VOL. 23 · NO. 1 | January 2018

Articles (15)
Javad Noei, Alireza Saboori, Ali Sedghi, Masoud Hakimitabar
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 1-12, (3 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.1
KEYWORDS: Erythraeinae, Fars, Jahrom, Prostigmata, Sminthuridae
Virginia M. Silva, Grazielle F. Moreira, Juliana M.S. Lopes, Jacques H.C. Delabie, Anibal R. Oliveira
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 13-24, (3 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.2
KEYWORDS: taxonomy, Mesostigmata, Ponerinae, poneromorph ants
Stanisław Seniczak, Anna Seniczak, Sławomir Kaczmarek
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 25-41, (3 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.3
KEYWORDS: oribatid mites, juveniles, ecology, exuviae
Badamdorj Bayartogtokh, Sergey G. Ermilov, Elizabeth A. Hugo-Coetzee, Alexander A. Khaustov
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 42-60, (15 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.4
KEYWORDS: Licnodamaeidae, oribatid mites, systematics, generic definition, new species, new synonym, morphology
Sergey G. Ermilov, Josef Starý
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 61-77, (15 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.5
KEYWORDS: oribatid mites, Oriental Region, fauna, list of taxa, record, morphology, systematics, new species, Allosuctobelba, Oribatella
Nazila Honarparvar, Mohammad Khanjani, Rostislav Zemek, Naser Bouzari
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 78-90, (23 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.6
KEYWORDS: Prunus, brown mite, feeding damage, image analysis, host plant resistance, symptoms
Ploychompoo Konvipasruang, Angsumarn Chandrapatya
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 91-103, (23 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.7
KEYWORDS: Acari, Eriophyidae, taxonomy, Thailand
Jian-Xin Chen, Jian-Jun Guo, Tian-Ci Yi, Dao-Chao Jin
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 104-112, (23 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.8
KEYWORDS: Bdelloidea, Prostigmata, taxonomy, key to Chinese species
İsmaiL Döker
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 113-122, (29 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.9
KEYWORDS: taxonomy, new species, new records, fauna, Turkey
Alexander A. Khaustov, Viacheslav A. Trach
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 123-131, (29 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.10
KEYWORDS: systematics, new species, key, phoresy, Pygmephoroidea
Ma. Magdalena Vázquez, Daniel May, Elvia Alamilla, Hans Klompen
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 132-144, (29 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.11 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Neocarus, development, feeding behavior, Central America
Julia Baumann, Francisco Ferragut
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 145-160, (31 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.12
KEYWORDS: Scutacarus eucomus, Scutacarus tarifae sp. nov., larva, male, taxonomy, pharyngeal pumps
Badamdorj Bayartogtokh, Sergey G. Ermilov, Umukusum Ya. Shtanchaeva, Luis S. Subías
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 161-177, (31 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.13
KEYWORDS: Phenopelopoidea, comparative analysis, morphology, ontogeny, juvenile instars
Vladimir Pešić, Andrzej Zawal, Harry Smit, Aleksandra Bańkowska
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 178-195, (31 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.14
KEYWORDS: Water mites, taxonomy, new species, Oriental Region, Sri Lanka
Zhi-Qiang Zhang
Systematic and Applied Acarology 23 (1), 196-198, (31 January 2018) https://doi.org/10.11158/saa.23.1.15 Open Access
No abstract available
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