843, see no. 213), the host is identified as a Pentatoma sp. It is possible that Rondani had obtained more precise information from the author of the breeding, but it may also be a lapse.

Rondani 1874b

(655) p. 132: Fischeria bicolor ex Ilithya palumbiella n. sp. (= Alophia combustella) in aphid galls on Pistacia, Mina-Palumbo. — See no. 631. The host is wrongly quoted as Pempelia palumbella Fabricius (a different species) by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 554, and Bezzi 1907: 418 (Salebria).

(656) p. 135: Exorista lucorum (misid. = prb. Carcelia iliaca) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Apelle Dei. — Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 235. In Rondani's collection there are only misidentified specimens including one C. iliaca standing under the name Exorista lucorum. The parasite is cited by Rondani 1877: 56, and 1878: 14, not as E. lucorum, but as E. gnava (= Carcelia gnava).

(657) Exorista libatrix (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, leg. Rondani.

(658) Tricholyga caudata (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe semicaudata) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea. — I have seen in the collection Brauer in NHMW 1 ♂ of P. semicaudata given by Rondani and determined by him as caudata (without indication of host).

Walker 1874

A host list compiled from the literature, no references, no new records.

(659) In the catalogue of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 563, 567, three hosts of Myxexorista (= Zenillia) libatrix and three hosts of Parexorista (= Carcelia) lucorum are cited with reference to Walker 1874: 281, but these are originally recorded in preceding literature (nos. 337, 305, 318 and nos. 298–300, respectively) and quoted already by Schiner 1862: 464, 462.

Weijenbergh 1874

(660) p. 156: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Cucullia verbasci.

(661)* E. fimbriata (misid. = Phryxe nemea) ex Zerene (= Abraxas) grossulariata, 1–5 parasites from each host. — In ZMAN, 1 ♀, Haarlem, 2.VII., seen by me.

(662) Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Z. (= A.) grossulariata, solitary parasite.

(663) Ph. stupida (= C. concinnata) ex Porthesia auriflua (= Euproctis similis). — Apparently an earlier determination of the parasite which was already published correctly by Wulp 1869: 145, 153, see no. 586.

Localities not stated. Weijenbergh lived in Haarlem (NL).

Meldola 1876

(664) p. XXXV: Tachina augusta (identity unknown) ex Pieris brassicae, England. — Probably a misspelling and misidentification of Tachina angusta Macquart (= Exorista mimula, a parasite of Tenthredinidae larvae). [The synonym of Exorista mimula would be “angustifasciata Macquart”, whereas “angusta Macquart” is a synonym of Phorinia aurifrons (cf. Herting & Dely-Draskovits 1993: 126, 141). Provided that the latter was meant by the breeder, it was possibly a misidentification of Compsilura concinnata, a common parasitoid of Pieris brassicae.]

Rondani 1877/78

A supplement to the preceding catalogue (1872–1874). In the present abstract, the page number of the parasite-host list (1877) is cited first, the page number of the host-parasite list (1878) in the second place. A missing citation in one of the two lists is indicated by a bar. Rondani's collection is in MZUF, but the specimens are not labelled as to date, locality and host.

(665) pp. 56, 12: Echinomyia abdominalis (= Peleteria abdominalis) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) trifolii, Mina-Palumbo, Sicily. — Wrongly synonymized with Peleteria ferina by Bezzi 1907: 199. The host record is cited by Mesnil 1970 twice: correctly under P. abdominalis (p. 959) and erroneously under Peleteria meridionalis (p. 962, with reference to Rondani).

(666) pp. 56, 22: Echinomyia conjugata (= Tachina magnicornis) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — Questionable, because this parasite-host relation has never been confirmed.

(667) pp. 56, 12: Echinomyia grossa (= Tachina grossa) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus. — New record? Not marked as “obs. n.”.

(668) pp. 56, 21: Echinomyia praeceps (= Tachina praeceps) ex Liparis (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea.

(669) pp. 56, 13: Exorista cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Chelonia (= Arctia) villica.

(670) pp. 56, 11: Exorista confundens (misid. = prb. Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa. — Besides the field-collected type-series (males of Senometopia confundens) there are 1 ♀ of Carcelia lucorum and 1 ♀ of C. falenaria standing under this name in Rondani's collection in MZUF. C. lucorum is a common parasite of Arctiidae.

(671) pp. 56, 21: Exorista fauna (misid. = prb. Nilea innoxia) ex Liparis (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea, leg. Apelle Dei.

(672) pp. —, 21: Exorista fugax (identity unknown) ex L. (= E.) chrysorrhoea. — In Rondani's collection there are single specimens of four [“three” in Herting 1969: 194] different species placed under the name E. fugax. The lectotype (= Drino lota) was not reared from a host.

(673) pp. 56, 14: Exorista gnava (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia iliaca) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea. — This is probably the record of Rondani 1874b: 135, but there the parasite was stated to be Exorista lucorum.

(674) pp. 56, —: Exorista libatrix (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — Original?

(675) pp. 57, 22: Exorista susurrans (prb. misid. = prb. Senometopia separata) ex Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar.

(676) pp. 57, 18: Frontina instabilis (= Prosopea nigricans) ex Euchelia (= Tyria) jacobaeae.

(677) pp. 59, 109: Masicera media (= ?Myxexoristops stolida) ex Emphytus (= Allantus) ruficinctus. — Wrong quotation from Goureau 1867: 185. The host is not Emphytus pavidus (= ruficinctus, feeding on Rosa and Rubus), but Nematus pavidus on Salix. This is confirmed by Rondani's remark: “rodono le foglie dei salici” (1878: 109). André 1879: 255, has repeated the wrong quotation.

(678) pp. 59, 32: Masicera pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa l-album (= Nymphalis vaualbum).

(679) pp. 60, 12: Phorocera gramma (prb. = Chaetogena obliquata) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) trifolii. — The true gramma Meigen is C. obliquata, a typical parasite of L. trifolii. Bezzi 1907: 316, has cited gramma wrongly as synonym of Phorocera assimilis, and Leonardi 1928: 149 therefore has wrongly referred the host to the latter species.

(680) pp. 62, —: Tachina erythrocephala Hrtg. (= Phryxe erythrostoma, name misspelled) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri. — This is the record of Hartig 1838b: 295 (no. 191). The species name is correctly cited in the host-parasite catalogue (Rondani 1878: 29). The misspelled name is included without correction in the list of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 576, 607.

(681) pp. —, 18: Tachina nympharum (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista larvarum) ex Euchelia (= Tyria) jacobaeae. — The true T. (= Exorista) nympharum belongs to the Exorista rustica-complex and is very probably a parasite of Tenthredinidae larvae.

(682) pp. 62, 21: Tricholyga confinis (= Aplomyia confinis, or misid.) ex Leuconea (= Aporia) crataegi, Apelle Dei.

(683) pp. 62, 19: Tricholyga fidoniae Desv. ex Fidonia piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius). — Wrong citation. Robineau- Desvoidy 1863(II): 37–38, has cited Hartig's 1838 record of Tachina piniariae (= Blondelia piniariae) ex Geometra piniaria (no. 158) with changed generic names: Gervaisia piniariae ex Fidonia piniaria. The species name fidoniae seems to be only a lapse for piniariae.

(684) pp. 62, 21: Tricholyga vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Leuconea (= Aporia) crataegi. — New record? Not marked as obs. n.

Siebke 1877

(685) p. 84: Tachina vivida (= Eurithia vivida, or misid.) ex Bombyx (= Arctia) caja. [The commonly reared A. caja would be an unlikely host.]

(686) p. 85: T. affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex B. (= A.) caja.

(687) p. 86: T. vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Aporia crataegi.

(688) T. (= Phryxe) magnicornis (prb. misid. = prb. Nilea rufiscutellaris) ex Acronicta rumicis. [The guess “N. rufiscutellaris” seems to be very speculative because there is only a single record known from this host, but several records for N. innoxia and N. hortulana.]

Localities in Norway.

Birchall 1878

(689) p. 77: Tachina caesia (misid. = prb. Eurithia anthophila) ex Arctia lubricipeda (= Spilosoma lutea), 164 specimens from 500 host larvae, Isle of Man (Britain).

Brants 1878

(690)* p. LXXXVIII: Phorocera cilipeda (misid. = Pales processioneae, in ZMAN, det. T. Zeegers, pers. comm.) [see Zeegers 1997] ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Arnhem (NL). [Phorocera cilipeda is a synonym of Pales processioneae according to Cerretti 2004: 231, so not “misid.” in this case.]

Meade 1878

(691) p. 180: Exorista hortulana (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta alni, Wakefield (Yorkshire), Porritt. — Published also by Meade 1879b: 23, and Porritt 1879: 44. Redetermined by Meade 1892: 18, as Exorista acronyctarum (= N. hortulana).

Rondani 1878, see Rondani 1877
André 1879

The parasites are compiled from the literature without references. The following citation is wrong:

(692) p. 68: Tachina erucastri ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini. — This is evidently a misquotation from Rondani 1872a, c: 163, 334, where Lasiocampa pini is (also wrongly) cited as host. The original is no. 471. The mistake is included uncorrected in the list of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 576.

Künckel D'Herculais 1879

(693) p. 354: Gymnosoma rotundata parasite of Rhaphigaster griseus (= R. nebulosa). Eggs on the upper side of the last abdominal tergites. Pl. X, fig. 1: position of the parasite larva in the host. Figs. 2–4: larva (prb. 2nd stage), total, anterior and posterior part. Fig. 5: hind spiracles. Fig. 6: puparium.

Meade 1879a

All specimens reared by Bignell.

(694) p. 121: Tachina larvarum (misid. = Exorista fasciata) ex Zygaena filipendulae. — Redetermined by Meade 1892: 37, as Tachina latifrons Rond. (= E. fasciata).

(695) Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe magnicornis) ex Z. filipendulae. — The rearing of the two parasite species from Z. filipendulae is also published by Bignell 1880a: 17.

(696) Exorista grandis ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia).

(697) Masicera atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Acherontia atropos. Host found by a sailor in South Europe.

Meade 1879b and Porritt 1879, see Meade 1878
Wachtl 1879

Rearings in Galicia (= SW Poland). — On label: Bestwin (near Bielsko-Biała).

(698)* p. 102: Pachystylum bremii (misid. = Pseudopachystylum gonioides, in UBKW) ex Lyda vafra (misid. = Acantholyda posticalis). — The identity of the host is clearly indicated, because Wachtl cites the synonyms stellata Christ and pratensis Fabricius. Bezzi 1907: 357, 361, has quoted it wrongly as Pamphilius vafer L., and that not only under the correct parasite, Pseudopachystylum gonioides (p. 357), but also under the wrong parasite, the true Pachystylum bremii (p. 361).

(699)* p. 102: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar (in TLMF), (700)* Leucoma salicis (in TLMF), and (701) Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

Yaroshevski 1879 [= Yaroshevski 1880]

(702) p. 143: Nemoraea speciosa (= Winthemia speciosa) found in numbers near Kharkov (Ukraine) in a forest which was heavily attacked by Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar. In a rearing of a large number of dispar pupae, other parasitic Diptera (not specified) were obtained, but not a single W. speciosa. — Bezzi 1907: 233, with reference to Yaroshevski, cites L. dispar as host of W. speciosa. Mesnil 1949: 98 has wrongly synonymized W. speciosa with Winthemia venusta and wrongly cited the alleged host under the latter name.

Bertkau 1880

(703) p. 332: Tachina sp. (misid. = Sarcophaga sp.) ex eggsac of Epeira cornuta (= Araneus cornutus), Bonn, Germany. — The fly has been identified by Mik 1890: 153, as Sarcophaga ?clathrata ♂.

Bignell 1880a see Meade 1879a
Bignell 1880b

(704) p. 246: Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata.

Bigot 1880

(705)* p. CLI: Anoxycampta hirta n. sp. (= Phryxe hirta, in OXUM) ex Heterogynis penella, Bellier De La Chavignerie, Basses-Alpes (F). — The name A. hirta has been wrongly used by Stein 1924: 89 for the species Pseudoperichaeta palesoidea (syn.: trizonata Zetterstedt), and because of this confusion, Heterogynis penella has been wrongly cited as a host of the latter species in the Thompson catalogue (under Anoxycampta trizonata) and by Mesnil 1954: 411 (under Phryxe palesioidea).

Bugnion 1880

(706) p. 17: Meigenia bisignata (= Meigenia sp.) ex Lina (= Melasoma) tremulae, Fermens near Morges (Vaud, CH). — Fig. 1: adult ♀. Fig. 2: 3rd stage larva, total. Fig. 3: puparium in empty host skin. Fig. 4: 3rd stage larva, head and 2 thoracic segments. Fig. 5: last segments from below. Fig. 6: pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 7: anterior spiracles. Fig. 8: spinules of the skin. Fig. 9: puparium, anterior part. Figs. 10, 11: upper and lower lid. Figs. 12, 13: hind end from below and in profile. Fig. 14: hind spiracle.

(707) p. 26: Undetermined tachinid (= prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, 17 parasite puparia in one host pupa.

(708) p. 27: Meigenia bisignata (= Meigenia sp., prb. M. uncinata) ex Agelastica alni, Kowarz, prb. Slovakia.

Segvelt 1881

(709) p. 10: Phorocera agilis R.D. (misid., identity unknown) ex Arctia caja, Malines (= Mechelen, Belgium). 31 puparia in the dead caterpillar, the flies emerged a few days later — The true P. agilis is P. assimilis, a solitary parasite with one year life-cycle, pupation and hibernation in the soil.

Bigot 1881

(710)* p. 365: Germaria cervini n. sp. (= Onychogonia cervini, in OXUM) ex Nemeophila (= Orodemnias) cervini, Gornergrat (near Zermatt, Switzerland), Fallou. — Wrongly synonymized with Onychogonia flaviceps Zetterstedt by Brauer 1898: 510, and with O. interrupta (= O. flaviceps) by Mesnil 1956: 539 and Herting 1960: 104. Onychogonia cervini is O. flaviceps sensu Mesnil, not Zetterstedt.

Lucas 1881 see Lucas 1888
Meade 1881

Tachinids reared by Bignell (Bgn.), Fletcher (Flt.), and others. Localities in Britain. The author admits that 2–3 distinct species may be confounded under the name Exorista (= Phryxe) vulgaris. In 1891: 326, he does not repeat the host list, but mentions again the “variability” of this species: facialia in some individuals nearly or quite bare (= Phryxe nemea), scutellum in others entirely black (= Pseudoperichaeta). In the present abstract the host records have therefore been rearranged according to the probably identity of the parasite species concerned.

(711) p. 288: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris, prb. correct) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae (Bgn.), (712) Pieris rapae (Flt.), and (713) Anthocharis cardamines (Mosley).

(714) Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris or misid. = P. nemea) ex Polia (= Antitype) flavicincta (Bgn.), (715) Notodonta camelina (= Ptilodon capucina) (Bgn.), (716) Eubolia cervinaria (= Larentia clavaria) (Bgn.), (717) Sphinx ligustri (Bridgman), (718) Simyra venosa (= S. albovenosa) (Fitch), and (719) Phlogophora meticulosa (Fitch).

(720) Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. P. nemea) ex Taeniocampa (= Orthosia) stabilis (Bgn.), and (721) Abraxas grossulariata (Bgn. and Flt.) [see also Bignell 1880b].

(722) Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. P. nemea or P. magnicornis) ex Hybernia (= Erannis) defoliaria, Bgn.

(723) Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata or Phryxe nemea) ex Tortrix (= Pandemis) ribeana, Bgn.

(724) Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe magnicornis) ex Zygaena filipendulae, Fitch.

(725) Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe heraclei) ex Odonestis (= Philudoria) potatoria, Mosley and Porritt.

(726) Exorista grandis ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Bgn., Fitch, Mosley, and Sang.

(727) p. 289: Exorista hortulana (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta alni, Bridgman and Porritt.

(728) Exorista affinis (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex A. alni, Bridgman and Fitch. — The identity of this species with the preceding one was suspected by Meade himself, and in 1892: 18, he united them under the name E. acronyctarum.

(729) Exorista lota (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta psi (Flt.), and (730) Taeniocampa (= Orthosia) stabilis (Dale).

(731) Exorista parens (misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Polia (= Antitype) flavicincta, Bgn. — In E. parens Rondani 1859: 145 (= Phebellia nigripalpis), the facial bristles are not ascending. The specimens were redetermined as Exorista vulgaris var. by Meade 1892: 35.

(732) Nemoraea notabilis (= Nemorilla floralis) ex Botys verticalis (= Sylepta ruralis), Cooke and *Porritt.

(733) Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Acronicta aceris, Flt.

(734) Baumhaueria vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Chelonia (= Arctia) caja, Fitch.

(735) Scopolia ocypterina (= Ligeria angusticornis) ex Pterophorus (= Leioptilus) tephradactylus, Butler.

(736) Thelaira leucozona (prb. misid. = prb. Thelaira nigripes or T. solivaga) ex Chelonia (= Arctia) caja, Butler. — Up to our knowledge, T. leucozona does not exist in Britain. [T. leucozona is known from this country (Bergström 2004) and following the host prb. correctly identified in this case.]

Altum 1882

(737) p. 103: Tachina monachae (prb. misid. = Parasetigena silvestris) effective parasite of Liparis (= Lymantria) monacha in a mass-outbreak, Eberswalde (East Germany). — T. monachae is Exorista larvarum or E. fasciata.

Bignell 1882

(738) p. 140: Thryptocera bicolor (= Ceromyia bicolor) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus, ca. 50 parasite larvae from one host, Britain.

Meade 1882

Bgn. = Bignell, Flt. = Fletcher.

(739) p. 24: Exorista lota (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex Acronycta psi, Bgn.

(740) Scopolia ocypterina (= Ligeria angusticornis) ex Pterophorus (= Leioptilus) tephradactylus, Bgn.

(741) Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris, prb. correct) ex Pieris rapae, Bgn.

(742) Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Mamestra persicariae, (743) Taeniocampa (= Orthosia) populeti, and (744) Oporabia (= Oporinia) dilutata, all Bgn.

(745) Exorista gnava (= Carcelia gnava) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, Bgn.

(746) E. fauna (misid. = prb. Xylotachina diluta) ex Cossus ligniperda (= C. cossus), Bgn. — Exorista fauna in the sense of of Bezzi 1907: 278 (= Nilea innoxia) does not exist in Britain. The parasite is cited by Audcent 1942: 4, as Zenillia libatrix, because Wainwright 1928: 246, has listed “fauna” as probable synonym of “libatrix”, but the description of “fauna” ex Cossus by Meade 1892: 17 (abdomen grey dusted with a longitudinal black stripe and black margins of the tergites) does not fit with Zenillia libatrix. With the subsequent records nos. 956 and 1489 there are three breedings of the same species from this peculiar host in Britain and its is therefore likely that it was Xylotachina diluta, the only tachinid known to be a regular Cossus-parasite.

(747) Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Notodonta chaonia (= Drymonia ruficornis), Bgn.

(748) Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris, prb. correct) ex Plusia gamma, and (749) Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, all Flt.

(750) Thryptocera setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Coccyx (= Cydia) strobilella, Flt. — The true host was very likely a Forficula.

(751) Degeeria sp. (= prb. Elodia ambulatoria) ex Tinea (= Nemapogon) cloacella, Flt.

Localities in Britain.

Wachtl 1882

The collection Wachtl is kept partly in UBKW, partly in TLMF. The published locality Austr. infer. (= Lower Austria) is wrong in some cases in which the label indicates Bestwin (near Bielsko-Biała, SW Poland), where Wachtl worked as forester. [See also Tschorsnig & Herting 2005.]

(752)* p. 277: Thelaira leucozona (misid. = Thelaira nigripes) ex Dianthoecia capsincola (= Hadena bicruris). — TLMF, on label: Austr. inf. (= Lower Austria), 8.5.1880.

(753)* Macquartia prolixa (= Eriothrix prolixa) ex Botys (= Pyrausta) porphyralis. — UBKW, 1 ♂ with narrow frons without lateroclinate prevertical bristle. On label: Austr. inf., 12.5.80, Host on Origanum.

(754)* Thryptocera crassicornis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Retinia (= Petrova) resinella. — TLMF, on label: Bestwin, 25.–28.4.80 (SW Poland) and Gutenstein, 26.4.80 (Lower Austria).

(755)* — — ex Retinia (= Rhyacionia) buoliana, Moravia. — TLMF, on label: Znaim (= Znojmo), 17.6.82.

(756) p. 278: Thryptocera cognata (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hypena rostralis.

(757)* Thryptocera pilipennis (misid. = Actia crassicornis) ex Depressaria costosa (= D. nervosa). — TLMF, on label: Bestwin, 22.6.76.

(758) Leskia aurea ex Sesia (= Synanthedon) formicaeformis.

(759)* Baumhaueria vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar. — TLMF, on label: Bestwin, 23.7.74.

(760)* Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Phalera bucephala, Galicia (= SW Poland). — UBKW, on label: Saybusch (= Zywiersz), 16.4.74.

(761)* — — ex Stauropus fagi. — TLMF, Austr. inf., 12.4.80.

(762)* — — ex Acronicta aceris. — UBKW, Austr. inf., 10.8.76.

(763)* — — ex A. (= Craniophora) ligustri. — TLMF, Austr. inf., 21.4.80.

(764)* — — ex Vanessa (= Araschnia) levana. — TLMF, Austr. inf., 16.3.82.

(765)* Phorocera cilipeda (= Pales pavida) ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea). — UBKW, TLMF, Bestwin, 7.–12.7.75.

(766) — — ex Acronicta tridens. [Listed in Herting 1960: 70 under Nilea hortulana, but no material could be found in the collection Wachtl by Tschorsnig & Herting 2005.]

(767) Phorocera pumicata (misid. = prb. Pales processioneae) ex Thaumetopoea processionea, Austr. infer.

(768)* Masicera bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Schönkirchen, Austria infer., numerous (UBKW, TLMF).

(769)* M. pratensis (misid. = Masicera sphingivora) ex Deilephila (= Celerio) euphorbiae. — TLMF, Bestwin, VIII.75, numerous.

(770)* — — (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Acherontia atropos, Austr. inf. — UBKW, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, April 1882, leg. Nadler & Müller.

(771)* Tachina agilis (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Agrotis candelarum (= Amathes ashworthii). — UBKW, 1 ♂, 1 ♀, Austr. inf., 30.5.81.

(772) Tachina doris (misid. = prb. Sturmia bella) ex pupa of Plusia sp.

(773)* Exorista confinis (= Aplomyia confinis) ex Thecla quercus, Austria infer. — TLMF, 12.6., no further dates.

(774) E. tritaeniata (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Pygolopha lugubrana, Hungary. — My assumption (Herting 1960: 78) that it could be Catagonia aberrans is probably wrong.

(775)* Exorista cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa. — TLMF, no locality, 24.4.80.

(776)* — — ex Arctia villica. — TLMF, Prater (Vienna), V.1881, many specimens.

(777)* p. 279: Nemorilla notabilis (= Nemorilla floralis) ex Tachyptilia (= Anacampsis) populella, Austr. infer. — TLMF, 1 ♂, Prater, 23.6.80.

(778)* Nemorilla maculosa ex Myelois (= Eurhodope) suavella, Moravia. — UBKW, 1 ♀, Znaim (= Znojmo), 12.6.82, Host on Prunus spinosa.

(779)* — — (misid. = Nemorilla floralis) ex Psecadia (= Ethmia) bipunctella. — UBKW, 1 ♀, Prater, 26.4.81, Host on Echium.

(780)* — — (— = —) ex Botys (= Sylepta) ruralis. — UBKW, 1 ♀ Prater, 31.7.80.

(781) Tricholyga major (= prb. Exorista sorbillans or E. grandis) ex Sphinx ligustri.

Yaroshevski 1882 [= Yaroshevski 1883]

(782) p. 484: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

(783) p. 488: Tachina bella (= Sturmia bella) ex V. (= I.) io.

(784) — — ex V. (= Aglais) urticae.

(785) — — ex Vanessa cardui. 47 caterpillars of this host were all parasitized, the number of tachinid larvae per host varied between 1 and 10.

(786) p. 491: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Ocneria (= Lymantria dispar).

Locality: Kharkov prov. (Ukraine). The last-mentioned species was bred by the author himself, the others by Shevyrev.

Brauer 1883a

Host records of tachinids compiled from the literature (referred to as Z. K. M. III in the catalogue of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894). There is one original record and one misquotation:

(787) p. 76: Dexia ferina (= Dinera ferina) ex mediumsized Lamellicornia larva in wood, ?Dorcus parallelepipedus, Austria.

(788) p. 78: Nemoraea (= Winthemia) quadripustulata ex Saturnia spini, reference to Zetterstedt, vol. III, p. 1105. — Wrong quotation, see no. 253. The host was Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia). Not rectified in subsequent catalogues.

Brauer 1883b

(789) p. 875: Phorostoma latum (= Billaea pectinata) ex Rhizotrogus (= Amphimallon) solstitialis, Wienerwald (Vienna forest, Austria). Taf. II, fig. 13: 3rd stage larva with respiratory funnel; figs. 14, 15, 18: head; fig. 16: anterior spiracle; fig. 17: hind spiracle; fig. 19: anus.

(790) p. 877: Dexia rustica ex R. (= A.) solstitialis.

Hümmer 1883

(791) p. 18: Undetermined tachinid ex adult Saturnia pavonia, Switzerland.

Inchbald 1883

(792) p. 195: Exorista cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia caja, Britain.

Cholodkovsky 1884

(793) pp. 316, 317: Tachinid larvae (= prb. Zaira cinerea) in Carabus cancellatus.

(794) — — in Carabus glabratus.

(795) p. 317: Tachinid larvae (= prb. Freraea gagatea) in Harpalus ruficornis (= H. rufipes), gregarious. — Zaira cinerea lives solitary in small Carabidae, see Nielsen 1918: 253.

Locality prb. St. Petersburg, Russia.

Brischke 1885

(796) p. 15: Echinomyia grossa (= Tachina grossa) ex Gastropacha (= Macrothylacia) rubi.

(797) E. fera (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina magnicornis) ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea).

(798) Tachina silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Zara (Dalmatia).

(799) — — (prb. misid. = ?Masicera sphingivora) ex Spintherops (= Apopestes) spectrum, Italy.

(800) — — (prb. misid. = prb. M. sphingivora) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) galii.

(801) Tachina pratensis (misid. = prb. Drino sp., ?D. inconspicua) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri. — The description of the puparium excludes Masicera (pratensis sensu auct. = M. pavoniae), the single bristle at the base of r4+5 suggests a Drino species.

(802) p. 16: Tachina scutellata? (misid. = prb. Drino inconspicua) ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini. — The single bristle at the base of r4+5 and the description of the puparium fit with D. inconspicua. The record is omitted in Bezzi 1907 and Baer 1921, but cited as Masicera scutellata by Vasil'ev 1905a: 60 (1913: 59), and (from there) in the Thompson catalogue. The true T. scutellata Zetterstedt is Xylotachina diluta.

(803) — — (— = —) ex Bupalus piniarius.

(804) Tachina flavescens (= Exorista larvarum) ex Zygaena filipendulae, and (805) Dasychira selenitica.

(806) Tachina nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea), (807) Dianthoecia echii (= Hadena irregularis), and (808) Cucullia argentea.

(809) Tachina nigripes (= prb. Blondelia piniariae) ex Bupalus piniarius.

(810) — — (= prb. B. inclusa) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp.

(811) Nemoraea neglecta (= Nemoraea pellucida) ex Noctua (= Trachea) atriplicis.

(812) N. strenua (= Ernestia rudis) ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea).

(813) N. rudis (misid. = prb. Eurithia connivens) ex Cucullia abrotani (= C. artemisiae). — Wrongly synonymized with Ernestia (= Eurithia) consobrina by Bezzi 1907: 211. The specimens that Pandellé 1896: 35–36 had received from East Prussia (= from Brischke) and named consobrina were in reality E. connivens, because he says that they differed from typical consobrina by a smaller keel on the male syncercus (“lancette basilaire du mésolobe périneal plus petite”).

(814) Nemoraea maculosa (= Nemorilla sp.) ex Tinea (= Acrobasis) consociella.

(815) Myobia aurea (= Leskia aurea) ex Sesia cynipiformis (= Synanthedon vespiformis)[, Switzerland].

(816) Tryptocera crassicornis (prb. misid. = prb. Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix viridana.

(817) T. pilipennis (= Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix viridana.

(818) — — (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Retinia resinana (= Petrova resinella).

(819) T. bicolor (= Ceromyia bicolor) ex Gastropacha (= Lasiocampa) quercus.

(820) T. infantula (= Actia infantula, or misid. = A. nigroscutellata) ex Grapholitha (= Cydia) servillana.

(821) Exorista lucorum (misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Gastropacha (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(822) — — (prb. misid., not Carcelia?, identity unknown) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri.

(823) — — (misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Dasychira pudibunda.

(824) — — (misid. = prb. Senometopia excisa-complex) ex Psilodontis palpina (= Pterostoma palpina).

(825) to nos. 821–823: Bezzi 1907: 235 has wrongly synonymized E. lucorum with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa and wrongly cited the hosts M. neustria, H. pinastri and D. pudibunda under that species.

(826) Exorista apicalis (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Gastropacha (= Malacosoma) neustria, (827) Charaeas (= Cerapteryx) graminis, (828) Dianthoecia capsincola (= Hadena bicruris), and (829) Ortholitha cervinaria (= Larentia clavaria).

(830) to nos. 826–829: Mesnil 1949: 74 has wrongly synonymized E. apicalis with Nemosturmia (= Timavia) amoena, and cited (p. 75) the hosts nos. 826, 828, 829 (from Bezzi 1907: 229, who missed out no. 827: C. graminis) wrongly under that species.

(831) E. quadripustulata (misid. = prb. Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri.

(832) E. vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Pieris brassicae.

(833) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri.

(834) — — (— = —, host wrong?) ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini.

(835) — — (= Phryxe vulgaris, or misid.) ex Halias (= Bena) prasinana.

(836) p. 17: Exorista straminifrons (= Phryxe nemea) ex Halia (= Semiothisa) wauaria, (837) Hibernia (= Erannis) defoliaria, (838) Abraxas grossulariata, (839) Eupithecia lariciaria (= E. lariciata, misspelled), (840) Calymnia (= Cosmia) trapezina, and (841) Tortrix (= tortricid) sp.

(842) Exorista straminifrons var. (wing veins dark lined = prb. not Phryxe, identity unknown) ex Zonosoma trilinearia (= Cosymbia linearia).

(843) to nos. 836–842: Bezzi 1907: 275, has wrongly synonymized E. straminifrons sensu Brischke with Phryxe vulgaris and cited the hosts nos. 836–842 wrongly under that species (p. 269). Moreover, he has wrongly interpreted the host no. 839 as Boarmia laricaria Doubleday (= Ectropis bistortata).

(844) Exorista fimbriata? (misid. = prb. Myxexoristops stolida) ex Nematus cheilon (= Pristiphora geniculata). — Wrongly synonymized with Zenillia (= Paratryphera) barbatula by Bezzi 1907: 277, 278.

(845) Exorista fulva (prb. misid. = ?Senometopia intermedia) [could also be S. excisa which is also known from this host] ex Zerene (= Abraxas) sylvata. — The true fulva Fallén is Zenillia libatrix. Bezzi 1907: 235, has wrongly listed it (with ?) as a synonym of Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa and omitted the host record.

(846) Plagia ruralis (= Voria ruralis) ex Plusia gamma.

(847) P. curvinervis (= Athrycia curvinervis, or misid.) ex Plusia gamma.

(848) P. trepida (prb. misid. = prb. Cyrtophleba ruricola) ex Spintherops (= Apopestes) spectrum, Italy. — The almost globular puparium is typical for C. ruricola.

(849) Micropalpus vulpinus (= Linnaemyia vulpina) ex Hadena porphyrea (= Blepharita satura). — In the Thompson catalogue, the host is wrongly cited as Mniotype (= Blepharita) adusta.

(850) Masicera aurulenta (= Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Smerinthus populi (questionable), (851) Halias (= Bena) prasinana, (852) Zerene sylvata (= Abraxas sylvata), and (853) Eu pithecia actaeata.

(854) Masicera aurulenta var. (identity unknown) ex Selandria luteola (= Monostegia abdominalis).

(855) Degeeria vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Leucoma salicis, and (856) Gastropacha (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(857) Dexia nigripes (= Thelaira sp.) ex Sphinx (= Deilephila) porcellus.

(858) p. 18: Siphona tachinaria (= Siphona sp.) obtained in a rearing of Anthomyia (= Pegomyia) nigritarsis. — The true host is unknown. The parasite has been synonymized (wrongly?) with Bucentes (= Siphona) cristata by Bezzi 1907: 381.

(859) Tachina nigrifrons n. sp. (= ?Drino vicina) ex Sphinx (= Deilephila) porcellus. — Wrongly synonymized with Tachina (= Exorista) larvarum by Bezzi 1907: 337. The description of the puparium (hind spiracles gibbose) disagrees with that species, but fits with Drino vicina, a typical porcellus parasite. The presence of two bristles at the base of r4+5, however, would be an abnormity in the genus Drino.

(860) p. 19: Tachina ripae n. sp. (= Lydella ripae) ex Leucania (= Photedes) elymi.

(861) — — ex Apamea suffuruncula (= Mesoligia literosa).

(862) — — ex Apamea litorea (= prb. misspelling of literosa) in Elymus arenarius. — A species ‘litorea’ exists in another genus, it is a junior synonym of Acosmetia caliginosa which does not live on Elymus.

(863) — — (?misid. = ?Lydella stabulans) ex Leucania sp. (= prb. Nonagria sp.) in Typha stalks.

(864) to nos. 860–863: Bezzi 1907: 292, has wrongly synonymized Tachina ripae Brischke with Lydella (= Blondelia) nigripes and wrongly cited the host records nos. 860–862 (including Acosmetia caliginosa) under that species (p. 290). Brischke, however, mentions the presence of a single bristle at the base of r4+5 and that excludes Blondelia. Pandellé 1896: 52, has synonymized T. ripae with Tachina, subg. Masicera, agrestis Rob.-Desv. (= Lydella grisescens). Herting 1959: 426, has shown that ripae and grisescens are different species.

(865) Tachina omnivora n. sp. (= prb. Blondelia nigripes) ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) polychloros). — Synonymized with Tachina, subg. Masicera, ignota Perris (= Blondelia nigripes) by Pandellé 1896: 51.

(866) — — ex Porthesia auriflua (= Euproctis similis).

(867) Tachina geometrae n. sp. (= prb. Blondelia nigripes) ex Ortholitha cervinaria (= Larentia clavaria). — Synonymized with Tachina, subg. Masicera, ignota Perris (= Blondelia nigripes) by Pandellé 1896: 51.

(868) p. 20: Tachina papilionis n. sp. (= Buquetia musca) ex Papilio machaon. — Synonymized with Bigonichaeta setifacies (= Buquetia musca) by Pandellé 1896: 70.

(869) Phorocera abnormis n. sp. (= Nilea rufiscutellaris) ex Acronicta auricoma. Four flies from one host. — Wrongly synonymized with Phryxe vulgaris by Bezzi 1907: 269. Cited by Pandellé 1895: 336, as a variety of vulgaris with higher ascending facial bristles.

(870) p. 21: Phorocera flavibarbata n. sp. (= Chaetogena obliquata) ex Gastropacha (= Lasiocampa) trifolii. — Synonymized with Zenillia, subg. Spongosia, occlusa (= C. obliquata) by Pandellé 1895: 343.

