Creating info-posters or infographics on science themes, topics, or issues can be used to teach skills that develop students' creativity and ability to communicate science to the public. The ability to transmit scientific data to a generalist audience or a certain target group is one of the soft skills that need to be cultivated among our students. This article presents simple assessment tasks to create info-posters or infographics.
How to translate text using browser tools
10 September 2021
Easy-To-Do Assessment Tasks to Create Info-Posters & Infographics for Communicating Hot-Button Science Issues
Thomas Edison E. Dela Cruz,
Jaycee Augusto G. Paguirigan,
Jeane V. Aril-Dela Cruz
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The American Biology Teacher
Vol. 83 • No. 7
September 2021
Vol. 83 • No. 7
September 2021
informational poster
learning strategies
science illustration
teaching tools