(871) Plagia setosa n. sp. (= Hyleorus elatus) ex Porthesia auriflua (= Euproctis similis). 13 flies from one host. — Synonymized with Zenillia, subg. Spongosia, elata (= H. elatus) by Pandellé 1895: 345.

(872) p. 22: Degeeria flavifrons n. sp. (= Bessa selecta) ex Blennocampa rosarum (= Pareophora plana). — The host is wrongly cited by Baer 1921: 160 (reprint p. 126), as Monophadnus pallescens (syn. B. rosarum Konow, not sensu Brischke).

(873) — — ex Nematus cheilon (= Pristiphora geniculata).

(874) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Bessa parallela) ex Tortrix vitana (= Sparganothis pilleriana), Karlsruhe (Baden, D). — The host is wrongly synonymized with Acalla (= Acleris) cristana (syn.: vittana Stephens) by Bezzi 1907: 300 [and by Herting 1960: 44]. Locality: Danzig or East Prussia, unless otherwise stated.

Haase 1885

(875) p. 252: Undetermined Dipteran species (attached eggs and endoparasitic larva observed) in Iulus fallax (Diplopoda), Zuckmantel (= Zlaté Hory, Silesia, CZ). — A. C. PONT has informed me that, according to the given data and figures, the species is the parasitic Muscidae Eginia ocypterata.

Horváth 1885

Parasitic Diptera reared from Hemiptera by G. Pungur, Hungary.

(876) p. 238: Undetermined puparium (= prb. Phasiinae sp.) ex Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale. The adult was not obtained.

(877) p. 239: Leucostoma simplex ex Nabis lativentris (= N. myrmecoides).

Stein 1885

(878) p. 309: Macquartia sp. (prb. misid. = prb. Cleonice calllida) ex Lina (= Melasoma) tremulae. – The description of the puparium (two protruding hind spiracles) fits with Cleonice, not with Macquartia. The record has been wrongly referred to Macquartia praefica by Bezzi 1907: 407, who had overlooked the letters ‘sp.’ in Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 560 in the line following M. praefica.

Beling 1886

(879) p. 178: Siphona cristata (prb. misid. = prb. Siphona geniculata) ex Tipula gigantea (= T. maxima), Harz mts. (Germany), 10 specimens from 3 or 4 host larvae.

Buckler 1886

The tachinid records in this volume I, p. 199, have been published already by Meade, see nos. 712, 741.

Meinert 1886

(880) p. 191: Tachinid larvae (= Cleonice callida) in Lina (= Melasoma) populi. — The larvae preserved in ZMUC were studied by Nielsen 1909: 24 (footnote) and identified as Steiniella (= Cleonice) callida.

Mik 1886

(881) p. 203: Exorista excavata (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia villica. The fly has been collected in the field, the host larva has been identified from its hairs which were sticking in the ptilinal suture of the fly. — Bezzi 1907: 235 (with reference to Mik), has wrongly synonymized E. excavata with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa. The true excavata is Carcelia gnava.

Neuhaus 1886

(882) p. 166: Echinomyia praeceps (misid. = prb. Tachina magnicornis) ex Noctua piniperda (= Panolis flammea).

(883) p. 183: Masicera aurulenta (prb. misid. = prb. Drino inconspicua or D. gilva) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini.

Locality: Mark Brandenburg (D).

Wachtl 1886

(884)* p. 307: Phorostoma parvula (= Billaea irrorata) ex galls of Saperda populnea, Galicia (= SW Poland) and Moravia. — UBKW: Bestwin (near Bielsko-Biała), 18.5.[18]74. TLMF: Znaim (= Znojmo), 30.6.[18]83.

(885)* Masicera agilis (= prb. Blondelia piniariae) ex pupae of Bupalus piniarius, Moravia, numerous. — TLMF, UBKW: Bisenz (= Bzenec), April–May 1885.

(886)* Exorista flavicans (misid. = Senometopia pollinosa) ex pupae of Bupalus piniarius, Moravia, several specimens. — UBKW: Bisenz (= Bzenec), May 1885. E. flavicans sensu authors is S. confundens.

(887)* Nemorilla notabilis (= Nemorilla floralis) ex Aspis (= Epiblema) uddmanniana, Austria sup. — UBKW: 2 ♂♂, Braunau (am Inn), July [18]82.

(888)* Nemorilla maculosa ex Tortrix (= Choristoneura) murinana, Austria inf. — UBKW: 1 ♀, Baden, 1.7.[18]77.

Beuthin 1887

Locality: NW Germany, vicinity of Hamburg.

(889) p. 79: Frontina laeta ex pupa Smerinthus ocellatus, Sauber. — See no. 907.

(890) F. pacta (= Zaira cinerea) ex Carabus hortensis, Koltze. — See no. 908.

(891) p. 80: Exorista fimbriata (misid. = prb. Eumea linearicornis or E. mitis) ex Tortrix “rosea” (= Archips rosana), Sauber. — The parasite is wrongly synonymized with Zenillia (= Paratryphera) barbatula, and the host wrongly interpreted as Cochylis roseana Haw. by Bezzi 1907: 277 (with reference to Beuthin on p. 278). In the list of Microlepidoptera of the Nieder-Elbe area (Sauber 1875), Tortrix rosana L. is recorded on p. 153, whereas roseana Haw. is not mentioned, neither under Tortrix, nor in the genus Cochylis on p. 154. Kröber 1910: 61, has wrongly cited the host as Thalpochares (= Eublemma) rosea, but this noctuid does not occur in Germany.

(892) Exorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis or misid.) ex Orgyia gonostigma (= O. recens), Sauber.

(893) Exorista hortulana (prb. misid. = ?Epicampocera succincta) ex Pieris brassicae, Sauber.

Buckler 1887

The five tachinid records in this volume II, pp. 167–169, have been published already by Meade 1879a, 1881, 1882, see nos. 694, 695, 715, 717, 746, 747.

Greeven 1887

(894) p. 57: ‘Udji’ (= Blepharipa sericariae) parasite of ‘Seidenraupe’ (= Bombyx mori), Japan. pp. 59–63: Oviposition on leaves of the food-plant, description of egg, larva hatches only in the midgut of the host, not outside under various experimental conditions. — Independent of Sasaki and possibly prior to him, Greeven discovered the peculiar life-history of micro-oviparous Tachinidae. He published a preliminary short note on it in the “Japan Times” of 4th May 1878 (not seen by me, but cited by Sasaki 1887: 2).

Sasaki 1887

(895) Ugimyia sericariae (= Blepharipa sericariae) parasite of Bombyx mori, Japan. A careful study of morphology, anatomy and life-history, 80 figures. — The species is very close to the European B. schineri. It has been wrongly synonymized with Blepharipoda (= Blepharipa) zebina by Mesnil 1950: 145.

(896) p. 38: — — ex kuwako (= Bombyx mandarina).

(897) — — ex Laurion atratus (= Pidorus glaucopis). [Host unlikely, see Shima 1999: 46.]

Lucas 1888

(898) Myobia pumila (misid. = Meigenia sp., ?M. simplex) parasite of Crioceris asparagi, Calvados (France), common. Biology, puparium.

(899) — — of C. (= Lilioceris) merdigera, reference to Lucas 1881: XCVIII. — In this earlier observation, “coques d'un brun foncé” were found, but not identified as puparia of a tachinid. Locality: Chambourcy.

Meinert 1888

(900) p. 116: Tachina pacta (= Zaira cinerea) parasite of adult Carabus clathratus, Jylland (Denmark), Engelhart. Two flies emerging from puparia inside the host were trapped between the elytra and the last abdominal segment of the pinned beetle.

Röder 1888

(901) p. 221: Exorista nemea (= Phryxe nemea) ex Thyatira batis.

Siebeck 1888

(902) p. 218: Gonia foersteri found in places where Arctia caja was common. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 364, with ? as a host record. Not ascertained by rearing.

[Stein 1888, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Brauer & Bergenstamm 1889

*Specimens in NHMW.

(903) p. 134: Chaetolya setigena (= Chaetina setigena) ex Athroolopha chrysitaria, Sicily. — Wrongly placed in the genus Carcelia in the Thompson catalogue (genus names Chaetolya and Chaetolyga confounded).

(904)* p. 165: Diplostichus tenthredinum n. sp. (= Diplostichus janitrix) ex Lophyrus sp. (= Diprion sp.) [see also Herting 1974b: 142, = Diprion pini and D. similis after Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 551].

(905)* p. 166: Admontia podomyia (misid. = Admontia grandicornis, rev. HPT) ex Tipula (= tipulid) larvae, Schummel, Silesia. — Wrongly synonymized with A. amica by Bezzi 1907: 393.

Buckler 1889

Of the seven tachinid records in this vol. III, pp. 77–79, six were published already by Meade and Bignell, see nos. 745, 734, 736, 738, 725, 726. One original record:

(906) p. 78: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris or misid.) ex Clisiocampa (= Malacosoma) neustria, Norgate.

Gercke 1889

Details of two host records already listed by Beuthin 1887 (nos. 889, 890).

(907) p. 221: Frontina laeta ex Smerinthus ocellatus, Sauber.

(908) F. pacta (= Zaira cinerea) ex Carabus gemmatus (= C. hortensis).

Wachtl 1889

*Specimens in TLMF.

(909)* p. 57: Thryptocera evonymellae (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex pupae of Hyponomeuta padella (Austria inf. = Lower Austria), (910)* H. evonymella (Austria inf.), and (911)* H. rorella (Hungary).

[Altum 1890, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Kuhlmann 1890

(912) p. 74: Numerous tachinids (= prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex (Saturnia) pyri, hosts collected in Dalmatia and kept over winter outdoors at Frankfurt/Main.

Mayet 1890

(913) p. 259: Echinomyia prompta (misid. = Peleteria rubescens) ex Agrotis exclamationis, Languedoc (S France), common. — The eggs glued on the host skin do not belong to this species, but probably to Exorista larvarum.

Meinert 1890(a+b)

Two almost identical publications: a in Danish, b in English.

(914) Ugimyia sericariae (= Blepharipa sericariae) in Bombyx mori, parasitized specimens sent from Japan. In 1890a 10 figures on 2nd and 3rd larval stages, anterior and posterior spiracles. — The biological data are partly erroneous: The respiratory funnel is not “a portion of the tracheal system of the silkworm tinged brown by the excrement of the parasite”. The number of larval stages is three, not four.

(915) 1890a, p. 177: Undetermined tachinid larva, in 1890b, p. 111 tentatively det. as Tachina pacta (= Zaira cinerea, prb. correct) in the abdomen of Carabus (in a) nemoralis, (in b) hortensis. Respiratory funnel on a tracheal stem of the host. Locality: prb. Denmark. — The Carabus-species is cited in the Danish and the English text with different names which are not synonyms.

Mik 1890

(916) p. 312: Crossocosmia sericariae (= Blepharipa sericariae) parasite of Bombyx mori in Japan. Description of the adult.

Pabst 1890a[+b]

(917) p. 137, footnote: Numerous tachinids (= prb. Drino atropivora) ex Acherontia atropos, Dalmatia. Majority of collected hosts parasitized. [Also mentioned in Pabst 1890b.]

Peragallo 1890

(918) p. 39: Blepharipa scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis) ex Sericaria (= Lymantria) dispar, food-plant Schinus molle, in a garden at Nice (Côte d'Azur, F), 60 % of the hosts parasitized.

Sajó 1890

(919) p. 256: A parasitic larva, similar to the larva of Gymnosoma rotundata as figured by Künckel D'Herculais 1879, was found in the body of Stauronotus (= Dociostaurus) maroccanus in Hungary. The adult was not reared. — It was probably a Blaesoxipha sp. (Sarcophagidae).

Bezzi 1891

(920) p. 74: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Hepialus humuli, and (921) Liparis (= Lymantria) dispar. — Locality: Provincia di Padua (Italy).

Billups 1891a, b, c

Localities in Britain. All these records have also been published by Meade (1891, 1892), who determined the tachinid species.

(922) pp. 22, 60, 164: Masicera sylvatica (misid. = Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Fenn. — A specimen of this rearing in the Tring Museum has been identified by Wainwright 1932, 407, as a male of M. pratensis (= M. pavoniae).

(923) — — (prb. misid. = prb. M. pavoniae) ex Pieris brassicae, Winkley. — This specimen is also preserved in the Tring Museum, it is a female and was tentatively determined by Wainwright (l. c.) as M. silvatica. As far as we know, M. silvatica and M. sphingivora do not exist in Britain[, and M. pavoniae neither].

(924) Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, Frohawk and Winkley.

(925) Trixa variegata (= Trixa conspersa) ex Cheimatobia boreata (= Operophthera fagata), South. — Very unlikely. Trixa is a parasite of hepialid larvae.

(926)* pp. 60, 164: Nemoraea notabilis (= Nemorilla floralis) ex Plusia festucae, Wellman.

(927) Tachina tibialis (= Pelatachina tibialis) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, Frohawk.

(928) p. 164: Chaetolyga nigrithorax (misid. = prb. Winthemia quadripustulata) [prb. too speculative because W. quadripustulata was never obtained with certainty from the commonly reared Saturnia] ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Fenn, 3 ♀♀. — Winthemia variegata (syn.: nigrithorax) is excluded by the abdominal chetotaxy described by Meade 1891: 264, who had obtained a specimen from this rearing. Mesnil 1949: 96 has wrongly synonymized nigrithorax with Winthemia venusta, and wrongly cited this host record under that species (p. 98).

(929) Plagia curvinervis (= Athrycia curvinervis, or misid.) ex Paedisca (= Epinotia) sordidana, Adkin. — Host unlikely.

(930) Hypostena medorina (= Medina luctuosa, or misid.) ex Paedisca (= Epinotia) sordidana, Adkin, 1 ♀. — Host wrong. Medina spp. are parasites of adult Coleoptera.

Brauer & Bergenstamm 1891

*Specimens in NHMW. Coll. Bergenstamm (Bgst.), Rogenhofer (Rgh.), R. v. Stein (R.V.St.).

(931)* p. 323: Parexorista glirina (misid. = Phebellia glauca) ex Acronicta tridens, R.V.St.

(932)* p. 326: Parexorista clavellariae n. sp. (= Phebellia clavellariae) ex Clavellaria amerinae, R.V.St. [See also Herting 1961, 1974b.]

(933)* — — ex Cimbex variabilis (= Cimbicidae sp.). — Not bred by R.v.St., inexact determination of host?

(934)* p. 327: Parexorista magnicornis (= Eumea linearicornis) ex Cucullia ceramanthea (= C. prenanthis). — Wrongly synonymized with Zenillia (= Eumea) mitis in the Thompson catalogue.

(935)* p. 329: Catachaeta depressariae n. sp. (= Phryxe nemea) [see Herting 1974b: 136] ex Depressaria heydenii, Kreithner, Schneeberg.

(936)* Blepharidopsis nemea (= Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Bgst. — Bred by R.v.St. see Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 545.

(937)* — — ex Thyatira batis, Rossi. = no. 306.

(938)* p. 332: Myxexorista roseanae n. sp. (= Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata) [see Herting 1974b: 141] ex Tortrix roseana (= Cochylis roseana Haworth or Archips rosana Hübner, misspelled), Bgst. — The host is cited by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 564 and 609, as T. roseana Hb. (= Hübner).

(939)* p. 333: Prosopaea abbreviata (= Periarchiclops scutellaris) ex Noctua euphrasiae (= Acronicta euphorbiae).

(940)* p. 338: Ceratochaeta secunda n. sp. (= Phryxe caudata) [see Herting 1974b: 142] ex Gastropacha (= Thaumetopoea) pityocampa, Kollar.

(941)* p. 343: Xylotachina ligniperdae n. sp. (= Xylotachina diluta) [see Herting 1974b: 139] ex Cossus ligniperda (= C. cossus), Rgh.

(942)* p. 344: Argyrophylax galii n. sp. (= Drino galii) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) galii, Bgst. — Wrongly synonymized with Drino vicina (Erycia gyrovaga) by Baer 1921: 158 (reprint p. 124) and subsequent authors including Herting 1960: 79. Corrected by Herting 1961: 6.

(943)* A. cursitans (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer), R.V.St.

(944)* p. 384: Sesiophaga glirina (= Bithia glirina) ex Sesia spp. (= Sesiidae), Rgh. — The exact host species of this rearing are cited by Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894 (see nos. 1282, 1283).

Buckler 1891

The tachinid records in this vol. IV, pp. 114–115, have been published already by Meade, see nos. 729, 739, 733, 727, 728, 718, 742.

Henschel 1891

(945) p. 10, footnote: Parasetigena segregata, det. Brauer (= Parasetigena silvestris) common parasite of “Nonne” (Lymantria monacha), Northern Austria and Bohemia.

Meade 1891

The records published already in preceding papers by Meade 1879–1882 and by Billups 1891a, b, c are omitted in the following abstract.

(946) p. 91: Micropalpus vulpinus (= Linnaemyia vulpina) ex Sphecia bembeciformis, Norgate. — Questionable.

(947)* p. 126: Siphona cristata (misid. = Siphona variata, revised by S. Andersen) ex Leucania littoralis (= Mythimna litoralis), Bignell.

(948) p. 329: Exorista gnava (= Carcelia gnava) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, also bred by Dale. The character “arista thickened along half its length” is mentioned in the description.

(949) Exorista cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia lubricipeda (= Spilosoma lutea), Inchbald. — The breeding of the same parasite species from Arctia caja (Inchbald 1883, see no. 792) is also cited here.

Wachtl 1891

Ex Psilura (= Lymantria) monacha, no details, pp. 169–170: (950) Masicera bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua), (951) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum), and (952) T. nympharum (misid. = E. larvarum). — Specimens determined as T. nympharum in coll. Wachtl (UBKW) are small individuals of E. larvarum.

Bezzi 1892

Ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, Pavia prov. (Italy), p. 127: (953) Masicera pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella), and (954) Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata).

Marini 1892

(955) pp. 241–244: 7 flies, tentatively det. as Senometopia pumicata (misid., identity unknown) emerged from puparia in one silk worm (Bombyx mori) cocoon, Campli (prov. Teramo, Italy).

Meade 1892

The records published already in preceding papers by Meade 1879–1882 and by Billups 1891a, b, c and cited here again are omitted in the following abstract.

(956) p. 17: Exorista fauna (misid. = prb. Xylotachina diluta) ex Cossus ligniperda (= C. cossus), also bred by Dale. — Previously bred by Bignell, see the comment on the identity of the species under no. 746. Exorista fauna sensu auct. (= Nilea innoxia) does not exist in Britain.

(957) p. 18: Exorista acronyctarum (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta alni and/or A. psi, Mosley, Porritt, Fitch, Bridgman, and others.

(958) E. ruficauda (= Lypha ruficauda) ex Ypsipetes (= Hydriomena) impluviata, Fitch.

(959) p. 19: Exorista lota (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta tridens, also bred by Fitch. — The characters used by Meade to separate the alleged species acronyctarum, lota, and noctuicida are individual variation in N. hortulana.

(960) Exorista grandis ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), also bred by Dale.

(961) p. 20: E. noctuicida (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta tridens, Fitch.

(962) p. 37: Tachina noctuarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Odonestis (= Philudoria) potatoria. — The facial bristles not reaching the descending frontals are mentioned in the description.

(963) Tachina latifrons (= Exorista fasciata) ex Zygaena filipendulae, Bignell. — The characters separating this species from the preceding one are correctly stated. Recorded by Meade 1879a (no. 694), as Tachina larvarum.

(964) — — ex Liparis (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea, Fitch.

(965) to nos. 963 and 964: Tachina latifrons Rondani has not been synonymized by Bezzi 1907: 337, and Baer 1921. It is wrongly cited as Euthryptocera latifrons (= Goniocera versicolor, Syn: Tachina latifrons Meigen) with the above two hosts in the Thompson catalogue.

(966) p. 75: Brachycoma smerinthi n. sp. (= Billaea irrorata) ex Smerinthus populi, Norgate. — Wrong host, see Wainwright 1938: 182. The host was Saperda populnea. Meade has misunderstood the label (unclear writing, genus name abbreviated to initial letter).

(967) p. 210: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Saunders.

(968) — — ex Acronicta tridens, Bignell.

Bezzi 1893

(969) p. 93 [reprint pagination]: Masicera sylvatica (prb. misid. = prb. M. pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Bertolini, Trento (I).

Bouvier & Delacroix 1893

(970) p. 246: Doria meditabunda (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Bombyx mori. The adult flies could not escape from the cocoon of the host.

(971) — — common parasite of Acronicta psi. Locality: France.

Buckler 1893

The three tachinid records in this vol. V, p. 89, have been published already by Meade, see nos. 743, 720, 730.

Eckstein 1893

Ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, p. 639: (972) Phorocera assimilis (misid. = prb. Diplostichus janitrix ♂), (973) Exorista vulgaris (misid. = prb. Diplostichus janitrix ♀), (974) Plagia ruralis (= Voria ruralis, or misid.) (very unlikely; V. ruralis is a parasite of Noctuidae), (975) Masicera sp. (misid. = prb. Drino inconspicua), and (976) Tachina sp. (misid. = ?Blondelia inclusa).

Fallou 1893

(977) p. 84: Tachina mimula (misid. or host wrong, identity unknown) ex Psyche atra Esp. (= Oreopsyche angustella), Auvergne, mountainous regions, Henneguy. — Exorista mimula is a parasite of Tenthredinidae. The drawing of the fly in fig. 6 on p. 81 is inexact, the species unrecognizable.

Giard 1893a

(978) p. CCXIV: Thryptocera lithobii n. sp. (= Eloceria delecta) ex Lithobius sp. [cited also by Giard 1893b].

Gold 1893

(979) p. 302: Masicera silvatica (misid. = Parasetigena silvestris, figures of ♂♀) common parasite of Psilura (= Lymantria) monacha, NE Bohemia (CZ).

(980) p. 303: Tachina rustica (misid. = prb. Exorista larvarum) ex P. (= L.) monacha, Belohrad (CZ).

Lang 1893

(981) p. 10: Tachinid indet. (= prb. Myxexoristops abietis) parasite of Lyda hypotrophica (= Cephalcia abietis), up to 6 %, Fichtelgebirge (N Bavaria).

Pokorny 1893

(982)* p. 5: Parastauferia alpina (= Hyalurgus cruciger, in NHMW) ex Tenthredinidae larvae (on label: green sawfly larvae on Larix), L. v. Heyden, Pontresina (Engadin, CH).

Strobl 1893

(983) p. 90: Sturmia cursitans (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Schmidt-Göbel, Lemberg (= Lwow, now W Ukraine).

Wachtl & Kornauth 1893

(984) p. 15: Duponchelia segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) important parasite of Psilura (= Lymantria) monacha, Moravia. Pl. II, figs. 4, 5: Eggs glued on the skin of the host.

Billups 1894

(985) p. 136: Degeeria pulchella (misid. = Elodia morio) ex Peronea (= Acleris) maccana, Adkin. — The specimen is preserved in the Meade collection and has been identified as Pentamyia tragica (= Elodia morio) by Wainwright 1938: 157. The true D. pulchella Meigen is Admontia blanda, but Bezzi 1907: 399, has wrongly synonymized it with D. (= Medina) luctuosa and wrongly cited the host under that species.

Boas 1894

(986) p. 132: Dexia rustica ex Melolontha vulgaris (= M. melolontha), Denmark. Figs. 1–2: 3rd stage larva. Fig. 3: mouthhook. Fig. 4: hind spiracles and spine belts. Fig. 5: fore spiracle. Fig. 6: arrangement of spines on the last segment.

Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894

A catalogue of parasitic Diptera Calyptrata and their hosts. Records quoted from literature are marked by a dagger, they are omitted here except in case of misquotation. Original records (parasite determined by Brauer & Bergenstamm) are printed in bold type, these are included in the following abstract as far as Palearctic Tachinidae are concerned and the record is not published by Brauer & Bergenstamm already in 1889 (nos. 903–905) or 1891 (nos. 931–944).

Abbreviations: Coll. Bergenstamm (= Bgst.) or Rogenhofer (= Rgh.), various localities, or reared by R. v. Stein, Chodova, NW Bohemia (= R.V.St.). The specimens preserved in NHMW have been redetermined and published by me (Herting 1960), but some problematic cases have been revised recently again by H.P. Tschorsnig (= rev. HPT) or myself.

(987)* p. 542: Ammobia glabriventris (misid. = Exorista fasciata) ex Parnassius apollo, Rgh. The true A. (Deuterammobia) glabriventris is Chaetogena acuminata.

(988)* p. 543: Argyrophylax atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Acherontia atropos, RGH. and Bgst. (on labels: Kollar, Wien, and Mann, Dalmatia).

(989)* Argyrophylax bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pallidus, R.V.St.

(990) — — ex L. (= D.) pini, Bgst.

(991)* — — ex L. rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer), Henschel, Galicia (= SW Poland), and R.V.St.

(992)* — — ex L. (= Diprion) socius, Rgh., Brühl (near Wien).

(993)* — — ex L. (= D.) variegatus (prb. misid. = prb. D. frutetorum), Rgh. [= R.V.St. in Herting 1960: 80].

(994)* — — ex L. (= D.) virens, R.V.St.

(995)* Argyrophylax galii (= Drino galii) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) galii, also in coll. Rgh.

(996)* Argyrophylax gilva (= Drino gilva) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pallidus, R.V.St.

(997)* — — ex L. (= D.) pini, Rgh. (on label: Holland).

(998) — — ex L. rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer), Nitsche, Tharandt (Sachsen, D).

(999) — — ex L. (= Diprion) variegatus (prb. misid. = prb. D. frutetorum), R.v.St.

(1000)* — — (misid. = Drino inconspicua) ex Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar, Schlereth (Wien).

(1001)* — — (misid. = D. inconspicua) ex Stauropus fagi, Rgh. (on label: Wien).

(1002)* p. 544: Argyrophylax pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa (Bgst.), (1003)* Vanessa atalanta (Rgh.), (1004)*. (= Inachis) io (Bgst.), (1005)* V. (= Aglais) urticae, Bgst., and (1006)* V. ichnusa (= Aglais urticae subsp. ichnusa) (Mann, Corsica).

(1007) Atropidomyia parvula (= Billaea irrorata) ex Saperda populnea, Bgst.

(1008) Bactromyia scutelligera (= Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Hyponomeuta variabilis (= H. padella), Rgh.

(1009) Bigonichaeta spinipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea), Rgh. — Host prb. wrong, prb. a Forficula.

(1010) p. 545: — — ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus, Rgh. — Host prb. wrong, prb. a Forficula.

(1011)* Blepharidea vulgaris (misid. = Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia hebe, Rgh.

(1012)* — — (— = —) ex Arctia (= Parasemia) plantaginis, Bgst.

(1013)* — — (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Argynnis lathonia, R.V.St.

(1014)* — — (misid. = Phryxe nemea) ex Brotolomia (= Phlogophora) meticulosa, Rgh.

(1015) — — (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Cucullia anthemidis (= C. dracunculi), Bgst. — Host name perhaps incorrectly cited. The only Phryxe vulgaris ex Cucullia that I have seen in coll. Bgst was bred from C. abrotani (= C. artemisiae).

(1016)* — — (misid. = Phryxe nemea) ex Geometra (= Abraxas) grossulariata, Bgst.

(1017)* — — (— = —) ex Hybernia (= Erannis) defoliaria, Bgst.

(1018)* — — (— = —) ex Naenia typica, Schummel (on label: Winthem).

(1019) — — ex Mamestra typica (= Heliophobus reticulata), Rgh. — Not present in the collection, possibly a wrong citation of the preceding record?

(1020)* — — (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Neuronia (= Tholera) cespitis, R.V.St.

(1021)* — — ex Pieris brassicae, R.V.St.

(1022)* — — ex P. daplidice, Rgh.

(1023)* — — (misid. = Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, v. Heyden.

(1024)* — — (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Sphinx (= Deilephila) porcellus, Rgh.

(1025)* — — ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, Bgst. [= R.V.St. in Herting 1960: 72].

(1026)* — — ex V. (= Araschnia) levana, Rgh. [= R.v.St. in Herting 1960: 72].

(1027)* — — ex V. (= Aglais) urticae, Rgh.

(1028)* — — ex V. (= Nymphalis) xanthomelas, Rgh.

(1029)* — — (misid. = Phryxe prima) ex Zygaena filipendulae, Rgh. (Steyr).

(1030)* Blepharidopsis nemea (= Phryxe nemea) ex Habryntis (= Phlogophora) scita (Rgh.), and (1031)* Thyatira batis (Rgh.).

(1032)* p. 546: Blepharipoda scutellata (misid. = Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, Rgh.

(1033)* Bothria pascuorum (= Bothria frontosa) ex Mesogona acetosellae, Rgh.

(1034)* p. 547: Ceratochaeta prima (= Phryxe prima) ex Psyche viciella, Bgst. — Host questionable.

(1035)* Ceratochaeta secunda (= Phryxe caudata) ex Cnethocampa (Thaumetopoea) pityocampa, Bgst, Rgh.

(1036)* Chaetolyga analis (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Cucullia asteris, Rgh. (on label: Winthem).

(1037)* — — ex Cucullia umbratica, R.V.St.

(1038) — — ex Thais (= Zerynthia) polyxena, Mann.

(1039) to nos. 1036–1038: Mesnil 1949: 88 has wrongly synonymized C. analis with Winthemia crassicornis (= W. rufiventris), and wrongly cited the hosts Cucullia asteris, C. umbratica and Thais (= Zerynthia) polyxena under that species.

(1040)* Chaetolyga quadripustulata (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Argynnis aglaja, R.V.St.

(1041)* — — ex Cucullia prenanthis, Rgh.

(1042)* — — ex C. verbasci, Rgh.

(1043)* — — ex Mamestra pisi, R.V.St.

(1044) — — ex Saturnia spini, Z. K. M. III, 78 (= Brauer 1883a, see no. 788). — Misquotation from Zetterstedt 1844. The host was Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), the parasite possibly W. cruentata, see no. 253.

(1045)* — — (misid. = Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, Rgh. (on label: Winthem).

(1046)* Chaetolyga xanthogastra forma cruentata (misid. = Winthemia rufiventris, 1 ♀, rev. HPT) ex Saturnia pyri, Damianitsch. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 230, under Winthemia cruentata. Misid. by Herting 1960: 66, as W. cruentata.

(1047)* C. xanthogastra (= Winthemia rufiventris, 1 ♂ no locality or date) ex Catocala sponsa, Rgh. — Misid. by Herting 1960: 66, as W. cruentata.

(1048)* — — (misid. = Winthemia bohemani) ex Smerinthus ocellatus, Rgh. — Two different breedings: N. Oestr. (= Lower Austria), VII.1887, Neuhaus, and Manhartsberg, Siebeck.

(1049)* — — (= Winthemia rufiventris, rev. HPT) ex Smerinthus populi, Rgh. Misid. by Herting 1960: 66, as W. cruentata.

(1050)* — — (misid. = Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, Rgh.

(1051)* — — (misid. = Winthemia variegata) ex Asteroscopus cassinea (= Brachyonycha sphinx), Rgh. (on label: host collected VII.1839, flies emerged 20.IV.1840).

(1052) to nos. 1046–1051: The true xanthogastra is W. rufiventris. Mesnil 1949: 87 has wrongly synonymized C. (= W.) xanthogastra with W. bohemani, and wrongly cited the hosts Brachyonycha sphinx, Catocala sponsa, Smerinthus populi, Sphinx ligustri and the following one (Acronicta tridens) under that species.

(1053)* Chaetolyga sp. (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Acronicta tridens, Rgh. (on label: Winthem). — Bezzi 1907: 233 has overlooked the ‘sp.’ in the text of Brauer & Bergenstamm and cited this record wrongly under Winthemia xanthogastra. See also the note no. 1052.

(1054)* — — (= — —) ex Cucullia abrotani (= C. artemisiae), Rgh.

(1055)* — — (= — —) ex C. scrophulariae, Rgh.

(1056)* p. 548: Chaetotachina rustica (= Exorista rustica) ex Allantus notus (= Tenthredo arcuata) [Tenthredo notha is a valid species, not a synonym of T. arcuata], R.v.St.

(1057)* — — ex Tenthredopsis scutellaris (= T. palmata) [palmata auct. sensu Herting 1960 (nec palmata Geoffroy = nassata Linnaeus)], R.V.St.

(1058)* — — ex T. coqueberti, R.V.St.

(1059) — — ex Tenthredo scalaris (= Rhogogaster viridis), R.V.St.

(1060)* — — (misid. = Exorista mimula, rev. HPT) ex Nematus “ flavicornis” (on label: flavicomus = Pristiphora pallidiventris), R.v.St. — 1 ♂, Chodau 26.7.87. The host is wrongly synonymized with Tenthredo flava Poda by Bezzi 1907: 342, and with Tenthredella flavicornis Fabricius by Baer 1921: 359 (reprint p. 139). The parasite has been misid. as Exorista rustica by Herting 1960: 39.

(1061)* Chrysosoma auratum (= Chrysocosmius auratus) ex Cidaria (= Horisme) tersata, Rgh.

(1062)* Cnephalia bisetosa (= Spallanzania hebes) ex Agrotis segetum, Rgh.

(1063) — — ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, Rgh.

(1064)* pp. 550, 618: Cyrtophlebia buccata n. sp. (= Cyrtophleba ruricola) [1 ♂, see Herting 1974b: 136] ex Caradrina taraxaci (= C. blanda), Bgst.

(1065)* p. 550: Cyrtophleba ruricola ex Euclidia glyphica (Bgst.), (1066) Euclidia mi (Rgh.), (1067)* Mamestra serena (= M. bicolorata) (Rgh.), and (1068)* Spintherops (= Apopestes) spectrum (Rgh. [= Damianitsch in Herting 1960: 133]).

(1069)* Cyrtophleba nigripalpis (= C. ruricola) ex S. (= A.) spectrum, Rgh.

(1070) p. 551: Dexia rustica ex Melolontha vulgaris (= M. melolontha), Rgh.

(1071)* Dexodes machairopsis (= Blondelia nigripes) [misid. = Blondelia pinivorae Ratzeburg, see Bergström & Bystrowski 2011] ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) pinivora, Nitsche, Tharandt (Sachsen, D).

(1072) — — ex Cucullia asteris, Rgh.

(1073)* — — ex Eupithecia virgaureata, Rgh.

(1074) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Blondelia piniariae) ex Geometra piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius), Nitsche, Tharandt (Sachsen, D).

(1075)* — — (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) pisi, Rgh.

(1076)* — — ex Heliothis scutosa, Rgh.

(1077)* — — (misid. = Blondelia inclusa) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp. (Winthem, Hamburg).

(1078)* — — (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Plusia gamma.

(1079)* — — ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, Bgst.

(1080) — — ex Sphinx (= Celerio) euphorbiae.

(1081)* — — ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae.

(1082)* Dexodes spectabilis (misid. = Blondelia nigripes) ex Ammoconia caecimacula, Bgst.

(1083)* — — (= Oswaldia spectabilis) ex Sphinx (= Deilephila) porcellus, Rgh. — On label: Host collected 19.VII, parasite larvae pupated 22.VII, flies emerged after hibernation.

(1084) — — ex Notodonta (= Pheosia) tremula, Rgh.

(1085) — — ex N. trepida (= Peridea anceps), Rgh.

(1086)* Diplostichus tenthredinum (= Diplostichus janitrix) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, (Rgh.), and (1087) L. (= D.) similis, (Rgh.).

(1088)* Diplostichus janitrix ex L. (= D.) similis, R.v.St.

(1089)* — — ex L. (= D.) frutetorum, R.v.St.

(1090) p. 552: — — ex L. (= D.) hercyniae, R.v.St. — Host questionable.

(1091)* — — ex L. (= D.) pini, R.v.St.

(1092)* — — ex L. (= D.) variegatus (prb. misid. = prb. D. frutetorum), R.v.St.

(1093)* — — ex L. (= D.) virens, R.v.St. [rev. HPT].

(1094)* Discochaeta cognata (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta malinella, Rgh.

(1095)* Discochaeta incana (= Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Platypteryx unguicula (= Drepana cultraria), Rgh.

(1096) Erigone radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) ex Notodonta camelina (= Ptilodon capucina), Winthem.

(1097) — — with rudis Mg. in parentheses, ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea), reference to “Rdi. J. p.” (= Rondani 1872c: 332, Platychira rudis Mgn. ex Trachea piniperda). — The original record is the one of Boie 1848 (no. 264), and the tachinid species is Ernestia rudis Fallén. Rondani has cited it without reference (prb. from Schiner 1862: 451), and rudis Meigen is a lapse in the author name. Brauer & Bergenstamm 1893: 224 considered rudis sensu Meigen as a misidentification of radicum Fabricius (= Eurithia anthophila), but that is wrong at least in this case.

(1098)* — — (= Eurithia anthophila) ex Spilosoma menthastri, R.v.St.

(1099)* Eupogona setifacies (= Buquetia musca) ex Papilio machaon, Rgh.

(1100)* Eurythia caesia (misid. = Eurithia fucosa, rev. HPT) ex Dianthoecia (= Hadena) caesia, Rgh.

(1101)* Eutachina larvarum (misid. = Exorista fasciata) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) castrensis, Bgst.

(1102)* — — (misid. = E. f.) ex Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi, Rgh.

(1103)* — — (misid. = E. f., rev. HPT) ex Catocala fraxini, R.v.St.

(1104)* — — (= Exorista larvarum) ex Cucullia ceramanthea (= C. prenanthis), Bgst.

(1105)* — — (misid. = Exorista fasciata, rev. HPT) ex Dasychira fascelina, Rgh. — 1 ♂ from Ch. (= Chodova, R.v.St.), 1 ♂ from Leiden (Holland).

(1106)* — — (misid. = E. f.) ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini, Bgst.

(1107)* — — (= Exorista larvarum) ex L. (= Philudoria) potatoria, Rgh.

(1108)* — — ex L. (= Gastropacha) quercifolia, Rgh. (1109)* — — ex Leucoma salicis, Wachtl (1 ♂, July 1875), R.v.St. (4 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, 26.VII.–12.VIII.1882).

(1110)* — — ex Macroglossum stellatarum, Bgst.

(1111) p. 553: — — ex Melitaea didyma, Rgh.

(1112) — — ex Ocneria detrita, Rgh.

(1113)* — — (misid. = Exorista fasciata, rev. HPT) ex Orgyia ericae, Rgh. (on label: Winthem). — Misid. as Exorista larvarum by Herting 1960: 35.

(1114)* — — (= Exorista larvarum) ex Orthosia (= Agrochola) humilis, Bgst.

(1115)* — — ex Plusia jota, R.v.St.

(1116)* — — ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, Bgst.

(1117)* — — ex V. (= Aglais) urticae, Bgst. [misid. = Exorista fasciata (1 small female), rev. HPT].

(1118) p. 554: Fabricia ferox (= Nowickia ferox) ex Hadena polyodon (= Apamea monoglypha), Bgst. — The host H. polyodon Linnaeus is wrongly cited as Chloantha (= Actinotia) polyodon Clerck by Bezzi 1907: 196, and subsequent authors. It has been correctly synonymized by Audcent 1942: 11.

(1119)* Frontina laeta ex Smerinthus ocellatus, Rgh.

(1120) p. 555: Glaucophana amasiae (= Neaera atra) ex Depressaria veneficella, Mann.

(1121)* Gymnopareia bicolor (misid. = Ceranthia pallida) ex Eupithecia campanulata (= E. denotata), Dorfmeister.

(1122)* Gymnopareia crassicornis (= Actia crassicornis) ex Depressaria heydenii, Rgh. (on label: Kreithner, Schneeberg).

(1123) Gymnopareia exoleta (misid. = prb. Peribaea tibialis) ex Polia (= Antitype) flavicincta, Rgh.

(1124) Gymnopareia pilipennis (prb. misid. = prb. Actia crassicornis) ex Depressaria liturella (= D. flavella) [this is prb. not the correct synonymy because Brauer & Bergenstamm give “Tr. Hb.” as authors of “liturella”], Scheffer (cited already by Rossi 1848, see no. 291).

(1125) p. 556: — — (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Tortrix resinana (= Petrova resinella), Rgh.

(1126) — — (misid. = A. nudibasis) ex T. pinetana (misid. = Rhyacionia buoliana), reference to R.D. (= Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 716, who quotes the record of Hartig 1838b, see no. 185). — Both Hartig and Robineau-Desvoidy have added “buoliana” in parentheses to the host name, but Brauer & Bergenstamm cite only “pinetana Htg.”. The true Tortrix pinetana Hübner is a synonym of Olethreutes schulziana, and the latter is therefore wrongly listed as host of Actia pilipennis by Bezzi 1907: 390.

(1127) Gymnosoma rotundata (prb. correct) ex Pentatoma dissimilis (= Palomena prasina), Handlirsch.

(1128)* Hemimasicera ferruginea (misid. = Erycia fatua) ex Melitaea athalia, Bgst. — This record has been wrongly referred to Ceromasia rubrifrons by Mesnil 1954: 314.

(1129) — — (misid. = prb. Townsendiellomyia nidicola) ex Porthesia (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea, Horváth.

(1130)* Hemimasicera gyrovaga (= Drino vicina) ex Sphinx oenotherae (= Proserpinus proserpina), Rgh, Bgst.

(1131)* Homoeonychia lithosiophaga (= Linnaemyia lithosiophaga) ex Lithosia (= Eilema) caniola, Rgh., Görz (= Gorizia).

(1132)* Hypochaeta longicornis (= Campylochaeta inepta) ex Lithosia gilveola (= Eilema unita), Rgh.

(1133) — — ex Pygaera curtula (= Clostera curtula), Rgh.

(1134) p. 558: Hyria tibialis (= Pelatachina tibialis) ex Mamestra oleracea, R.v.St., Schummel.

(1135)* — — ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, Bgst.

(1136)* Leskia aurea ex Sesia asiliformis (= Synanthedon vespiformis), Rgh.

(1137) — — ex S. (= Synanthedon) conopiformis, Rgh.

(1138) — — ex S. cynipiformis (= Synanthedon vespiformis), Rgh.

(1139) — — ex Tortrix (= Rhyacionia) buoliana, Bgst. — The host is probably wrong.

(1140) Lomacantha parra (misid. = prb. Chaetogena rondaniana) ex Athroolopha chrysitaria, Rgh. — Corrected by Brauer 1898 (see no. 1398), and cited by Bezzi 1907: 317, as Phorocera, subg. Eggeria, parra B.B. nec Rond.

(1141) Lophyromyia clausa (= Blondelia inclusa) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp., Schummel, Silesia.

(1142) — — ex L. (D.) variegatus (prb. misid. = prb. D. frutetorum), Bgst.

(1143)* pp. 559–560: Machaira serriventris (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Acronicta aceris, Rgh.

(1144) — — ex Acronicta cuspis, Rgh.

(1145) — — ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria, Bgst.

(1146)* — — ex Cimbex axillaris, Rgh. — On label: Cimbex on Salix caprea (= prb. C. lutea) [also C. femoratus is known from Salix], R.v.St. Cited by Bezzi 1907: 309, as Cimbex humeralis (= C. quadrimaculata) but the larva of that species lives on Crataegus.

(1147)* — — ex Cucullia lactucae, Rgh. (on label: Handlirsch).

(1148) — — ex Libythea celtis, Rgh.

(1149)* — — ex Lithosia quadra, Rgh. (on label: Frauenfeld).

(1150)* — — ex Mamestra oleracea, R.v.St.

(1151) — — ex Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar, Horváth.

(1152) — — ex Phalera bucephala, Rgh.

(1153)* — — ex Pieris brassicae, Handlirsch.

(1154)* — — ex P. rapae, Rgh.

(1155) — — ex Plusia gamma, Rgh.

(1156)* — — ex Trichiocampus eucera (= T. viminalis), R.v.St.

(1157)* — — ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, Brauer [“Handlirsch” in Herting 1960: 55].

(1158) — — ex V. (= Inachis) io, R.v.St.

(1159)* — — ex V. (= Araschnia) levana, Rgh, Bgst (on label: R.v.St.).

(1160)* — — ex V. (= Aglais) urticae, Bgst.

(1161)* — — ex V. (= Nymphalis) xanthomelas, Bgst.

(1162)* p. 561: Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Egger, Handlirsch etc.

(1163)* — — ex Saturnia spini, Bgst.

(1164)* — — (misid. = Masicera sphingivora) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) euphorbiae, Rgh., Bgst.

(1165)* Masicera silvatica (misid. = Masicera sphingivora) ex Lasiocampa (= Gastropacha) quercifolia, Bgst.

(1166)* — — (misid. = Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Bgst. (on label: R.v.St.).

(1167)* — — (misid. = M. p.) ex S. spini.

(1168)* — — (misid. = Masicera sphingivora) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) euphorbiae (on label: Saalmüller, Villach).

(1169)* — — (misid. = M. sph.) ex S. (= Celerio) vespertilio. (locality: Switzerland).

(1170)* Meigenia floralis (misid. = Meigenia simplex, rev. HPT) ex Crioceris quatuordecimpunctata, Damianitsch.

(1171)* Meigenia bisignata (misid. = Meigenia dorsalis, rev. HPT) ex Gonioctena rufipes (= Phytodecta decemnotata), Bgst.

(1172)* p. 562: Meriania argentifera (= Ernestia argentifera) ex Mesogona oxalina (on label: M. acetosellae).

(1173)* Micronychia ruficauda (= Lypha ruficauda) ex Cidaria (= Hydriomena) impluviata, Dorfmeister.

(1174) — — ex Notodonta torva, Rgh. — A notodontid host of this tachinid is unconfirmed and unlikely. The species has been wrongly synonymized with Notodonta phoebe (= N. tritophus) by Bezzi 1907: 220.

(1175) Micropalpus haemorrhoidalis (= Linnaemyia sp.) [supposed to be L. retroflexa = L. picta by Herting 1960: 110] ex Agrotis (= Amathes) c-nigrum, Parreis.

(1176)* Microtachina erucarum (= Exorista mimula) ex Cladius comari (= C. pectinicornis), R.v.St.

(1177)* — — (misid. = 1 ♀ Exorista larvarum, only 5 mm long) ex Zygaena sp., Bgst. — On label: Stein 20.7.80.

(1178) Mintho praeceps (= Mintho rufiventris) ex Polia (= Antitype) polymita, Rgh. — Host questionable.

(1179)* p. 563: Myiocera ferina (= Dinera ferina) ex ?Dorcus parallelepipedus, Frauenfeld. — See also no. 787. A second or the same rearing?

(1180)* Myxexorista fauna (= Nilea innoxia) ex Acronicta rumicis, Bgst.

(1181)* — — ex Smerinthus ocellatus, Rgh. — On label: Wien, 10.4.82, Handl(Irsch).

(1182)* Myxexorista grisella (= Zenillia dolosa, 1 ♀) ex Cidaria (= Hydriomena) impluviata, Rgh. (on label: Kreithner, 12.4.1884).

(1183) — — ex Hyponomeuta evonymella, Kolazi.

(1184)* — — ex H. padella, Handlirsch, Mödling.

(1185)* — — (misid. = Zenillia libatrix) ex Pygaera reclusa (= Clostera pigra), Rgh.

(1186) — — (— = —) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Schiesser, Wien.

(1187) to nos. 1182–1184: Bezzi 1907: 279, has wrongly synonymized M. grisella with Zenillia libatrix and wrongly placed the Hyponomeuta spp. and H. impluviata (under the name Larentia autumnalis) in the host list of the latter species.

(1188) Myxexorista libatrix (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Rgh. and Nitsche, Tharandt (D).

(1189)* p. 564: M. macrops (= Zenillia libatrix) ex Pygaera (= Clostera) curtula, Rgh. — The host has been synonymized with P. (= C.) anachoreta by Bezzi 1907: 280, maybe correctly because the two species have been confounded by some authors.

(1190)* — — ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Bgst.

(1191) Nemoraea conjuncta (= Nemoraea pellucida) ex Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea). This line is misprinted in bold type without dagger. It is not an original record, but refers to Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I) (no. 431). In the host-parasite list (p. 607) under S. lubricipeda it is correctly printed.

(1192)* N. nigroscutellata (= N. pellucida) ex Mamestra (= Conisania) leineri, Rgh.

(1193)* N. nupta (= N. pellucida) ex Demas (= Colocasia) coryli (Rgh.), and (1194) Mamestra aliena (Rgh.).

(1195)* Nemorilla maculosa (misid. = Nemorilla floralis, rev. HPT) ex Botys verticalis (= Sylepta ruralis), Bgst.

(1196)* — — (= Nemorilla maculosa, rev. HPT) ex Myelois (= Eurhodope) suavella, Rgh.

(1197) p. 565: Onychogonia corsica (= Pseudogonia parisiaca) ex Trichosoma corsicum (= Ocnogyna corsica), Mann. — The host (Arctiidae) is wrongly cited as Orgyia trigotephras var. corsica (Lymantriidae) by Bezzi 1907: 362.

(1198)* Onychogonia interrupta (= Onychogonia flaviceps) ex Mamestra glauca, Rgh.

(1199) p. 566: Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis) ex Panolis piniperda (= Panolis flammea), Rgh.

(1200)* Paraplagia trepida (= Athrycia trepida) ex Hadena (= Tholera) popularis, Rgh.

(1201) Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) ex Psilura (= Lymantria) monacha, Henschel (= no. 945), Bohemia.

(1202)* Parexorista affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia caja.

(1203)* P. bisetosa (= Paratryphera bisetosa) ex Geometra vernaria (= Hemistola chrysoprasaria).

(1204)* P. brevifrons (misid. = Phryxe nemea) ex Taeniocampa instabilis (= Orthosia incerta). — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 240, as valid species in the genus Exorista. The type specimen of P. brevifrons (not bred) has been correctly identified as Huebneria affinis by Villeneuve 1907: 251, and the host of this different specimen has therefore (but wrongly) been referred to that species by Baer 1921: 147 (reprint p. 113).

(1205)* P. capillata (= Alsomyia capillata) ex Zygaena sp., Handlirsch.

(1206)* P. cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia caja, Bgst, Handlirsch.

(1207)* — — ex Arctia hebe, Bgst. — 1 ♂.

(1208)* — — ex Arctia purpurea (= Rhyparia purpurata), Bgst, Rgh.

(1209)* — — ex Arctia villica, Rgh, Bgst.

(1210)* — — ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, Rgh.

(1211)* — — ex Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi, Bgst. — 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, no locality, no date. — Host atypical for this tachinid, therefore questionable.

(1212)* — — (= C. lucorum) ex Ammoconia caecimacula, Bgst. — 2 ♂♂ on a single pin. Host prb. wrong.

(1213)* — — ex Hadena didyma (= Apamea secalis), Bgst. — 1 ♂, host prb. wrong.

(1214)* — — ex Orthosia pistacina (= Agrochola lychnidis), Bgst. — 1 ♂, host prb. wrong.

(1215) to nos. 1212–1214: Carcelia lucorum is a parasite of Arctiidae, several flies developing in one host caterpillar. Records from other hosts species have never been confirmed. These specimens in coll. Bgst. belong together because they are identically labelled: “Oesterr.” (= Austria) without further data. The association with the three noctuid hosts is probably due to an error.

(1216)* — — (misid. = Carcelia atricosta) ex Cimbex betulae (= C. femorata), R.v.St. — Misid. by Herting 1960: 87, as Carcelia puberula. Correction by Herting 1961: 8. The host is unusual for a Carcelia and presumably wrong.

(1217)* — — (misid. = Myxexoristops bonsdorffi) ex Lyda stellata (= Acantholyda posticalis), R.v.St.

(1218)* — — (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) ex Leucoma salicis, R.v.St.

(1219)* Parexorista confinis (= Aplomyia confinis) ex Thecla (= Callophrys) rubi. — Locality: Fischamend (E of Vienna).

(1220)* p. 567: Parexorista dubia (= Carcelia dubia) ex Arctia hebe, Rgh. — Brühl.

(1221)* — — ex Euchelia (= Tyria) jacobaeae, Rgh. — Gloggnitz.

(1222) — — (misid.?) ex Habryntis (= Phlogophora) scita.

(1223)* P. lucorum (misid. = Carcelia iliaca) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, v. Heyden.

(1224)* — — (misid. = Carcelia gnava) ex Dasychira pudibunda. — Wien.

(1225)* — — (misid. = Carcelia thalpocharidis) ex Thalpochares (= Eublemma) pannonica, Rgh.

(1226) to nos. 1223 and 1224: Mesnil 1944: 45 has wrongly referred these two hosts (Th. processionea and D. pudibunda) to Carcelia laxifrons, because Villeneuve 1912b: 90, has cited P. lucorum apud B.B. as synonym of C. laxifrons, but the latter statement is valid only for an alleged “type” specimen of lucorum (not reared) in the Winthem collection.

(1227) to nos. 1223–1225: In the catalogue of Bezzi 1907, Parexorista lucorum is cited correctly as synonym of Carcelia cheloniae on p. 234, and Sisyropa lucorum wrongly as synonym of C. (= Senometopia) excisa on p. 236, but all hosts records listed for Parexorista lucorum by Brauer & Bergenstamm (p. 567, including those from preceding literature) are wrongly referred by Bezzi also to C. (= S.) excisa.

(1228)* Parexorista grossa (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex Arctia (= Parasemia) plantaginis, Rgh. — The true P. grossa is Phebellia glauca.

(1229)* — — (— = —) ex Acronicta psi, Winthem.

(1230)* — — (— = —) ex A. tridens, Rgh. — There are ca.30 specimens bred from these two Acronicta species.

(1231)* — — (misid. = Phebellia glirina) ex Abia sericea, R.v.St.

(1232)* P. polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia caja.

(1233)* — — (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta tridens, R.v.St.

(1234)* — — (= Huebneria affinis) ex Geometra (= Artiora) evonymaria.

(1235)* p. 568: Parexorista susurrans (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta psi.

(1236)* — — (misid. = Alsomyia capillata) ex Zygaena minos (= Z. purpuralis), Schummel.

(1237) to nos. 1235–1236: P. susurrans sensu Brauer & Berg. has been synonymized with Carcelia leucophaea auct. (= Senometopia confundens) by Villeneuve 1912b: 89, and the hosts A. psi and Z. purpuralis are therefore wrongly cited under C. leucophaea by Baer 1921: 146 (reprint p. 112).

(1238)* P. temera Rdi. (misid. = Eumea mitis) ex Nematus oligospilus, R.v.St. — The host is questionable. Bezzi 1907 has omitted the record and cited temera Meigen correctly as synonym of Phryxe vulgaris (p. 275). Baer 1921: 147 (reprint p. 113) has used the name Exorista temera Rondani for E. (= Platymyia) fimbriata and listed Pteronidea oligospila wrongly as host of this species.

(1239)* P. tritaeniata (= Cadurciella tritaeniata) ex Thecla (= Callophrys) rubi, R.v.St.

(1240)* Peleteria ferina ex Arctia (= Hyphoraia) aulica, Rgh.

(1241)* P. tessellata (= Peleteria rubescens) ex Papilio machaon (Kollar), (1242)* Agrotis segetum (Rgh.), and (1243) A. vestigialis, (Saalmüller).

(1244)* Peteina erinaceus ex Cucullia asteris, Schummel (on label: Winthem).

(1245)* — — ex Plusia gamma, R.v.St.

(1246)* Petinops schnablii (= Ramonda plorans) ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, Rgh. — Misid. by Herting 1960: 132, as Wagneria (= Ramonda) ringdahli Vill.

(1247) — — (misid.?) ex Eccrita (= Lygephila) ludicra, Rgh. — *A specimen labelled ?schnabli with puparium, but without host name, is a Ramonda spathulata.

(1248)* Phorichaeta cunctans (misid. = Ramonda prunaria) ex Grammesia trilinea (= Meristis trigrammica), Rgh.

(1249)* p. 569: Phorichaeta lugens (misid. = Ramonda prunaria) ex Trachea (= Caradrina) blanda, Rgh. — The true P. lugens is Wagneria costata.

(1250)* Phorocera cilipeda (= Pales pavida) ex Attacus lunula, reared in Vienna, Rgh.

(1251)* — — (misid. = Pales processioneae, rev. HPT) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Rgh. — Misidentified by Herting 1960: 94, as Pales pavida.

(1252)* — — (misid. = P. processioneae) ex C. (= Th.) processionea, Nitsche. — The specimens (including 1 ♂ with extended genitals) are in the collection in Tharandt.

(1253)* — — (= Pales pavida) ex Bombyx (= Eriogaster) catax, Rgh.

(1254)* — — ex Emphytus cingillum (= Allantus truncatus), R.v.St. — The host is questionable, because a parasitism of Pales on a Tenthredinidae has never been ascertained. It is wrongly interpreted as Tenthredo amoena (syn.: cingulum Klug, not cingillum Klug) by Audcent 1942: 3, and Emden 1954: 95.

(1255)* — — ex Orgyia ericae, Rgh.

(1256) — — ex Porthesia (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea, Rgh.

(1257)* Phorocera pumicata (misid. = Pales processioneae, rev. HPT) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Bgst. — Misidentified by Herting 1960: 94, as Pales pavida.

(1258) p. 570: Phryxe erucastri ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Robineau-Desvoidy 1863(I): 412. — The probable host is “Bombyx processionea du Pin” (= Thaumetopoea pityocampa), and the parasite prb. Phryxe caudata, see no. 471. P. erucastri has been wrongly synonymized with Phryxe vulgaris by Bezzi 1907: 271, and Th. processionea is wrongly included in the host list of the latter species.

(1259) Phryxe bellierella (= prb. Phryxe vulgaris) ex Leucania unipuncta. — The host was Leucania albipuncta, see no. 466. In the host-parasite list, p. 596, it is correctly cited.

(1260)* Phytomyptera nitidiventris (= Phytomyptera nigrina, 1 ♂) ex Cochylis (= Eupoecilia) zebrana, Saalmüller. — On label: 12.5.79, no locality.

(1261) — — ex Eudemis botrana var. daphniana (= Lobesia botrana on Daphne gnidium), Mann, Livorno (Italy).

(1262)* Plagia ambigua (misid. = Athrycia trepida) ex Hadena (= Tholera) popularis, Rgh. — The true ambigua is Voria ruralis.

(1263)* P. curvinervis (misid. = Athrycia trepida) ex Taeniocampa stabilis or T. instabilis (= Orthosia stabilis or O. incerta), Schummel [“Sauer 1845” is given on the label, not “Schummel”]. — This is the information on the label. Br. & Berg. have listed the two host names incorrectly as separate records.

(1264)* P. ruralis (misid. = Athrycia impressa) ex Anarta myrtilli, R.v.St.

(1265)* — — (= Voria ruralis) ex Arctia hebe, R.v.St.

(1266)* — — ex Plusia chrysitis, Rgh.

(1267)* — — ex Plusia gamma, Rgh.

(1268)* Prosopaea abbreviata (= Periarchiclops scutellaris) ex Acronycta rubiginosa (= Conistra rubiginea) [“rubiginea” (see also Herting 1960: 76) is wrong because the label clearly reads “N. rubiginosa” (pers. comm. P. Sehnal)], R.v.St.

(1269)* P. nigricans (misid. = Periarchiclops scutellaris) ex Acronicta euphorbiae, Rgh.

(1270)* — — (= Prosopea nigricans) ex Lithosia quadra, Rgh.

(1271)* p. 571: Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Hyponomeuta evonymella, Bgst.

(1272)* — — ex H. malinella, Bgst.

(1273)* — — (misid. = Bessa selecta) ex Hemichroa rufa (= H. crocea), R.v.St.

(1274) Ptychomyia selecta (misid. = Bessa parallela, or host wrong) ex Geometra piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius), Rgh.

(1275) — — (= Bessa selecta) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) polytomus.

(1276) — — ex Nematus grossulariae, Bgst. — The host has been interpreted by Bezzi 1907: 301, as N. appendiculatus (= Pristiphora pallipes), but it could also have been the common Nematus ribesii. [Nematus grossulariae is a synonym of N. ribesii.]

(1277)* — — ex N. hypogastricus (= Platycampus luridiventris), Bgst.

(1278)* — — (misid. = Bessa parallela) ex Ocneria detrita, Nitsche, Tharandt (Sachsen, D). — The specimens are in the collection in Tharandt.

(1279)* — — (= B. selecta) ex Priophorus albipes (= P. pallipes), R.v.St.

(1280) Rhinotachina proletaria (= Bithia proletaria or misid. = B. modesta) ex Sesia sp. (= Sesiidae indet.), P. Stein, San Remo (= no. 2657).

(1281) p. 573: Servillia lurida (= Tachina lurida) ex Lepidoptera pupa found in the soil, ?Acronicta aceris, Rgh. — Very unlikely, because the larval period of this noctuid does not coincide with the flight period (early spring) of the parasite.

(1282)* p. 574: Sesiophaga glirina (= Bithia glirina) ex Sesia (= Chamaesphecia) empiformis, Rgh.

(1283)* — — ex S. (= Ch.) leucospiformis [= leucopsiformis], Rgh.

(1284) Siphona cristata (= Siphona sp.) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) pityocampa, Rgh. — Host questionable.

(1285) Siphona sp. ex Plusia gamma, North America. — Bezzi 1907: 381, cited this record wrongly under Bucentes (= Siphona) cristata, because he had overlooked the “sp.” in Br. & Berg. list.

(1286)* — — ex Mamestra pisi, R.v.St. — Cited (perhaps correctly) under Bucentes (= Siphona) cristata by Bezzi 1907: 381.

(1287)* — — (= Siphona collini) ex Noctua sagittifera (= Ochropleura candelisequa), Rgh.

(1288)* Sisyropa angusta (misid. = Carcelia gnava) ex Dasychira pudibunda, Rgh. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 233, as valid species in Carcelia. The lectotype of S. angusta is a C. rasa.

(1289)* — — (= Carcelia rasa) ex Orgyia gonostigma (= O. recens), Rgh. — Baer 1921: 145 (reprint p. 111) has wrongly synonymized S. angusta with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa and wrongly referred the host to that species.

(1290)* Sisyropa excisa (misid. = Senometopia pollinosa) ex Bupalus piniarius, Rgh.

(1291) — — (= Senometopia excisa, or misid.) ex Cucullia scrophulariae, Rgh.

(1292)* — — (= prb. Senometopia pilosa) ex Plusia triplasia (= Abrostola trigemina), Bgst. — The specimen is a female, and the species excisa or pilosa differ only in the males. But in no. 3337 and an unpublished rearing in the Gipsy Moth Laboratory at Budapest (specimens kept in USNM, genitals prepared by me) the parasite of Abrostola was pilosa.

(1293) — — (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Saturnia pyri, Bgst.

(1294)* Sisyropa lucorum (misid. = Carcelia dubia) ex Arctia hebe, Rgh. — Brühl.

(1295)* — — (misid. = Carcelia puberula) ex Psilura (= Lymantria) monacha, Henschel.

(1296)* — — (misid. = C. gnava) ex Leucoma salicis, Bgst.

(1297)* — — (misid. = C. atricosta) ex Orgyia antiqua, R.v.St., 4 specimens. — Misid. by Herting 1960: 87, as Carcelia puberula. Correction by Herting 1961: 8.

(1298) to nos. 1294–1297: S. lucorum B.B. has been wrongly synonymized with Carcelia (= Senometopia) excisa by Bezzi 1907: 236, and he has wrongly included A. hebe, L. monacha, L. salicis and O. antiqua in the host list of excisa on p. 234.

(1299)* p. 575: Spongosia occlusa (= Chaetogena obliquata) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus, Winthem, Handlirsch, Rgh.

(1300)* Staurochaeta gracilis (= Staurochaeta albocingulata) ex Lophyrus (= Monoctenus) juniperi, Tschek and R.v.St.

(1301)* Stomatomyia filipalpis (= Chaetogena filipalpis) ex Psyche graminella (= Canephora unicolor) (Rgh.), and (1302)* Psyche (= Canephora) unicolor, (Handlirsch).

(1303) p. 576: Tachina larvicola Htg. Rdi. J. p. (= Exorista larvarum, see no. 232) ex Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar. — Misspelling of Tachina larvincola Ratzeburg, which was wrongly quoted with the author Hartig by Rondani 1872c: 334. Included with ? in the parasite list of Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar by Fernald in Forbush & Fernald 1896: 392.

(1304)* p. 577: Tachina fera ex Agrotis (= Paradiarsia) glareosa (Rgh.), (1305)* Mamestra pisi (R.v.St.), and (1306)* Leucania obsoleta (Rgh.).

(1307)* Tachina grossa ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, Rgh.

(1308)* — — (misid. = Gonia foersteri) ex Bombyx dumeti (= Lemonia dumi), Rgh. — Only the puparium inside the broken host pupa. The adult fly in it was nearly fully developed and could be dissected from it. The determination was ascertained by careful comparison. [The dissection was made by HPT and the result was that it is Gonia sp., but if it really belongs to G. foersteri was not ascertained.]

(1309)* Tachina praeceps ex Macroglossa (= Hemaris) fuciformis. — Not printed in bold type, but the absence of the dagger indicates, that it is an original record. The specimen (1 ♂) is in NHMW (rev. HPT).

(1310) Audcent 1942: 11 has overlooked the name T. praeceps (not printed in bold type) in this list and wrongly referred the two hosts — Euproctis chrysorrhoea (no. 668) and Hemaris fuciformis — to the preceding species Tachina grossa. Emden 1954: 54 has quoted this wrong information from Audcent, and Mesnil 1966: 914 has quoted Emden.

(1311)* Tachina magnicornis ex Hadena (= Blepharita) adusta, Rgh.

(1312)* — — ex Agrotis sp. (= Agrotinae indet.), Rgh.

(1313) Thelaira intuenda (= Thelaira sp.) ex Smerinthus po puli, Schummel.

(1314)* p. 578: Thelaira leucozona ex Arctia caja, Winthem. (prb. = Meigen 1826, see no. 33).

(1315) — — (misid.? = Thelaira sp.) ex Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea), Rgh.

(1316) Thelaira nigripes (or misid.) ex Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi, Rgh.

(1317)* — — (misid. = Thelaira solivaga, rev. HPT) ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, Dorfmeister.

(1318)* — — (— = —, rev. HPT) ex Trichosoma corsicum (= Ocnogyna corsica), Mann, Corsica.

(1319)* Thelymorpha vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Arctia caja, R.v.St.

(1320) — — ex Arctia (= Orodemnias) quenseli, Pokorny, Passo di Stelvio.

(1321)* — — ex Gonioctena rufipes (= Phytodecta decemnotata), Rgh. — The fly is correctly identified, but the host is probably wrong. On the label it is marked with a query.

(1322) p. 579: Tricholyga major (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) pityocampa, Mann.

(1323) — — (= prb. Exorista grandis or E. sorbillans) ex Mamestra oleracea, Rgh.

(1324) — — (— —) [rev. HPT = Exorista larvarum] ex Mamestra pisi, Bgst.

(1325)* — — (= Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Rgh.

(1326) — — ex Saturnia pyri, Rgh.

(1327) — — ex S. spini, Rgh.

(1328)* — — ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, Bgst.

(1329) Tricholyga sp. (prb. misid. = prb. Diplostichus janitrix) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp., Mann, Corsica. — Wrongly cited as Tricholyga corsica B.B. by Bezzi 1907: 354.

(1330) — — (= prb. Exorista grandis or E. sorbillans) ex Smerinthus populi, Rgh.

(1331)* Tryphera succincta (= Tryphera lugubris) ex Noctua cribrum (= Coscinia cribraria), Winthem, North Germany.

(1332)* Tryphera lugubris (misid. = Paratryphera palpalis) ex Scodiona (= Dyscia) conspersaria, Rgh., Brühl near Vienna.

(1333)* Viviania pacta (= Zaira cinerea) ex Carabus rugosus, Pelikan, Dalmatia.

[Coaz 1894, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Dale 1894

(1334) p. 196: Macquartia affinis (= Macquartia tenebricosa) ex Chrysomela (= Chrysolina) varians, Plymouth, Keys. — Wrongly synonymized with Macquartia chalconota by Bezzi 1907: 405.

Giard 1894

(1335) p. CLXXX: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Plusia gamma.

(1336) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum or misid. = E. fasciata) ex Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi, Wimereux (Normandie, France).

Meade 1894

The host records on p. 107 and p. 158 are those published by Dale 1894: 196, and Billups 1894: 136.

Porchinski 1894

p. 9 of the reprint: The parasite complexes (Diptera only) of Lymantria dispar and L. monacha. It is not stated which species were observed during the outbreaks in Russia or Ukraine, but the following records are apparently new (not found by me in publications before 1894).

Ex Lymantria dispar: (1337) Exorista fulva (prb. sensu Schiner = Zenillia libatrix), and (1338) Masicera bella (= Sturmia bella or misid. = Drino inconspicua). — Porchinski 1901: 22, footnote, states that M. bella was identified by him as parasite of L. dispar in Kharkov prov. (Ukraine), leg. Yaroshevski.

Ex Lymantria monacha: (1339) Exorista fulva (prb. sensu Schiner = Zenillia libatrix), and (1340) Phorocera cilipeda (= Pales pavida).

Rudow 1894(a+b)

(1341) p. 65: Tachina nana (misid. = prb. Actia nudibasis) ex Retinia resinana (= Petrova resinella), 20.–24.IV. emerged from puparia found inside the host galls. — The true Tachina nana in Macquart 1835 is Guerinia nana Rob.-Desv. 1830 (= prb. Meigenia sp. ♀).

(1342) Tachina inclusa (misid. or host wrong) ex R. resinana (= P. resinella). — Blondelia inclusa is a parasite of Diprion.

(1343) p. 118: Echinomyia spp. (= Tachina spp., see nos. 2012 –2014, misid. or host wrong) ex Bombyx (= Dendrolimus) pini, and (1344) Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri.

[Standfuss 1894, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Strobl 1894

The specimens ex Arctia caja, Seitenstetten, were reared by Strobl, the others by Schiefferer, Graz (Austria).

(1345) p. 21: Exorista cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia villica, and (1346) A. caja (Seitenstetten).

(1347) E. polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia villica, and (1348) A. caja (Seitenstetten).

(1349) p. 25: Sturmia pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa atalanta.

(1350) p. 26: Machaira concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Acronycta alni, and (1351) Vanessa prorsa (= Araschnia levana).

(1352)* p. 43: Tryptocera versicolor (misid. = Ceranthia abdominalis) ex Platypteryx (= Drepana) lacertinaria.

Buckler 1895

Of the tachinid records in this Vol. VI, pp. 138–140, five have been published already by Meade 1881/82 and Billups 1891b, c, see nos. 714, 719, 731, 748, 926. Two records are original:

(1353) p. 139: Gonia ornata (prb. misid. = prb. Gonia capitata) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) pisi, Short. — Referring to the same breeding record, Billups 1896 (no. 1379) cites the parasite as Gonia trifaria (= G. capitata). G. ornata can hardly parasitize M. pisi, because the seasonal activity of that tachinid species (in spring) does not coincide with the presence of the host larvae (VII–IX). [Belshaw, during his revisions of British museums, did not find a G. capitata reared from C. pisi. However, it cannot be ruled out that Belshaw's (1993: 86) confirmed record of Gonia ornata from this host (according to pers. comm. Belshaw in Museum Manchester, coll. “Bill”) belongs to this material. If his identification is correct, it can only be presumed that the host was misidentified.]

(1354) p. 140: Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Mania (= Naenia) typica, Mansbridge. — Also published by Billups 1896 (no. 1377).

Cuénot 1895

(1355) p. 323: Diptera larva, prb. Thryptocera setipennis (misid. = prb. Ocytata pallipes) in Forficula auricularia. — The larva was found not fixed in a funnel, but free in the body cavity of the host. This is characteristic for O. pallipes (syn.: Rhaco dineura antiqua, misid. as Ceromasia rufipes), as already pointed out by Pantel 1910: 159, and Nielsen 1915: 214, footnote. Locality prb. Nancy (F).

Gilson 1895

(1356) p. 332: “Muscid” larvae (= prb. Dexia rustica) in Melolontha melolontha, Louvain (Belgium). True parasites, primary respiratory opening in the skin of the host.

Gold 1895

(1357) p. 197: Nemorea erythrura (misid. = ?Senometopia pollinosa) common parasite of Fidonia piniaria (= Bupalus piniarius), Königgrätz (Hradec Králové, CZ). — N. erythrura is a Winthemia, close to or conspecific with W. quadripustulata.

(1358) Tachina silvatica (misid. = Parasetigena silvestris) common parasite of Psilura (= Lymantria) monacha, NE Bohemia.

Mik 1895

(1359) p. 93: Thryptocera cognata (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta malinella, Horváth, Hungary.

Mik & Wachtl 1895

The text includes parasite-host records from rearings by Wachtl (nos. 1360–1363) and Hartig (no. 1364):

(1360)* p. 221: Dexodes piniariae (= Blondelia piniariae) ex Bupalus piniarius, Bohemia and Moravia (= no. 885), numerous.

(1361)* p. 228: Zygobothria gilva (= Drino gilva) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pallidus, Galicia (= SW Poland). — On label: Bestwin (near Bielsko-Biała).

(1362)* p. 229: Diplostichus janitrix ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini. — On label: Znaim (= Znojmo), Moravia.

(1363)* — — ex L. (D.) similis. — Bestwin (near Bielsko-Biała, SW Poland).

(1364)* p. 245: Blepharidopsis hartigii n. sp. (= Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Hartig (see no. 99), several specimens.

Mokrzecki 1895

(1365) pp. 6–7 of the reprint: Phasiinae larvae (= prb. Ectophasia oblonga) in adult Eurygaster maura (prb. misid. = prb. E. integriceps), Kuban (Ciscaucasia, Russia). — Assumed to be Phasia crassipennis (= Ectophasia sp.) by Vasil'ev 1904: 23, and confirmed by Mokrzecki 1926: 99.

Pandellé 1895

(1366)* p. 318: Silbermannia genistae n. sp. (= Macquartia tessellum) ex Gonioctena litura (= Phytodecta olivacea).

(1367) p. 342: Zenillia media (misid. = prb. Diplostichus janitrix) [see Herting 1978: 6] ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Dep. Allier. — Other specimens misid. as Z. media by Pandellé are Parasetigena silvestris, but a parasitization of Diprion by that species is very unlikely.

Berlese 1896

(1368) p. 352: Eight young larvae of a tachinid (= prb. Metacemyia calloti) found in the posterior part of the thorax and the abdomen of a male Acridium lineola (= Anacridium aegyptium), Portici near Naples (Italy). — See also Ribaga 1902 (no. 1514). The parasite record has been wrongly referred to Acomyia (= Acemyia) acuticornis by Bezzi 1907: 333.

Billups 1896

(1369) pp. 81–82: Exorista gnava (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Eupithecia helveticaria (sensu auct. = Eupithecia intricata), Adkin.

(1370)* p. 82: Exorista affinis (misid. = Nilea hortulana) ex Agrotis (= Amathes) ashworthii, Adkin. — The specimen has been seen and correctly redetermined by Wainwright 1938: 155.

(1371) Exorista “iota” (lota sensu Meade = Nilea hortulana) ex Agrotis (= Amathes) ashworthii, Adkin.

(1372) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Odonestis (= Philudoria) potatoria, Adkin.

(1373) p. 83: Exorista “iota” (lota sensu Meade = Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta psi, Barker.

(1374) p. 84: Nemorilla floralis (as “Nemoriaea”) ex Saturnia pavonia (Billups), (1375) Porthesia similis (Wellman), and (1376) Pieris brassicae (Billups). — All three hosts are questionable, because N. floralis is mainly parasitic on Microlepidoptera.

(1377 = 1354) p. 85: Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Mania typica (= Naenia typica), Mansbridge.

(1378) — — (— = —) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Mansbridge, numerous.

(1379) Gonia trifaria (= Gonia capitata) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) pisi, Short. — See also no. 1353.

(1380) p. 87: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris, or misid.) ex Euchelia (= Tyria) jacobaeae, Williams.

Fernald in Forbush & Fernald 1896

p. 392: List of European Dipterous parasites of Porthetria (= Lymantria or Liparis) dispar “compiled from various sources” (= mainly Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894, and Rondani 1872a, c). The following species must be deleted:

(1381) Tachina noctuarum R.D. and T. rustica Fall. — These two species are recorded in Rondani's parasite-host list (1872c: 335, 336) from the host genus Liparis, but cited in his more detailed host-parasite list under L. salicis (1873: 4), not under L. dispar (1873: 164). The record of Tachina rustica Fall. ex Liparis is a misquotation by Schiner 1862, see no. 416. T. (= Exorista) rustica is a parasite of Tenthredinidae, not of Lepidoptera. Tachina noctuarum Rob.-Desv. ex Liparis is a misquotation by Rondani, see no. 646. Howard & Fiske 1911: 88, have wrongly cited it as T. noctuarum Rondani (which is a synonym of Exorista larvarum).

(1382) Tachina quinquevitalata Hrtg. is a misspelling of quinquevittata = Agria affinis, sarcophagid, see no. 245). — Wrongly placed in the genus Tachina by Rondani 1872a, c (no. 624) and recorded from the host genus Liparis, but missed out in his host-parasite catalogue under L. dispar (1873: 164).

(1383) Meigenia bisignata (= Meigenia sp.). — I have not found this host record in preceding literature. It is almost certainly wrong, because Meigenia is a parasite of chrysomelid larvae (Col.), not of Lepidoptera.

Lampert 1896

(1384)* p. XI: Undetermined tachinids (= Siphona collini) ex Charaeas (= Cerapteryx) graminis, Ravensburg, Kost, and ex Agrotis (= Euxoa) tritici, Neckarweihingen, Steudel. — The specimens (8 ex C. graminis and 6 ex A. tritici) are preserved in the SNMS. Localities in SW Germany.

Marchand 1896

(1385) p. 134: Echinomyia fera (= Tachina fera) ex Cucullia xeranthemi, Germany. The two hosts recorded in France by Millière 1868 (nos. 563, 564), are also cited.

(1386) — — ex Pieris rapae. Experimental host, several small adults of E. fera were obtained. — The assumption that the parasite larva penetrates through a stigma of the host is wrong. It has been refuted already by Pantel 1910: 74.

Marshall 1896

(1387) p. 265: A large maggot believed to be an Ichneumonidae (but possibly Tachinidae) was found in an adult Acherontia atropos that was bred in captivity from a larva found in a potato field.

Meijere 1896

(1388) p. XLII: Echinomyia grossa (= Tachina grossa) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) quercus, Nederveen Cappel [no locality but part of the breeder's name] (NL), Vos.

Pandellé 1896

(1389)* p. 24: Exorista laxiceps n. sp. (= Phebellia clavellariae) ex Clavellaria amerinae, Danzig (= Gdansk, PL).

(1390)* p. 46: Roeselia, subg. Frontina, breviseria n. sp. (= Lydella breviseria) ex Chilo cicatricellus.

(1391) p. 56: Tachina, subg. Masicera, brevis Macq. (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta vigintipunctata. — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 283, as doubtful species of Masicera.

(1392) p. 59: Tachina cursitans (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini.

(1393) p. 118: Erynnia cineraria (= Cestonia cineraria) ex caterpillar on Astragalus bayonnensis.

Localities in Southern France, unless otherwise stated.

Buckler 1897

The only tachinid record in this Vol. VII, p. 174, has been published already by Bignell 1880b (no. 704).

Pantel 1897

(1394) p. 472: Thrixion halidayanum (= Thrixion aberrans) ex Leptynia hispanica, Uclès (Spain). — A short note preceding the very detailed study of this parasite-host relation by Pantel 1898, see no. 1407.

Porchinski 1897

(1395) pp. 791–792: Microphthalma europaea important parasite of Anisoplia austriaca, Dnepropetrovsk prov., Ukraine.

Rodzianko 1897

(1396) p. 72: Roeselia antiqua (= Ocytata pallipes) ex Forficula tomis, Poltava, Ukraine.

Sajó 1897

(1397) p. 76: Tachina bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer), Hungary.

[Sintenis 1897, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Brauer 1898

(1398)* p. 504: Erythrocera pomariorum ex Hyponomeuta “melina” (= H. malinella) in coll. Bigot (OXUM), no locality (label in French). Two specimens in bad condition, ?Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela). — One of the two is indeed B. parallela, but the more damaged one is an Eurysthaea scutellaris. Bezzi 1907: 299, has cited pomoriorum Bigot with reference to Brauer as syn. of Prosopodes fugax. He did not know the original description of E. pomariorum Goureau (see no. 398) which fits with E. scutellaris.

(1399 = 1140) p. 524: not Lomacantha parra, but an Eggeria sp. similar to E. fasciata ex Athroolopha chrysitaria. Correction of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894: 558. — The few morphological differences from E. fasciata mentioned by Brauer agree with Chaetogena rondaniana. The species is cited as Phorocera, subg. Eggeria, parra B.B. by Bezzi 1907: 317, and as Phorocera parra B.B. by Baer 1921: 354 (reprint p. 133). In the Thompson catalogue (with reference to Baer) it is wrongly cited as Phorocera parva Bigot (Nearctic species of uncertain systematic position). Mesnil 1960: 616 has wrongly synonymized it with Spoggosia echinura (= Chaetogena obliquata) and wrongly listed the host (as Eurrhanthis pennigeraria var. chrysitaria) under that species on p. 618.

(1400a)* Eggeria sp. (misid. = Chaetogena obliquata, in NHMW) ex Bombyx (= Lasiocampa) trifolii, Berlin.

(1400b) Eggeria sp. (identity unknown) ex Cucullia umbratica.

(1400c) — — (— —) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) euphorbiae.

(1401) to nos. 1400a, b, c: The hosts Lasiocampa trifolii, Cucullia umbratica and Celerio euphorbiae have been wrongly cited under Eggeria (= Chaetogena) fasciata by Bezzi 1907: 317.

(1402) p. 543: Bactromyia scutelligera (= Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Platypteryx (= Drepana) falcataria, Berlin.

Chapman 1898

(1403)* p. 143: A tachinid species (= Phryxe hirta, in OXUM) frequently emerging from cocoons of Heterogynis penella, Digne (Basses-Alpes, F). It was determined by three dipterists differently as Demoticus plebejus (misid.), Blepharidea near vulgaris (approximately correct) or Ceromasia sp. (misid.).

Flammary 1898

(1404) p. 31: Tachina silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Mâcon (Sâone-et-Loire, F), ca. 20 out of one host.

Jablonowski 1898

(1405) p. 45: Ceromasia interrupta, det. Brauer (prb. misid. = prb. Lydella thompsoni) ex Botys (= Ostrinia) nubilalis, Hungary.

(1406)* — — (= Lydella stabulans) ex Helotropha (= Celaena) leucostigma, no locality — I have seen 1 ♀ of L. stabulans bred from H. leucostigma and determined as C. interrupta in coll. Brauer in NHMW (Herting 1960: 82).

Pantel 1898

(1407 = 1394) pp. 43–75: Thrixion halidayanum (= Thrixion aberrans) parasite of Leptynia hispanica, Spain, biology and larval morphology. Fig. 1: egg with young larva in it. Fig. 2: 1st stage larva total. Fig. 3: pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 4: hind spiracles. Fig. 5: first 3 segments from below. Fig. 6: early 2nd stage total. Fig. 7: hind end from above. Fig. 8: hind spiracle. Fig. 9: older 2nd stage, hind spiracles. Fig. 14: pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 16: larval head. Fig. 10: 3rd stage total. Fig. 11: larval head and antennae. Fig. 15: the same, more enlarged. Fig. 12: puparium from above. Fig. 13: the same, anterior view. Fig. 17: host with parasite eggs on metanotum and hind femur, respiratory openings of parasite larvae on the sides of the abdominal segments II–IV. Fig. 18: atrophied ovaries of a parasitized host. Figs. 20–104: internal anatomy and histology of 3rd and 2nd larval stages of Thrixion.

Riedel 1898

(1408)* p. 56: Chaetolyga xanthogastra (misid. = Winthemia cruentata) ex Acherontia atropos, ca. 12 specimens from one host. — Published again by Riedel 1899: 277, and 1908: 134. Bred by Korthals, Rügenwalde (now Darłowo, Poland). 1 ♀ is preserved in coll. Riedel, ZMHB.

(1409) — — (— = — —?) ex Gastropacha (= Dendrolimus) pini, Schwörer, Leipzig. — Host wrong? Hyloicus pinastri? A Winthemia as parasite of D. pini has never been confirmed. Mesnil 1949: 88 has wrongly synonymized W. xanthogastra with W. bohemani, and in addition to D. pini he cites the hosts Smerinthus ocellatus and S. populi with wrong reference to Riedel. He has apparently misunderstood the host list of W. xanthogastra in Baer 1921: 141 (reprint p. 107), in which D. pini with reference to Riedel is preceded by the two Smerinthus hosts without reference (i. e. quoted from Bezzi 1907: 233). Their original records are the nos. 1048 and 1049.

Strobl 1898

Specimens in the collection of the Museum Sarajevo ( Bosnia).

(1410) p. 600: Exorista excisa (prb. misid. = ?Carcelia bombylans) ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa.

(1411) p. 601: Masicera pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella) ex Lasiocampa (= Gastropacha) quercifolia, and (1412) Vanessa cardui.

(1413) Masicera ferruginea (sensu Brauer = Erycia sp.) ex Melitaea provincialis (= M. aurinia). — In other cases, E. furibunda has been bred from M. aurinia.

Wulp & Meijere 1898

Rearings in the Netherlands. Records published already in preceding papers (Wulp 1869, Meijere 1896) are omitted in the following abstract. *Specimens in ZMAN.

(1414) p. 79: Plagia aurifluae (= Hyleorus elatus) ex Liparis auriflua (= Euproctis similis), 's Gravenhage, Wulp.

(1415)* p. 81: Exorista vulgaris (misid. = Phryxe erythrostoma, 2 ♂♂ seen) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, Doesburg, Meijere.

(1416) E. confinis (= Aplomyia confinis) ex Thecla (= Nordmannia) ilicis, de Steeg, Meijere.

(1417) E. fimbriata (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Thamnonoma (= Semiothisa) wauaria, Rotterdam, Fransen.

(1418) E. excisa (prb. misid. = prb. Zenillia libatrix) ex Cnethocampa (= Thaumetopoea) processionea, Breda, Heylaerts. — Misidentification of Z. libatrix as E. excisa by Wulp see no. 575.

(1419) — — (— = —) ex Pygaera (= Clostera) curtula, Breda, Heylaerts.

(1420)* E. lucorum (misid. = Carcelia atricosta, 1 ♂) ex Orgyia antiqua, Haarlem, Ritsema.

(1421) — — (misid. = Carcelia gnava, det. Sijstermans, pers. comm. by De Jong) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, 's Gravenhage, Wulp.

(1422)* — — (misid. = Senometopia separata) ex Endromis versicolora, Putten, Oudemans. — I have seen 1 ♂ and 1 ♀, bred V.1890, and in addition 3 ♀♀, bred 1920, same host, locality and breeder.

(1423)* E. agnata (misid. = Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Amsterdam, Meijere. — Correctly determined by Meijere 1907, no. 1625. E. agnata is Phebellia nigripalpis. Baer 1921: 146 (reprint p. 112) wrongly cites E. agnata as probable synonym of E. (= Phebellia) glauca, because he has misunderstood the remark of Villeneuve 1907: 263. Lundbeck 1927: 317, has adopted this mistake and included A. grossulariata wrongly in the host list of glauca.

(1424) p. 83: Masicera bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Vollenhoven.

(1425) Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Papilio machaon, (1426) Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria, (1427) Plusia festucae, (1428) Hyponomeuta variabilis (= H. padella), (1429) Vanessa (= Nymphalis) polychloros, (1430) Vanessa (= Inachis) io, (1431) Bombyx (= Trichiura) crataegi, (1432) Hadena (= Mamestra) oleracea, (1433) H. (= M.) persicariae,

(1434) H. (= M.) brassicae, (1435) Pieris brassicae, and

(1436) Abraxas grossulariata. — 1425–1428 bred by Fransen, 1429 by Schepman, 1430–1434 by Oudemans, and 1435–1436 by Meijere.

(1437)* p. 85: Thryptocera pilipennis (misid. = Actia crassicornis) ex Depressaria scopariella, Arnhem, Snellen. — Only thorax and wings are preserved in the two specimens.

(1438) Thryptocera setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Notodonta dictaea (= Pheosia tremula), Maastricht, Maurissen. — The true host was very likely a Forficula.

(1439) Thryptocera infantula (misid. = Actia nudibasis, redetermined by Meijere 1928a: 61) ex Retinia (= Petrova) resinella, and (1440) Grapholitha (= Cydia) cosmophorana, both Exaeten, Wasmann. — The two hosts are listed by Bezzi 1907: 389, and Baer 1921: 372 (reprint p. 152) under Actia infantula, but the Thompson catalogue, by lapse, quotes Actia frontalis (= A. lamia) as parasite of Laspeyresia (= Cydia) cosmophorana, with reference to Baer. Mesnil 1963: 825 has wrongly referred this host to Actia nigroscutellata (syn. A. infantula sensu Stein, not Zetterstedt). The parasite was A. nudibasis, as stated under no. 1439.

(1441) p. 87: Degeeria fascinans (= Bessa selecta) ex Hylotoma rosarum (= Arge ochropa), Leiden, Ritsema. — The identity of D. fascinans with Ptychomyia (= Bessa) selecta has been confirmed by Meijere 1919: 193. Wrongly cited in the Thompson catalogue (reference to Baer 1921) as Medinafasciata”.

Yerbury 1898

(1442) p. XVIII: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Pieris brassicae, Hyères (Côte d'Azur, F).

Aurivillius 1899

(1443) p. 281: Tachina fasciata (= Exorista fasciata) ex Lymantria monacha, Ramstedt, Sweden.

Girschner 1899

Most of the specimens were reared by Riedel. Those marked by asterisk (seen by me) are preserved either in coll. Riedel (ZMHB), or in coll. Girschner (BMNH). Localities in Germany (not stated). [According to collection data of material stored in ZMHB, Riedel collected near Leipzig in 1893 and 1894, but lived in Rügenwalde (= Darłowo, Poland) from 1895 on, so his own breedings are not necessarily all from Germany.]

(1444) p. 177: Atropidomyia parvula (= Billaea irrorata) ex Saperda populnea.

(1445)* Gymnoparea pilipennis (= Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix viridana (ZMHB).

(1446) — — (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex T. (= Petrova) resinella.

(1447) — — (misid. = A. nudibasis) ex T. (= Rhyacionia) buoliana.

(1448) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Tortrix viridana.

(1449)* p. 178: Phorichaeta cunctans (misid. = Ramonda prunicia) ex Agrotis sp. (= Agrotinae indet.) (ZMHB).

(1450) Erigone radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) galii, (1451) Sphinx (= Deilephila) elpenor, and (1452) Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

(1453) Compsilura concinnata ex Vanessa (= Araschnia) levana (Reichert), (1454) V. (= Nymphalis) antiopa, and (1455) V. (= Aglais) urticae.

(1456)* Myxexorista resinellae n. sp. (= Diplostichus janitrix ♂) ex Retinia (= Petrova) resinella (host wrong). (BMNH). — Cited by Bezzi 1907: 280, as valid species in the genus Zenillia. Mesnil 1954: 326 wrongly synonymized it with Z. libatrix, he cites the host Evetria resinella with reference to Girschner in the host list of that species, but the name M. resinellae is missing in the list of synonyms of Z. libatrix on p. 324. D. janitrix is a parasite of Diprion spp.

(1457) Dexodes piniariae (= Blondelia piniariae) ex Bupalus piniarius.

(1458) — — (misid. = Blondelia nigripes) ex Hybernia sp. (= Erannis sp.).

(1459)* Parexorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae (BMNH).

(1460)* P. confinis (= Aplomyia confinis) ex Thecla quercus (ZMHB).

(1461) — — (or misid.) ex Arctia (= Rhyparia) purpurea, Wagner. — The host is atypical for this tachinid.

(1462) Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Hesperia (= Thymelicus) lineola.

(1463) Masicera sylvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Sphinx ligustri, Schwörer.

(1464)* p. 179: Hemimasicera gyrovaga (misid. = Drino galii) ex Sphinx (= Celerio) galii (ZMHB, BMNH).

(1465) Sturmia bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini.

(1466) p. 185: Sisyropa lucorum (prb. misid. = prb. Senometopia separata) ex Endromis versicolora, Wagner.

(1467) Sisyropa gnava (= Carcelia gnava) ex Bombyx (= Leucoma) salicis.

(1468) — — (prb. misid. = prb. C. rasa) ex Orgyia antiqua, Junkel.

Meijere 1899

(1469)* p. 29: Tachina larvarum (misid. = Exorista fasciata, ZMAN, 5 ♂♂ seen) ex Bombyx (= Macrothylacia) rubi, Polak, Schoonoord in Drenthe (NL), numerous.

Novak 1899

(1470) p. 90: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Drino atropivora) ex Acherontia atropos, very large numbers, one third of the host larvae parasitized. — According to Pabst 1899: 107 the locality was Dalmatia (Croatia).

Sasaki 1899

(1471) p. 25: Tachina rustica (misid. = prb. Exorista sorbillans) parasite of silkworms (= Bombyx mori), east coast of China [+ Japan, following Shima 1999]. A few data on life history, 4 figures.

(1472) p. 27: prb. the same species parasitizes Theophila (= Bombyx) mandarina in Japan.

Seurat 1899

(1473) p. 140: Siphona cristata (= Siphona sp., ?collini) ex Agrotis segetum, Marne (F).

Tutt 1899

(1474) p. 24: Blepharidea vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe magnicornis) ex Anthrocera trifolii var. palustris (= Zygaena trifolii), Rennes (Bretagne, France).

Bezzi 1900

(1475) p. 97: Steinia protuberans (= Cleonice callida) frequent on Populus tremula and presumed to be parasite of Lina (= Melasoma) populi and L. (= M.) tremulae. — Quoted by Bezzi 1907: 411, with ? as host records. Verified by Nielsen 1909.

Del Guercio 1900a

Ex Agrotis ypsilon, Piana di Bientina (Toscana, I), p. 292. The adult flies are illustrated in figs. 19–24: (1476) Gonia ornata, fig. 21 (♂), (1477) Cnephalia hebes, fig. 23 (= Spallanzania hebes, ♀), and (1478) Echinomyia conjuncta, fig. 19 (misid. = prb. Peleteria rubescens). — E. conjuncta is Tachina magnicornis, but fig. 19 shows the characters of P. rubescens (broad parafacials and the abdominal tergite 2 without dorsal marginal bristles).

(1479) Micropalpus sophia, fig. 24 (= prb. Linnaemyia comta). — Fig. 24 has the wing venation and the prominent frons of L. comta [but the abdomen with its sharply delimited bands of pruinescence clearly differs from this genus]. Linnaemyia sophia Rob.-Desv. is a species of unknown identity.

(1480) Chetolyga pilifera?, fig. 20 (misid. = prb. Spallanzania hebes ♂). — The true C. pilifera Rondani is Timavia amoena, but the head and wing venation of that species is quite different from fig. 20.

Del Guercio 1900b

(1481) p. 322: Masicera casta (= Cadurcia casta) ex Simaethis (= Anthophila) nemorana, Lecce and/or Calabria (I). Fig. 14: adult.

Del Guercio 1900c

(1482) p. 155: Tachina noctuarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Heliothis armigera, Piana di Bientina (Toscana, Italy).

Myslovski 1900

(1483) p. 3: Microphthalma longifacies (= Microphthalma europaea) ex Melolontha hippocastani, Ufa prov. (Bashkiria, Russia). — Cited also by Tarnani 1900: XLIX.

Porta 1900

(1484) p. 39: Viviania pacta (= Zaira cinerea) ex Zabrus tenebrioides, Parma (I) [cited also by Porta 1901].

Speiser 1900

(1485) p. 277: Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) polychloros.

(1486) Chaetolyga cruentata (= Winthemia cruentata, or misid.) ex Dasychira pudibunda, Jonas.

Locality: Königsberg, East Prussia (now Kaliningrad, Russia).

Tarnani 1900

(1487) p. XLVIII: Dexia rustica ex Melolontha melolontha, Radom (Poland).

Villeneuve 1900

(1488) p. 159: Exorista gnava (= Carcelia gnava) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda.

Buckler 1901

The Appendix of Vol. IX includes the following two tachinid records:

(1489) p. 386: Exorista fauna (misid. = prb. Xylotachina diluta) ex Cossus ligniperda (= C. cossus), emerged after hibernation of the (host) larvae, Bignell. — This is apparently a renewed breeding by Bignell, independent of the first record which was published by Meade 1882: 24 (no. 746), and cited in Buckler 1887: 168. Details about the misidentification of the parasite see under no. 746.

(1490) p. 387: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum, or misid. = E. fasciata) ex Lasiocampa (= Macrothylacia) rubi, emerged after hibernation of the (host) larvae, before pupating, Clutten.

Chapman 1901

(1491) p. 62: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Chaetogena filipalpis, see Chapman 1902a) ex Acanthopsyche opacella (= A. atra). — The locality Locarno (Switzerland) is stated in a preceding paper on A. opacella (Chapman 1900: 403).

Girschner 1901

(1492) p. 70: Uclesia fumipennis n. sp. ex “Chondrostoma” (= Chondrostega) vandalicia, Pantel, Spain.

Porchinski 1901

The parasite or host lists are those of Brauer & Bergenstamm 1894, supplemented by other literature data and new records from the author's own determinations. There are neither references nor annotations, except in one case (p. 22). I cite here the records not found in preceding publications:

p. 7: Ex zlatoguzki (= Euproctis chrysorrhoea). — Three new records: (1493) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum), (1494) Chaetotachina rustica (= E. rustica, prb. misid., identity unknown), and (1495) Dexodes nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes).

p. 15, footnote [and p. 17]: Hosts of Dexodes nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes). — One new host: (1496) Aporia crataegi.

p. 17: Ex boyaryshnitsa (= Aporia crataegi). — Two new records: (1497) Echinomyia praeceps (= Tachina praeceps), and (1498) Compsilura concinnata.

p. 19: Hosts of Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris). — One new record (prb. misid.): (1499) Pyralis silacealis (= Ostrinia nubilalis). — The parasite was prb. not P. vulgaris, but Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata.

p. 22, footnote: (1500 = 1338) Masicera bella (= Sturmia bella, or misid. = Drino inconspicua) ex neparnogo shelkopryada (= Lymantria dispar), Yaroshevski, Kharkov.

p. 24: Rearings at Kharkov (Ukraine): (1501) Argyrophylax pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, and (1502) V. (= Inachis) io.

Serebryanikov 1901

(1503) p. 102: Zygobothria bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Gastropacha (= Dendrolimus) pini, Yaroslavl prov. (Russia), up to 7 parasite larvae in one host.

Sokolov 1901

(1504) pp. 70–71: Phasiinae larvae (= prb. Ectophasia oblonga) parasitic in adult Eurygaster maura (prb. misid. = prb. E. integriceps), Kuban and Terek regions (Ciscaucasia). — Vasil'ev 1904: 23, identified the larvae given to him by Sokolov as belonging to Phasia crassipennis (= Ectophasia sp.).

Tarnani 1901[a]

(1505) pp. 3, 8–32: Dexia rustica parasite of Melolontha vulgaris (= M. melolontha), Radom prov. (Poland). Fig. 1: egg. Fig. 3: 1st stage larva. Figs. 6–9: 2nd stage. Figs. 10–16: 3rd stage and puparium. Fig. 17: funnel.

(1506) pp. 3, 16, 19: Dexia vacua larvae accepted M. melolontha grubs in experiment, 2nd stage was observed, success of parasitism not ascertained. Fig. 2: egg. Fig. 4: 1st stage larva.

(1507) pp. 3, 16, 17: Dexiosoma canina larvae bored into M. melolontha grubs in experiment, success of parasitism not ascertained. Fig. 5: 1st stage larva.

pp. 9–11: Occurrence of the adults of the three species in natural habitats.

[Records cited also by Tarnini 1901b.]

Bengtsson 1902

Ex Lymantria monacha in Södermanland (Sweden), reared in summer without hibernation, p. 168: (1508) Tachina fasciata (= Exorista fasciata), (1509) T. pumicata (misid. = prb. Pales pavida), and (1510) Exorista sp. similar to E. (= Phryxe) vulgaris (identity unknown).

Chapman 1902a

(1511)* p. 111: Stomatomyia filipalpis (= Chaetogena filipalpis, in OXUM) ex Acanthopsyche atra. From the newly reared specimens he concluded that the previously observed crippled tachinid (Chapman 1901: 62) was probably also S. filipalpis. — The locality (Locarno, Switzerland, see Chapman 1900: 403) is not mentioned. The host is wrongly cited as Oreopsyche atra (= O. plumifera) by Bezzi 1907: 355. Emden 1954: 69 cites Pachythelia opacella H. S. (= A. atra) as host of Stomatomyia (= Chaetogena) acuminata, with the remark “as Stom. filipalpis” in parentheses. He wrongly supposed this record to be a British one and assumed a misidentification of the tachinid, because S. (= C.) filipalpis does not occur in Britain.

Chapman 1902b

(1512)* p. 122: Tachinid with exaggerated characters of the Plagia-group (= Hyleorus nudinerva) ex Albarracina korbi (= A. warionis), Sierra de Albarracin (Spain), all collected host larvae parasitized. — The specimens are kept in the collection Wainwright in BMNH, and two of them were sent to me for revision. Villeneuve 1920b: 200, has described the species as Plagia elata var. nudinerva, n. var. from that collection, but he does not mention the host.

Pantel 1902

(1513) p. 56: Meigenia floralis (= Meigenia sp.) parasite of Crioceris asparagi, Vals near Le Puy (Haute-Loire) [locality from footnote in Pantel 1910: 161]. Biology.

Ribaga 1902

(1514) p. 179: Acemyia subrotunda (prb. misid. = prb. Metacemyia calloti) ex Acridium lineola (= Anacridium aegyptium), Portici near Naples (Italy). More than 20 parasite larvae in one host. Acemyia subrotunda is A. acuticornis.

Strobl 1902

All specimens reared by Winneguth in Yugoslavia.

(1515) p. 547: Exorista lota (misid. = Townsendiellomyia nidicola) ex Bombyx neustria (prb. wrong = prb. Euproctis chrysorrhoea), Gabela (Bosnia). — It is stated in Strobl's handwritten catalogue (NMBA) that the specimen has been identified by Villeneuve as Hemimasicera schnabli (= Townsendiellomyia nidicola). The flight period of this parasite is in late summer, when no larvae of Malacosoma neustria, but young caterpillars of its normal host Euproctis chrysorrhoea are present.

(1516) Masicera atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Notodonta trepida (= Peridea anceps, host wrong?), Domanovici (Hercegovina), 46 specimens. — One larva of this host species is much too small to produce such a number of flies. The normal host of this parasite is Acherontia atropos, and on a badly written label, ‘atropos’ could have been misread as ‘trepida’.

Thalhammer 1902

A paper on the Diptera of Transsylvania (Romania), but the two host records were obtained “itthon” (= at home), probably in Kalocsa (Hungary).

(1517) p. 16: Eupogona setifacies (= Buquetia musca) ex Papilio machaon.

(1518) Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Aporia crataegi, many specimens.

Vasil'ev 1902a

Locality: SW part of Ufa prov. (Bashkiria), unless otherwise stated.

(1519) pp. 21–24: Thryptocera latifrons (= Goniocera versicolor) ex boyaryshnitsa (= Aporia crataegi), first adult reared 27th April. Ovolarviparous species, females collected in an oak forest on a nest of Malacosoma accepted Aporia larvae in captivity, the deposited parasite larvae bored into the host (fig. 8), description of the larvae, 1st stage (fig. 9).

(1520) — — common parasite of kolchatago shelkopryada (= Malacosoma neustria). Behaviour of ovipositing females in a nest of young caterpillars: sitting besides the host, erecting the body and stretching the ovipositor forward to the skin of the host. The full-grown parasite larvae left the hosts 17th to 28th June, the puparia hibernated.

(1521) pp. 24–26: Setigena assimilis (= Phorocera assimilis) eggs often found on Aporia crataegi larvae from 4th May onwards. Oviparous, the eggs (fig. 11) are of the unincubated, planoconvex, dehiscent type. Oviposition was observed in the field and in captivity, the flies jumped on the caterpillar in a quick attack. 1st stage larva described (fig. 12). The rearing failed because the hosts bearing eggs of Phorocera were already killed at the end of May by the following species:

(1522) pp. 26–28: Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Aporia crataegi, numerous. Ovolarviparous species, quick attack by jumping on the caterpillar, 1st stage larva described (fig. 14).

(1523) p. 27: — — ex Clisiocampa (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(1524) — — ex Orgyia antiqua.

(1525) p. 26: Parexorista lucorum (prb. misid. = ?Senometopia separata) ex Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar. Also cited on p. 29.

(1526) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Clisiocampa (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(1527) p. 27: Phorocera processioneae (sensu Mik & Wachtl 1895: 238 = Pales pavida) ex Orgyia antiqua.

(1528) p. 29: Eutachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar.

(1529) p. 33: Masicera cespitum (= Ceromasia rubrifrons, or misid.) ex Aporia crataegi, Duske (locality ?).

(1530) p. 33, footnote: Dexodes nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Aporia crataegi, orchards in Kiev (Ukraine), numerous, Torsky and Lebedev.

Vasil'ev 1902b

Ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini, Kupyansk, Ukraine, p. VIII, footnote: (1531) Eutachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum or misid. = E. fasciata), (1532) E. winnertzi (= Exorista xanthaspis), (1533) Masicera sylvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora), and (1534) Zygobothria bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua).

Ex Lyda pratensis (= Acantholyda posticalis), Starobelsk, Ukraine, p. IX: (1535) Undetermined tachinids (= prb. Pseudopachystylum gonioides and/or Myxexoristops bonsdorffi) parasitizing up to 30 % of the overwintering larvae.

[Yerbury 1902, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Berlese 1903, see Martelli 1903
Fitch 1903

(1536) p. 11: Exorista vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) most frequent tachinid parasite of Abraxas grossulariata, Britain. No details.

Martelli 1903

(1537) p. 368: Parasetigena segregata (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata) ex Pieris brassicae, Cortino (Teramo, Italy), 54 of 150 hosts parasitized. Up to 37 eggs found on one host. — Illustrations in Berlese 1903: Tav. I, fig. 8: puparium in empty host pupa. Tav. II, fig. 15: adult fly.

[Niwa 1903, see Shima 1999]
Rossikov 1903

Ex Phlyctaenodes (= Loxostege) sticticalis, Ukraine and Southern Russia:

(1538) pp. 65, 69, 74, 75: Eutachina erucarum (misid. = Exorista civilis), most common parasite. Fig. 21: adult fly. — This host record is wrongly listed under Exorista pratensis (= E. mimula) by Mesnil 1960: 567.

(1539) pp. 66, 74: Tritochaeta polleniella (= Clemelis pullata). Fig. 10: puparium in the pupal skin of the host. Fig. 20: adult fly.

(1540) pp. 66, 75: Nemorilla maculosa (prb. correct), the rarest one of the Dipterous parasites. Fig. 9: puparium besides remnants of the caterpillar in the host cocoon. Fig. 19: adult fly.

Schnabl & Mokrzecki 1903

(1541) p. 212: Thryptocera pomonellae n. sp. (= Neoplectops pomonellae) ex Carpocapsa (= Cydia) pomonella, Crimea.

Sparke 1903

(1542) p. 318: Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris or, more likely, misid. = Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata, second generation, Tooting (London).

Speiser 1903

(1543) p. 163: Compsilura concinnata ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) polychloros, East Prussia (now Russia [or Poland]), Sturmhoefel.

Vaney & Conte 1903

(1544) p. 1275: Degeeria funebris (prb. misid. = prb. Medina luctuosa) parasite of adult Haltica ampelophaga, Saint-Chamond (Loire, F), up to 35 %. — Wrongly synonymized by Baer 1921: 373 (reprint p. 153) with Arrhinomyia (= Leiophora) innoxia (see also no. 2094).

Tarnani 1904

Locality: Novo Aleksandriya (= Puławy, Poland).

(1545) p. XIX: Chaetolyga xanthogastra (prb. misid. = prb. Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, 48 adults and 43 dead parasite larvae from one host.

(1546) p. XX: C. quadripustulata (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Cucullia verbasci.

Vasil'ev 1904

The numbers after the slash are the pages and figures in the third edition (Vasil'ev 1913a).

(1547) pp. 23–30/33–40: Phasia crassipennis (misid. = Ectophasia oblonga) parasite of vrednaya cherepashka (= Eurygaster integriceps), Kharkov prov., Ukraine. Figs. 3/9: adult fly. Figs. 4–5/10–11: egg and its location on the host. Figs. 6–8/12–14: 2nd stage larva, anterior part and hind spiracles. Figs. 9–11/15 — 17: hind spiracles and posterior part of 3rd stage, puparium. — According to Dupuis 1963: 226–228, the deposition of the eggs on the dorsolateral surface of the first abdominal segments of the host indicates that the parasite was not Ectophasia rostrata (= E. crassipennis), but E. rubra (= E. oblonga). pp. 30–31/40–41: Alternative hosts for the second generation of P. crassipennis (= prb. Ectophasia oblonga) are: (1548) Carpocoris fuscispinus (= C. pudicus), (1549) C. nigricornis (= C. pudicus), (1550) Mormidea (= Dolycoris) baccarum, and (1551) Aelia sp. — The parasite hibernates as 2nd stage larva in these species.

(1552) pp. 31–34/41–44: Anantha lateralis (= Elomyia lateralis) parasite of Eurygaster integriceps in Transcaspia (= Turkmenia). Figs. 12/18: wing. Figs. 13–14/19–20: egg, hooks at its posterior end. Figs. 15/21: pharyngeal skeleton of 3rd stage larva. Figs. 16–17/22–23: 2nd stage, anterior and posterior part. Figs. 18/24: 3rd stage seen from the ventral side.

Friederichs 1905

(1553) p. 494: Exorista vulgaris (misid. = Phryxe caudata) ex Thaumetopoea pityocampa, numerous, Villafranca (= Villefranche, Côte d'Azur, France).

Jenner 1905

(1554) p. 222: Alophora hemiptera (= Phasia hemiptera) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria, Felpham (Sussex, GB). — The host is certainly wrong, because the Phasia are parasites of Hemiptera Heteroptera.

[Matsumura 1905, see Shima 1999]
Porchinski in Vasil'ev 1905a

p. 59: Host list of Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) without references.

The following hosts have not been found by me in preceding literature and their record is probably based on specimens seen and determined by Porchinski: (1555) ex Simyra dentinosa,

(1556) Calocampa exoleta, and (1557) Cucullia verbasci.

Rodzianko 1905

(1558) p. 696: Hypostena setiventris, det. Yaroshevski (= Leiophora innoxia) ex larvae of Tettix (= Tetrix) bipunctatus, Lubny near Poltava, Ukraine. — Belanovsky 1953: 206 has seen 1 ♂ of Elodia (= Leiophora) innoxia reared 6.V.1888 from Acridium (= Tetrix) bipunctatum. He cites it as bred by Yaroshevski, but it probably came from the rearing of Rodzianko.

Rudow 1905

Parasites of Bombyx (= Dendrolimus) pini, Perleberg (Brandenburg, Germany): (1559) p. 69: Echinomyia fera (= Tachina fera), (1560) E. ferox (prb. misid. = prb. T. magnicornis), and (1561) E. tessellata (= T. magnicornis). — All records of this author are very questionable and in most cases wrong.

Schreiner 1905

(1562) p. 24: Nemorilla maculosa (= Nemorilla sp.) ex Carpocapsa pomonella, Russia.

Silant'ev 1905

(1563) p. 106: Phorichaeta carbonaria (= Periscepsia carbonaria) ex Agrotis (= Euxoa) tritici, Sevastopol (Crimea).

Vasil'ev 1905a(+b)

Ex Dendrolimus pini, Kharkov prov. (Ukraine):

(1564) p. 60: Tachina winnertzi (= Exorista xanthaspis) effective parasite in 1904. The egg is glued in most cases on the head of the caterpillar, fig. 11. In the 2nd edition (Vasil'ev 1913b) p. 59, fig. 14.

(1565) Masicera silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora), one of the most common parasite, hibernating as puparium (Vasil'ev 1905b: 175).

(1566) p. 61: Argyrophylax bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua), the female pursues the crawling caterpillar and larviposits on it (observed by Serebryanikov). In cases of delayed development of the host, the parasite hibernates a second time.

p. 55: The list of tachinid parasites of Dendrolimus pini is compiled by Porchinski from literature data and own determinations. The following records are (up to my knowledge) not published previously, but there is no indication, that they are based on rearings of Vasil'ev:

(1567) p. 58: Echinomyia grossa (= Tachina grossa), uterus of the female with mature eggs, figs. 8–9. In the 2nd edition (Vasil'ev 1913b) p. 57, figs. 11–12.

(1568) Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis). — Puparia of this species may have been dug out from the soil, but their host was almost certainly Panolis flammea, not Dendrolimus pini.

(1569) p. 60: Chaetotachina rustica (= Exorista rustica). — Very unlikely. A parasite of Tenthredinidae, not of Lepidoptera.

(1570) p. 61: Masicera cespitum (?misid. = ?Masicera sphingivora, specimens in immature state with not fully darkened legs). — The true M. cespitum is Ceromasia rubrifrons.

Ex Dendrolimus segregatus (= D. superans sibiricus), Shadarinsk taiga, Irkutsk district (Siberia), p. 82 (1913: 81):

(1571) Masicera cespitum (?misid. = ?Masicera sphingivora, specimens in immature state, see above). — M. sphingivora (syn.: M. zimini Kolomiets) is a common parasite of D. superans sibiricus.

(1572) Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis). — Host prb. wrong, not confirmed in later investigations, see Kolomiets 1962: 11. Wainwright 1905a

(1573)* p. 72: Prosopaea sp. (misid. = Gymnophryxe carthaginiensis, in BMNH) ex Ocnogyna baetica, Madrid (Spain), Chapman. — The male has a broad frons with proclinate orbitals and was therefore mistaken by Wainwright to be a female. The reference and record is cited with ? under Prosopea nigricans by Bezzi 1907: 299.

Wainwright 1905b

(1574) p. 203: Roeselia pallipes (misid. = Hebia flavipes) ex Taeniocampa (= Orthosia) miniosa, Moore. — Determination corrected by Wainwright 1928: 203.

(1575) p. 206: Tricholyga major (= Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia pavonia.

Localities in Britain.

Willcocks 1905

(1576) p. 39: Eutachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Prodenia (= Spodoptera) littoralis, Egypt.

(1577) p. 101: Gonia capitata common parasite of Agrotis ypsilon, Egypt.

Xambeu 1905

(1578) p. 57: Exorista aristella (misid. = Phryxe prima) parasite of Zygaena fausta, Pyrénées-Orientales. Some details on biology. — Cited also by Xambeu 1907: 185. Correct determination by Villeneuve 1908a: 100 (no. 1741).

Zschokke 1905

(1579a) p. 20: Tachinid larvae (identity unknown) in caterpillars of “Springwurm” (= Sparganothis pilleriana), Ellerstadt and Neustadt a. d. Haardt, up to 23 %.

(1579b) p. 21: Tachinid larvae (identity unknown) in hibernating pupae of “Sauerwurm der einbindigen Art” (= Eupoecilia ambiguella), Neustadt and Maikammer.

Localities in Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

Baer 1906

(1580)* p. 66: Gymnopareia pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis, in Tharandt) ex Dioryctria splendidella on Pinus strobus, Zittau (Sachsen, Germany).

Czižek 1906

(1581) p. 216: Phorocera concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Seidenspinner (= Bombyx mori) larvae, Brünn (= Brno, Moravia).

(1582) p. 217: Masicera silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Adamstal (= Adamov near Brno).

Howard 1906

Parasites of Ocneria (= Lymantria) dispar sent by Leonardi from Sardinia to USA, p. 132: (1583) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum), and (1584) a large number of puparia (= prb. Blepharipa pratensis) resting in diapause for hibernation.

Morley 1906

(1585) p. 270: Exorista jucunda (misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) ex Liparis (= Leucoma) salicis, Sudbury (Suffolk), Ransom. — According to Wainwright 1928: 246, E. jucunda of British authors is a Carcelia sp. The type of E. jucunda Meigen has been revised by Villeneuve 1907: 247, who stated its identity with Bavaria mirabilis B.B. This species does not occur in Britain, its valid name is Cyzenis jucunda, and its host is still unknown. It is cited by Bezzi 1907: 259 as Nemorilla mirabilis.

(1586) p. 271: Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Pieris rapae, Epsom (Surrey), Morley.

(1587)* — — (misid. = Phryxe nemea, rev. Belshaw) ex Thecla quercus, Wateringbury (Kent), Goodwin.

(1588) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Tottenham (Middlesex), Gimingham. Also bred by Sparke (see no. 1542).

(1589) — — (misid.?, identity unknown) ex Acronicta psi, Methley (Yorkshire), Wigin.

(1590) A doubtful species. similar to B. (= P.) vulgaris (identity unknown) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) pisi, Phillips.

(1591) — — ex Mamestra brassicae, Phillips.

(1592) Frontina fugax (= Bessa parallela, or misid.) ex Acronicta psi, Methley (Yorkshire), Wigin. — Fordham 1935: 116, Audcent 1942: 7 and Emden 1954: 70 have synonymized the tachinid wrongly with Bessa (Ptychomyia) selecta. Baer 1921: 147 (reprint p. 113) has cited this breeding record wrongly under Exorista (= Phebellia) glauca, because he confounded Frontina fugax Rond. with Exorista fugax Rond., which Villeneuve 1907: 262 has synonymized (wrongly) with E. glauca.

(1593) pp. 271–272: Phorocera serriventris (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Acronicta aceris, Chiswick (London), Haggart and Sich.

(1594) — — ex Acronicta psi, Sich.

(1595) — — ex dug pupa of Taeniocampa (= Orthosia) gothica, High Wycombe, Bucks., Peachell.

(1596) — — ex Liparis (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea, Dadd, Belgium.

(1597) — — ex Spilosoma menthastri, Phillips.

(1598) p. 272: Sisyropa hortulana (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta psi, Wigin. — Baer 1921: 146 (reprint p. 112) has wrongly placed this record under Carcelia (= Paratryphera) bisetosa, because Villeneuve 1912b: 89 has cited hortulana Egg. (= sensu Egger, not Meigen) as synonym of C. bisetosa.

(1599)* Tachina larvarum (misid. = E. fasciata, in BMNH, rev. Belshaw and seen by me) ex Macrothylacia rubi, Galashiels (Selkirk, Scotland), Haggart.

(1600) — — (= Exorista larvarum, prb. correct) ex Malacosoma neustria, Bungay (Suffolk), Clutten.

(1601) Tachina rustica (misid., identity unknown) ex Acronicta aceris, (1602) Hadena (= Mamestra) oleracea, and (1603) Mamestra brassicae. All three host species were reared by Phillips, and the flies determined as probably referable to T. rustica by Piffard. — Exorista rustica is a parasite of Tenthredinidae, not of Lepidoptera.

(1604) Thelymorpha vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Malacosoma neustria, Bungay (Suffolk), Clutten.

(1605) p. 273: Two puparia (identity unknown) ex Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea), Clutten. Mentioned in one sentence with the following record under the heading Myobia inanis, but it is stated that the adult was not obtained and the species was not determined. — Wrongly cited as host of M. (= Solieria) inanis by Audcent 1942: 11 and Emden 1954: 45 (under Leskia).

(1606) Myiobia inanis (= Solieria sp., or misid.) ex dug pupae of Taeniocampa instabilis (= Orthosia incerta), Burnley (Lancashire), Clutten. — Host prb. wrong. The known hosts of Solieria spp. are Olethreutes spp. larvae living on the roots of low plants.

(1607) Erigone radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) ex Arctia lubricipeda (= Spilosoma lutea), 11 specimens, Methley (Yorkshire), Wigin. Emergence of the adults after hibernation in June.

(1608) Plagia ruralis (= Voria ruralis) ex Plusia jota, Burnley (Lancashire), Clutten. The empty skin of the host larva was distended by 6 close-packed puparia.

(1609) Digonochaeta spinipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) emerged in a box containing Scolytus intricatus, Ipswich (Suffolk), Morley. — The bark beetle cannot be the host, it must have been a Forficula.

Localities in Britain, unless otherwise stated.

Raynor 1906

(1610) p. 297: Euchloe (= Anthocharis) cardamines heavily infested with grubs of a Dipteron, tentatively det. as Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris), Hazeleigh (GB).

Roubaud 1906

(1611) p. 1438: Siphona cristata (prb. misid. = prb. Siphona geniculata) parasite of Tipula gigantea (= T. maxima), France. — Parasites from a recent rearing of this host (Locality: Rheinland, Germany) [see IOBC-List 12] submitted to me for determination were S. geniculata with absent or small dorsal marginal bristles on the second abdominal tergite. Such specimens would run to S. cristata in the old keys.

Sahlberg 1906

(1612)* p. 19: Thryptocera crassicornis (misid. = Actia pilipennis, in MZHF) ex Simaethis (= Anthophila) pariana, Karislojo (Finland).

Tavares 1906

(1613) p. 89: Thrixion halidayanum (= Thrixion aberrans) ex Bacillus gallicus (= Clonopsis gallica), and (1614) Leptynia attenuata, Extremadura (Portugal).

Vimmer 1906

(1615) p. 89: Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Kudlička, Bohemia.

Bezzi 1907

In this catalogue of Palearctic Diptera, host records of Tachinidae are listed as footnotes. They are compiled from the literature, but the references are missing or hidden in the bibliography of the species. Bezzi's attempt to synonymize the previously used tachinid names has resulted in many mistakes, which have been noted in the present revision already in the cases concerned, see nos. 32, 33, 48, 58–63, 69, 71, 73, 183, 189, 279, 280, 283, 301, 315, 331, 333, 340, 344–348, 356, 357, 363, 370, 393, 398, 415, 429, 430, 435, 438–440, 441, 445, 448, 449, 457–459, 467, 471, 477, 493, 498, 499, 505, 507, 518, 519, 544, 576, 594, 604, 621, 651, 656, 813, 825, 843, 844, 858, 859, 864, 869, 878, 881, 891, 905, 1053, 1126, 1187, 1227, 1258, 1285, 1286, 1298, 1334, 1368, 1391, 1402, 1456, 1573. In other cases, the name of the host has been wrongly interpreted: nos. 23, 56, 185, 457, 459, 471, 499, 504, 874, 891, 1060, 1118, 1146, 1174, 1197, 1329, 1511. The following records are not found in preceding literature or are not Palearctic:

(1616) p. 203: Linnaemyia comta ex Agrotis ypsilon. — This record is probably cited from Coquillett 1897: 18, California. Its inclusion in the Palearctic catalogue is justified because the parasite and the host are Holarctic. Rearings in Europe have confirmed it.

(1617) p. 230: Winthemia quadripustulata ex Heliothis armigera, recorded from Texas by Quaintance & Brues 1905. The host is the Nearctic species Heliothis zea Boddie, wrongly identified with the Palearctic H. armigera, and the identity of the associated Winthemia species in North America is doubtful. Not Palearctic.

(1618) p. 289: Lydella ambulans (= Xylotachina diluta) ex Cossus cossus, Villeneuve i. litt. — Published later by Villeneuve himself (see no. 1737).

(1619) p. 381: Bucentes cristata (= Siphona sp.) ex Pyrausta aurata. — I have not found the origin of this record.

Brindley 1907

(1620) p. 103: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Phryxe caudata) attacking Cnethocampa pinivora (misid. = Thaumetopoea pityocampa) caterpillars in their procession before pupating in the sand, Cap Ferret (SW France). — The behaviour of the ovipositing tachinid is described, it is the same as figured for P. caudata by Biliotti 1958: 29 (Figs. 1–3). The species was not caught for determination, it was wrongly assumed to be Dexodes machairopsis (see no. 1071).

Emel'yanov 1907

(1621) p. 27 (reprint): Compsilura concinnata common parasite of Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Kharkov prov. (Ukraine).

Hewitt 1907

(1622) p. 80: Exorista ?agnata (misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Manchester, parasitization 6 % and more. Some details on life history.

Martelli 1907

Ex Pieris brassicae, Abruzzo Teramano (Italy) p. 210: (1623) Masicera serriventris (= Compsilura concinnata), and (1624) Parasetigena segregata (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata) [the latter based on the material of Martelli 1903 = no. 1537]. Details on biology.

Meijere 1907

(1625)* p. 161: Blepharidopsis nemea (= Phryxe nemea, in ZMAN) ex Abraxas grossulariata, Amsterdam. — Misid. by Wulp & Meijere 1898: 81, as Exorista agnata.

(1626) Ptychomyia selecta (= Bessa selecta) ex Trichiocampus viminalis, Putten in Gelderland, Oudemans.

(1627) Spongosia occlusa (misid. = Diplostichus janitrix, corrected by Meijere 1919: 181, 193) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp., Montferland, Rossum. — Spongosia occlusa is Chaetogena obliquata.

(1628)* Discochaeta cognata (= Eurysthaea scutellaris, in ZMAN) ex Zerene (= Abraxas) adustata, Wijk aan Zee, Oudemans.

Localities in the Netherlands.

Meissner 1907(a+b)

(1629) pp. 79, 115: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Phebellia glauca) ex Cimbex betulae (= C. femorata), Potsdam (Germany). — The biological data correspond to this species.

Theobald 1907

(1630) Thelymorpha vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) common parasite of Porthesia (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea in East Kent 1901. — Original not seen by me, cited by Hewitt 1907: 82.

Torka 1907

(1631) pp. 34–35: Fly (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ovipositing on last instar larvae of Cucullia verbasci, NE prov. Posen (= Poznań, W Poland). — In a subsequent note (see no. 1943) the parasitic fly is misidentified as Nemoraea puparum, but the error has been rectified by Baer 1921: 135 (reprint p. 101), footnote.

Vimmer 1907

(1632) p. 1: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, and (1633) Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

(1634) pp. 1–2: Exorista affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa, Praha-Krč.

(1635) — — ex Arctia hebe.

(1636) — — (or misid.) ex Dasychira pudibunda.

(1637) p. 2: Parexorista gnava (= Carcelia gnava) ex Dasychira pudibunda, Dobřichovice.

(1638) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia caja, Ouvaly.

(1639) Exorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia caja, Ouvaly.

(1640) — — ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa.

(1641) — — (or misid.) ex Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(1642) Sisyropa excavata (= Carcelia gnava) ex Dasychira pudibunda, Praha-Michle. — Wrongly synonymized with Carcelia excisa by Vimmer 1913: 58 (host not cited in that paper, but in 1923: 56, and 1928: 49), and Baer 1921: 145 (reprint p. 111).

(1643) Sisyropa excisa (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava) puparia numerous in the cocoons of Bombyx (Malacosoma) neustria.

(1644) Chaetotachina nigricans (misid., identity unknown) ex Leucoma salicis, Praha-Michle. — The true nigricans is synonym of Exorista mimula (parasite of Tenthredinidae).

(1645) Tachina ferina (= Peleteria ferina) ex Nemeophila (= Parasemia) plantaginis.

(1646) Eutachina vidua (= Exorista larvarum) ex Arctia hebe. — Referred (prb. wrongly) to Exorista fasciata by Mesnil 1960: 600.

(1647) — — ex Spilosoma (= Phragmatobia) fuliginosa. — Referred (prb. wrongly) to Exorista fasciata by Mesnil 1960: 600.

(1648) Eutachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Arctia hebe, same rearing data as no. 1646.

(1649) — — ex Zygaena ephialtes.

(1650) Setigena caesifrons (= Phorocera obscura) and (1651) S. (= P.) assimilis (prb. both misid., identity unknown) ex Arctia hebe.

(1652) p. 3: Phorocera rufipalpis (= prb. Compsilura concinnata) ex pupa Acronicta aceris, Praha-Pankrác.

(1653) — — ex Sphinx ligustri.

(1654) Masicera rutila (misid. = Ceromasia rubrifrons) ex Zygaena fausta. [The host was prb. not Z. fausta, but a different species of Zygaena, see Vaňhara et al. 2009.] — Wrongly synonymized with Erycia fatua by Baer 1921: 157 (reprint p. 123). The true rutila Meigen is an Erycilla, found only near Torino and in the Tessin, host unknown. Vimmer 1923: 56, and 1928: 50, cites the parasite of Z. fausta as Ceromasia florum (which is a synonym of C. rubrifrons). In 1925: 244, he calls the species with the wrong name Ceromasia ferruginea Meigen (which is an Erycilla), wrongly citing C. florum Rondani as synonym.

(1655) Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pavonia.

(1656) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Smerinthus ocellatus. — Cited by Vimmer 1913: 59, as M. silvatica, but in 1923: 56, and 1928: 49, again as M. pratensis.

(1657) Chaetolyga erythrura (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Cucullia verbasci.

(1658) Leskia aurea ex Sesia asiliformis (= Synanthedon vespiformis).

(1659) Tachina sp. similar to T. opaca (identity unknown) ex Saperda populnea. — The true T. opaca is Blondelia nigripes.

Localities in Bohemia.

Wachtl 1907

Parasites of Lymantria monacha, p. 21: A list of species names, no details. The records nos. 950–952, 984, 1295 are cited again and the following species added:

(1660) Phorocera processioneae (in the sense of Mik & Wachtl 1895: 238, = Pales pavida).

Xambeu 1907

Diptera det. Gobert. Locality: Pyrénées-Orientales (F).

(1661) p. 184: Phytomyptera halidayanum (= Thrixion aberrans) ex Bacillus rossii.

(1662) p. 185: Phorocera segregata (= prb. Exorista segregata) ex Zygaena sp.

(1663) P. concinnata (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Heterogynis penella.

(1664) Masicera silvatica (misid. = Masicera pavoniae) and M. pratensis (= M. pavoniae) ex Attacus Pavonia major (= Saturnia pyri). — The two sexes have obviously been mistaken for different species.

(1665 = 1578) Exorista aristella (misid. = Phryxe prima) ex Zygaena fausta.

[Akashi 1908, see Shima 2006]
[Akashi et al. 1908(a+b), see Shima 1999]
[Fountain 1908, see Wainwright 1908]
Fuchs 1908

(1666) p. 274: Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis) most important parasite of Forleule (= Panolis flammea), Heideck, Petersgmünd, Allersberg (near Nürnberg, D).

Krasilshchik 1908

(1667) pp. 378, 385: Anisoplia austriaca was preferred as host by larvae of Microphthalma longifacies (= Microphthalma europaea) in experiments. (1668) Rhizotrogus (= Amphimallon) solstitialis and (1669) Phyllopertha horticola were less readily accepted.

Leigh 1908

(1670) p. 113: Blepharidea vulgaris (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata.

(1671) p. 114: Twelve puparia much larger than Phryxe (= prb. Eurithia anthophila) obtained in September out of 100 Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea) larvae. The attempt to force the emergence of the flies by keeping them at warm temperature during six weeks failed (because this species needs a winter diapause).

(1672) p. 115: Pelatachina tibialis ex Sesia (= Synanthedon) tipuliformis, L. W. Newman. — Very unlikely. A mistake either in the determination of the parasite or in its association with the host?

Localities in Britain.

Loos 1908

(1673) p. 4: Tachinid indet. (= Parasetigena silvestris) important parasite of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), Liboch (= Libechov near Melnik, N Bohemia). Data on biology. — Identified as P. segregata (= P. silvestris) in Loos 1909 (no. 1758).

Riedel 1908

*Specimens in ZMHB, revised by me. Ju. = Junkel, Crimmitschau (Sachsen). Wag. = Wagner, Crimmitschau.

(1674) p. 134: Lypha dubia ex Cyaniris (= Celastrina) argiolus, Wag. — The host is accidental or wrong.

(1675)* Sturmia bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, 1 ♀, 18.VII.1900, Ju.

(1676) Winthemia xanthogastra (prb. misid. = prb. Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, Ju.

(1677)* Carcelia excisa (misid. = Zenillia libatrix) ex Drepana harpagula, Meerane (Sachsen), Lehrbaum. — The specimen (1 ♀) has been correctly identified and labelled as Z. libatrix by Stein (unpublished).

(1678) Carcelia cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum, or misid.) ex Phalera bucephala, Leipzig. — Host atypical.

(1679)* Exorista affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia villica, Breslau (now Wrocław, Poland), Ju.

(1680)* — — ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, Ju. — Published already by Girschner 1899, with identical date, see no. 1459.

(1681) Exorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Phragmatobia fuliginosa, Ju.

(1682) Phryxe vulgaris ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, Ju.

(1683)* Zenillia libatrix (misid. = Zenillia dolosa) ex Phlyctaenodes (= Sitochroa) verticalis (on label: Botys verticalis = Sylepta ruralis), Wag. — The host has been wrongly interpreted by Riedel.

(1684) — — (prb. misid. = prb. Z. dolosa) ex Sylepta ruralis, Ju.

(1685) — — (— = —) ex Hyponomeuta rorella, Ju.

(1686)* Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Lehrbaum.

(1687) — — (prb. misid. = prb. M. sphingivora) ex Deile phila elpenor, Ju.

(1688) — — (— = —) ex D. (= Celerio) euphorbiae, Ju.

(1689)* Masicera silvatica (misid. = Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, Dalmatia, Naumann.

(1690)* Lydella nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Acronicta rumicis, Ju.

(1691)* Bactromyia aurulenta (misid. = Drino inconspicua, a small specimen) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp., Konow.

(1692) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Tortrix viridana, Ju. and Wag.

(1693) p. 137: Compsilura concinnata ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io (Wag.), (1694)* V. (= Aglais) urticae (Ju.), (1695)* Malacosoma neustria (Ju.), (1696) Himera (= Colotois) pennaria (Ju.), and (1697) Brachyonycha sphinx (Wag.).

(1698)* Pales pavida ex Dasychira selenitica (Wag.), (1699) Malacosoma neustria (Ju.), and (1700)* Stilpnotia (= Leucoma) salicis (Ju.).

(1701) Phorocera assimilis ex Malacosoma franconica, Switzerland, Kabisch.

(1702)* Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Malacosoma neustria (Ju.), and (1703) Cosmotriche (= Philudoria) potatoria (Krieger, Rochlitz, and Wag.).

(1704) Bucentes cristata (= Siphona sp.) ex Collix (= Anticollix) sparsata, Ju.

(1705)* Actia pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Evetria (= Petrova) resinella, Ju., several rearings in subsequent years. — Determination corrected by Stein 1924: 136. The preserved specimens (1 ♂, 3 ♀♀) are labelled as syntypes of A. nudibasis.

(1706)* Pelatachina tibialis ex Saperda populnea, Wag. — The tachinid (1 ♀) is correctly identified, but the host is very unlikely.

[no. 1707 was missing in the manuscript.]

(1708) Leskia aurea ex Sesia asiliformis (= Synanthedon vespiformis), Leipzig, Kabisch.

(1709)* Billaea irrorata ex Saperda populnea, Ju., very common.

(1710)* Syntomocera petiolata (= Estheria petiolata) ex Rhizotrogus (= Amphimallon) solstitialis, Werdauer Wald, Ju. — The puparium resembles E. picta, because the hind spiracles are sunk in an excavation.

Localities in Sachsen, Germany, unless otherwise stated.

Sicard 1908

(1711) p. 941: Parerynnia vibrissata (misid. = Erynnia ocypterata) ex Oenophthira (= Sparganothis) pilleriana, Montpellier (F), up to 60 % parasitization. — The true E. vibrissata Rondani is Ligeria angusticornis Loew.

Touvay 1908

(1712) p. 66: Masicera sylvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, 8–12 parasites from each host cocoon. The adult flies emerged 3–4 weeks later than the adult hosts.

Townsend 1908a

(1713) p. 99: Zygobothria nidicola n. sp. (= Townsendiellomyia nidicola) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea, MOKRZECKI, Simferopol (Crimea), and several rearings at the Gipsy Moth Laboratory, material from Germany (Erfurt and Dresden), Austria (Vienna) [+ Slovenia] and South Tirol (= Trentino) .

(1714) p. 108: Tachina utilis n. sp. (= Exorista larvarum, small specimens) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Germany.

(1715) — — ex Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar, Germany. Rearings at the Gipsy Moth Laboratory.

Townsend 1908b

[More detailed information on these rearings is given by Howard & Fiske 1911.]

(1716) pp. 95, 97, 118: Parexorista cheloniae (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) parasite of Euproctis chrysorrhoea.

(1717) pp. 95, 99, 118: Blepharipa scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis) parasite of Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar. Eggs microtype.

(1718) p. 101: Masicera sp. (= prb. Masicera sphingivora, see Howard & Fiske 1911, no. 1978) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea. Eggs microtype.

(1719) pp. 101, 117: ?Phorocera sp. (misid., identity unknown) ex E. chrysorrhoea. Eggs microtype.

(1720) pp. 102, 118: Dexodes nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) parasite of E. chrysorrhoea.

(1721) — — ex Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar.

(1722) Compsilura concinnata parasite of E. chrysorrhoea.

(1723) p. 103: Eupeleteria magnicornis (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina praeceps) ex ? (host not stated). Larviposition on leafstems or leaf-ribs, usually near silken threads left by the host caterpillar. Fig.27a: larva in waiting position; fig. 27b: pharyngeal skeleton. — E. (= Tachina) magnicornis has a nearly straight pharyngeal skeleton (see Thompson 1923b: 191, fig. 10) unlike Townsend's drawing, which fits much better with T. praeceps (Thompson 1923b: 195, fig. 38). A parasitization of T. magnicornis on Euproctis chrysorrhoea has never been confirmed, but the Mediterranean species T. praeceps has often been reared from this host in warmer parts of Europe. The country from which Townsend obtained the specimens is not stated.

(1724) p. 105: Zygobothria nidicola (= Townsendiellomyia nidicola) ex E. chrysorrhoea.

(1725) Z. gilva (misid. = Drino inconspicua) ex Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar.

(1726) Carcelia gnava (more likely misid. = Senometopia separata) ex P. (= L.) dispar. — According to Sellers 1943: 47, the Carcelia (s. lat.) recovered from dispar is usually S. separata, C. gnava being a very rare and accidental parasite of this host.

(1727) — — ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea. — This record is probably a mistake because neither C. gnava nor S. separata have ever been confirmed as parasite of this host species.

(1728) p. 106: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) parasite of Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar.

(1729) pp. 106, 118: Tricholyga grandis (misid. = Exorista segregata) parasite of Euproctis chrysorrhoea.

(1730) p. 106: ?Hemimasicera sp. (= Exorista xanthaspis) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea. — The species is described as Cyclotaphrys anser n. sp. by Townsend 1909: 246, with host record, and the identity with ?Hemimasicera sp. is stated by Townsend 1911: 154.

(1731) p. 107: Tachina sp. (= Exorista japonica) ex Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar, Japan.

(1732) pp. 107, 118: Crossocosmia sp. (= Blepharipa sericariae) ex P. (= L.) dispar, Japan.

(1733) p. 107: Pales sp. near pavida ex P. (L.) dispar, Japan.

(1734) p. 111: Tachina sp. from Japan (= Exorista japonica) oviposits on Euproctis chrysorrhoea.

Localities in Europe, unless otherwise stated.

Villeneuve 1908a

(1735) p. 97: Masicera sylvatica var. pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri, and (1736) Saturnia pavonia.

(1737) Dexodes dilutus (= Xylotachina diluta) ex Cossus ligniperda (= C. cossus).

(1738) p. 98: Argyrophylax atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Sphinx (= Acherontia) atropos, Toulouse, 12 from one host.

(1739) p. 100: Blepharidea erythrostoma (= Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, Lichtwardt, Berlin.

(1740) Blepharidopsis nemea (= Phryxe nemea) ex Hadena (= Mamestra) oleracea.

(1741 = 1578) Ceratochaeta prima (= Phryxe prima) ex Zygaena fausta, Pyrénées-Orientales, Xambeu.

(1742) p. 101: Myxexorista dolosa (prb. misid. = prb. Zenillia libatrix) ex Liparis (= Euproctis) chrysorrhoea, Vitry-sur-Seine.

(1743) Sisyropa angusta (= Carcelia rasa) ex Orgyia (= Dasychira) pudibunda, and (1744) Orgyia antiqua.

Localities in France, unless otherwise stated.

Villeneuve 1908b

(1745 = 1515) p. 287: Hemimasicera schnabli n. sp. (= Townsendiellomya nidicola) ex Bombyx neustria (prb. wrong = prb. Euproctis chrysorrhoea), in coll. Strobl. — Details see no. 1515.

Wainwright 1908 [see also Fountain 1908]

(1746) p. 71: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum or E. fasciata) ex Lasiocampa quercus, Fountain, Britain.

[Akashi 1909, see Shima 1999]
Bezzi 1909

(1747) p. 58: Tricholyga grandis (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata) ex Orgyia dubia, Alexandria, Egypt, Beraud.

(1748) Fischeria bicolor ex predacious caterpillar (= prb. Alophia combustella) in Tetraneura-galls on Pistacia, same locality and collector.

Collin 1909

Ex Tortrix (= Cacoecimorpha) pronubana, Britain, Adkin leg.: (1749) Zenillia roseanae (= Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata) [published also by Adkin 1909: 86], and (1750) Nemorilla maculosa (misid. = Nemorilla floralis).

Donisthorpe 1909

(1751) p. 208: Meigenia floralis (= Meigenia sp.) ex Phytodecta pallida, Chilworth (Britain).

[Escher-Kündig 1909, see Tschorsnig 2017]
[Joannis 1909, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Kleine 1909

(1752) p. 14: Meigenia bisignata (misid. = prb. Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini.

(1753) Meigenia floralis (misid. = prb. Acemyia acuticornis) ex Stenobothrus (= Chorthippus) parallelus.

(1754) p. 15: Exorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis, or misid.) ex Arctia esperi (= Arctia fasciata), Spain.

(1755) — — ex Ocnogyna baetica, Spain.

(1756) Parexorista saltuum (= prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Catocala sponsa. — The flight period of Thelymyia saltuum (July–August) and the larval period of Catocala spp. (May–June) do not coincide.

(1757) Demoticus sp. (misid. = prb. Sarcophagidae, subfamily Miltogrammatinae) ex Odynerus parietinum.

Localities near Halle a. d. Saale (Germany), unless otherwise stated.

Loos 1909

(1758) p. 427: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) ex Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), Ješovice and Tupadly near Melnik, N Bohemia. Quantitative data.

Nielsen 1909

(1759)* pp. 29, 104: Ptychomyia selecta (misid. = Bessa parallela) ex Hyponomeuta evonymella on Evonymus (prb. misid. = prb. H. cognatella), Fredensborg and Adserbo (Sjaelland). pp. 33–34: Position of eggs on the host. Fig. 47: empty egg-shell, primary respiratory opening and funnel. Fig. 11: pharyngeal skeleton of full-grown 1st stage larva. Figs. 13, 16: pharyngeal skeleton of 2nd and 3rd stage. Figs. 12, 15, 49: hind spiracles of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stage. Figs. 14, 17: fore spiracles of 2nd and 3rd stage. Biology p. 33. — Larvae of the early 1st stage with the basal plates of the pharyngeal skeleton not yet grown to large size (fig. 19) have been wrongly referred by Nielsen to the following species.

(1760) p. 46: Bactromyia aurulenta ex Hyponomeuta evonymella (prb. misid. = prb. H. cognatella), Adserbo. Description of 3rd stage. Fig. 20: pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 51: hind spiracles and neighbouring spines. — Nielsen wrongly assumed that Bessa and Bactromyia had the same type of eggs, and he mistook the early 1st stage of Bessa (fig. 19) for that one of Bactromyia. His statement about the simultaneous presence of both parasite species in three individual hosts (p. 48) is therefore wrong.

(1761) pp. 48, 106: Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis) ex Taeniocampa (= Orthosia) stabilis, Hald, up to 80 %. Fig. 21: pharyngeal skeleton of 2nd stage. Figs. 22, 53: fore and hind spiracles of 3rd stage. Biology p. 51. — The incomplete description of the 1st stage (p. 49, and fig. 52) appertains to another species (identity unknown).

(1762) p. 52: Steiniella callida (= Cleonice callida) ex Lina (= Melasoma) populi, Hald. Figs. 54, 64: 1st stage, cuticular armatures. Figs. 23, 24: pharyngeal skeleton of 1st and 2nd stage. Figs. 25, 27: fore spiracles, 2nd and 3rd stage. Fig. 26: hind spiracles, 2nd stage. Figs. 55, 65: hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Biology p. 55.

(1763) p. 56: Carcelia gnava (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) ex Malacosoma castrensis, Tisvilde. Description of 3rd stage larva. Fig. 30: pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 31: fore spiracle. Figs. 56, 57: hind spiracles. One-year life-cycle, hibernation as puparium. — The description of the egg and its position on the host (p. 58) appertains to Exorista fasciata (see no. 1764). Rectification by Nielsen 1911: 2, who later found the stalked eggs of C. laxifrons (misid. there as C. comata) on the host. The descriptions of the 1st stage (not figured) and 2nd stage (Figs. 28, 29) are doubtful as to the species concerned.

(1764)* pp. 60, 63: Tachina larvarum (misid. = Exorista fasciata, 1 ♂ bred August 1908, ZMUC, loan by courtesy of S. Andersen) ex Malacosoma castrensis, Tisvilde. — The eggs of this species were wrongly attributed to the Carcelia (no. 1763) parasitizing the same host. The data on pp. 58–59 thus refer to the eggs and the 1st stage larvae of E. fasciata. The biological data on p. 62 with reference to Malacosoma appertain partly to Exorista and partly to Carcelia. On the other hand, the larval stages described on pp. 60–62 under the name Tachina (= Exorista) larvarum belong in reality to Eurithia anthophila, see no. 1766.

(1765) — — (prb. = Exorista larvarum) ex Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea). — The biological data on p. 62 with reference to this host appertain partly to Exorista and partly to the following species. Both have been confounded, because they parasitized the same host species.

(1766) — — larvae (misid. = Eurithia anthophila) dissected out of S. lubricipeda (= S. lutea). Figs. 32, 33: pharyngeal skeleton of 2nd and 3rd stage. Fig. 34: fore spiracle of 3rd stage. — The wrong association of larvae and adult has been detected and rectified by Nielsen himself (1913b: 372, no. 2091).

(1767) p. 65: Undetermined tachinid (= ?Leucostoma crassa) ex Lygaeus saxatilis, Sicily. — L. crassa is a common parasite of Lygaeus spp. in South Europe.

(1768) pp. 72, 106: Viviania cinerea (= Zaira cinerea) ex Carabus violaceus, and (1769) C. hortensis, Nyraad (Sjaelland), 2 % of the hosts parasitized. Figs. 36, 37: 2nd stage, pharyngeal skeleton and fore spiracle. Figs. 38, 39: 3rd stage, fore and hind spiracles. Biology pp. 74–76.

(1770) — — ex Procrustes (= Carabus) coriaceus.

(1771) pp. 77, 107: Ocyptera brassicaria (= Cylindromyia brassicaria) parasite of adult Dolycoris baccarum, Fredensborg, 3 % in May, 40 % in September. Figs. 40, 41, 43: pharyngeal skeleton of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd stage. Figs. 42, 68: hind spiracles, 2nd and 3rd stage. Figs. 60, 61: plates and spines on the skin of 3rd stage. Biology pp. 79–81.

(1772) p. 84: Undetermined tachinid (= Eloceria delecta) in Lithobius sp., Dyrehaven. Figs. 44, 45: fore and hind spiracles, 3rd stage. — The identity of the parasite with Discochaeta lithobii (= E. delecta) was already suspected by Nielsen 1911: 19, footnote. I have verified it by comparing Nielsen's figures with the spiracles of an E. delecta puparium (loan of the BMNH by courtesy of N. P. Wyatt, the fly has been reared by R. Evans from an unidentified centipede).

Localities in Denmark, unless otherwise stated.

Pantel 1909

(1773) pp. 273, 294: Tach. V. (= Tachina vandaliciae, provisory nomen nudum, identity unknown) in Chondrostega vandalicia, Spain.

(1774) pp. 275, 290: Gonia atra in undetermined Noctuidae and Bombycidae (= Lasiocampidae) larvae, laboratory hosts.

Rabaud 1909

(1775) p. 101: Meigenia bisignata (= Meigenia sp., ?M. simplex) ex Lina (= Melasoma) populi, Tarn-et-Garonne, F.

Rossikov 1909

Ex Agrotis segetum, Ryasan prov. (Russia).

(1776) pp. 47–54, 70–71: Gonia capitata common parasite. Figs. 15–17: uterus and eggs. Figs. 18–20: 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Fig. 21: posterior stigmata of puparium. Pl. I, fig. 4: adult.

(1777) pp. 47, 54–56: Cnephalia bucephala (= Spallanzania hebes). Fig. 22: adult. Fig. 23: hind spiracles of puparium. Bred from the same host also by Schreiner, Ekaterinoslav prov., and by Bezval, Kiev prov. (Ukraine).

(1778) pp. 47, 56–57: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum). Fig. 24: adult.

(1779) pp. 47, 57–58: Dexiomorpha picta (= Estheria picta), only two specimens. Fig. 25: adult. Description of puparium. - Agrotis segetum is almost certainly not the host, because E. picta parasitizes scarabaeid grubs. The author wrongly assumed that the larva would live as a predator in the soil and would attack various prey.

Ex scarabaeid grubs, Ufa prov.

(1780) p. 58: D. (= E.) picta parasite of maiskago khrushcha (= Melolontha hippocastani).

(1781) - - of iunskago khrushcha (= Amphimallon solstitialis).

(1782) - - (misid. = Microphthalma europaea, see Rossikov 1910) parasite of Polyphylla fullo.

Rübsaamen 1909

Ex Oenophthira (= Sparganothis) pilleriana, Germany, p. 86: (1783) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela), and (1784) Nemorilla maculosa (or misid. = N. floralis). [The two records are prb. based on Schwangart's 1909 rearings, see nos. 1786, 1787.]

Scheidter 1909

(1785) p. 106: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Meigenia sp.) parasite of Agelastica alni, Aschaffenburg (Germany), ca. 50 % of the last instar host larvae bearing tachinid eggs.

Schwangart 1909

Ex Springwurm (= Sparganothis pilleriana), Pfalz (W Germany), p. 31 (reprint): (1786) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela), (1787) Nemorilla maculosa (or misid. = N. floralis), and (1788) Gymnoparia pilipennis (= Actia pilipennis).

Ex Carpocapsa (= Cydia) pomonella: (1789) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) [unlikely host].

Seabra 1909

(1790) p. 132: Sarcophaga arvensis (misid. = ?Exorista segregata or another tachinid) ex Aglaope infausta, Portugal. The species was reared in numbers from the host cocoons and was apparently a true parasite. - In Seabra 1910: 6, the species name is omitted and a ? put against the genus name Sarcophaga.

Strobl 1909 [= Strobl 1910]

(1791) p. 131: Chaetolyga quadripustulata (= Winthemia quadripustulata) ex Arctia caja, Schieferer, Graz, Austria.

Townsend 1909

(1792)* p. 246: Cyclotaphrys anser n. sp. (= Exorista xanthaspis) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea, Mokrzecki, Simferopol (Crimea). - I have seen the allotype ♂, sent to me from USNM by C. W. Sabrosky.

(1793) p. 247: Tachina japonica n. sp. (= Exorista japonica) ex Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar, vicinity of Tokyo, Japan.

Villeneuve 1909a

(1794 = 1739) p. 46: Hemithaea erythrostoma (= Phryxe erythrostoma) ex Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri, Lichtwardt (= Villeneuve 1908a: 100).

Villeneuve 1909b

(1795) p. 677: Cyrtophlebia elata (= Hyleorus elatus) ex Liparis auriflua (= Euproctis similis).

(1796) Tricholyga grandis (= Exorista grandis) ex Cossus cossus, Schnabl, Warsaw. - The host is unusual, because in its normal habitat it is not accessible to the ovipositing fly.

Vimmer 1909

(1797) p. 65: Parexorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia villica, Řeháček, puparium in April, adult 12–14 days later.

(1798) Machaira serriventris (= Compsilura concinnata) ex pupa Papilio (= Iphiclides) podalirius, Praha-Krč, Zeman.

(1799) Parasetigena segregata (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Hartmann. Other specimens from the same rearing were determined as Phorocera sp. - P. segregata (= P. silvestris) or Phorocera sp. are not cited as Saturnia-parasite in the list of Vimmer 1928.

(1800) Thelaira leucozona (= Thelaira sp.) ex Deilephila elpenor (Zeman), and (1801) Smerinthus populi (Vimmer).

(1802) Micropalpus comptus (= Linnaemyia sp., prb. not L. comta) ex Saturnia carpini (= S. pavonia), Klapálek. - See also no. 2024.

Localities in Bohemia.

Wanach 1909

(1803) p. 40: Phorocera assimilis (misid. = identity unknown) ex Arctia caja, numerous, Berlin. - P. assimilis is excluded because the flies emerged in mid July.

Wesché 1909

(1804) p. 453: Phorocera serriventris (= Compsilura concinnata) ex Leucoma salicis, and (1805) Bombyx (= Malacosoma) neustria, both in BMNH.

Escherich & Baer 1910

Ex Kiefernspinner (= Dendrolimus pini), E Germany, pp. 161–162: (1806) Argyrophylax bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua), (1807) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum or misid. = E. fasciata), and (1808) Sturmia scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis), Zeithain near Riesa (Sachsen) [locality = “Kleintrebnitzer Heide” (Brandenburg)].

Ex Kieferneule (= Panolis flammea), bred from puparia dug out of the soil (150 m²), Ottendorf-Okrilla (near Dresden), p. 165: (1809) Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis) (363 specimens), and (1810) Chaetolyga amoena (= Timavia amoena) (9 specimens).

Kleine 1910

(1811) p. 217: Sarcophaga albiceps (prb. misid. = prb. Billaea irrorata) ex Saperda populnea, Scheidter, Bavaria.

Kramer 1910

Rearings by Schütze, Rachlau (Oberlausitz, Sachsen, D), unless otherwise stated.

(1812) p. 30: Xylotachina ligniperdae (= Xylotachina diluta) ex Cossus cossus.

(1813) Winthemia quadripustulata ex Nonagria geminipuncta, and (1814) Chaerocampa (= Deilephila) elpenor.

(1815) Exorista affinis (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia caja.

(1816) Phryxe vulgaris ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, (1817) Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae, (1818) Diphthera (= Moma) alpium, (1819) Dianthoecia cucubali (= Hadena rivularis), (1820) Larentia dotata (= Eulithis populata), and (1821) Moma orion (= M. alpium).

(1822) Masicera silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pavonia.

(1823) p. 31: Lydella lepida (prb. = Lydella stabulans) ex Gortyna ochracea (= G. flavago).

(1824) Lydella nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea, and (1825) Plusia gamma.

(1826) Erycia gyrovaga (= Drino vicina) ex Pterogon (= Proserpinus) proserpina.

(1827) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Steganoptyche (= Epinotia) pygmaeana.

(1828) - - ex Lymantria monacha, pupa. - Questionable.

(1829) Compsilura concinnata ex Pieris brassicae, (1830) Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, (1831) Lymantria monacha, and (1832) Acronicta auricoma.

(1833) Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) ex Lymantria monacha.

(1834) Pales pavida ex Malacosoma neustria.

(1835) Tricholyga grandis (= Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia pavonia.

(1836) Acomyia acuticornis (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Dianthoecia cucubali (= Hadena rivularis), pupa. - The host is very unlikely, because Acemyia acuticornis is a parasite of Acridoidea.

(1837) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Pygaera (= Clostera) anastomosis, and (1838) Cosmotriche (= Philudoria) potatoria.

(1839) Histochaeta marmorata (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Arctia caja.

(1840) Plagia elata (= Hyleorus elatus) ex Porthesia (= Euproctis) similis, Baer, Königswartha.

(1841) Phytomyptera nitidiventris (= Phytomyptera nigrina) ex Grapholitha (= Epinotia) immundana in catkins of Alnus.

(1842) Actia crassicornis ex Depressaria applana.

(1843) - - (prb. misid. = prb. Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix viridana.

(1844)* Actia pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Evetria (= Petrova) resinella, Kramer.

(1845) Craspedothrix bohemica (= Elfia bohemica) ex unknown host, puparium found in resin on the bark of Picea excelsa.

(1846) Arrhinomyia cloacellae n. sp. (= Elodia ambulatoria) ex Tinea (= Nemapogon) cloacella in Daedalea quercina, Großdubrau.

(1847) p. 32: Pelatachina tibialis ex Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, (1848) V. (= N.) polychloros, (1849) V. (= Inachis) io, and (1850) V. (= Aglais) urticae, Kramer.

(1851) Micromyiobia diaphana (= Solieria pacifica) ex Olethreutes lucivagana on roots of Hieracium umbellatum.

(1852)* Atropidomyia irrorata (= Billaea irrorata) ex Saperda populnea, Kramer.

Localities in Oberlausitz (SE Sachsen, Germany).

Kröber 1910

Rearings from localities in the vicinity of Hamburg (North Germany).

(1853) p. 59: Micropalpus vulpinus (= Linnaemyia vulpina) ex Agrotis strigula (= Lycophotia porphyrea).

(1854) p. 60: Ernestia rudis ex Panolis griseovariegata (= P. flammea).

(1855) Sturmia atropivora (misid. = Sturmia bella, corrected by Kröber 1931: 89) ex Acronicta tridens.

(1856 = 893) p. 61: Carcelia lota (misid.) ex Pieris brassicae. - Recorded by Beuthin 1887: 80 under the name Exorista hortulana, which was wrongly synonymized with Carcelia lota by Bezzi 1907: 237. The species was possibly Epicampocera succincta.

(1857) Winthemia quadripustulata (misid. = Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri. - The parasite is cited as W. ligustri Stein (= W. cruentata) by Kröber 1931: 89.

(1858) Exorista fimbriata (misid.) ex Thalpochares (= Eublemma) rosea. - Wrongly quoted from Beuthin 1887 (no. 891), who records Tortrixrosea” (prb. = Archips rosana) as host. The noctuid Eublemma rosea is found in southeastern Europe and does not occur in Germany.

(1859) Exorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia caja.

(1860) p. 62: E. tritaeniata (= Cadurciella tritaeniata) ex Callophrys rubi.

(1861) Phryxe vulgaris (or misid. = Nilea rufiscutellaris) ex Acronicta auricoma.

(1862) - - (prb. misid. = prb. Huebneria affinis) [prb. too speculative because the host was not yet known for H. affinis] ex Rhyparia purpurata.

(1863) - - (= Phryxe vulgaris or misid. = P. nemea) ex Semiothisaaestimaria” (= Hemithea aestivaria).

(1864) - - (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae.

(1865) Zenillia libatrix ex Porthesia (= Euproctis) similis.

(1866) - - (prb. misid. = prb. Senometopia pollinosa) ex Bupalus piniarius.

(1867) p. 63: Masicera silvatica ex Saperda populnea galls. - Very unlikely, because the microtype eggs of Masicera are deposited on foliage and must be swallowed by the host.

(1868) Lydella nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) ex Deilephila (= Celerio) euphorbiae.

(1869) - - ex Larentia (= Anticlea) badiata.

(1870) - - (prb. misid. = prb. Blondelia piniariae) ex Bupalus piniarius, common.

(1871) Erycia aurulenta (= Bactromyia aurulenta) ex Drepana falcataria, (1872) Hyponomeuta padella, (1873) H. cognatella, (1874) Collix (= Anticollix) sparsata, and (1875) Pygaera (= Clostera) anachoreta.

(1876) p. 64: Compsilura concinnata ex Acronicta psi, and (1877) Porthesia (= Euproctis) similis.

(1878) p. 65: Phorocera assimilis var. caesifrons (= Phorocera obscura) ex Cheimatobia sp. (= Operophthera brumata or O. fagata).

(1879) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Porthesia (= Euproctis) similis.

(1880) - - ex Malacosoma neustria.

(1881) - - (?misid. = ?Exorista fasciata) ex Macrothylacia rubi.

(1882) p. 66: Tricholyga grandis (= Exorista grandis) ex Saturnia pavonia.

(1883) p. 69: Thelaira nigripes (= Thelaira sp.) ex Mamestra thalassina.

(1884) p. 70: Billaea irrorata ex Saperda populnea.

Mangan 1910

(1885) p. 94: Exorista dubia (misid. = prb. Myxexoristops stolida, see Wardle 1914, no. 2147) ex Nematus (= Pristiphora) erichsonii, Lake district (North England).

Pantel 1910

(1886) p. 34: Winthemia quadripustulata parasite of Cucullia verbasci. Pl. I, figs. 1, 6, and p. 44: egg. Pl. III, fig. 65, p. 141: primary respiratory opening and funnel.

(1887) pp. 45, 125: Gymnosoma rotundata (prb. misid. = prb. Gymnosoma clavata) parasite of Piezodorus lituratus. p. 43: Oviposition on the pronotum or other exposed and hard surfaces of the thorax. Pl. I, fig. 8: section through egg and host skin after penetration of the larva. - The length and width of the crypte stated by Pantel 1912: 100, correspond to fig. 50 (egg of G. clavata) in Dupuis 1963: 115.

(1888) pp. 46, 160: Meigenia floralis (prb. misid. = prb. Meigenia simplex) parasite of Crioceris asparagi. Pl. I, fig. 7, and pl. V, fig. 91: egg and penetrating larva in microscopic section. Textfig. 26, p. 165: first stage larva killed by a competitor. Pl. IV, fig. 75, and p. 145: secondary respiratory opening on the skin of the host.

(1889) p. 46: Ceromasia rufipes (misid. = Ocytata pallipes) parasite of Forficula auricularia. pp. 120, 147, and pl. IV, fig. 76: secondary respiratory opening and funnel. - Determination rectified by Pantel 1916, no. 2238 (Rhacodineura antiqua = Ocytata pallipes). Wrongly synonymized with Ceromasia (= Erycilla) rutila by Baer 1921: 155 (reprint p. 121).

(1890 = 1773) pp. 46–47, 171–172: Tach. V. or Tachina vandaliciae, provisory name (identity unknown), in Chondrostega vandalicia. The adult was not reared, the eggs are probably microtype. pp. 113, 131, textfig. 20, and pl. II, figs. 54–57: 1st stage larva in the cerebral ganglion of the host.

(1891 = 1774) pp. 55–56, 132–133: Gonia atra, experimental feeding of eggs to undetermined Noctuidae and Bombycidae (= Lasiocampidae) caterpillars successful. Pl. V, fig. 89: 1st stage larva in the cerebral ganglion or, pl. II, fig. 53, in other parts of the nervous system.

(1892) p. 74: Echinomyia fera (= Tachina fera) parasite of Brotolomia (= Phlogophora) meticulosa, Sarrià (Spain). Pl. I, fig. 19: uterine egg. Pl. V, fig. 83, and p. 110: primary respiratory opening and funnel.

(1893) - - deposited larvae on a leaf in the presence of a Plusia aurifera (= P. orichalcea) caterpillar (p. 66, textfig. 7). This experimental host was accepted (p. 162), but the success of the parasitism was not ascertained.

(1894) - - larvae are not able to parasitize Deilephila (= Celerio) euphorbiae (p. 162).

(1895) p. 75: Bigonichaeta setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) parasite of Forficula auricularia. Pl. I, fig. 21: uterine egg. pp. 109, 121, textfig. 19: primary respiratory opening and funnel.

(1896) pp. 78, 126–127: Uclesia fumipennis parasite of Chondrostega vandalicia. Pl. V, fig. 90, and p. 120: secondary respiratory opening near a stigma, four larvae in situ in a dissected caterpillar. The localities are Uclès in central Spain, and S. Fiel in Portugal (see pp. 28–29).

(1897) pp. 77, 82–83: Cyrtophleba ruricola parasite of Spintherops (= Apopestes) spectrum. Pl. I, fig. 33: uterine egg. Pl. V, fig. 87, and p. 139: 1st stage in muscle fibre. Pl. IV, fig. 71, and pp. 120, 144: secondary respiratory opening on the dorsal skin.

(1898) - - does not oviposit on Botys (= Uresiphita) polygonalis, which has a similar coloration and lives on the same plant, p. 162.

(1899) pp. 90, 134–137, 173: Compsilura concinnata parasite of Acronicta aceris, Vals near Le Puy (Haute-Loire, F).

Textfig. 21 on p. 115: hooks on last segment of 1st stage larva for fixation in the host gut. Pl. II, figs. 58–61, and pp. 133–137: intraintestinal parasitism. pp. 123–124: Secondary respiratory opening near a stigma. p. 173: Duration of larval development.

(1900) - - of Pieris (prb. brassicae), Sarrià (Catalonia, Spain). pp. 173–174: Duration of larval development.

(1901) pp. 98, 120: Carcelia cheloniae (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) parasite of Euproctis chrysorrhoea. pp. 98–100: Ovaries, uterus, stalked egg. The host is mentioned in a footnote on p. 120.

(1902) p. 102: Ceromasia florum (misid. = Erycia sp., ?E. furibunda) ex Melitaea aurinia. Description of ovipositor and egg.

(1903) p. 104: Sturmia atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Acherontia atropos, 44 flies out of one host.

(1904) pp. 109, 160, 173: Tricholyga major (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata) parasite of Macrothylacia rubi. Pl. I, figs. 2–3, and p. 44: egg. pp. 107, 109: Primary respiratory opening and funnel.

(1905) - - of Pieris (prb. brassicae).

(1906) - - of Vanessa (= Aglais urticae and Inachis io, see Pantel 1912: 122).

(1907) - - of Euproctis similis.

(1908) pp. 122, 125: Hyria tibialis (= Pelatachina tibialis) parasite of Vanessa (= Aglais urticae and Inachis io, see Pantel 1912, no. 2042). 1st stage in fat body of the host. Textfigs. 23–24 on p. 122: Secondary respiratory opening on trachea.

(1909) p. 139: Sturmia pupiphaga (= Sturmia bella) parasite of Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae. Pl. III, fig. 64, and pl. V, fig. 86: 1st stage in muscular fibre or, p. 137, pl. II, fig. 62, and pl. III, fig. 63, in testicle. Pl. IV, figs. 81–82, and p. 166: Mesosternal “plastron” of 2nd stage larva. p. 128: Mature larva hanging on filament when leaving the host pupa. Host and parasite are cited only with the generic names, except in the explanation of fig. 62 on p. 207.

(1910) pp. 143, 160: Ptychomyia selecta (= Bessa selecta) parasite of Nematus ribesii. Pl. III, fig. 68, and p. 143: Primary respiratory opening and funnel.

(1911) p. 176: Meigenia floralis var. major (= ?Meigenia grandigena) ex ?Timarcha sp., Le Puy-en-Velay. - The var. major Girschner is a nomen nudum.

Romanovski-Romanko 1910

(1912) pp. 128–130: Microphthalma disjuncta (misid. = Microphthalma europaea) parasite of iulskii khrushch (= Polyphylla fullo), Aleshki (near Kherson, Ukraine). Proposals to increase the efficiency of the parasite. - In the abstract in Bulletin of agricultural Intelligence and of Plant Diseases, Rome 2 (1911): 1584–1585, and subsequent quotations, the host is wrongly cited as Rhizotrogus (= Amphimallon) solstitialis (iulskii and iunskii khrushch confounded).

Rossikov 1910

(1913) pp. 15–47: Microphthalma disjuncta (misid. = Microphthalma europaea) parasite of Polyphylla fullo, Dneprovsk district (Ukraine). Fig. 4: adult. Figs. 5–7: egg and uterus. Fig. 8: 1st stage. Figs. 10–14: 2nd stage (including funnel on trachea). Figs. 15–20: 3rd stage and puparium.

(1914) p. 18: - - ex Melolontha hippocastani, and (1915) Rhizotrogus (= Amphimallon) solstitialis, Ufa prov. (Bashkiria).

(1916) p. 25: - - larvae accept Polyphylla alba, and (1917) Anoxia pilosa in experiments, development to 2nd stage observed.

(1918) pp. 18, 86: Estheria pallicornis ex Rhizotrogus (= Amphimallon) solstitialis, Ufa prov. Up to 80 % parasitization.

(1919) p. 79: Cnephalia bucephala (= Spallanzania hebes) ex Polyphylla fullo, Dneprovsk. - Very unlikely. The normal hosts of this tachinid are Agrotis larvae.

(1920) p. 86: Estheria pallicornis ex Melolontha hippocastani, Ufa prov.

(1921 = 1780) p. 86: Dexiomorpha picta (= Estheria picta) ex M. hippocastani, and (1922 = 1781) Rhizotrogus (Amphimallon) solstitialis, Ufa prov.

Rudow 1910

Ex Trichiosoma lucorum, Perleberg (Brandenburg), pp. 120, 127: (1923) Echinomyia (= Tachina) fera, (1924) E. tessellata (= T. magnicornis), (1925) Tachina (= Exorista) larvarum, (1926) T. (= E.) rustica, and (1927) T. bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua). - All records are very unlikely, the parasites either misidentified or bred from Lepidoptera.

Rühl 1910

A list of names only, no references, no annotations. It contains the records of Kleine 1909 (including those quoted by this author from literature) and Kramer 1910. One record is wrongly cited, and the origin of another one is unknown to me:

(1928) p. 64: Arrhinomyia tragica (= Elodia morio) ex Tinea (= Nemapogon) cloacella. - Misunderstanding of the text of Kramer 1910: 32. The parasite was A. cloacellae n. sp. (= Elodia ambulatoria).

(1929) Masicera fatua (= Erycia fatua, or misid.) ex Lymantria dispar. - A prb. incorrect record, origin unknown.

Schütze 1910

(1930) pp. 27–29: Raupenfliegen (= Tachinidae, mainly Parasetigena silvestris) efficient parasites of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), Lausitz (Sachsen, Germany).

Schwarzenbeck 1910

(1931) Parexorista polychaeta (= Huebneria affinis) ex Arctia caja. - Locality prb. Halle/Saale.

Seabra 1910 see Seabra 1909
Silvestri 1910

(1932) p. 276: Erynnia nitida (misid. = Erynniopsis antennata) parasite of Galerucella luteola, Bevagna (Umbria). Biology. Fig. 21: adult. Fig. 22: 1st stage larva and pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 23: 3rd stage larva. Fig. 24: puparium covered by the empty host skin. - Specimens from this rearing sent to Villeneuve were determined by him (1934: 181) as Anachaetopsina nitidula (= E. antennata).

Smits van Burgst 1910

Ex “non” (= Lymantria monacha), Alphen and Tilburg (NL). Specimens in LEWA:

(1933)* p. 54: Tachina larvarum (misid. = Exorista fasciata, det. T. Zeegers, pers. comm.).

(1934) p. 56: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) ex L. monacha, not ascertained, because the flies did not emerge from the puparia after hibernation (but Zeegers found some adults of this species in the collection).

Thompson 1910

[More detailed information on these rearings is given by Howard & Fiske 1911.]

(1935) p. 284: Blepharipa scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis) ex gipsy moth (= Lymantria dispar).

(1936) Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) ex L. dispar.

(1937) p. 287: Parexorista cheloniae (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) ex brown-tail moth (= Euproctis chrysorrhoea).

Tölg 1910

Biology of Billaea pectinata, parasitic in cetoniid and cerambycid larvae, description of immature stages, 18 figures. Localities: Wienerwald (= Vienna forest, Austria) and southern Bosnia.

(1938) pp. 211, 283: Billaea pectinata ex Prionus coriarius, (1939) pp. 278, 283: Cetonia aurata, and (1940) p. 283: Potosia cuprea.

(1941) p. 211: Homalogaster subrotundata (= Billaea adelpha) ex Prionus coriarius.

(1942) p. 278: Gymnobasis microcera (= Billaea maritima) ex Potosia aeruginosa (prb. only in Bosnia, this tachinid species is Mediterranean).

Torka 1910

(1943) p. 402: Nemoraea puparum (misid. = Winthemia quadripustulata) ovipositing on Cucullia verbasci, near Bydgoszcz [= domicile of the breeder, but not necessarily the origin of the material], Poland. - Baer 1921: 135 (p. 101 of the reprint), footnote, has seen the collected tachinid and rectified the determination.

Wainwright 1910

(1944) p. 226: Exorista tritaeniata (= Cadurciella tritaeniata) ex Callophrys rubi, Barrett, Britain.

Cockayne 1911

(1945) p. 253: Phryxe vulgaris ex adult Nyssia (= Lycia) lapponaria, Britain.

Eckstein 1911

Ex Lasiocampa (= Dendrolimus) pini, p. 141: In rearings of ca. 3500 hibernating larvae collected at several places in Mark Brandenburg 434 specimens of Tachinidae, Sarcophagidae and Muscidae were obtained. - I cite here only the Tachinidae, and the number of specimens has been recalculated from the percentage given on p. 142. Some species had probably, as indicated by me, parasitized other hosts which may have been present in the mass rearing: (1946) 154 Argyrophylax bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua), (1947) 4 A. bimaculata var. gilva (= Drino gilva, parasite of Diprion spp.), (1948) 3 Compsilura concinnata, (1949) 3 Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum, or misid. = E. fasciata), (1950) 1 Pales pavida, (1951) 1 Exorista affinis (= Huebneria affinis, parasite of Arctiidae), (1952) 2 Lydella nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes or B. piniariae, the latter parasite of Bupalus piniarius), (1953) 1 Carcelia rutilla (= Senometopia pollinosa, parasite of Bupalus piniarius), and (1954) 52 Phryxe vulgaris (prb. misid. = Phryxe erythrostoma, parasite of Hyloicus pinastri).

Forsius 1911

(1955) p. 101: Staurochaeta albocingulata common parasite of Monoctenus juniperi, Finland. More than 50 % of the sawfly larvae were bearing eggs of the tachinid (up to 7 on one host).

Howard & Fiske 1911

Investigations and mass collections of parasites of the gipsy moth (= Lymantria dispar) and the brown-tail moth (= Euproctis chrysorrhoea) for biological control in the USA.

Ex Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar in Europe: Tab. II, p. 132: List of parasite species, and their sequence in attacking the different stages of the host. Details on importance and life history:

(1956) pp. 213–218: Blepharipa scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis), important and specific parasite, common near Kharkov (Ukraine, p. 127), Hyères (Var, S France, p. 216) etc. Fig. 35: adult ♀. Fig. 36: microtype eggs deposited on leaf. Fig. 37a: sculpture of egg-chorion. Fig. 38: 1st stage larvae in gall-like modified tissue of the host. Figs. 39, 40: 2nd stage larva and its respiratory funnel.

(1957) pp. 218–220: Compsilura concinnata, polyphagous parasite, common on both host species. Larvae deposited beneath the skin of the host, 1st stage enters the alimentary canal. Fig. 41: adult ♀, head, larvipositor. pp. 221–225: Successful establishment in USA.

(1958) pp. 225–227: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) rather common on L. dispar. Fig. 43: adult ♀ and head in profile.

(1959) pp. 228–229: Tricholyga grandis (misid. = Exorista segregata, rectified by Burgess & Crossman 1929: 114). Very similar to T. (= E.) larvarum in all aspects, but usually not occurring in the same locality, more southern.

(1960) pp. 229–230: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris), more common toward the northern limits of the range of L. dispar.

(1961) p. 231: Carcelia gnava (misid. = Senometopia separata, rectified by Burgess & Crossman 1929: 114, and Sellers 1943: 47), in most places unimportant, but at Hyères (Var, S France) the most common parasite.

(1962) p. 232: Zygobothria gilva (misid. = Drino inconspicua, rectified by Burgess & Crossman 1929: 113) not common in the rearings. - The species is cited as gilva in the parasite list on p. 88 and the table on p. 132, but, by lapse, as “nidicola” on p. 232.

(1963) p. 234: Crossocosmia flavoscutellata (= Blepharipa schineri), common in samples from Charroux, W France.

(1964) p. 235: Pales pavida, only occasionally bred from L. dispar.

(1965) pp. 235, 297: Dexodes nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes), very rare on this host.

(1966) The quotation of Echinomyia magnicornis (= Tachina magnicornis) as parasite of L. dispar by Herting 1960: 107, with reference to Howard & Fiske 1911 is an error. The species is not included in the alphabetic list of parasites bred from L. dispar (p. 88, left-hand column), and recorded only as parasite of Euproctis chrysorrhoea (see below, no. 1979).

Ex Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar in Japan: Tab. I, p. 121: List of parasite species, and their sequence in attacking the different stages of the host.

(1967) pp. 227–228: Tachina japonica (= Exorista japonica), common.

(1968) pp. 232–234: Crossocosmia sericariae (= Blepharipa sericariae) common. The observations of Sasaki 1887 (see no. 895) on the life-history of this species were confirmed in every particular.

(1969) p. 235: A species resembling Pales pavida (prb. = identical with it).

Ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea in Europe: Tab. III, p. 136: List of parasite species, and their sequence in attacking the different stages of the host. Details on importance and life history:

(1970) pp. 218, 296: Compsilura concinnata, equally important as parasite of both E. chrysorrhoea and L. dispar. Fig. 64 on p. 265: 1st stage larva.

(1971) pp. 262, 265, 266–267, 289–295: Zygobothria nidicola (= Townsendiellomyia nidicola), high percentage in hibernated hosts from Italy and France, life-history. Fig. 63 on p. 264: 1st stage larva in walls of crop of hibernating host. Fig. 69 on p. 290: adult ♀ and head.

(1972) p. 296: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum), less common on this host.

(1973) Tricholyga grandis (misid. = Exorista segregata), reared in small numbers from cocoon masses.

(1974) pp. 296–297: Dexodes nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes), rather common on this host, life-history and early stages similar to Compsilura.

(1975) pp. 297–300: Parexorista cheloniae (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons, rectified by Burgess & Crossman 1929: 136), most common parasite. One annual generation, hibernating as puparium.

(1976) pp. 300–302: Pales pavida, much more common on E. chrysorrhoea than on L. dispar. Biology. Fig. 37b on p. 214: microtype egg. Fig. 70 on p. 301: adult ♀, head, antenna. Fig. 71: 2nd stage larva in situ in funnel. Fig. 72: respiratory funnel showing orifice at skin of the host.

(1977) p. 302: Zenillia libatrix, equal in importance to Pales, and similar in life-history.

(1978) p. 303: Masicera silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora), numbers mostly insignificant, but not uncommon at some places in Italy.

(1979) Eudoromyia magnicornis (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina praeceps, see no. 1723), “southern rather than northern in distribution”, numbers insufficient. - Biology see Townsend 1908b: 103.

(1980) p. 304: Cyclotaphrys anser (= Exorista xanthaspis), Crimea. Deposits large, flattend eggs on the host.

(1981) p. 304: Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris), very few specimens.

(1982) p. 91: The alphabetic list of tachinid species reared from E. chrysorrhoea comprises also Digonichaeta setipennis, D. spinipennis (both = Triarthria setipennis), Nemorilla sp., and N. notabilis (= Nemorilla floralis), but according to the “Errata” (last page), these species should be omitted. The reason is not stated (but Triarthria is a parasite of Forficula, and Nemorilla a parasite of Microlepidoptera, which may have been accidentally present in the rearings).

Kramer 1911

The records published 1910 are cited again, the following ones are added:

(1983) pp. 121–122: Gymnochaeta viridis adults were common in the outbreak areas of Lymantria monacha. - But the species has never been reared from this host, and Kramer 1917: 261 admits that it continued to be common in the years after the disappearance of L. monacha.

(1984)* p. 123: Winthemia xanthogastra (misid. = Winthemia cruentata) ex Sphinx ligustri, Tharandt, Baer.

(1985) pp. 123–124: Carcelia gnava (misid. = Carcelia puberula) common in outbreak areas of Lymantria monacha. - Rectification by Kramer 1917: 263, as C. lucorum B.B., det. Villeneuve.

(1986)* p. 125: Zenillia grisella (= Zenillia dolosa) ex Hyponomeuta cognatella, Tharandt, Baer. - Wrongly synonymized with Zenillia libatrix by Baer 1921: 153 (reprint p. 119).

(1987) Zenillia libatrix ex Thaumetopoea processionea, Leipzig, Baer.

(1988) p. 127: Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Acalla (= Acleris) ferrugana, Baer.

(1989) Diplostichus janitrix ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, Niesky, Baer.

(1990) Pales pavida ex Acalla (= Acleris) ferrugana, Schützer.

(1991) pp. 127–129: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) main parasite of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha).

(1992) p. 136: Atropidomyia irrorata (= Billaea irrorata) common parasite of Saperda populnea, data on life history.

(1993) p. 165: Redtenbacheria insignis ex pupa of Lymantria monacha, Schütze. - Very questionable, because R. insignis belongs to the subfamily Phasiinae and is a parasite of Hemiptera.

Localities in Sachsen (Germany).

Kurdyumov 1911

Ex Agrotis segetum, Poltava (Ukraine): (1994) Gonia capitata, and (1995) Cnephalia sp. (= Spallanzania hebes). Both species are leaf-ovipositing.

Loos 1911

(1996) p. 435: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) parasite of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), quantitative data, Jeschowitz and Tupadl (= Ješovice and Tupadly near Melnik, NW Bohemia).

Martelli 1911

(1997) p. 212: Masicera silvatica, det. Bezzi (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pavonia, Catanzaro (Calabria).

(1998) - - Planoconvex eggs of a tachinid (prb. = Exorista grandis) glued on the skin of the S. pavonia larva. - Martelli wrongly attributed these eggs to Masicera (which deposits microtype eggs on the food-plant of the host). The host had been attacked by two different parasite species.

Nielsen 1911

(1999) p. 2, footnote: Rectification of no. 1763: Not Carcelia gnava, but C. comata, det. Villeneuve (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) ex Malacosoma castrensis. - The true C. comata is C. lucorum (hind stigma of 3rd instar larva with three straight slits quite unlike figs. 56, 57 in Nielsen 1909).

(2000) p. 5: Carcelia gnava ex Stilpnotia (= Leucoma) salicis, Tisvilde, up to 66 %. p. 1: Descriptions. Textfigs. 1–2 (p. 2): stalked eggs on the host. Textfigs. 3–4: fore spiracles, 2nd and 3rd stage. Textfig. 5: hind spiracle, 3rd stage. Pl. I, figs. 1–3: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 4–8.

(2001) pp. 6, 8: C. gnava ex Malacosoma neustria, Tisvilde.

(2002) p. 6: Undetermined tachinid (= Exorista larvarum, see Nielsen 1918, no. 2336), planoconvex eggs glued on hairs of Acronicta menyanthidis larva. Textfig. 7: pharyngeal skeleton of 1st stage larva.

(2003) p. 10: Exorista blepharipoda (= Nilea hortulana) ex Acronicta psi, and (2004) ex A. tridens, Valby (Copenhagen). p. 8: Descriptions. Pl. I, figs. 4–6: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Textfig. 10: fore spiracle, 3rd stage. 11: funnel on tracheal stem of host. Pl. I, fig. 7: hind spiracle, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 10–12.

(2005)* p. 14: Meigenia floralis (= Meigenia mutabilis, genitals compared) ex Gastrophysa viridula, Ørholm. p. 12: Descriptions. Pl. I, figs. 8–10: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage.

Textfig. 12: fore spiracle, 3rd stage. Pl. I, fig. 11: hind spiracle, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 14–17.

(2006) p. 20: Actia pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis, redetermined by Lundbeck 1927: 459) ex Retinia (= Rhyacionia) buoliana, and (2007) ex R. (= Petrova) resinella, Tisvilde.

p. 17: Description of 3rd stage. pp. 13–18: spines on skin, pharyngeal skeleton, fore and hind spiracles. Textfig. 19: puparium. Biology p. 20.

Localities in Denmark.

Porchinski 1911a

(2008) pp. 7–8: Ptychomyia selecta (misid. = Bessa parallela) ex Hyponomeuta malinella, Kiev prov. (Ukraine), Pospelov and Karavaev. South East Russia, Schreiner.

(2009) - - (= Bessa selecta) ex Nematus ribesii, Lublin prov. (Poland), Tarnani. Ryasan prov. (Russia), Rybakov.

Porchinski 1911b

(2010) p. 359: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Malacosoma neustria, Kiev prov. (Ukraine).

Rudow 1911a, b

Ex Hyponomeuta padi (= H. evonymella), Biberach (Württemberg), p. 4: (2011) Echinomyia pusilla (misid., identity unknown), common.

Ex Dendrolimus pini, parasite list, only names without data, p. 91: (2012) Echinomyia fera (= Tachina fera or misid.), (2013) E. ferox (= Nowickia ferox, prb. misid.), and (2014) E. tessellata (= Tachina magnicornis or misid.). - Cited by Rudow 1894b: 118, as Echinomyia spp. ex Dendrolimus pini and Hyloicus pinastri, but none of the three tachinid species has been ascertained to be a parasite of these two hosts.

Ex Saturnia pyri, S. spini and S. pavonia, only names of parasites without data, p. 99: (2015) Tachina rustica (misid., identity unknown). - Exorista rustica is a parasite of Tenthredinidae on low plants. Quoted by Lederer 1925: 92, 95, 99, as parasite of all three Saturnia species, but Rudow's collective list does not indicate, from which species the alleged T. rustica was bred.

Schultz 1911

(2016) Thryptocera pilipennis (prb. misid. = prb. Actia nudibasis) ex Retinia (= Petrova) resinella, numerous, Grunewald (Berlin).

Sicard 1911

(2017) p. 443: Degeeria funebris (prb. misid. = prb. Medina luctuosa) parasite of Altise de la Vigne, adult (= Haltica ampelophaga), S France, locally up to 85 %. Biology.

(2018) p. 444: Parerynnia vibrissata (misid. = Erynnia ocypterata) parasite of Pyrale de la Vigne (= Sparganothis pilleriana), Montpellier region, 50–60 %. - The true P. vibrissata is Ligeria angusticornis.

Silvestri 1911

Ex Plusia gamma, Italy.

(2019) p. 314: Voria ruralis. Biology. Fig. 23: adult, 3rd stage larva, puparium. Fig. 24: puparia partly covered by the empty host skin.

(2020) p. 318: Pales pumicata (prb. misid. = prb. Pales pavida). Fig. 26: adult.

Timaeus 1911

(2021) p. 89: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) parasite of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), Sachsen, Germany. Details on biology, 1 figure (egg and penetration hole).

Tuccimei 1911

(2022) p. 199: Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae, or misid. = Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa cardui, 1 specimen, S. Agnese near Rome.

Villeneuve 1911

(2023) p. 87 (footnote): Atylomyia albifrons n. sp. ex Agdistis tamaricis, Egypt.

Vimmer 1911

(2024) p. 38: Micropalpus haemorrhoidalis (= Linnaemyia sp.) ex Saturnia pavonia. - This is not a correction of the previous record of M. comptus ex S. pavonia (Vimmer 1909), which is cited here again.

(2025) p. 39: Sisyropa excisa (prb. misid. = prb. Senometopia lena) ex Notodonta dictaeoides (= Pheosia gnoma). - The wider distance between the hind stigmata of the puparium distinguishes S. lena from the very similar S. excisa.

Localities in Bohemia.

Wheeler 1911

Hosts collected at Samoussy near Laon (France).

(2026) p. 266: Compsilura concinnata ex Araschnia levana. (2027) Sturmia vanessae (= Sturmia bella) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

Yaroshevski 1911

(2028) pp. 109, 112, 132: Exorista lucorum [given with “?”] (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia gnava or C. rasa) ex Dasychira pudibunda, Ukraine.

Auel 1912

(2029) p. 260: Tachina rustica (misid., identity unknown) ex hibernated pupae of Pieris brassicae, Berlin. - T. (= Exorista) rustica is a parasite of Tenthredinidae.

Cecconi 1912

Ex Tortrix viridana, Barberino di Mugello (Apennino Toscano, Italy), p. 317:

(2030) Lydella angelicae (misid. = prb. Blondelia nigripes), one specimen. - L. (= Belida) angelicae is a parasite of Arge (Hym. Symphyta).

(2031) Compsilura concinnata, one specimen.

(2032) Plesina maculata (= Paykullia maculata, Rhinophoridae), one specimen. - The host must be wrong, because P. maculata is a parasite of terrestrial Isopoda.

Codina 1912

(2033) p. 96: Compsilura concinnata ex Pieris brassicae, Mongat (Barcelona, Spain).

Collins 1912

(2034) p. 66: Macquartia chalconota (misid. = Macquartia tenebricosa) ex Chrysomela (= Chrysolina) varians, Oxon and Berkshire (GB). - M. chalconota does not exist in Britain.

Feytaud 1912

(2035) p. 195: Meigenia floralis (prb. = Meigenia mutabilis) ex Phyllodecta vulgatissima, SW France, up to 45 %.

Hamann 1912

(2036) p. (35): Tachinid sp. (= ?Ceromyia bicolor) ex Lasiocampa quercus, 26 parasite larvae came out of one host.

(2037) p. (36): Tachinid sp. (= prb. Parasetigena silvestris or Exorista larvarum) ovipositing on Lymantria dispar.

Hewitt 1912

(2038) p. 34 : Exorista crinita (misid. = Myxexoristops stolida) ex Nematus (= Pristiphora) erichsonii, Cumberland (North England).

(2039) Exorista sp. identical with or close to E. alacris, det. Tothill (misid. = M. stolida) ex N. (= P.) erichsonii, Crummock Lake, Cumberland, Mangan. - Redetermined by Wainwright as Zenillia pexops (= Myxexoristops blondeli), see Wardle 1914: 96. The species Ptesiomyia alacris (syn.: Exorista crinita) is not British, and its host is unknown.

Marchal 1912

(2040) p. 124: Phytomyptera nitidiventris (= prb. Phytomyptera nigrina) ex Eudemis (= L. botrana) on Daphne gnidium, Southern France.

Pantel 1912

Influence of the parasite on the development of the host.

In Vanessa (= Aglais) urticae and V. (= Inachis) io, p. 122:

(2041) Hyria tibialis (= Pelatachina tibialis), (2042) Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris), and (2043) Compsilura concinnata.

In other hosts:

(2044) Gymnopareia pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) in Evetria buoliana “dans les galles résineuses des pins” (misid. = Petrova resinella), Gemert (Brabant, NL).

(2045) p. 123: Uclesia fumipennis in Chondrostega vandalicia, Uclès (Spain).

(2046) Meigenia floralis (= prb. Meigenia mutabilis) in Crioceris asparagi.

(2047) pp. 123, 138: Compsilura concinnata in Acronicta aceris, Vals near Le Puy (Haute-Loire, F).

(2048) p. 156: Bigonichaeta setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) in Forficula auricularia.

(2049) p. 204: Ceromasia rufipes (misid. = Ocytata pallipes) in F. auricularia.

(2050) p. 278, figs. 102–104: Thrixion halidayanum (= Thrixion aberrans) in Leptynia hispanica.

Parrot & Schoene 1912

(2051) p. 30: Exorista arvicola (misid. = Nemorilla pyste, Nearctic species) ex Hyponomeuta padella or H. malinella, New York. - The identification has been rectified by Sabrosky & Arnaud 1965: 1089. E. arvicola is Palearctic and a synonym of Ethilla aemula. The host record has been wrongly cited under the latter species by Baer 1921: 147 (reprint p. 113) and Mesnil 1949: 61.

Picard 1912a

(2052) p. 50: Bactromyia aurulenta ex Abraxas pantaria, S France.

Picard 1912b

(2053) p. 431: Nemorilla varia (= Nemorilla sp.) ex Cacoecia costana (= Clepsis spectrana), Camargue (S France).

Pyl'nov 1912

(2054) p. 30: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Anthomyiopsis plagioderae) parasite of Plagiodera versicolora, Simferopol (Crimea). Puparium besides the remnants of the host larva on Salix leaves.

Rabaud 1912

(2055) p. 80: Sturmia bella ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

(2056) Meigenia bisignata (= Meigenia sp., ?M. dorsalis) ex Lina (= Melasoma) populi. [Already cited by Rabaud 1909 = no. 1775.]

(2057) p. 81: Compsilura concinnata ex Zygaena occitanica, and (2058) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io.

(2059) Blepharomyia pagana (prb. misid. = prb. Phryxe setifacies) ex Zygaena occitanica. - P. setifacies resembles Blepharomyia in the presence of parafacial bristles which are absent in all other Phryxe spp.

(2060) Tricholyga major (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata) ex Z. occitanica. - T. major is Exorista grandis.

Locality: Southern France.

Rennie 1912

(2061) p. 231: Bucentes geniculatus (= Siphona geniculata) parasitic in Tipula sp., Scotland. - According to Rennie & Sutherland 1920 (nos. 2373, 2374) the host species were Tipula paludosa and T. oleracea.

Schreiner 1912

Ex yablonnaya mol' (= Hyponomeuta malinella), Russia, p. 18:

(2062) Nemorilla notabilis (= Nemorilla sp.) and (2063) Thryptocera evonymellae (prb. misid. = prb. Eurysthaea scutellaris). - The true T. evonymellae is Bactromyia aurulenta.

(2064) p. 18, footnote: Ptychomyia selecta (misid. = Bessa parallela) ex H. malinella, Kiev prov. (Ukraine).

Silvestri 1912

(2065) p. 299: Phytomyptera nitidiventris (= prb. Phytomyptera nigrina) ex Polychrosis (= Lobesia) botrana, Portici, Nola (Napoli), Bevagna (Umbria), locally common. Reared only from cocoons of the first host generation in summer, not from hibernated cocoons of the second generation. Fig. XLIII: adult, puparium covered by the empty host skin.

Tölg 1912

A short survey of endoparasitic Diptera, including examples of Tachinidae. Most of them are obviously quoted from literature (without reference), but three records are new and probably based on rearings of the author:

(2066) p. 107: Carcelia comata (prb. misid. = prb. Carcelia rasa) ex Orgyia antiqua. - The other hosts cited (Malacosoma castrensis, M. neustria, and Stilpnotia salicis) are those recorded by Nielsen 1911 (nos. 1999–2001) for Carcelia gnava.

(2067) p. 108: Lydella lepida (= Lydella stabulans) ex Gortyna flavago, and (2068)* ex Hydroecia micacea. - I have seen the latter specimen (Herting 1960: 82, “Mus. Wien”), on label: Saaz (= Žatec, NW Bohemia), the place where Tölg lived.

Villeneuve 1912a

(2069) p. 94: Erynnia nitida (= Erynnia ocypterata) ex Pyrale de la Vigne (= Sparganothis pilleriana), Mayet, Villefranche (Rhône, F).

Barsacq 1913

A paper on Lymantria dispar in the Crimea. The list of putative natural enemies on p. 72 includes the following tachinids:

(2070a) Echinomyia fera (= Tachina fera or misid. = T. magnicornis).

(2070b) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum).

(2070c) T. rustica (= Exorista rustica, misid. or host wrong). - E. rustica is a parasite of Tenthredinidae.

(2070d) Parexorista (= Carcelia) lucorum (misid. = ?Senometopia separata).

(2070e) Roeselia antiqua (= Ocytata pallipes, misid. or host wrong). - O. pallipes is a parasite of Forficula.

(2070f) Scotia saturniae (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata). - S. saturniae is E. grandis.

The species (a)-(c) are alleged to parasitize young dispar caterpillars (very unlikely for such large flies, but they may have been found near these hosts). - Only the species (e) and (f) are cited in the report of Mokrzecki & Shchegolev 1913 (nos. 2074, 2075).

Kramlinger 1913

(2071) Nemoraea puparum (prb. misid. = prb. Blepharipa pratensis) ex Dendrolimus pini, Wiener Neustadt (A), Perneder. - Not seen in original [but seen by HPT], cited from Escherich 1915: 429 (referat).

Mokrzecki 1913

Ex Hyponomeuta malinella, p. 22: (2072) Nemorilla notabilis (= Nemorilla sp.), Crimea, and (2073) Metopia tincta (= Bessa parallela), footnote: Schreiner leg.

Mokrzecki & Shchegolev 1913

(2074) p. 6: Roeselia antiqua (misid. or host wrong) ex Lymantria dispar, Crimea. - R. antiqua is Ocytata pallipes, a parasite of Forficula, not of Lepidoptera.

(2075) Scotia saturniae (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista segregata) ex L. dispar, Crimea. - S. saturniae is E. grandis.

(2076) p. 11: Exorista grandis (prb. misid. = Exorista sorbillans or E. segregata) ex Ino (= Theresimima) ampelophaga, solitary parasite, puparium covered by the empty host skin, Novorossiisk (Russian Black Sea Coast).

Nielsen 1913a

(2077)* p. 218: Phryxe vulgaris (misid. = Blondelia nigripes) larvae in Dryobota (= Dryobotodes) protea. p. 216: Descriptions. Figs. 1, 2, 4: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Figs. 3, 5: fore spiracle, 2nd and 3rd stage. Fig. 6: hind spiracles and adjacent spines, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 218–220. - In Nielsen's collection, there are three adult B. nigripes bred from this host in June 1912, locality: Nöddebo. The larvae described by Nielsen (all stages) are very different from those of Phryxe spp. and fully agree with those of Blondelia nigripes (cf. the figures in Dowden 1933).

(2078)* Phryxe vulgaris (misid. = Blondelia nigripes) in Eupithecia innotata (1 adult B. nigripes from Tisvilde, bred 1.IV.1912), (2079) in Hibernia (= Erannis) defoliaria, (2080) in Cheimatobia (= Operophthera) brumata, (2081) in Eremobia ochroleuca, and (2082) in Orgyia antiqua. - The described larvae were misassociated because Nielsen had bred adults of Phryxe from at least one of these hosts, and there is one specimen preserved in his collection:

(2083)* Phryxe vulgaris ex Eupithecia innotata, Tisvilde, 1.IV.1912.

(2084) p. 226: Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) parasite of Zygaena lonicerae, Kryger, Dyrehaven. p. 222: Descriptions. Fig. 8: egg and 1st stage larva in it. Figs. 9–12: 1st stage, hind part, spines on skin, pharyngeal skeleton, apex of median tooth. Figs. 13, 14: pharyngeal skeleton, 2nd and 3rd stage. Figs. 15–18: fore and hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 226–228. - This record is correctly cited in Baer 1921: 404 (reprint p. 184), but misquoted from there in the Thompson catalogue (Phryxe vulgaris instead of Exorista larvarum).

(2085) p. 228: T. (= E.) larvarum ex Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea).

(2086)* p. 231: T. impotens (misid. = Exorista larvarum, 3 ♂♂, 1 ♀) parasite of Orgyia antiqua, near Copenhagen (on label: Valby). p. 228: Descriptions. Fig. 19: hind part, 1st stage. Figs. 20–22: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Figs. 23, 24: fore and hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 231–232. - The true T. impotens is Exorista fasciata. Mesnil 1960: 579 has wrongly synonymized it with Exorista sorbillans and cited the host Orgyia antiqua wrongly under that species.

(2087) p. 234: T. macrocera (= Exorista fasciata) parasite of Malacosoma castrensis, Tisvilde. p. 232: Descriptions. Figs. 25–27: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Figs. 28–30: fore and hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Biology p. 234.

(2088) p. 235: T. vidua (prb. misid. = prb. Exorista fasciata) ex Macrothylacia rubi. Description of puparium. Fig. 31: hind spiracle. - Further specimens bred by Nielsen from the same host have been determined by Villeneuve 1914: 94 (see no. 2146) as T. (= E.) fasciata. The true T. vidua is Exorista larvarum.

(2089) p. 241: Digonochaeta setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) in Forficula auricularia. p. 237: Descriptions. Figs. 32, 34: skin of 1st stage. Figs. 33, 35, 36: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Figs. 38, 39: fore and hind spiracle, 3rd stage. Fig. 40: hind end of 3rd stage in respiratory funnel (wrongly referred to the following species). Biology pp. 241–243.

(2090) p. 241, footnote: Undetermined species (= Ocytata pallipes, see Nielsen 1915: 213–214) in Forficula auricularia. Figs. 41, 42: 3rd stage, pharyngeal skeleton and fore spiracle. - Fig. 40 does not belong to this species, but to T. setipennis, see the rectification by Nielsen 1915: 213, footnote.

Nielsen 1913b

(2091) p. 372: Ernestia radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) in Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea). Correction of Nielsen 1909, no. 1765. The hosts were parasitized by two different tachinid species: The adults bred were Tachina (= Exorista) larvarum, but the larvae described under that name were Ernestia radicum (= Eurithia anthophila).

Nielsen 1913c

(2092) p. 303: Winthemia xanthogastra (prb. misid. = prb. Winthemia cruentata) in Sphinx ligustri, Vemmetofte. p. 301: Descriptions. Fig. 1: egg and 1st stage in it. Figs. 2, 3: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st and 3rd stage. Figs. 4, 5: fore and hind spiracle, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 303–304. 74 grown-up parasite larvae in one host pupa.

(2093) - - (- = -) ex Deilephila elpenor.

Picard 1913(a+b)

(2094) pp. 142–143 in a, p. 86 in b: Degeeria funebris (prb. misid. = prb. Medina luctuosa) ex Haltica ampelophaga, Southern France, Sicard. Life-cycle. The text is in a and b the same. - Degeeria funebris has been wrongly synonymized with Arrhinomyia (= Leiophora) innoxia by Baer 1921: 372- 373 (reprint pp. 152–153), who mixed the two different species together, because he had misunderstood the synonymies stated by Villeneuve 1907: 248, 249, for Masicera innoxia Meigen and Arrhinomyia separata B.B.

Porchinski 1913

(2095) On farms in the Stavropol prov. (North Caucasus, Russia), Cnephalia bucephala (= Spallanzania hebes) and Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) were found on baits exposed for collecting flies. The abundance of Agrotis (= Euxoa) tritici larvae on the fields was supposed to be the cause for the presence of these tachinids. - Cited as host record in the Thompson catalogue (reference to Review of applied Entomology B1: 151).

Pospelov 1913

Ex Agrotis segetum, Kiev prov. (Ukraine), p. 208: (2096) Peleteria tessellata (= Peleteria rubescens), (2097) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum), (2098) Cnephalia bucephala (= Spallanzania hebes), and (2099) Gonia capitata.

Rudow 1913

Ex Saturnia pyri, Hungary, p. 23: (2100) Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae), (2101) Echinomyia tessellata (= Tachina magnicornis) (unlikely), and (2102) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum).

Ex other host species, p. 23: (2103) T. agilis (= Blondelia nigripes, or misid.) ex Parasemia plantaginis (Hohe Tauern, Austrian Alps) and (2104) T. larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Aporia crataegi (Tirol).

Rühl 1913

A list of names only, no references, no annotations. The following record has not been found in other publications consulted by me: (2105) p. 60: Minella chalybeata (prb. misid., identity unknown) ex Eurrhypara urticae (= E. hortulata). - Dufouria chalybeata is a parasite of Cassida larvae.

Sakharov 1913a

Ex Phlyctaenodes (= Loxostege) sticticalis, Astrakhan prov. (SE Russia), p. 8: (2106) Tritochaeta polleniella (= Clemelis pullata), and (2107) Nemorilla maculosa (prb. correct). - The same species were also bred in subsequent years, Sakharov 1915: 11.

Ex larvae of maiskii zhuk (= Melolontha sp.), Astrakhan prov., p. 15: (2108) Microphthalma disjuncta (misid. = Microphthalma europaea).

Sakharov 1913b

Ex vosklitsatel'naya sovka (= Agrotis exclamationis), Tver prov., Russia, p. 14: (2109) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum).

Ex ozimaya sovka (= Agrotis segetum), Tula prov., Russia, p. 15: (2110) Gonia capitata, (2111) Cnephalia bucephala (= Spallanzania hebes) (both species together 17 %), and (2112)

Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) (less than 1 %).

Tarnani 1913

(2113) p. 315: Mintho praeceps (= prb. Mintho rufiventris) ex Melolontha sp., Tshernigov prov., N Ukraine. - Host prb. wrong. Cited also by Tarnani 1917: 18.

Thompson 1913

(2114) p. 559: Sturmia scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis) important parasite of Porthetria (= Lymantria) dispar; (2115) not able to parasitize Vanessa (= Nymphalis) antiopa, (2116) nor Parorgyia (= Orgyia) antiqua, in experiment.

Tölg 1913

(2117) p. 393: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) parasite of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha). Description of immature stages (pp. 394–404), 9 figures.

(2118) - - in experiment (p. 395) not parasite of Euproctis chrysorrhoea. Larvae penetrated into this host but did not reach the 2nd stage.

(2119) Ceromasia ferruginea (= Erycilla ferruginea) puparia found under moss in the outbreak area of Lymantria monacha. Numerous larvae of Tipulidae and Tabanidae were also present. - Recent observations have shown that E. ferruginea is a parasite of tipulid larvae.

Locality: Pladen (= Blatno) and Luwenz (= Lubenec) in NW Bohemia (near Jesenice). The list of monacha-parasites quoted on p. 393 has been published by Wachtl 1907: 21, not (as wrongly stated) by Wachtl & Kornauth 1893.

Vimmer 1913

(2120) p. 59: Masicera silvatica (prb. misid. = prb. Masicera sphingivora) ex Smerinthus ocellatus [= no. 1656].

(2121) p. 63: Leskia aurea ex Sesia cynipiformis (= Synanthedon vespiformis). The previous record (Vimmer 1907: 3) from S. asiliformis (= S. vespiformis) is also cited.

(2122) p. 64: Gymnodexia triangulifera (= Billaea triangulifera, or misid. = B. irrorata) ex Saperda populnea.

Localities in Bohemia.

Catoni 1914

(2123) p. 250: Phytomyptera nitidiventris (= prb. Phytomyptera nigrina) ex Polychrosis (= Lobesia) botrana, Trentino (Italy).

Deakin 1914

(2124) p. 78: Oviparous tachinid sp. (= prb. Phorocera obscura or Smidtia conspersa) parasite of Oporabia (= Oporinia) dilutata.

(2125) p. 81: Thryptocera pilipennis (= Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix viridana.

Stefani-Perez 1914

(2126) p. 141: Tachina larvarum (misid., prb. a species of Sarcophagidae) frequently bred from egg-pods of Dociostaurus maroccanus, Sicily.

Finţescu 1914

(2127) p. 102: Erythrocera pomariorum (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta malinella, Romania. - Wrongly synonymized with Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) in Rev iew of applied Entomology 3: 314, and the Thompson catalogue. For the true identity of E. pomoriorum see Goureau 1861, no. 398.

Nielsen 1914

(2128) pp. 7–9: Carcelia gnava ex Stilpnotia (= Leucoma) salicis, Tisvilde (Denmark), up to 66 % parasitization.

Padalka 1914

p. 470: Tachina sp. parasite of Cimbex femorata var. silvarum, Luga near St. Petersburg, not rare. - The biological data suggest, that two different species were present:

(2129) Young larvae in the intestine, host killed before spinning the cocoon (= prb. Compsilura concinnata).

(2130) Parasite larva bores out of the cocoon and pupates in the sand, puparium 10 mm long, not reared to adult (= prb. Phebellia glauca).

Pillich 1914

(2131) p. 137: Sturmia atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Acherontia atropos.

(2132) Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae) ex Saturnia pyri.

Locality: Simontornya, Hungary.

Plotnikov 1914

(2133) p. 27: Lydella nigripes (prb. misid. = prb. Blondelia piniariae) ex Bupalus piniarius (common), and (2134) prb. also ex Macaria (= Semiothisa) liturata, which was mixed to about 3 % in the rearings of B. piniarius.

Locality: Tukums, Latvia.

Prell 1914

(2135) p. 181: Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis) parasite of Kieferneule (= Panolis flammea).

(2136) p. 192: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) parasite of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha).

(2137) p. 192: Compsilura concinnata parasite of L. monacha.

Rabaud & Thompson 1914

(2138) p. 329: Minella chalybeata (= Dufouria chalybeata) ex Cassida deflorata, Rabaud, Montauban (Tarn-et-Garonne). Fig. 1: 3rd stage, pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 2: hind spiracle. Fig. 3: 2nd stage, pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 4: 1st stage, pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 5: hind spiracle.

Rudow 1914

Ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea), no locality (prb. Brandenburg, D), p. 106: (2139a) Tachina agilis (= Blondelia nigripes or misid.), (2139b) T. larvarum (= Exorista larvarum or misid.), and (2139c) Masicera pratensis (prb. misid., identity unknown).

Rühl 1914

A list of names only, no references, no annotations. The following records were not found in other publications consulted by me:

(2140) p. 91: Masicera pratensis (= Masicera pavoniae or misid.) ex Papilio machaon, and (2141) ex Vanessa atalanta. - Both records are questionable.

(2142) Tachina sorbillans (= Exorista sorbillans or misid., E. grandis) ex Saturnia atlantica. - In the handwritten catalogue of his collection, Strobl cites Tachina lasiommata (= E. sorbillans) ex S. atlantica in Algeria, the same record?

(2143) Zenillia roseanae (= Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata) ex Tortrix (= Sparganothis) pilleriana. - Prb. correct. Author? Cited again by Rühl 1917: 46.

Sakharov 1914

(2144) p. 26: Blepharidea vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex Evergestis extimalis, Astrakhan (S Russia).

Thompson 1914

(2145) p. 562: Erynnia nitida (misid. = Erynniopsis antennata) parasite of Galerucella luteola. [More details in Thompson 1920a.]

Villeneuve 1914

(2146) p. 94: Tachina fasciata (= Exorista fasciata) ex Lasiocampa (= Macrothylacia) rubi, numerous, Nielsen (Denmark).

Wardle 1914

(2147) pp. 96–100: Zenillia pexops, det. Wainwright (misid. = Myxexoristops stolida), parasite of Nematus (= Pristiphora) erichsonii, Cumberland (North England), up to 56 % (p. 87). Hibernation as mature larva in the empty skin of the host. The species was misidentified as Exorista crinita or E. alacris (= Ptesiomyia alacris) in Hewitt 1912, and as Lypha dubia in Mangan 1910. - Z. pexops (= Myxexoristops blondeli) is closely related to M. stolida.

Amari 1915

Locality: Tokyo prov. The insect species are cited only by Japanese names, some of which are old and of uncertain meaning. Thanks are due to H. Shima who translated them as far as it was possible. [A few more hosts are cited in Shima 1999, 2006.]

(2148) p. 89: Blepharipa sericariae ex Lymantria dispar [in Shima 1996, 2006 only cited for Amari 1916], (2149) ex Malacosoma neustria, (2150) ex Spilosoma imparilis Butler [in Shima 1996, 2006 only cited for Amari 1916], and (2151) ex Cystidia couaggaria Guenée.

In dissections, tachinid larvae were found in the ganglia of the following test species which had swallowed B. sericariae eggs in laboratory experiments: (2152) Menophra atrilineata Butler; (2153) Catocala jonasi Butler [host listed (wrongly under Lasiocampidae) as Caligula boisduvali Eversmann by Shima 1999, corrected to Saturnia jonasii Butler (Saturniidae) by Shima 2006; the noctuid genus Catocala - as supposed here by Herting - is inapplicable]; (2154) Philudoria laeta Walker [host as Euthrix albomaculata Bremer in Shima 1999, 2006]; (2155) Dictyoploca japonica Moore; (2156) Antheraea yamamai Guérin-Méneville; (2157) Mamestra brassicae; (2158) Cyclophragma undans Walker, and five other species cited by old names of doubtful identity.

Clutterbuck 1915

(2159) p. 75: Blepharidea vulgaris, det. Morley (prb. misid. = ?Phryxe nemea, ?P. magnicornis, ?Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata) ex Carpocapsa (= Cydia) pomonella, Gloucester.

Dobrodeev 1915

(2160) p. 20: Phytomyptera nitidiventris (= Phytomyptera nigrina) ex grozdevaya listovertka (= Lobesia botrana), cited from literature. Not bred by the author in Russia. - Wrongly cited as original in the Thompson catalogue.

Dobrovlyanski 1915

All records from the Kiev prov. (Ukraine). Tachinids det. Porchinski.

(2161) p. 594: Carcelia gnava ex Lasiocampa (= Malacosoma) neustria.

(2162) p. 596: Blepharidopsis nemea (= Phryxe nemea) ex Abraxas grossulariata.

(2163) Compsilura concinnata ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea.

(2164) p. 599: - - ex Diloba coeruleocephala.

(2165) Winthemia quadripustulata ex D. coeruleocephala.

(2166) p. 699: Ptychomyia selecta (= Bessa selecta) ex Pteronus (= Nematus) ribesii, and (2167), p. 700, ex Pristiphora pallipes.

Jordan 1915

(2168) pp. 151, 153: Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Hyponomeuta evonymi (= H. cognatella) (Haardt/Rheinland-Pfalz, D); (2169), pp. 153–155, parasitizes Conchylis (= Eupoecilia) ambiguella and (2170) Polychrosis (= Lobesia) botrana, in experiment.

Nielsen 1915

(2171) p. 213: Rhacodineura antiqua (= Ocytata pallipes) in Forficula auricularia, Ermelunden, Nielsen. Gentofte, Kryger, 14 of 229 hosts parasitized. p. 211: Description of 3rd stage. Figs. 1–4: fore and hind spiracle. Biology pp. 213–215.

(2172) p. 214: Digonochaeta setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) in F. auricularia, Gentofte, Kryger, 25 of 229 hosts parasitized.

(2173)* p. 217: Ernestia connivens (misid. = Eurithia anthophila) ex Mamestra persicariae, Kryger. - The misidentification of the reared fly was corrected by Lundbeck 1927: 495, and confirmed by extending the genitals. Data on the label: Gentofte, host collected IX.1913, fly emerged 20.VI.1914. The described puparium belongs to this species.

(2174) - - According to a rectification by Nielsen 1917: 26, the larvae supposed to be Ernestia (= Eurithia) connivens are probably Plagia trepida (prb. misid. = prb. Athrycia curvinervis, see no. 2295), which parasitized the same host species, Mamestra persicariae. The adult was not reared. Descriptions, p. 215: Figs. 5, 6: pharyngeal skeleton, 2nd and 3rd stage. Figs. 8–10: fore and hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Biology pp. 217–218.

Prell 1915

(2175) p. 58: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) ex Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), Görlitz (Sachsen, Germany). Biology, immature stages, 42 figures.

(2176) p. 87: - - parasite of Lymantria dispar in laboratory.

(2177) p. 118: Panzeria rudis (= Ernestia rudis) ex Panolis piniperda (= P. flammea), Sachsen. Biology, immature stages, 32 figures.

(2178) p. 144: - - not able to parasitize Lymantria monacha in experiment.

Rossikov 1915

(2179) p. 12: Lydella nigripes (= Blondelia nigripes) common parasite of Aporia crataegi, Aleshki (near Kherson, Ukraine), 60 % in 1907. The same tachinid was also bred from A. crataegi at four places in Siberia (Krasnoyarsk, Minusinsk etc.).

Sakharov 1915 see Sakharov 1913a
Schwangart 1915

Ex Oenophthira (= Sparganothis) pilleriana, Pfalz, p. 384: (2180) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) [= no. 1786], (2181) Nemorilla maculosa (= Nemorilla sp.) [= no. 1787], and (2182) Gymnoparea pilipennis (= Actia pilipennis) [= no. 1788].

(2183) p. 384: Lypha dubia adults common in infestations by O. (= S.) pilleriana. The parasitism was not ascertained, but living puparia that did not emerge in the same summer were noticed in the rearings, p. 386, footnote, presumed to be P. fugax in prolonged diapause.

Ex other hosts:

(2184) pp. 385, 386: Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Acalla (= Acleris) ferrugana (Baer) [= no. 1988], (2185) ex Depressaria applana (Kramer), (2186) ex Hyponomeuta malinella (Zschokke, Pfalz), (2187) ex H. variabilis (= H. padella) (Kramer), and (2188) ex H. cognatella (Schwangart, Pfalz; also pp. 405, 407, 522).

(2189) pp. 387, 388: Nemorilla maculosa (misid. = Nemorilla floralis) [see no. 2259] ex Mamestra persicariae, Kramer.

(2190)* Nemorilla maculosa ex Acalla (= Acleris) ferrugana, Baer. - See Baer 1921: 149 (reprint p. 115) [= no. 2401].

(2191) p. 397: Tachinid sp. (?Bessa parallela) ex Polychrosis (= Lobesia) botrana, Pfalz.

Sciarra 1915

(2192) pp. 39, 41: Leskia aurea ex Carpocapsa (= Cydia) pomonella larvae overwintering in crevices of the bark of apple trees, Naples area. - The true host was probably the sesiid Synanthedon tiphiaeformis. In experiments of Lucchese 1938: 365, Cydia pomonella larvae were not accepted as host by larvae of Leskia aurea.

Seitner 1915

Ex Kiefernspinner (= Dendrolimus pini) in a mass-outbreak near Wiener Neustadt (Lower Austria).

pp. 166–167: reared from half-grown larvae after hibernation: (2193)* Zygobothria bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) (few specimens), and (2194)* Pales pavida (1 specimen).

pp. 168–169: from pupae and full-grown larvae collected end June/beginning July: (2195)* Blepharipoda scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis), most common, ca. 50 % of the hosts parasitized, fig. 9: hind spiracles of 3rd stage; (2196)* Masicera pratensis (misid. = Masicera sphingivora mixed with Exorista fasciata), few specimens; (2197)* Pales pavida, 3 specimens; (2198)* Zygobothria bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua), 1 specimen.

Thompson 1915a

(2199) pp. 52, 53: Carcelia cheloniae (misid. = Carcelia laxifrons) parasite of Euproctis chrysorrhoea.

Thompson 1915b

(2200) pp. 87–89: Undetermined larva of Diptera Cyclorrhapha (= prb. not tachinid) parasitic in larva of Sciara sp., vicinity of Paris. 1 figure.

Thompson 1915c

(2201) pp. 413–416: Fortisia foeda (= Loewia foeda) ex Lithobius sp., England. Description of larval stages, 7 figures.

(2202) p. 416: Tachinid sp. (= Eloceria delecta) larva in Lithobius sp. - The parasite has been identified many years later by comparison with the larvae extracted from a female of E. delecta (pers. comm. by W. R. Thompson) [see Herting 1960: 118; Mesnil 1973: 1226 obviously refers to the same material, but cites the host as Lithobius forficatus].

Thompson 1915d

(2203) pp. 602–605: Digonochaeta setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) parasite of Forficula auricularia, France. Description of larval stages, 5 figures.

Thompson 1915e

(2204) pp. 671–674: Plagia trepida (= Athrycia sp.) in noctuid sp. Description of larval stages (figs. 2–5). - The tachinid was identified by Villeneuve who considered the three European Athrycia species as varieties of A. trepida.

(2205) p. 672: Plagia ruralis (= Voria ruralis) in noctuid sp. Description of 1st instar larva (fig. 1).

Thompson 1915f

(2206) pp. 717–721: Plagia trepida (= Athrycia sp.) parasite in noctuid sp. (figs. 2, 4).

(2207) - - Sturmia scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis) parasite in Lymantria dispar (figs. 1, 3, 5). Effect of the 1st instar larva on the host.

Villeneuve 1915

(2208) p. 56: Ceratochaeta caudata (= Phryxe caudata) ex Thaumetopoea pityocampa, Surcouf, Alpes-Maritimes.

[Amari 1916, see Shima 1999; the records of Amari 1915 (nos. 2148–2158) are repeated in this paper]

Dobrodeev 1916

(2209) p. 42: Ptychomyia selecta (= Bessa selecta) ex Cladius albipes (= Priophorus pallipes), Kiev prov., Ukraine.

Golovianko 1916

(2210) p. 16: Tachina sp. (= Istochaeta polyphyllae, described by Villeneuve 1917: 307) parasite of adult Polyphylla fullo. Biology. Figs. 1, 10: eggs deposited on the venter of the host. Figs. 2–4: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st and 2nd stage. Fig. 5: hind spiracles, 2nd stage. Fig. 7: pharyngeal skeleton 3rd stage. Figs. 8–9: hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Figs. 13–14: puparium.

(2211) p. 19: Tachina sp. (= prb. Istochaeta longicornis) eggs on pronotum and head of adult Amphimallon solstitialis. - This position of the eggs on the host is typical for the eastern form of I. longicornis, see Borisova-Zinov'eva 1966: 427.

Locality: Ukraine (Kiev and Chernigov provinces).

Loos 1916

(2212) Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) parasite of Nonne (= Lymantria monacha), Liboch (= Libechov near Melnik, NW Bohemia), biology and ecology.

Martelli 1916

(2213) p. 95: Phytomyptera nitidiventris unicolor (= prb. Phytomyptera nigrina) ex Zelleria oleastrella.

(2214) p. 101: Nemorilla notabilis (= Nemorilla floralis, or misid. = N. maculosa) ex Glyphodes (= Palpita) unionalis.

Locality: Lecce (Apulia, Italy).

Meijere 1916

(2215)* p. 304: Nemorilla notabilis (= Nemorilla floralis, 2 ♂♂) ex Botys (= Sylepta) ruralis, Rotterdam.

(2216) p. 305: Exorista cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Phragmatobia fuliginosa, Putten (Gelderland), Oudemans.

(2217) Exorista grandis ex Saturnia pavonia, Zierikzee, Snijder.

(2218) Sturmia bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp., Wageningen, Boon.

Localities in the Netherlands.

Nielsen 1916a

(2219) p. 10: Phorocera caesifrons (= Phorocera obscura) parasite of Maaler (= Geometridae) on Quercus, Betula etc.; (2220) ex Frostmaaler (= Operophthera brumata); (2221) ex Hibernia (= Erannis) defoliaria. p. 9: Descriptions. Figs. 1, 2: egg. Figs. 3, 4, 6: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Figs. 5, 7: fore spiracles, 2nd, 3rd stage. Fig. 8: hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Fig. 9: puparium. Biology pp. 10–12. - The two black stripes on the sides of the deposited egg in fig. 2 (not explained by Nielsen) are injuries caused in the host skin by the two sharp blades of the ovipositor, see Herting 1963 for details.

(2222) p. 14: Pelatachina tibialis ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, Grib Skov, Kryger.

(2223) - - larvae found in V. (= Aglais) urticae. p. 12: Description of 3rd stage. Fig. 10: pharyngeal skeleton. Fig. 11: hind spiracle. Figs. 12, 13: puparium. Biology p. 14.

(2224) p. 17: Cistogaster globosa ex adult Aelia acuminata, Lundtofte Bakker near Dyrehaven, Kryger. p. 14: Descriptions. Fig. 14: spines on skin of 1st stage. Figs. 15–17: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Figs. 18, 19: 3rd stage, total and hind part. Fig. 20: puparium. Fig. 21: deposited eggs on host. Biology p. 16.

(2225)* p. 20: Gymnosoma rotundata (prb. misid. = prb. Gymnosoma nudifrons) larvae in adult Chlorochroa (= Pitedia) juniperina, Tibirke Bakker. p. 18: Descriptions. Fig. 22: spines on skin of 1st stage. Figs. 23, 24: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd stage. Biology p. 20. Hibernation in 2nd stage in host. Adults were not reared. - Adult Gymnosoma collected by Nielsen in the same place a few weeks before the bugs were G. nudifrons (seen by me).

(2226) - - footnote: In Dolycoris baccarum collected at the same place such parasite larvae were not found.

(2227) p. 21: Subclytia rotundiventris ex adult Elasmucha grisea, Tisvilde. Fig. 26: puparium. Fig. 27: egg on host. Localities in Denmark.

Nielsen 1916b

(2228) p. 135: Gymnopeza albipennis (= Freraea gagatea) ex adult Harpalus ruficornis (= H. rufipes), Gentofte (Denmark), Kryger. 6 puparia (figs. 1–3) in the abdomen of the host.

Nordström 1916

(2229) p. 117: Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris) ex hibernated pupa of Pieris napi; (2230), p. 118, ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io, common; (2231) ex V. (= Aglais) urticae.

(2232) p. 119: Exorista fimbriata (misid., ?Phryxe nemea) [“Phryxe nemea” would be a guess] ex hibernated pupa of Argynnis euphrosyne.

(2233) p. 120: Winthemia quadripustulata (or misid. = W. cruentata?) ex Metopsilus (= Deilephila) porcellus.

(2234) p. 125: Exorista sp. (identity unknown) ex pupa Saturnia pavonia.

(2235) p. 175: Echinomyia fera (= Tachina fera) ex hibernated pupae of Mamestra pisi. Puparium inside the empty host pupa.

(2236) p. 180: Winthemia quadripustulata ex Cucullia lactucae.

(2237) p. 193: Ernestia radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) ex Spilosoma menthastri.

Localities in Sweden.

Pantel 1916

(2238 = 1889) p. 150: Rhacodineura antiqua (= Ocytata pallipes) ex Forficula auricularia, Holland, France, Spain, Portugal. Misid. by Pantel 1910: 46, as Ceromasia rufipes.

Rabaud 1916

The three species recorded as parasites of Zygaena occitanica by Rabaud 1912: 81, are cited again.

Rühl 1916

A list of names only, compiled from the literature, no references, no annotations.

(2239) p. 34: Tachina festiva ex Lymantria dispar. - The name of the tachinid is obsolete and its identity unknown. I have not found the origin of this enigmatic record.

Scheidter 1916

(2240) p. 112: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Myxexoristops abietis) parasite of Lyda hypotrophica (= Cephalcia abietis), Bavaria. - The hibernation of the full-grown larva (not as puparium) in the cocoon of the dead host is typical for Myxexoristops spp.

Schreiner 1916

(2241) p. 10: Lypha dubia ex Cheimatobia (= Operophthera) brumata, St. Petersburg prov. (Russia).

Schumacher 1916

(2242) p. 362: Tachinid sp. (= prb. Istochaeta longicornis) eggs on the pronotum and head of adult Rhizotrogus (= Amphimallon) solstitialis, Dubrow (Mark Brandenburg, D). - This position of the eggs on the host is typical for the eastern form of I. longicornis, see Borisova-Zinov'eva 1966: 427.

Townsend 1916

(2243) p. 318: Neophryxe psychidis n. sp. ex psychid sp. on Azalea, Japan.

(2244) p. 319: Kuwanimyia conspersa n. sp. ex Euproctis conspersa (= E. pseudoconspersa), Tokyo, Japan.

Villeneuve 1916

(2245 = 2228) p. 259: Gymnopeza albipennis (= Freraea gagatea) ex adult Harpalus ruficornis (= H. rufipes), Nielsen, Denmark.

(2246) p. 260: Ceratochaeta setifacies (= Phryxe setifacies) ex Zygaena filipendulae, and (2247) ex Z. fausta, Dumée, Yonne.

(2248) Ceratochaeta prima (= Phryxe prima) ex Zygaena fausta, Xambeu, Pyrénées-Orientales. (= Xambeu 1905: 57, Villeneuve 1908a: 100).

(2249) Tricholyga nova (= Exorista nova) ex Zygaena filipendulae, Pierre.

(2250) Gymnobasis microcera (= Billaea maritima) ex Cetonia sp., Sicard, Lattes near Montpellier.

Locality: France, unless otherwise stated.

Wahl 1916

(2251) p. 5: Meigenia bisignata (misid. = prb. Nemorilla sp.) ex Hyponomeuta variabilis (= H. padella), Karlsruhe (D).

Worsley-Wood 1916

(2252) p. 22: Echinomyia “possa” (= Tachina grossa) ex Dimorpha (= Endromis) versicolora, Britain.

Kramer 1917

SCH. = Schützer, Rachlau (Lausitz, Sachsen, D).

(2253) p. 262: Argyrophylax bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua, or misid. = D. bohemica) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) hercyniae, Starke.

(2254) p. 262: Winthemia quadripustulata ex Cucullia scrophulariae, SCH., (2255) Cucullia umbratica, SCH. and (2256) Ammoconia caecimacula, SCH.

(2257) p. 263: Carcelia lucorum B.B. (sensu Villeneuve = Carcelia puberula) common during the outbreak of the Nonne (= Lymantria monacha) and disappeared afterwards.

(2258) p. 263: Nemorilla maculosa (or misid. = Nemorilla floralis) ex Eurrhypara urticata (= E. hortulata), SCH.

(2259)* - - (misid. = Nemorilla floralis) ex Mamestra persicariae, Starke [= no. 2189].

(2260) p. 265: Lydella stabulans (prb. wrong = prb. Blondelia nigripes) ex Mamestra serena (= M. bicolorata). SCH., (2261) Dianthoecia cucubali (= Hadena rivularis), SCH., and (2262) Abraxas grossulariata, SCH.

(2263) to nos. 2260–2262: L. stabulans is a parasite of stemboring noctuid larvae. No host is recorded in this paper for the polyphagous species Lydella (= Blondelia) nigripes, and it is likely that the records were, by lapse, misplaced under the wrong species.

(2264) p. 265: Bactromyia aurulenta ex Hyponomeuta evonymella Scopoli (= H. cognatella).

(2265) Prosopodes fugax (= Bessa parallela) ex Hyponomeuta variabilis (= H. padella), Kramer. [= no. 2187], and (2266) Depressaria applana, Starke [= no. 2185].

(2267) Frivaldskia distincta (= Campylochaeta inepta) ex Larentia (= Epirrhoe) galiata, tarke.

(2268) p. 266: Compsilura concinnata ex Spilosoma menthastri, SCH., (2269) Arctia caja, SCH., and (2270) Eriogaster lanestris, SCH.

(2271) p. 268: Histochaeta marmorata (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Arctia caja, SCH.

(2272)* p. 270: Paraplagia ruficornis (misid. = Athrycia impressa) ex Arctia (= Rhyparia) purpurata, tarke. - P. ruficornis is A. curvinervis.

(2273) p. 271: Bucentes cristata (?misid. = Siphona sp.) ex Leucania obsoleta, tarke.

(2274) Digonochaeta setipennis (= Triarthria setipennis) ex Forficula auricularia, SCH. and tarke, (2275) Coelocrabro cinxius, SCH., (2276) Dioryctria abietella, tarke, and (2277) ex Carpocapsa (= Cydia) pomonella, tarke. - The latter three hosts prb. wrong.

(2278) Actia crassicornis ex Depressaria applana, SCH. [= no. 1842].

(2279) - - (prb. misid. = prb. Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix viridana, SCH. [= no. 1843].

(2280) A. frontalis (= Actia lamia) ex Grapholitha pflugiana (= Epiblema scutulana), tarke.

(2281)* p. 272: A. bicolor (= Ceromyia bicolor) ex Eriogaster lanestris, SCH. and tarke. - Two specimens bred by SCH. are in the collection [not stated by Herting in which collection].

(2282) A. pilipennis (misid. = Actia nudibasis) ex Evetria (= Rhyacionia) buoliana, SCH.

(2283) - - (prb. misid. = prb. Actia nudibasis or, if the foodplant was not Pinus, prb. A. maksymovi) ex Dioryctria abietella, SCH.

(2284) Discochaeta evonymellae (= Eurysthaea scutellaris) ex Hyponomeuta variabilis (= H. padella).

(2285) p. 273: Arrhinomyia tragica (= Elodia morio) ex Carpocapsa (= Cydia) pomonella, tarke.

(2286) A. cloacellae (= Elodia ambulatoria) ex Scardia (= Morophaga) boleti, Kramer.

(2287) Pelatachina tibialis ex Agrotis strigula (= Lycophotia porphyrea), Jäkel, (2288) ex Habryntis (= Phlogophora) scita, Jäkel, and (2289) ex Thaumetopoea pityocampa, Jäkel, Tirol (prb. Trentino, Italy, the host is a South European species). - The latter record is questionable.

(2290) Leskia aurea ex Sesia (= Synanthedon) scoliaeformis, tarke.

Localities in the Oberlausitz (Sachsen, Germany), unless otherwise stated.

Lécaillon 1917a(+b)

(2291) p. 881: Meigenia floralis (= prb. Meigenia mutabilis) parasite of Colaspidema atra, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Montpellier. Some details on biology, also in Lécaillon 1917b: 159–161.

(2292) p. 883: - - (= Meigenia mutabilis, or misid. = M. simplex) parasite of Crioceris asparagi, Toulouse.

Nielsen 1917

(2293) p. 26: Panzeria minor n. sp. (= Ernestia laevigata) parasite of Taeniocampa pulverulenta (= Orthosia cruda), and (2294) of Calymnia (= Cosmia) trapezina, Skovene near Copenhagen. p. 23: Descriptions. Fig. 1: scales on skin of 1st stage. Figs. 2–4: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage. Figs. 5, 6: fore and hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Biology p. 26.

(2295) Plagia trepida (prb. misid. = prb. Athrycia curvinervis) in Mamestra persicariae. The larvae described as Ernestia connivens by Nielsen 1915: 215 (except the puparium) belong probably to this species. Adults were not reared. - Specimens of A. curvinervis in coll. Nielsen (det. by me) have been obtained in 1916 from unidentified Lepidoptera. The different Athrycia spp. were confounded by Villeneuve under the name Plagia (= A.) trepida, but the flight period of true A. trepida is in May- June, when suitable larval stages of Mamestra spp. are not yet available as hosts.

(2296) p. 27: Winthemia quadripustulata ex Brotolomia (= Phlogophora) meticulosa, Kryger, description of egg and 3rd stage, fig. 7: pharyngeal skeleton; (2297) ex Cucullia lychnitis; (2298) ex Vanessa (= Inachis) io; (2299) ex V. (= Aglais) urticae.

(2300) p. 28: Frivaldzkia distincta (= Campylochaeta inepta) ex Drepana falcataria, (2301) Ematurga atomaria, (2302) Cabera pusaria, (2303) C. exanthemata, (2304) Cidaria (= Electrophaes) corylata, (2305) Tephroclystia (= Eupithecia) indigata, and (2306) ex young larvae of Sphinx (= Hyloicus) pinastri. - Rearings by Kryger, Worm-Hansen, Hoffmeyer. Biology, description of 3rd stage. Figs. 8–10: pharyngeal skeleton and parts of it. Figs. 11, 12: fore and hind spiracles.

(2307) p. 30: Campylochaeta obscura (= Campylochaeta praecox) ex Crocallis elinguaria, Worm-Hansen, Tisvilde. Biology, description of 3rd stage. Figs. 14, 15, 16: pharyngeal skeleton, fore and hind spiracles.

(2308) p. 31: Tachina rustica (= Exorista rustica) ex tenthredinid larvae on clover (= Tenthredo arcuata, see Nielsen 1918: 259), Lyngby, Kryger. p. 30: Description of egg and 1st stage. Fig. 17. egg-shell, larva, and respiratory opening. Fig. 18: pharyngeal skeleton. Hibernation as 1st stage larva in the host.

(2309) p. 33: Goniocera enigmatica n. sp. (= Goniocera schistacea) attacking young larvae of Malacosoma castrensis, Tisvilde, Kryger. Biology. Fig. 19: egg including 1st stage. Fig. 20: pharyngeal skeleton, 1st stage.

Localities in Denmark.

Paillot 1917

(2310) p. 336: Meigenia floralis (= Meigenia mutabilis, or misid. = M. simplex) common parasite of Crioceris asparagi, Dijon (France).

Rudow 1917

(2311) p. 17: Masicera pumila Meigen (identity unknown) ex Hyponomeuta spp. pupae, Naumburg/Saale.

Rühl 1917

A list of names only, compiled from the literature, no references, no annotations. The records published by Nordström 1916 and Schwangart 1915 are quoted, but one misquotation from both papers has happened:

(2312) p. 42: Exorista (= Phryxe) vulgaris ex Argynnis euphrosyne. - Nordström 1916: 119, has recorded E. fimbriata from this host, see no. 2232.

(2313) p. 46: Phytomyptera nitidiventris (= P. nigrina) ex Clysia (= Eupoecilia) ambiguella. - Schwangart 1915: 397, mentions Conchylis cebrana as known host of P. nigrina and C. ambiguella as closely related to it.

Scheidter 1917

(2314) p. 124: Sarcophaga albiceps, det. Kleine (misid. = Billaea irrorata), ex Saperda populnea, Bavaria (D). Puparia often found in the tunnels of the host. - See also Kleine 1910.

Tarnani 1917 see Tarnani 1913
Villeneuve 1917

(2315) p. 307: Hyperecteina polyphyllae n. sp. (= Istochaeta polyphyllae) ex Polyphylla fullo, Golovianko, Ukraine (= no. 2210).

Adair 1918

(2316) p. 87: Gonia cilipeda (= Gonia bimaculata) ex cutworms (= prb. Agrotis ypsilon, p. 85).

(2317) Gymnopareia aegyptia (= Peribaea orbata) ex Prodenia (P. litura, p. 85, = Spodoptera littoralis).

(2318) Argyrophylax atropivora (= Drino atropivora) ex Chaerocampa (= Hippotion) celerio, (2319) A. (Acherontia) atropos, and (2320) S. (Sphinx = Herse) convolvuli.

Localities in Egypt.

Charbonnier 1918

(2321) p. 28: Exorista cheloniae (= Carcelia lucorum) ex Arctia caja.

(2322) p. 29: Thryptocera crassicornis (prb. misid. = prb. Actia pilipennis) ex Tortrix (= Archips) podana.

Both records from Somerset (Britain).

Del Guercio 1918

(2323) p. 229: Tachinid larvae, prb. Masicera sp. (misid., identity unknown) parasite of Gelechia (= Phthorimaea) ocellatella, near Firenze (= Florence, Italy).

Ljungdahl 1918

Ex Mamestra dissimilis (= M. suasa), Sweden, p. 84: (2324) Bucentes cristata (= Siphona cristata, prb. correct), and (2325) Exorista vulgaris (= Phryxe vulgaris).

Nielsen 1918

(2326) p. 249: Macquartia dispar ex Chrysomela (= Chrysolina) sanguinolenta.

(2327)* Macquartia grisea ex C. (= Chrysolina) fastuosa. - 1 ♂, Grib Skov, 8.IX.1917, Kryger.

(2328) p. 253: Viviania cinerea (= Zaira cinerea) ex Amara aulica, (2329) Broscus cephalotes, (2330) Calathus erratus, (2331) C. fuscipes, (2332) Harpalus ruficornis (= H. rufipes), (2333) H. rubripes, and (2334) Pterostichus niger. Solitary parasite in these small carabid species, leg. Kryger.

(2335) Tachina larvarum (= Exorista larvarum) ex Acronicta auricoma. - The determination is confirmed by Lundbeck 1927: 384.

(2336 = 2002) - - ex Acronicta menyanthidis. - Cited by Nielsen 1911: 6–7, as undetermined tachinid.

(2337) p. 255: Zenillia boettcheri (= Nilea rufiscutellaris) ex Acronicta auricoma.

(2338) p. 257: Ocyptera brassicaria (= Cylindromyia brassicaria) parasite of Dolycoris baccarum, annual life cycle.

(2339)* p. 259: Ptychomyia selecta (= Bessa selecta) ex Nematus abdominalis (= Nematinus fuscipennis). - Host collected in October 1915, adult fly emerged 30.V.1916. Locality: Hareskov.

(2340) - - ex Blennocampa geniculata on Fragaria (= Monophadnoides confusa).

(2341 = 2308) Tachina rustica (= Exorista rustica) ex Allantus arcuatus (= Tenthredo arcuata), Kryger. - Cited by Nielsen 1917: 31 as undetermined sawfly on clover.

Localities in Denmark.

Sasaki 1918

(2342) p. 377: Crossocosmia sericariae (= Blepharipa sericariae) parasite of Bombyx mori. Details on parasite development inside the host after the eggs are swallowed. - Not seen in original. Abstract in Review of applied Entomology 7: 12.

Tonge 1918

(2343) p. 56: Echinomyia grossa (= Tachina grossa) ex Lasiocampa quercus var. callunae, Preston (Britain).

Zverezomb-Zubovsky 1918

(2344) p. 12: Tachinid sp. (= ?Xylotachina diluta) ex Cossus cossus, 30 parasites in one host larva.

(2345) p. 18: Echinomyia fera (prb. misid. = prb. Tachina praeceps) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea, most effective parasite in 1890.

Locality: Don province, South Russia.

Meijere 1919

(2346) p. 181: Sturmia bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Lophyrus rufus (= Neodiprion sertifer), Putten, Oudemans.

(2347)* Exorista glauca (= Phebellia glauca, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀) ex Cimbex femorata, v. Rossum.

(2348)* Parerynnia vibrissata (misid. = Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata, 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀) ex Oenophthira (= Sparganothis) pilleriana, Beverwijk, Schoevers.

(2349)* Plagia ruralis (= Voria ruralis) ex Pionea (= Evergestis) forficalis (misid. = Plusia gamma), Putten, Oudemans. Pinned with the the empty skin of the host caterpillar and the puparia of the five flies in it. - I have sent the remnants of the host to the pyralid specialist I. Hasenfuss, who determined it as Autographa gamma.

(2350)* p. 182: Neaeropsis incurva (= Picconia incurva, 1 ♀ emerged 28.VI.1917) ex Galeruca pomonae, Veenendaalsche Heide, Schoevers.

(2351) Ptychomyia selecta (= Bessa selecta) ex Lygaeonematus pini (= Pristiphora abietina), and (2352) Ardis plana (= Eo pareophora plana), both Putten, Oudemans.

(2353 = 1627) Diplostichus janitrix ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) sp., Montferland, Rossum. Correction of Meijere 1907: 161.

(2354)* Nemorilla maculosa (1 ♂, 1 ♀, 23.IV.) ex Scythris inspersella, Ommen, Schuyt.

Localities in the Netherlands.

Nielsen 1919

(2355) p. 2: Plagia ruralis (= Voria ruralis) ex Plusia jota, Sønderup, and (2356) ex Plusia gamma, Kryger. Figs. 1–4: 3rd stage, pharyngeal skeleton, fore and hind spiracles.

Localities in Denmark.

Oudemans 1919

(2357) p. XLVI: Nemoraea sp. (misid. = Ernestia rudis) ex Panolis griseovariegata (= P. flammea), Veluwe (NL), common. - Correct identification (as Panzeria rudis) in Oudemans 1921: 334.

Rambousek & Straňák 1919

Ex Agrotis segetum, Bohemia, p. 28: (2358) Pseudogonia hebes (= Spallanzania hebes), (2359) Phryxe vulgaris, and (2360) Gonia divisa (prb. misid. = prb. Gonia capitata).

Reichert 1919

(2361) p. 524: Tachinid (= prb. Winthemia cruentata), 176 eggs glued on the skin of a single Sphinx ligustri caterpillar. - Published again by Reichert 1925: 167.

(2362) Planoconvex egg with preformed opening (= prb. Bessa selecta) on a larva of Priophorus padi (= P. pallipes) (fig. 7).

The illustrated tachinids, recorded as parasites of Metopsilus (= Deilephila) porcellus in the literature, were not reared by the author.

Rühl 1919

A list of names only, no references, no annotations. The following records were not found in other publications consulted by me:

(2363) p. 16: Carcelia gnava (prb. misid. or wrong quotation, identity unknown) ex Acronicta menyanthidis, (2364) Cerura vinula, (2365) Notodonta ziczac, (2366) Smerinthus ocellatus, and (2367) S. (= Laothoe) populi. All these hosts are atypical and very unlikely for C. gnava.

Theobald 1919

(2368 = 1630) p. 171: Thelymorpha vertiginosa (= Thelymorpha marmorata) ex Euproctis chrysorrhoea, East Kent (Britain), in orchards. - See also Theobald 1907.

Villeneuve 1919

(2369) p. 306: Zenillia böttcheri (= Nilea rufiscutellaris) ex Acronicta auricoma, Nielsen, Denmark. (= no. 2337).

[Yerbury 1919, see Tschorsnig 2017]
Vuillet 1919

Ex Pyrausta (= Ostrinia) nubilalis, 15 larvae, SW France, p. 309: (2370) 2 Paraphorocera senilis, dark form, det. Villeneuve (= Lydella thompsoni); (2371) 1 Lydella stabulans, det. Séguy (misid. = L. thompsoni); (2372) 1 puparium, adult not yet emerged (= Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata, see Vuillet 1921: 441, where the definite results of this rearing are recorded).

Rennie & Sutherland 1920

(2373) p. 199: Bucentes geniculata (= Siphona geniculata) ex Tipula paludosa. Two parasite generations on one annual host generation. Figs. 1–9: 1st, 2nd, 3rd stage in funnel attached to host trachea. Figs. 10–12: pharyngeal skeleton, all three stages.

Fig. 13: head and pharyngeal skeleton, 3rd stage. Fig. 14: puparium.

Fig. 17: hind spiracles, 3rd stage. Figs. 18–19: hind spiracles, 2nd stage. Figs. 20–24: fore spiracles, 3rd stage. Fig. 25: fore spiracles, 2nd stage.

(2374) - - ex Tipula oleracea.

Locality: Scotland and Northern England.

Thompson 1920a

(2375) p. 181: Erynnia nitida (misid. = Erynniopsis antennata) ex Galerucella luteola, Italy, numerous.

(2376) Degeeria collaris (= Medina collaris) ex Galerucella luteola, Bevagna, Italy. Description of 3rd instar larva and puparium.

Thompson 1920b

(2377) p. 199: Rhacodineura antiqua (= Ocytata pallipes) parasite of Forficula auricularia. Description of egg and primary larva.

Thompson 1920c

(2378): Tachinid sp. (= prb. Bessa parallela) in Phytonomus posticus (= Hypera postica), Italy. The adult was not reared, but the egg and the three larval stages were very similar to Tachina impotens (= Exorista larvarum) as described by Nielsen 1913a: 228. - Bessa parallela has the same type of egg and larval characters, its body size corresponds to the host, and it has recently been bred from Hypera salviae (Mellini 1960: 209).

Trägårdh 1920

(2379) pp. 318, 328: Parasetigena segregata (= Parasetigena silvestris) parasite of nunnan (= Lymantria monacha), Gualöv, NE Skåne, Sweden.

Villeneuve 1920a

(2380) p. 119: Erynnia nitida sensu Rondani, not Rob.-Desv. (= Erynniopsis antennata) ex Galéruque de l'Orme (= Galerucella luteola), Thompson, S. Europe.

(2381) p. 120: Heraultia albipennis n. sp. ex Metzneria carlinella, Sicard, Montpellier.

Wille 1920

(2382) p. 83: Tachina puparum (misid. = Blepharipa pratensis) common parasite of Kiefernspinner (= Dendrolimus pini), Guben (Niederlausitz, Germany). Figs. 1–3: hind stigma of 3rd stage. Figs. 9–10: prothoracic stigma of pupa and adult before emerging from the puparium.

Baer 1921

A review of the biology of European Tachinidae. Host records are mostly cited from the literature (those without reference are all quoted from Bezzi 1907), but those marked as “Tharandter Sammlung” or “Baer” are original and listed in the following abstract. There are also a few unpublished breeding records with reference to other authors. Some records from literature have been misquoted by Baer (the tachinid or host species wrongly synonymized), these have been already rectified under nos. 872, 942, 1060, 1204, 1237, 1238, 1289, 1423, 1544, 1592, 1598, 1642, 1654, 1889, 1986, 2051, 2094. The paper was also printed as a book, the page numbers of which are cited here after the slash.

(2383) pp. 133/99 (and 1920, pp. 226/42): Ernestia radicum (= Eurithia anthophila) ex Malacosoma castrensis, Nielsen. - Misreading of Nielsen 1913b (no. 2091). Only the host Spilosoma lubricipeda (= S. lutea) was parasitized by Eurithia anthophila and Exorista larvarum, the immature stages of which were confounded by Nielsen 1909 (nos. 1765, 1766).

(2384 = 1808) pp. 138/104: Sturmia scutellata (= Blepharipa pratensis) ex Dendrolimus pini.

(2385 = 1806) S. bimaculata (= Drino inconspicua) ex Dendrolimus pini, (2386) ex Lymantria monacha, (2387) ex Lophyrus (= Diprion) pini, and (2388) ex L. (= Neodiprion) sertifer.

(2389) pp. 140/106: Winthemia amoena (= Timavia amoena) ex Panolis griseovariegata (= P. flammea), Kramer.

(2390) pp. 143–144/109–110: Carcelia gnava (det. Villeneuve) ex Dasychira pudibunda, and (2391) ex Ringelspinner (= Malacosoma neustria) (Torka).

(2392) Carcelia gnava assumed by Kramer to parasitize the Kieferneule (= Panolis flammea). - Misquotation. Not published by Kramer, probably misreading of no. 1985 (Kramer 1911: 123–124, Nonne and Kieferneule confounded by Baer).

(2393) pp. 145/111: Carcelia rutilla (= Senometopia pollinosa) ex Bupalus piniarius, common parasite in outbreaks of the host, Baer.

(2394) C. lucorum B.B., det.